Aceartinc Hello,
I am the co-director of a local contemporary art gallery in the Exchange district and we have an exciting event coming up that I think your members might enjoy. if you could pass this information onto anyone that you think might be interested I would be very grateful:
You and your pet, in a beautiful set(ting), forever immortalized by one of our citys finest contemporary photographers- yes, finally, you too can have a Portrait With Your Pet.
Larry Glawson, Dominique Rey, Karen Asher, Talia Potash, and Natalie Ferguson will be taking photographs in sets provided by Ken Gregory, Wanda Koop, Natalie Ferguson, Josh Ruth & Mike Von Tiesenhausen.
Choose a time and your preferred set by emailing pets@aceart.org[2] or calling 204 944 9763
Turn up with your well behaved, continent, non-dangerous pet and be immortalized!
The image will be emailed to you.
$30 for members, $40 for non-members. $10 membership available on the day with your portrait purchase.
More information can be found on our website:Â http://www.aceart.org/category/news/fundraising/
Thank you for your consideration. I have a group of friends who absolutely love your off-leash dog park, keep up the good work!!
ACEARTINC. 2nd.,flr. 290 McDermot Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0T2 p: 204-944-9763 www.aceart.org[3] hannah_g- Co-Director
Jamie Wright -Â Co-Director
Details Published: 14 February 2014 Last Updated: 14 February 2014 Hits: 1553 Holidays Hey there everybody. Lori and I will be on holidays for a couple of weeks. We are off to Hawaii! This is our first winter holiday and we are really looking forward to it. Irene is looking after Sage and Lori's friend is taking Cole. I won't have a chance to check my e-mail while I'm gone so be patient and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Aloha Lloyd
Details Published: 15 January 2014 Last Updated: 19 January 2014 Hits: 1190 Black Dog Club Hello Black Dog Club members!
Our next Black Dog Club walk will be this Saturday, January 18 at 1:00 p.m. at Maple Grove Park.
We will be meeting at the off-leash site, in the main field. Lesley Cass, our lead volunteer, will be leading the walk around the perimeter. Please share with your fellow black dog owners and encourage them to join us this weekend!
Have a great day,
Laina Hughes
Communications Coordinator
The Winnipeg Humane Society
45 Hurst Way
Winnipeg, MB R3T 0R3
T: 204.988.8810
F: 204.663.9401
E: lainah@winnipeghumanesociety.ca
www.winnipeghumanesociety.ca Details Published: 14 January 2014 Last Updated: 14 January 2014 Hits: 1323 BTPRSM Hi Everyone, Happy New Year!!!
Please see the attached BTPRSM Newsletter for January 2014 as well as the silent auction donation request letter for the "Meet your Match" Adoption & Fundraising Event in support of Manitoba Small Dog Rescue and BTPRSM. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us back. Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Shaila 2 Attachments BTPRSM News January 2014.pdf Donation Request Letter - Meet your Match Adoption and Fundraising Event.pdf Details Published: 11 January 2014 Last Updated: 11 January 2014 Hits: 1265 Puppy Stolen
Hi Everyone,
Everyone be careful when attending off leash parks in the Winnipeg Area.
This past week one of my portie friends had her 4 month old puppy snatched in front of her eyes. Luckily there were a number of people and dogs at Assiniboine park and chased the person down as he tried to escape with the puppy to his car. He dropped the puppy in the chase and they managed to get the license of his car. The police were called and he was apprehended. He was looking for purebred dogs to steal and sell later. My friend was very lucky to get her puppy back shaken but ok.
Please inform as many people as you can. Judy C. with the porties.
( I think a 'Portie' is short for Portuguese Water Dog)
Details Published: 08 January 2014 Last Updated: 09 January 2014 Hits: 1345 Coyotes LOCAL Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION
Coyotes lurking in Southdale By: Mary Agnes Welch
Posted: 01/6/2014 1:00 AM | Comments: 39 | Last Modified: 10:03 AM | Updates 55 1103 REDDIT2 TUMBLR0 1338 PRINT E–MAIL SUBMITTED PHOTO

Natalija Zmavc and her husband saw these four coyotes in Southdale Sunday. A Winnipeg woman has alerted Manitoba Conservation and warned neighbours with small dogs after a pack of coyotes was spotted in her Southdale backyard.
Natalija Zmavc and her husband first spotted two coyotes Sunday at about noon in their yard, which backs onto the Niakwa golf course and the Seine River. It's only the second time the couple has seen coyotes near their Southdale home, and they rushed to snap photos.
"Then they bolted, and that's when we realized there wasn't just two, but four," said Zmavc.
The pack pranced along the river and then doubled back before disappearing.
Last month, Winnipeg police shot a coyote in the North End, and others have been spotted recently near the Kildonan Settlers Bridge and in Point Douglas.
Zmavc said she's concerned about small dogs in her neighbourhood, many of whom are owned by seniors who occasionally let them out unattended. And, she said, Seine River trails are frequently used by children, cross-country skiers and people on snow-shoes who may not be able to fend off a pack of hungry coyotes.
The trail is also used often by deer, and that's likely what lured the pack into the city.
In fact, the first time Zmavc saw a coyote on the trail was last month when one was feasting on a deer.
Manitoba Conservation advises people who encounter a coyote to keep calm and ensure the animal has an escape route. If the coyote is aware of you, let it know you are human by shouting, waving your arms to appear more threatening, and throwing stones or other objects.
Do not turn away or run, and if the coyote attacks, fight back instead of playing dead.
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition January 6, 2014 0 Details Published: 06 January 2014 Last Updated: 06 January 2014 Hits: 1334 Sad News Sad news, Darlene and Maisy's friend Stewie passed away last night. Our hearts go out to them with their loss.
Details Published: 01 January 2014 |
At the end of March it will mark our Sixth birthday! Thanks to all who help keep the park going.
Details Published: 09 March 2014 Last Updated: 09 March 2014 Hits: 1188 Buster 
Sad news today. On March 6th our long time walking friend and protector of the Park, Buster passed away. He lived to a great age of 16. Little Mountain was his backyard and we had many long walks together.
Details Published: 07 March 2014 Last Updated: 08 March 2014 Hits: 1267 Good News The Good News dept. Maisy has a new friend. A Black and White baby bunny.
Details Published: 24 February 2014 Last Updated: 24 February 2014 Hits: 1141 Garbage Dumping  This one comes from the: "Give Your Head A Shake " file.
Somebody has decided that the Centre Parking lot on Farmers Road would be just a great spot to dump their garbage! I've called the City about it and they will be out to take care of it.
Details Published: 20 February 2014 Last Updated: 20 February 2014 Hits: 1315 Snowmobile I saw the trail of a snowmobile along the East Trail and going into the small field yesterday. We've been lucky this year in that respect! Be aware that they are still out there.
Details Published: 17 February 2014 Last Updated: 17 February 2014 Hits: 1243 BTPRSM Hi Everyone,
Please see the attached BTPRSM Newsletter for February 2014 as well as the silent auction donation request letter for our upcoming Bingo Bowl Fundraiser on Saturday, March 15th. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us back. Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Shaila 2 Attachments BTPRSM News February 2014.pdf Donation Request Letter- 2014 March Bingo Bowl.pdf Details Published: 16 February 2014 Last Updated: 16 February 2014 Hits: 1296 Raccoon 
Hi there, I found a Raccoon in a tree down near the bird feeder at the West end parking lot. I was told that it has been there since last week and animal services has been called to remove it.
