Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 





Our First Meeting Agenda
1st Meeting Thursday June 19th Players Golf Course Restaurant Agenda

1.Vote on Focal

2.Assign tasks and duties

3.Review of Document

07/09/14 2nd meeting


Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group

July 09 2014

President’s Boardroom - Wesley Hall University of Winnipeg


1. Introduction and conference with William Dowie

2. Plan of action and discussion

•Scope of area

•Inclusion of Business and residences

•Ideas and wording on letter of Introduction of ‘Friends’ program.


3. Other Business

10/11/14 3rd meeting

Little Mountain Park Conservancy group Inc.

Thursday September 11th, 2014
7:00 - 8:30 PM
Room 1W09
The University of Winnipeg

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes of July 9th, 2014

1. Introduction of Steering Committee Members, and special guests, Alana LaJoie O’Malley and Tannis Jury

2. Motion to adopt modified Robert’s Rules of Order as official procedural rule.

3. Confirmation of Steering Committee Officers and their term of service: Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer.

4. a) Review and adoption of:
- Draft Letter of introduction
- PR statement: “Why should you care about LMP.”
- Constitution/ Mission Statement
b) - Survey questions for stakeholders - Alana LaJoie O’Malley

5. Status of Incorporation - advice from counsel.

6. Action Plan (see attached chart)

7. Business Arising.

8. Adjourn

11/09/14 4th meeting

Little mountain park conservancy group


Sunday November 9th, 2014

Paradise restaurant




-  Approval of Agenda


-  Approval of Minutes of September 6, 2014


1.   Updates:  


   Action Plan:  
     Logo and stationary; Intro. Letter;  Web page;  Questionnaire; Mailing lists; Lobbying


-     Status of Incorporation


2.   Motion to establish Quorum for LMP Conservancy Group Decisions


3.   a) General definition of duties and responsibilities of Table Officer

     b)  Election of Treasurer


4.  Business Arising



MMM Meeting Secondary Plan will have an open house on November 19th at the Victoria Inn on Wellington Ave. from 4:00PM to 7:30PM

The field North of the Park and West of Route 90 has been put up for sale by DTZ ( Their maps clearly show the Centreport Hwy. cutting through Little Mountain Park.


Dear Stakeholders of Little Mountain Dog Park:

We are proud to announce the formation of the Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc.

The  rich history of Little Mountain Park as a unique cornerstone for the City of Winnipeg and the Province of Manitoba makes it a valuable asset that needs to be protected. The Park’s naturalized environment supports  three-at -risk plant species.  Another endangered species,  the Leopard Frog, is making a rebound in the Province of Manitoba because of the protection of wet land habitats like our Quarries.   In addition, the Park provides a nurturing physical, emotional and spiritual environment for the citizens of Manitoba.

Our goals are to protect the natural beauty and assets of Little Mountain Park and to provide a forum for discussion between the business community and the various levels of Government.  Most importantly,  we aim to sustain the safety of Little Mountain Park for future generations to enjoy.  

We welcome you to support our efforts to save Little Mountain Park.

You can contact us through our web page - , our e-mail address – and on Facebook .




Lloyd Johnson, Chair

Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc.

11/26/14 Northern Quarry

It would appear that the Centreport Water Pumping Station fill is being dumped into the Northern Quarry at its eastern edge. There was a bulldozier that started yesterday and a steady flow of dump trucks. I have contacted Brain Mayes about this. There has been a steady flow of e-mails.

12/09/14 Metro One

December 9, 2014 Updated : December 9, 2014 | 8:49 am Adjust Text Size
Plan to extend Manitoba’s CentrePort highway may imperil rare ‘rainforest of the prairies’
By Shane GibsonMetro
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Shane Gibson/MetroA massive highway project connecting the second phase of CentrePort Canada Way to the Trans-Canada Highway near St. François Xavier may put a rare tall-grass prairie preserve at St. Charles Rifle Range in harms way.
A massive highway project that’s touted as critical to growing Manitoba’s economy may also put one of the province’s few remaining tall-grass prairie preserves in peril.

The province is planning to extend CentrePort Canada Way — the four-lane expressway linking Inkster Boulevard to the west Perimeter Highway — to the Trans-Canada Highway near St. François Xavier.

The expressway will be an important trucking route for CentrePort Canada, the 20,000-acre inland port expected to bring huge economic opportunities to Manitoba.

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But the new roadway’s proposed path runs through the St. Charles Rifle Range, land owned by the Department of National Defence (DND) and home to one of the province’s largest remaining plots of tall-grass prairie.