Details Published: 14 February 2014 Last Updated: 21 February 2014 Hits: 1335 Sad News Sad news everybody. While Lori and I were away on our trip, Cole passed away. He lived a wonderful life. A wagging tail, a ball and a good play with all that met him. Thanks to all that wished us well.
Lori, Lloyd and Sage
Details Published: 14 February 2014 |
Barb wire Barb wire alert! I found some barb wire coming out of the ground at the north-west corner of the Dogwood trail and the Quarry trail. When the snow disappears a bit I'll get in there with my side cutters and try to get it out of the under growth. There is masking tape wrapped around it.
I got rid of most of it. There is still some that is overgrown with roots.
Details Published: 07 April 2014 Last Updated: 02 May 2014 Hits: 1263 Sad News  Sad news, Vince and Thorunn's dog Nikki passed away on Sunday. She was a wonderful Yellow lab with always something to say or do if you stood still too long. We'll all miss her dearly.
Details Published: 01 April 2014 Last Updated: 07 April 2014 Hits: 1338 The Headliner THE HEADLINER Canstar Community News - ONLINE EDITION
Little Mountain Park more than a place for dogs By: Andrea Geary
Posted: 11:27 AM | Comments: 0 Tweet 2 Post 0 Reddit 0 ShareThis 2 Print E–mail
Kristy Greening, one of the Little Mountain Park Dog Club founders, enjoys a late winter’s afternoon at the park with her dogs Kaleah and Kobe. Photo Store There’s 160 acres of unspoiled, city-owned wooded land located within the Perimeter, but to say it’s a Winnipeg park isn’t quite right.
Sound confusing? It is, and many people still don’t know much about Little Mountain Park, which lies above Winnipeg’s northwest corner on Farmer Avenue, just off Route 90. Founded as a civic park in 1965, the land once contained two operating limestone quarries, remnants of which can still be seen by visitors.

James Dooks and Kristy Greening, Little Mountain Park Dog Club founders, give their dogs some exercise as they play fetch at the park on Farmer Avenue. (JORDAN THOMPSON) Photo Store Part of the confusion arises from the fact that the park is owned by the City of Winnipeg, but lies outside its boundaries, within the RM of Rosser.
Winnipeg councillor Brian Mayes (St. Vital) calls the park "an orphan", but he could be said to be stepping in as its foster parent by making Little Mountain Park’s future the topic of an upcoming public meeting.
"I’m trying to get ideas about what it needs," Mayes said.
In his role as chair of the Mayor’s Environment Advisory Council, Mayes realized no other councillor was taking responsibility for the park. This means it hasn’t been receiving funding through any councillor’s ward budget.
However, that doesn’t mean the park’s been forgotten. In fact, it’s a favourite destination for dog owners and their pets who use the trails winding through aspen woods as a year-round recreational destination.
One of Little Mountain Park Dog Club’s founders, Kristy Greening, and her family, including two labs and a shepherd cross, live close to the park in the Garden Grove neighbourhood. She said they use it every day as an off-the-leash area.
"You can walk for miles with your dog," she said. "There are hundreds who use it every single day."
She said the trees provide shelter from winter’s cold winds.
While Little Mountain Sportsplex and The Players Course are recreational businesses located next to the park, Little Mountain Park itself just contains barbecue pits, picnic tables and washrooms that are open for part of the year.
Greening said the Dog Club was recently formed to provide a voice for the dog owners who want to preserve their off-the-leash space. They plan on attending the public meeting, which Mayes said will be held in late May.
Lloyd Johnson, who has used the park for dog walking since the mid-1990s, said he’ll try to get the word out about the public meeting through his Little Mountain Park Pet Owners association website at www.lmppoa.ca
Greening mentioned a rumour that CentrePort Canada might want to run a highway through or close to the park, and Johnson said a roadway is shown on maps put out by CentrePort.
Riva Harrison, CentrePort’s executive director of communications and marketing, said she was aware there is talk of a road being constructed to meet CentrePort Canada Way if Chief Peguis Trail is extended westward along Jefferson. However, at this time, there’s no truth to the rumour.
"Since day one, the park has been protected as green space on our land use plan," she said.
Mayes said the meeting’s date and location will be made public.
"We will have a report back to the mayor and get it into the budget," he said.
Facebook.com/TheHeadlinerWPG Twitter: @CanstarHeadline
Details Published: 31 March 2014 Last Updated: 31 March 2014 Hits: 1144 Tree down  This winter we have sure lost a lot of trees! Be careful tomorrow, looks like another storm is coming our way.
Details Published: 30 March 2014 Last Updated: 30 March 2014 Hits: 1211 Leash On Life http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-dog-park-gets-new-leash-on-life-1.2579111
Details Published: 20 March 2014 Last Updated: 21 March 2014 Hits: 1328 Golf Over the past couple of days we have been discussing the idea of having the first LMP golf open. It would be a fun event, teaming a 'PRO' golfer (somebody that has at least hit a ball) with a non golfer. We thought a two ball foursome format would be that way to go. And for prizes, heaven knows the limits that it could reach, (bag of cookies or two given our big budget)! I was going to approach Players about it and get their thoughts. Green fees are $20.00 (I think) for 9 holes plus club rental if needed.
As of right now there is no date is set but let me know if interested. I've spoken to a few people and they showed a real interest. I think I heard somebody named Tiger was jealous that he was not going to be there, (but I could be wrong on that).
Details Published: 19 March 2014 Last Updated: 19 March 2014 Hits: 1316 Deep Sadness This is a truly sad story. All our hearts go out to the family for their loss. The Winnipeg Sun used a old file photo of Sage and this Husky from a few years back playing at Kil-cona park.
Winnipeg Sun, March 19 2014,Pg. 6 by Doug Lunney

Details Published: 19 March 2014 Last Updated: 09 April 2014 Hits: 1323 Walkin'  Pooch Pilot: Winnipeg Free Press Wednesday March 12 2014 B2
Dog walker Lynn Norquay tends to her pooches in Kildonan Park Tuesday. It was cooler than Monday's lovely conditions, but the dogs stay cleaner in the chillier weather, she says. A high of -5C is expected today.
Loretta Lynn, Abby and Suzi and the rest of the gang are at LMP all the time.
Details Published: 12 March 2014 |
D'Arcy's A.R.C. I wanted to reach out to all the pet lovers out there regarding a golf tournament that I am coordinating. On Thursday, June 5th, 2014, WiBand Communications Corp. will be holding a golf tournament at Bridges Golf Course in Starbuck, Manitoba to raise funds for D’Arcy’s Animal Rescue Centre. D’Arcy’s A.R.C. is a registered charity dedicated to rescuing stray and abandoned cats and dogs in Manitoba. In order to ensure the success of this very important fundraiser we are seeking prize contributions to raffle at the event, sponsorship and/or golfers.