“It’s surprising to me that they’re even consider that… because there’s land on either side that isn’t sensitive ecologically,” said ecologist and president of Prairie Habitats Inc. John Morgan, whose Manitoba-based company specializes in restoring native prairies.

“Tall-grass prairies have a lot of species —  both plants and animals — that are not found anywhere else, and some have potential for foods and medicines. It’s why we call them the rainforests of the prairies.”

The 250-acres of tall-grass prairie is nestled behind a shooting range the DND has trained at since acquiring the land more than a century ago. That ownership has been what’s kept the tall-grass prairie untouched, explained 17 Wing Winnipeg environmental officer Marc Dettman, who worries what will happen to it if the range if the land is sold.

“The problem is that because there’s no species at risk here, there’s no way to protect the tall-grass prairie,” he said. “It is definitely a rare ecosystem, but unfortunately ecosystems themselves don’t have protection under our species at risk legislation.”

In a statement, the province said they are in the beginning stages of design and are working on a route that “will preserve as much of the existing natural prairie habitat as possible.”

12/22/14 Logo

Darlene has given us our new logo


We are having an evening sleigh ride at Birds Hill Park Riding Stables on Dec. 27 2014 at 5:45. Please let me know if you are interested. Check for all the details.

We Are Back
We are back with a new name but the same goal to protect the park! Our new name is the Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc. and our web page can be seen at . I hope that everybody takes the time to have a look to see what we have been doing to try and safeguard your park from being over run by development


 Published: 07 October 2014
 Last Updated: 10 November 2014
 Hits: 2221
Web Page
The Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc. has it's own web page now. .

 Published: 06 September 2014
 Last Updated: 17 April 2015
 Hits: 2474
June 19th 2014
Our first meeting. June 19th 2014 Players Golf Course Restaurant


Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc.

June 18, 2014


1.1 This organization shall be known as the Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Incorporated, herein referred to as the Group.

1.2 This document contains the general bylaws that regulate the transaction of business and the affairs of the Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Incorporated.

2 -Steering Committee Members:

Lloyd Johnson - Chair

Kathryn Kawka - Member at Large

Debra Kim Bradshaw - Vice Chair

Mike Nickerson - Member at Large

Carolyn Crisp - Member at Large

Darlene Korzinski - Member at Large

Walter Choma - Member at Large

Lori-Ann Johnson - Member at Large

Irene Hinam - Financial Secretary

Karen Zoppa - Secretary

Tanis Jury - Lawyer 

3-Statement of Purpose:

3.1- To protect the Historical and Environmental value of Little Mountain Park for the heritage of the people of Manitoba.

3.2- To protect, maintain and advance the interests of the Group.

3.3 – To provide a common framework for dialogue and decision-making  between the people and businesses around the area associated with Little Mountain Park.

3.4- Lobbying and working with the R.M. of Rosser, City of Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba and the Government of Canada, acting as a steward to protect, maintain and improve the area known as Little Mountain Park.



4-Meetings and Responsibilities

4.1- The Steering Committee shall meet a minimum of four (4) times a year to discuss all information concerning the Park and associated business.

4.2-Voting shall be carried out by a majority rule. [Procedural protocol to be determined at next meeting].

4.3-The Chair of the group shall be elected by the Steering committee.

4.4-Communication shall be carried through the Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association web page (

5-Corporate Status

The Registered Office of the Group is: 8 Marlyn Place, R2P-2A6. Another location in Manitoba may be established at the by resolution of the Board, as long as the intention and the effective date are communicated to the Companies Office, 1010- 405 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6.

In accordance with the Corporations Act of Manitoba, the Leadership shall file, on the last day of the anniversary month of incorporation, an Annual Return of Information with the Companies Office, 1010- 405 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, MB. R3C-3L6.

Failure to file for two consecutive years will result in the dissolution of the corporation. The Return shall state the type of organization, the Registered Address which must be the same as the mailing address, names and addresses of all current Steering Committee Directors, the effective date of the election of new Steering Committee Directors and the effective date for retiring Steering Committee Directors. The Report shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee.



 Published: 20 June 2014
 Last Updated: 11 September 2020
 Hits: 2708
Somethings Coming
Stay tuned, something new and exciting is in the works!

 Published: 17 June 2014
 Last Updated: 17 June 2014
 Hits: 2350

MMM meeting
June 05 2014.

A small group of us had a meeting with David Jopling from the MMM group that was hired by the RM of Rosser to come up with secondary plan on land uses in the Centreport area. We gave him a lot of information about our concerns for the development of the park and its surroundings. We included information on the history and environment of LMP.  He plans to meet with other groups, land owners and businesses that will be affected. There is a plan to bring all the groups back together at a later date once all the information is gathered and presented to their steering committee.