I have included all the information regarding the tournament attached to this email. I will display a poster on the clubhouse next time I’m there, but please forward the information to anyone you think would be interested.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the golf tournament!
Best regards,
Nikki Leganchuk – Tournament Coordinator D’Arcy’s A.R.C. Golf Tournament
W: 204-633-6333 ext. 200 C: 204-510-2469 D'Arcy's Animal Rescue Centre - Golf Tournament.pdf (1.1 MB) This is a thumbnail of a PDF file attachment.
Details Published: 24 April 2014 Last Updated: 25 April 2014 Hits: 1447 Mini-bikes Heads up campers! There are a pair of guys riding the mini mini-bikes up and down the trails. I saw them yesterday unloading them from a truck in the North parking lot and driving down Farmers road. I guess that wasn't good enough so they went down the trails.
Details Published: 23 April 2014 Last Updated: 23 April 2014 Hits: 1253 Clean-up 2014 Hey there, we were looking at having our park clean-up on Saturday May 3rd. Starting at 10:00ish at the Club house and go for as long as you feel able. Hopefully the weather holds out for us. This weekend looks like it's a bust. So remember to bring a shovel, gloves, rubber boots and a good attitude! Bags will be there.
Details Published: 23 April 2014 Last Updated: 23 April 2014 Hits: 1555 New Dog Park Proposal for a new fenced in off-leash park in St. James
Details Published: 22 April 2014 Last Updated: 22 April 2014 Hits: 1223 Thin Ice Heads up for everybody. With the warm air the ice in the Quarry has become very thin and and very dangerous. Please, please keep the dogs away from it.
Details Published: 18 April 2014 Last Updated: 18 April 2014 Hits: 1199 Happy Easter Happy Easter everybody from Maisey and all her friends at LMP!

Details Published: 17 April 2014 Last Updated: 17 April 2014 Hits: 1163 Black Dog Club Hello Black Dog Club members!
Our next Black Dog Club walk will be this Saturday, April 19 at 1:00 p.m. at Maple Grove Park.
We will be meeting at the off-leash site, in the main field. Lesley Cass, our lead volunteer, will be leading the walk around the perimeter. Please share with your fellow black dog owners and encourage them to join us this weekend!
Have a great day,
Laina Hughes
Communications Coordinator
The Winnipeg Humane Society
45 Hurst Way
Winnipeg, MB R3T 0R3
T: 204.988.8810
F: 204.663.9401
E: lainah@winnipeghumanesociety.ca
Details Published: 16 April 2014 Last Updated: 16 April 2014 Hits: 1174 Campfire Looks like somebody had a campfire out in the small field yesterday (Sunday).
Details Published: 07 April 2014 |
Thanks to the great turnout we had today for our clean-up. I found out that the City had shown up yesterday and did some cleaning. We took bags and bags out of the bush. Many thanks to Darlene who brought doughnuts and to Pat and Keith for the bags. A huge Thank You to everybody the volunteered their time freely to make our park look great!
On a upsetting note, we were at the club house at around 12:00 packing up and a white late model van pulled over to the side of the road at the North West corner and dumped a bunch of garbage and papers that blew around the field. We went after them, but they saw us coming and took off.
Details Published: 03 May 2014 Last Updated: 04 May 2014 Hits: 1256 Meeting We have a meeting set with Brian Mayes from the City's Environment Council. Let's get as many people as possible out to protect our park.
We are rolling. Meeting set for 7.00 pm. on Thursday May 29th at Sir William Stephenson library. Budget 2015 ideas for Little Mtn Park
Details Published: 03 May 2014 Last Updated: 03 May 2014 Hits: 1264 Clean-up 2014
Details Published: 27 April 2014 Last Updated: 27 April 2014 Hits: 1198 Spring Clean-up

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Page 1 of 1
Little Mountain Park
Annual Spring Clean Up 2014
Please join in the clean up of the park
Saturday May 3rd around 10:00am
Starting at the Main Building, cleaning up the trails, fields, and around
the quarry water pit. Bring your shovel, rubber boots, gloves, and a
happy smile let's get it done! Garbage bags will be supplied for everyone.
Please check out the web page for updates for date change due
to bad weather at www.lmppoa.ca
Thank you to Keith & Pat (Jake & Annie) for the donation of rolls of poop bags!
It's that time of the year again! 1 o Details Published: 26 April 2014 Last Updated: 26 April 2014 Hits: 1272 Brighthaven Hello,
We are reaching out to you based on our shared commitment of helping animals in need.
We need your help.
Since its inception in 1990, BrightHaven has served over 5000 senior, sick and/or disabled animals through its sanctuary, hospice and rescue programs. Rising animal care costs, increased demand for animal rescue intervention and an ongoing tough economic climate now threaten BrightHaven's ability to continue to support the vulnerable population it serves.
BrightHaven can help save many more animals but to do this we need the funds for more food, more medication and more staff to look after and help the cats, dogs and farm animals that come to us for sanctuary.
We have launched a crowdfunding campaign to help us raise funds so that we can continue to give these wonderful animals the gift of tomorrow.
Donate Now You can help us save an animal's life by sharing our campaign link on your websites, your blogs, your social media channels, in newsletters or in any other way possible that will help us promote our cause.
Please contact our marketing team for promotional banners, video links or other opportunities to help us drive traffic to our crowdfunding link.
Marketing contact:
Don Baker
805 795 3778
Thank you!
With love and blessings,
Gail & Richard Pope
Co-Founders | 2013 Jefferson Award Winners
Details Published: 26 April 2014 Last Updated: 26 April 2014 Hits: 1312 Lost Dog
Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert is a nonprofit organization which helps dog owners locate their missing dogs is holding its second annual awareness event on Saturday May 3 at the Sprockets Doggy Camp at 975 Thomas Avenue. The awareness event is to remind dog owners of the importance of providing identification for their dogs. Cheryl Mayer’s whom recently lost her dog ZOEY and had lost dog help locate her states “I am so grateful to lost dog for finding Zoey, the loss of one’s family pet is so devastating! Without the efforts of lost dog, Zoey would not have being found. I encourage all dog owners to come to the event. To learn of the importance of identifying of your dog. It made finding Zoey so much easier having her identification” Lost dog will be offering microchips at reduced fees by veterinarian DR KERI HUDSON booths by Animal services the Winnipeg humane society and other exhibitors. There will be a bake sale and bbq to help raise funds so that Wpg lost dog can continue to help families find their pets when missing. Talia the famous missing dog from Argentina Lourdes Villa and Zoey are all available for interviews with the media Saturday may 3. Dog biscuits appreciated
For further information Contact event organizer Jennifer Martens 204-2933545 Bob Axworthy vice president lost dog 204-4890720 Details Published: 26 April 2014 Last Updated: 26 April 2014 Hits: 1282 Cross-country My name is Darcy Dewit and I am phys ed teacher for 7 Oaks. I just wanted to give the dog owners a heads-up that we're having a cross-country run for early years students on May 6 and 7th. (Rain date May 8 and 9) Normally we hold our race in the trails but the poor weather has forced us to change the course. We will have to run our race in the field area. The event is quite short, it goes from about 12-2:30pm. If you could please post this on your website and share with other dog owners it would be greatly appreciated. :)
Thank you,
Make it a great day!