Thanks to all that made it a very successful evening,

 Published: 06 June 2014
 Last Updated: 17 June 2014
 Hits: 2397
CBC Meeting Story

Here is the meeting story by CBC. It went very well and we had a super turnout! Almost to the point of over the limit!Thanks to everybody for their concern and love of LMP.

 Published: 30 May 2014
 Last Updated: 19 June 2014
 Hits: 2330
Puppy Paradise

Winnipeg Free Press, Tuesday, April 21, 2009 Pet Page by Charlene Adam

Little Mountain Park is a treasure for dogs ... and their owners

As a relative newcomer to the city, friends continue to recommend their favourite dog parks to me. I have yet to take Bella, my pup, to any off-leash area without a well-behaved dog to show her the way. Lacking canine guidance, she'd ditch me like a reality-show girlfriend.

With that in mind. I regret not taking my dog to meet up with Lloyd Johnson, head of the Little Mountain Pet Owners Association. He and his two well-behaved Labradors, Shelby and Cole, escorted me around this northwest locale to exemplify why he feels Little Mountain Park is the best dog park in the city.

It quickly became obvious why so many Winnipeggers love to frequent this recreational area. If dogs could talk, Shelby and Cole would call their favourite play place,"pure joy." They'd also tell me, "Next time you come, bring treats."

Johnson visits the park regularly and says, "It's a perfect place for dogs to be dogs." He isn't alone in this observation. Melissa Minsky and her puppy, Jessie James, enjoy the park daily. Minsky said," My dog gets excited when we turn to drive here."

Dubbed by Winnipeg's city website as one of its Living Prairie Museums, you'll discover that this 65-hectare area offers more than a mere walk in a park. It's touted as significant both as a natural area and for its historical background.

On the north side of the park, there's a wide-open field, decent parking, washroom facilities and a pond formed from historic former quarry pits. The pond is said to be the site for paranormal activity. Johnson told me that paranormal experts saw a face in the pond. As Winnipeg's biggest chicken, I can assure you I'm not going to try to replicate the experience.

The south end of the park offers aspen-lined trails which abut a portion of Players Golf Course. It's a good place to find golf balls, says Johnson.

Further winding trails, a small parking lot and an off-leash area comprise much of the west side of Little Mountain Park. This area eventually conjoins with the north end's huge field. It's where much of the action occurs. Dogs converge at the field to socialize. Dog owners have been known to mingle there, too.

Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association doesn't take this park for granted. Approximately 60 people gather every spring to clean up, said Johnson. Volunteers also collect trash throughout the winter. Knowing that a myriad of species over-winter this woodland space, volunteers provide food for the wild birds. Johnson revealed that there have been sightings of blue jays, chickadees, snowy owls and even eagles on the property. While strolling, owners have also witnessed deer, skunk, fox and evidence of porcupine.

Keen observers may have noticed that I neglected to describe the east segment of the park. That's because this section holds special distinctions. In the northeast, a historic cottonwood tree (planted in the 1890's) hugs Farmer's Road. The Little Mountain Park Owners Association's website notes that this tree is the sole reminder of the existence of Mount Royal village.

The second distinguishing aspect of Little Mountain Park's east side is called Little Field. This area once had trees which served as a barrier between the southeast side of the park and private farmland. According to Johnson, the trees were felled and the underbrush was burned. The private farm land was sold. In its place, are paved roads awaiting commercial development. This development will lie alongside the looming future expansion of Chief Peguis Trail.

While Johnson would never want to stymie development of the city he's lived most of his life in, he does wonder about the future status of this much-loved park. The recent announcement of the Centreport development plans by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Premier Gary Doer has Johnson and other association members worried. They fear the allure of commercial development may entice the government to expropriate some, or all, of the land.

A Manitoba government spokesman assured me that it's not in the plans. But I doubt this will allay Johnson's fears entirely. Years ago, his family experienced the expropriation of Birds Hill Park first-hand.

It's easy to look at a map and justify alterations to a city. I've done it myself. When changes occur, patrons of Little Mountain Park hope the park experiences the same fate as the cottonwood standing on its northern corner. Despite possible development around it, they long for Little Mountain Park to remain as a monument to Winnipeg's past and tactile part of it's future.

Having visited this park, I now understand why volunteers work to keep it enjoyable for others. Bella and I plan to use it, with or without outside canine guidance. Just so you know, I will bring treats.

Also, this comes from Winnipeg Dogs Youtube video

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 Published: 06 April 2013
 Last Updated: 13 July 2014
 Hits: 3298