Darcy Dewit
Physical education teacher
École James Nisbet School
Seven Oaks School Division
Details Published: 24 April 2014
Winnipeg Sun http://www.winnipegsun.com/2014/05/11/citys-off-leash-bylaws-have-lost-bite
Details Published: 17 May 2014 Last Updated: 17 May 2014 Hits: 1239 Garden It's May long weekend. Maybe, just maybe we've seen the last of winter. As you are adding your plants into your garden at home, maybe think about picking up a couple of extras and placing them in our 'Hope' garden. Let's give LMP some fresh spring colour.
Details Published: 16 May 2014 Last Updated: 16 May 2014 Hits: 1203 Up-date At yesterday’s meeting, Brian Mayes invited WINDOG to make a presentation at the LMP consultation. They will make a presentation in support of expanding the off-leash area to include the trails. It’s being held on Thursday, May 29 at the Library at 765 Keewatin from 7 to 8:30pm. I hope everyone will find time to be there to support LMP dog owners.
Grant Nordman’s holding a public consultation about Voyageur Park on May 21at Heritage Community Centre - 950 Sturgeon Road. It’s a “come and go” so a presentation isn’t appropriate but he’s asked WINDOG to present in support of re-purposing at the Standing Policy Committee on Public Policy on June 3.
Details Published: 15 May 2014 Last Updated: 15 May 2014 Hits: 1391 Swimming Here's a fun video clip I thought all would enjoy!
Details Published: 15 May 2014 Last Updated: 15 May 2014 Hits: 1245 Document 70 Page City of Wpg report on our dog parks -http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1158730-dogpark.html#document/p2 Details Published: 13 May 2014 Last Updated: 13 May 2014 Hits: 1396 D'Arcy's A.R.C. Hi There! Our 4th Annual Woof Walk in support of D'Arcy's ARC will be held September 13th, 2014. Its a fun Family event with a BBQ, Vendor Market, Silent Auction and agility display. There are may ways to get involved: You can SPONSOR You can have a table at our VENDOR MARKET You can put together a TEAM of your clients, staff, furries, family and friends You can help us spread the word by posting our poster at your location You can spread the word about *your business* by adding a gift/ coupon to participant bags
Please consider your business, or groups involvement in this years WOOF WALK! For More information or if you would like to be involved
Please contact Tennille Paille 204-296-6668,
Email: woofwalkwpg@gmail.com <wwofwalkwpg@gmail.com>
Website: www.darcysarc.ca Drop off materials at the shelter on 730B Century St. Attention: Tennille Paille. poster 2014.pdf (1.3 MB) This is a thumbnail of a PDF file attachment. Details Published: 12 May 2014 Last Updated: 12 May 2014 Hits: 1323 Trees Cut
Our City has decided that it needed to cut a band into the Popular Trees in the North East corner of the park along the trail to the old maintenance storage compound. The reason I was told was, to create a Natural Grassland area for Wildflowers. So instead of cutting them down, mature trees as well as saplings the City has cut bands into them so that disease and rot can take them! I am appalled by the City's actions. We have a huge Grassland area in the middle of the park for flowers and grasses.
There are opposing positions on this issue. I was sent an e-mail by a person that was in favour of the removal of the trees. No problem, everybody has a right to their opinion.
Details Published: 09 May 2014 Last Updated: 15 May 2014 Hits: 1311 Global Report WINNIPEG CITY HALL May 8, 2014 1:20 pm Winnipeg dog parks in ruff shape: report By Tamara ForlanskiReporter/Anchor
52 3 more Diesel enjoys some time at the off-leash dog park in Charleswood on Thursday, May 8, 2014
Tamara Forlanski WINNIPEG – The city’s off leash dog parks are over-used, and in need of some repair.
Those are some findings of an external study first requested by city councillors two years ago.
The 70 page document was posted on the city’s website Friday: it will be presented to a city committee next week.
The report says in some off leash parks grass has turned into mud, there isn’t enough parking and there are land drainage issues.
It also highlights areas of the city that are under-served by dog parks including parts of the North End.
Winnipeg has 11 off leash dog parks. Edmonton has 49 and Calgary has 150.
The purpose of the study was to develop guidelines for dealing with off leash parks in the future.
Chris Funk brings his boxer Diesel to the the Charleswood dog park. It will be taken over by the extension of the William Clement parkway.
“I hope they keep some of the park,” said Funk, who lives close to the site.
Brian Mayes is the chair of the Protection and Community Services committee.
He said the city won’t be taking money from the road budget to spend on dog parks however does feel the guidelines have value.
“The idea was to do some planning about where do we need them and what should they look like,” said Mayes.
St. Charles councillor Grant Nordman is interested in converting Voyageur Park into an off leash location. The plan would still need council approval.
There is an information session scheduled for Wednesday, May 21 from 4:00 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Heritage Victoria Community Club on Sturgeon Road
52 3 more Tamara Forlanski Reporter/Anchor Tamara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Winnipeg as well as a Creative Communications diploma from Red River College. The lifelong Manitoba girl also is a proud Ukrainian and has been sharing her culture through Ukrainian dance for more than 20 years. Details Published: 08 May 2014 |
Woodticks They're back!!!!!!! Had my first woodtick crawling on me today, May 5th. Also it's time to make an appointment with your vet to get your pups Heartworm pills as well. Details Published: 06 May 2014 |
Petvalu Casting Call Our Calendar Casting Call Photo Contest is now open! 12 pets will win a starring role in our 2015 calendar. Enter Today! petvalu.com/castingcall
Details Published: 25 May 2014 Last Updated: 25 May 2014 Hits: 1376 Burn The City conducted its Burn yesterday morning in the 'Big' field and also in Eastern field. The Burn help clean out the dead fall and is needed to release seeds from their pods. The only problem is the a lot of tree branches were left smoldering again! One of these times the wind is going to grab the embers and we will have a wild fire on our hands!
Details Published: 25 May 2014 Last Updated: 25 May 2014 Hits: 1251 Dog Fest Winnipeg Dog Fest coming on June 7, 2014 11:00 am to 2:00 pm - check out all the details at: http://kilconaparkdogclub.ca/coming-events/winnipeg-dog-fest-spring-2014/#.U39NEyhhvK6
Details Published: 24 May 2014 Last Updated: 24 May 2014 Hits: 1319 Black Dog Club Hello Black Dog Club members!
Our next Black Dog Club walk will be this Saturday, May 24 at 1:00 p.m. at Maple Grove Park.
We will be meeting at the off-leash site, in the main field. Lesley Cass, our lead volunteer, will be leading the walk around the perimeter. Please share with your fellow black dog owners and encourage them to join us this weekend!
Have a great day,
Laina Hughes
Communications Coordinator
The Winnipeg Humane Society
45 Hurst Way
Winnipeg, MB R3T 0R3
T: 204.988.8810
F: 204.663.9401
E: lainah@winnipeghumanesociety.ca
Details Published: 22 May 2014 Last Updated: 22 May 2014 Hits: 1330 Manitoba Pet Expo Good Afternoon Everyone, As some of you may know already the Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba are also the Coordinators of the Manitoba Pet Expo. On Sunday, June 8, 2014, over 1,500 Manitobans and their pets will come together under one roof to celebrate the joys of pet guardianship at the 2014 Manitoba Pet Expo taking place at the St. Norbert Community Centre, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Pet lovers are invited to come and check out this one stop shop. Presently there are over 50 pet-related vendors, animal rescue groups, and animal advocacy groups offering merchandise, information and services confirmed for this event.
The Manitoba Pet Expo was started in 2010 and continues to grow every year. This major event helps create awareness about the joys of pet guardianship while raising funds to assist animals in need.
Proceeds raised through the admissions fee, individual donations, as well as a raffle and 50/50 draw, will go towards the cost of medical treatment and food for dogs currently under the care of the BTPRSM.
Attached you will find the 2014 Manitoba Pet Expo Event Poster and Facebook Cover that you can post up at your workplace bulletin boards or in your business windows or share on your Facebook Pages. We encourage all of our supporters to share this great event with everyone they know.
Also we are attaching our the Silent Auction Donation Request Letter for the Manitoba Pet Expo. Feel free to print them off and drop them off at various businesses throughout the city they may be interested in donating to the Manitoba Pet Expo Silent Auction.
Here are two links where you can find updates about the event.
Manitoba Pet Expo Website: www.manitobapetexpo.com
Manitoba Pet Expo Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ManitobaPetExpo
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com
We can't wait for the largest Manitoba Pet Expo of the year and we hope that all of you can join us!!
Jessica, Rena & Shaila 3 Attachments 2014 Manitoba Pet Expo Poster.jpg 2014 Manitoba Pet Expo - Facebook Cover.jpg 2014 General MPE Donation Request Letter.pdf Details Published: 21 May 2014 Last Updated: 21 May 2014 Hits: 1232 Voyageur Park Councilor Grant Nordman is looking for your input on re-purposing this area and making it an official off-leash area. This would ensure it remains green space and all the people who are already using it as dog park could do so legally. As part of the development of the design for the proposed Voyageur Off-Leash Dog Park, he will be hosting an information session on Wed., May 21 from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Heritage Victoria Community Club on Sturgeon Road. Grant, along with the landscape planner for this proposal, will be on hand to listen and to gain your input on the proposal.
Details Published: 21 May 2014 Last Updated: 21 May 2014 Hits: 1246 Garbage pick-up Thanks to the City for emptying the garbage bins today. They were getting pretty fun. A special thanks to Kristie for taking care of them over the winter.
Details Published: 20 May 2014 Last Updated: 20 May 2014 Hits: 1225 Meeting LET’S ALL WORK TOGETHER TO HELP SAVE LITTLE MOUNTAIN PARK
We have a meeting set up to meet with Brian Mayes from the City of Winnipeg Environment Council. Let’s get as many people out to help protect our park! Meeting is to discuss Budget 2015 ideas for Little Mountain’s Park future.
When: Thursday May 29th Time: 7:00 PM Where: Sir William Stephenson Library 765 Keewatin Street Just south of Burrows Ave
As a group we can make a difference!
Details Published: 20 May 2014 |
Pellets Darlene had a interview with Gordon Sinclair of the Winnipeg Free Press today.The story will be running tomorrow. Mr. Sinclair found out that the pellets they put out to poison the Gophers has peanut butter so no wonder the dogs eat it and kids too not to mention anyone with peanut allergies!!!
Brian Mayes the City of Winnipeg Councilor has been made aware of the problem and will bring it up at City Council on Friday. CJOB and CBC also tried to contact us but I was at work and missed the opportunity.
Details Published: 11 June 2014 Last Updated: 11 June 2014 Hits: 1268 CBC News Winnipeg city officials have suspended its gopher control program in all its parks after admitting there were "deficiencies" that resulted in gopher poison being left within easy reach of dogs at Little Mountain Park.
Local dog owners have been talking about a warning that's circulating on social media about poisonous pellets at the northwest Winnipeg park.
The warning has spread quickly since it was posted on Reddit on Monday by someone who says their dog ate some pellets that were on the ground in the park's off-leash area.
The dog was treated by an emergency veterinarian who said she had eaten almost a cup's worth of the pellets, according to the website post.
The City of Winnipeg investigated the incident and "determined there were deficiencies," a spokesperson told CBC News in an email late Tuesday afternoon.
The spokesperson said the city has a contract with a professional pest control company to treat parks in areas with reported gopher and Richardson ground squirrel infestations.
Officials are following up with the contractor and reviewing its operating procedures. The spokesperson would not identify the contractor in question.
In the meantime, gopher control operations have been suspended, meaning no more gopher poison will be applied in all city parks for the time being, the spokesperson said.
The pest control company is responsible for notifying the public with signs, and the "control product is placed deep in the gopher hole away from potential human or pet contract" before the hole is packed with fresh soil, according to the city.
A number of gopher holes are visible in the ground at Little Mountain Park, but dog owners who were there on Tuesday morning said they could not find the signs warning them about the gopher poison.
"If they're going to do it, they should do it properly and post some signs everywhere … so that people are aware," said Edwin Yee, who went to the park with his two dogs.
"There's kids that often play in and around that whole area, too, so I'm concerned about both human health and animal health."
Yee said he looked around three different entrances and did not see any signage.
Winnipeg Humane Society CEO Bill McDonald says while he understands the park's gopher problem has to be dealt with for safety reasons, he thinks the city should be more proactive in letting park users know where the poison has been used.
Details Published: 11 June 2014 Last Updated: 11 June 2014 Hits: 1285 Gophers The result of the City's efforts to control the Gopher population.
This attached picture from tonight was very,very disturbing to find a poor Prairie Dog suffering as a result of the inhumane poisoning that was done by the City of Winnipeg. A Prairie Dog is a Manitoba connection.. like the Prairie Dog Train! With many families there tonight with children & Dogs a very disturbing memory that many of us at the park tonight will be with us for a while... a poor sole struggling to live!!! For what??? So there a few less holes??? Makes me sick! I had a cast on my ankle for 2 weeks as a result of stepping in a hole a year ago but I would not kill for that reason!
Who can I talk to about this???

Details Published: 10 June 2014 Last Updated: 10 June 2014 Hits: 1247 Costco http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/costco-keeps-selling-treats-from-china-despite-dog-death-1.2667856 Costco keeps selling treats from China despite dog death Costco is under fire from dog lovers for continuing to sell pet jerky treats... CBC NEWS Details Published: 09 June 2014 Last Updated: 09 June 2014 Hits: 1341 Dog Fest http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-dog-fest-gets-tails-wagging-at-kilcona-park-1.2668429
Details Published: 09 June 2014 Last Updated: 09 June 2014 Hits: 1251 Gophers 
The City has poisoned the gopher holes today, Thursday June 5th. One little sign was put up near the parking lot.
Details Published: 05 June 2014 Last Updated: 06 June 2014 Hits: 1281 Creep
Hi there… just got a text from Keith said they came across a creepy looking guy 40 - 50 yrs. old lurking around the bush in the South west corner of the park between the golf course trail and SW corner. Said it was Spooky.
Can we send out an alert on the page? There are a few people (women) that do walk by themselves.
With the warm weather all the creeps seem to come out!
Details Published: 03 June 2014 Last Updated: 06 June 2014 Hits: 1391 Voyageur Park Up-date http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/residents-growl-at-councillors-plan-261203831.html
May 30 2014 Pg. B3
Details Published: 30 May 2014 |
Found Pup We found a lost pup today at the park, Friday June 27th. It's a cross Sheppard male, not very old, collar but no tags or tattoos. Please contact us so we can get this little guy home. He is having a good time playing with Heidi.
Details Published: 27 June 2014 Last Updated: 07 July 2014 Hits: 1281 Lost Dog We have a lost dog alert. This afternoon, Thursday June 26th. A Bull Mastiff (I'm sorry I didn't catch the name) was startled and scared by some kids setting off fire crackers! I spoke to the park foreman and searched to no avail. Please keep your eyes and ears open and get this puppy home.
Up-date. The dog was found hiding under a truck in the West parking lot.
Details Published: 26 June 2014 Last Updated: 28 June 2014 Hits: 1215 Black Dog Club Hello Black Dog Club members!
Our next Black Dog Club walk will be this Saturday, June 28 at 11:00 a.m. at Maple Grove Park.
We will be meeting at the off-leash site, in the main field. Lesley Cass, our lead volunteer, will be leading the walk around the perimeter. Please share with your fellow black dog owners and encourage them to join us this weekend!
Have a great day,
Laina Hughes
Communications Coordinator
The Winnipeg Humane Society
45 Hurst Way
Winnipeg, MB R3T 0R3
T: 204.988.8810
F: 204.663.9401
E: lainah@winnipeghumanesociety.ca
www.winnipeghumanesociety.ca Details Published: 23 June 2014 Last Updated: 23 June 2014 Hits: 1424 Gophers http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/ground-squirrel-control-method-worries-dog-owners-1.1867261 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-suspends-gopher-program-after-dog-eats-poison-1.2671192 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/city-poisoning-gophers-is-miserable-u-of-m-researcher-says-1.2674997
Details Published: 16 June 2014 Last Updated: 16 June 2014 Hits: 1282 Earth The city has left a mound of earth to fill in the gopher holes. Thanks Darlene for sending this in.

Details Published: 13 June 2014 Last Updated: 13 June 2014 Hits: 1273 Pups One of our foreman just walked in and told me that his daughter is selling her place in Dugald and has to give away her dogs. (free) Here’s a synopsis of the dogs.
2 Brown female St. Bernard / Lab cross – have shots
1 Black and white female St. Bernard / Lab cross has shots.
1 Black Male looks like a Newfoundlander. ( no shots )
The father is a pure bred St. B from England and the mom is a Lab cross.
All the dogs are 7 months old. None are spayed or neutered.
If anyone is interested they can contact Vic Martin at 338-7652 or 470-7314.
He showed me the pics of the dogs and they are beautiful!! I just loved the black one. If we didn't have the 4, I’d be adopting one of them immediately, they’re that gorgeous and apparently very friendly.
Details Published: 13 June 2014 Last Updated: 13 June 2014 Hits: 1318 Ken Let's go for a ride dad!

Details Published: 12 June 2014 Last Updated: 12 June 2014 Hits: 1276 Poison COLUMNISTS Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION
No excuse for using poison that threatens kids, pets By: Gordon Sinclair Jr.
Posted: 2:04 AM | Comments: 20 Tweet 21 Post 10 Reddit 0 ShareThis 50 Print Email 3

Darlene Korzinski, with her dog, Maisy, holds up the carcass of a poisoned gopher. (JOE BRYKSA / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS) Photo Store If you hate the way the City of Winnipeg does things, but you love all creatures great and small -- or even if you despise them -- the story in Wednesday's Free Press had all the ingredients.
Including poison.
Dog owners howling mad over poison, the headline read.
The story went on to explain local dog-club members were outraged when a dog became seriously ill after eating rodent poison in Little Mountain Park, a green space with an off-leash park and, by the city's estimate, an overabundance of gophers whose natural hole-digging nature are considered hazardous to people playing or even walking in the park.
The city has since acknowledged the bait, which kills over time by causing internal bleeding, was improperly applied and there were problems with the warning signage posted in the park. The bait is supposed to be placed in the gopher burrows and the hole covered to prevent it from being ingested by other creatures, from off-leash dogs and birds, to free-ranging, curious children. But that's not the way the pest-control company the city contracts for the work applied it, as the owner of the poisoned dog can attest.
Curious myself, I decided to gopher it and dig a little deeper into the story.
The city acknowledged Wednesday in an email exchange there is at least one other method for controlling the great prairie gopher menace beyond poison pellets: "gaseous oxides of sulphur" that's released into the gopher holes. But the preferred poison is a grain-based anticoagulant that kills by causing internal bleeding over time, a delay factor that allows a vet to apply the antidote that saves a poisoned dog.
The product, Ground Force, is known specifically by its Pest Control Act registration number, 20239.
As the Saskatchewan government's website on agricultural gopher control suggests, Ground Force is popular because it's relatively inexpensive, readily accessible and easy to use. I learned something else from a different website about the product. There's a warning about an ingredient that can kill some children quicker than the poison: "contains the allergens peanuts and wheat."
Actually, it wasn't Wednesday's story that first alerted me to the controversy. It was an email Tuesday evening from a 51-year-old woman named Darlene Korzinski who has been visiting that park since she was a kid and now walks her young black Labrador, Maisy, there almost every evening. That's what she was doing Monday night when Maisy came upon a gopher going through death throes on the ground outside its subterranean home.
Mercifully, it was put out of its misery by a man with a wildlife background. "With many families there last night with children and dogs," she wrote, "a very disturbing memory that many of us at the park tonight will have with us for a while... a poor soul struggling to live. For what? So there are a few less holes? Makes me sick!"
It's not that Darlene doesn't understand gopher holes can be hazardous. She sprained an ankle and was in a cast for two weeks after stepping in a Little Mountain Park gopher hole during a snowstorm last November. But she blames herself, not the gopher.
Darlene added she was "sickened by the actions of the City of Winnipeg and what I saw."
What she saw Tuesday, and again Wednesday, were people who were still picking up gopher carcasses and dumping them in the garbage.
"There's other wildlife in there, too," she told me when we spoke later on the phone. "We have a couple of eagles flying around there and horned owls, which are the gophers' predators. So are they picking these gophers up and dying from eating them? That's my concern."
Darlene had another question.
"Is the city doing this in other parks in the city?"
Yes, according to the city, but only "in areas in which the gopher infestation has become severe and causes serious safety concerns."
But what's more dangerous? Poison pellets laced with peanuts children and dogs might eat or gopher holes that can be filled in before a game or practice?
But I'll leave the last word, the last question, to Darlene: "Why would you use poison in a family and dog-used park?"
Winnipeg parks where poison has been used to exterminate gophers Details Published: 12 June 2014 |
Woof Walk Hi There! Our 4th Annual Woof Walk in support of D'Arcy's ARC will be held September 13th, 2014. Its a fun Family event with a BBQ, Vendor Market, Silent Auction and agility display. There are may ways to get involved: You can SPONSOR You can have a table at our VENDOR MARKET You can put together a TEAM of your clients, staff, furries, family and friends You can help us spread the word by posting our poster at your location You can spread the word about *your business* by adding a gift/ coupon to participant bags
Please consider your business, or groups involvement in this years WOOF WALK! For More information or if you would like to be involved
Please contact Tennille Paille 204-296-6668,
Email: woofwalkwpg@gmail.com <wwofwalkwpg@gmail.com>
Website: www.darcysarc.ca Drop off materials at the shelter on 730B Century St. Attention: Tennille Paille.
Details Published: 28 July 2014 Last Updated: 28 July 2014 Hits: 1232 Minneapolis Hi there everybody. I found this when Lori and I were in Minneapolis. It could be shapes of things to come!
Minneapolis Off-Leash Dog Parks Our four-legged friends often need time to run, play and meet new friends. The Minneapolis Park System offers seven off-leash dog parks for dogs to exercise alongside their human companions and fellow canines. An Off-Leash Dog Park Permit is required to use Minneapolis dog parks.
View Minneapolis Dog Parks in a larger map
Residents and non-residents are invited to enjoy Minneapolis dog parks!
Off-Leash Dog Park Permits An Off-Leash Dog Park Permit is required in order to bring a dog to any off-leash dog park within the Minneapolis Park System (City of Minneapolis Ordinance 64.55) Minneapolis residents must license dogs prior to applying for an Off-Leash Dog Park Permit (City of Minneapolis Ordinance 64.10) All dogs are required to have a vaccination for rabies before receiving an Off-Leash Dog Park Permit Permits are valid for 12 months following the date of issuance Permits are valid for all Minneapolis dog parks Four Easy Ways to Buy an Off-Leash Dog Park Permit Online: Purchase an Off-Leash Dog Park Permit Online
By Mail: Print the Off-Leash Dog Park Permit Application
In Person: Stop by the MPRB Customer Service Desk, 2117 West River Road, Minneapolis MN 55411 (open weekdays, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.)
By Phone: Call Customer Service at 612-230-6400 (available weekdays, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) Payment may be made by cash, check, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express).
Call the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board at 612-230-6400 if you have questions about the use and location of the dog parks, or to report a lost Off-Leash Recreation tag. Call 911 in case of emergency while using the dog parks.
Note: Anyone without a proper permit may be issued a $40 citation.
View Maps & Additional Dog Park Information
Details Published: 28 July 2014 Last Updated: 28 July 2014 Hits: 1249 Needs a Home  Here's some quick points about him:
• he is 13 pounds, 7 years old
• he does well with other dogs but probably only one other one and it would depend on the other dogs temperament but he has been living with dogs for five years out of his life • he doesn't have many medical issues other than being high stressed but in the right environment that would definitely ease up. He reacts to certain foods so he is generally kept on the Medi-Cal dental diet • he loves to cuddle!! Just give him a blanket and he is a happy little dog • he is kennel trained and does well in it for long periods of time if you did let him out loose he does do good but he started not to just because of his changing environment and stress. My parents used to always let him out for long periods of time and he did fine but these past few months he's gone through quite a bit so I don't trust him • he knows all his basic commands like sit, lie down, leave it • he barks, but it has slowed down since we moved onto a quieter street • he is not a great traveller, we usually use atravet to sedate him and that really helps. I had a vet student that used to live with us who took him for a car ride and said he was fine so I'm not sure if it's just with us or what but whenever I travel back from Sk to Manitoba I just usually gave him the pills • he is up-to-date on all vaccines and regular yearly appointments was done in April or May • he is extremely lovable and just wants attention which is what he has not been getting at our place • he is high-energy, when we go for walks he beats my other dogs and can go for quite a while. Also, he's pretty good to walk on leash. I used to take him for walks all the time so he's used to it
My cell phone number is 204–890–4063.
Details Published: 26 July 2014 Last Updated: 26 July 2014 Hits: 1257 City Hall City contemplates $100K to plan for new off-leash dog parks The $100,000 would be spent on a consultant to plan potential off-leash dog parks. (file image) Share: 2  Text:
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Jeff Keele, CTV Winnipeg Published Wednesday, July 16, 2014 9:14AM CST Last Updated Wednesday, July 16, 2014 9:58AM CST The city might spend $100,000 on a consultant to map out future off-leash dog parks in Winnipeg.
The mayor's executive policy committee voted to fund the project.
This comes after a dog owner lobby group raised concerns new off -leash park guidelines don't go far enough.
St. Vital Councillor Brian Mayes voted against the plan, saying that money could be better used to improve current dog parks.
Read more: http://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/city-contemplates-100k-to-plan-for-new-off-leash-dog-parks-1.1916269#ixzz37goRr3wn
Details Published: 17 July 2014 Last Updated: 17 July 2014 Hits: 1238 Prairie Clover Barb discovered this rare at risk / endangered plant , the Prairie Clover. The Old Mans Whiskers and Lady Slippers are three wonders of LMP
Details Published: 16 July 2014 Last Updated: 17 July 2014 Hits: 1213 New Trail We have a new trail cut through the big field. It follows the tree line trail on the southern edge of the big field through the grass. It's 10 - 20 feet away from the established trail. I believe it is to be used as a fire break when the field is burnt.

Details Published: 09 July 2014 Last Updated: 16 July 2014 Hits: 1255 Snoop It's Michelle from the park behind your house. Here is a picture of my dog Snoop. He is 9 1/2 years old. Part black lab, part collie. He is neutered. All shots are up to date. I have had him for over 5 years now. He is very timid. Never bitten anyone since I have adopted him. I desperately need to find him a better home. I don't want him to be put down.
I really appreciate you trying to help me find him a home. I want to keep him but due to my circumstances I have to give him up.
Here is my contact info. Michelle 204-612-7392

Details Published: 04 July 2014 Last Updated: 04 July 2014 Hits: 1212 Golf Tournament
Mark this date down on you calenders. Sunday September 21st at 12:00. Players Golf course. We are having our First LMP open golf tournament. We are planning to have a two ball foursome format. Teaming a 'Golfer' (somebody that's hit a ball) with a non-golfer. This is a fun day with serious prizes on the line! A bag of cookies, or a bottle of wine! Please contact www.lmppoa.ca or lajlcj@mts.net and let me know. Please when you registrar indicate if you are a golf or non-golfer. Green fees are $22.00 ( plus club rental if needed, $15.00).
Cut off for registration will be September 14th. I have spots for 6 foursomes.
Lets make this a fun day!
Details Published: 30 June 2014 |
Blessing For The Animals We are having our annual Blessing for Animals at Little Mountain Park on Sunday, Oct. 5th at 2:00 pm. All dogs are welcome, you can bring your owners but they must behave themselves. We've hosted this event now for the last couple of years. It is a wonderful time for all.
Details Published: 02 September 2014 Last Updated: 02 September 2014 Hits: 1597 Expo 
Details Published: 30 August 2014 Last Updated: 30 August 2014 Hits: 1267 Darlene LOCAL Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION
Driver gets a scare after truck slammed by rock Posted: 08/26/2014 1:00 AM | Comments: 18 Tweet 48 Post 15 Reddit 0 ShareThis 193 Print Email 2

Darlene Korzinski's truck was damaged Sunday after she says it was hit by a baseball-sized rock. (JOE BRYKSA / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS)Photo Store A close call with a large rock has a Winnipeg woman wondering why a pedestrian bridge over a busy highway inside the city isn't screened off.
Darlene Korzinski got a scare Sunday night when a rock slammed onto the top of her new Nissan truck as she drove westbound along the Chief Peguis Trail under the pedestrian bridge at Gateway Road. Korzinski was chatting with her sister inside the cab when a loud noise rattled both of them.
"All of a sudden we heard this 'bang' and it scared me," Korzinski saidMonday morning. "My sister thought it was a tire, but I thought it came from the roof.
"We took a look and when I stood up on the door frame, I saw a huge dent and the white dust from the rock.
"The more I think about it, the more serious that is. A lot of people drive around in convertibles. That could cause a serious injury, not to mention an accident. I ride a motorcycle, too. If I was riding and someone threw a rock like that, I'm a goner. That's so dangerous."
Immediately after impact, (judging from the dent on the edge of the truck roof she figures the rock was the size of a baseball) Korzinski pulled over and looked back at the top of the bridge. Her sister tried to take pictures of the people running away, but it was too dark. The sisters also noticed there were a few good-sized rocks on the highway, as well, suggesting to Korzinski that those throwing the rocks had been at it for some time.
"I don't know why they don't have a cage or screen around that bridge," she said. "This is a highway where vehicles are travelling at a high rate of speed. They have one on the footbridge at Bird's Hill Park over Highway 59. To me, it's the same thing.
"Someone is going to get killed."
Though there is a traffic-light controlled intersection just east of the pedestrian bridge, the posted speed limit on the Chief Peguis Trail is 80 km/h.
This isn't the first time this summer motorists have had to deal with rocks raining down on their vehicles. In June, three boys were charged with mischief after they were caught dropping rocks off the Pembina Highway overpass onto traffic on Bishop Grandin Boulevard.
-- staff
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition August 26, 2014 B2 Details Published: 27 August 2014 Last Updated: 27 August 2014 Hits: 1467 Hornets Nest Darlene made me aware yesterday morning (Sunday) about a little girl and her dog were stung numerous times by a hornet or wasp. The nest is located under the boards at the club house door. I have sent a note to 311 and made them aware of the situation. The City has responded and would take care of it. With the fall coming on, wasps and hornets do become more aggressive.
Subject: RE: Public Works Department General E-mail Contact : Other - Hornet Nest
Good Afternoon ,
Thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention. I am so sorry to hear of this and have notified the Insect Control Branch. I did attempt to contact you to verify that this has been reported and to advise that this could take up to 3 business days to get the technician out there and have this addressed completely. The reference number associated with this report is 8664869 should you need to follow up on this for any reason.
Thank you for contacting Winnipeg 311.
Sincerely, Sherisse
Service Representative 311 Contact Centre 311@winnipeg.ca
Details Published: 18 August 2014 Last Updated: 19 August 2014 Hits: 1251 Collapsed Darlene sent me a note that a person collapsed over on the south side of the park on Sunday. I didn't hear of any details from anybody.
Details Published: 13 August 2014 Last Updated: 13 August 2014 Hits: 1234 Sasha Sasha, little white Husky owned by a lady from Croatia was hit by a car today at the North Parking lot.
When Darlene arrived at the park this morning the older couple with the basset hounds told me Sasha got hit by a car on the Farmers road at the parking, she rushed her to the vets but have not heard anything, don’t have her number and am concerned, worried and hope Sasha is okay
Please, please been careful when letting your dogs out of the vehicle; maybe keeping them on their leashes till they exit the parking lot will be necessary on weekends and evenings.Those baseball drivers are CRAZY!! And complete idiots!!!
Although she got hit by a truck she seemed to have escaped any broken bones, a few cuts, bruises and concussion and a few cracked teeth.
Vet said she will be fine.
We won’t see her for a while as she will have to recover and her owner is going away for a month.
I have contacted the City about having the speed limit reduced on Framers Rd. They got back to me and said it was the R.M. of Rosser responsibility. I should be contacting them directly. I have made the RM aware of the trouble and hopefully they will get back to me soon. Stay tuned!
Details Published: 04 August 2014 Last Updated: 10 August 2014 Hits: 1304 Microchip Microchipping Event - August 9th 2014 Courtesy of Henderson Animal Hospital
10 am to 2 pm.
Petvalu 2136 McPhillips Street
- $20.00 Microchips
- Frre Microchip Scanning
- $5.00 nail Trims
Details Published: 02 August 2014 Last Updated: 02 August 2014 Hits: 1250 Chief Peguis Trail The City of Winnipeg is tendering the Chief Peguis Trail extension to Route 90.
Details Published: 02 August 2014 |
CBC News The race for Mayor of Winnipeg.
Details Published: 23 September 2014 Last Updated: 23 September 2014 Hits: 1354 Golf Tournament
What a wonderful sunny day for our first ever LMP golf tournament! Ken was our big winner with a score of 49. Sorry I put the ball right beside Irene, twice! Thanks to Players Golf Course , Darlene and Vince for their great donations, and to all that showed up. We'll do it again next year. Picture file to follow in our 'Where are They Now' section.
Details Published: 21 September 2014 Last Updated: 22 September 2014 Hits: 1323 Special Guest We had a special guest at the park. Suzanne Hrynyk who is running for council had a visit at our park. Suzanne and her husband toured the park. I showed them around and expressed our concerns for the future. They enjoyed the walk and had a chance to meet some of the people and played with the dogs. Sage showed them the quarry!

Details Published: 20 September 2014 Last Updated: 20 September 2014 Hits: 1771 Buddy 

This little guy was found in a ditch off of the highway south of Portage la Prairie during the week of September 8th by a kind gentleman.
We have named him “Buddy”
He had some wounds to his face that are consistent with perhaps falling from a vehicle after hitching a ride. His nose was scraped up; he’s missing a tooth and unrelated to the fall he has ear mites which are currently being treated. The vet thinks this little boy is around 7-8 weeks old and healthy.
He has had a rough start to life – and unfortunately due to the finder’s occupation (which involves a lot of travel) he cannot keep him. We are looking for a loving home for him – we will gladly assist in his vetting (for his big boy surgery) to ensure that he’s not adding to more kitties needing homes! He is a very loving little boy that likes to curl up on your lap and is realizing that he is a kitty and does enjoy play time!
If you are thinking of adding a new member to your family – or know someone that might want to adopt “Buddy” please contact Ryan at 204 296 6819 to discuss.
We would like to meet with potential adopters to ensure Buddy is placed in a responsible, loving home.
Details Published: 17 September 2014 Last Updated: 17 September 2014 Hits: 1590 Web Page The Friends of Little Mountain Park has it's web page now. It's still under construction but please go to www.friendsoflittlemountainpark.com to see what we have.
Details Published: 06 September 2014 Last Updated: 06 September 2014 Hits: 1254 Fall From Darlene Saturday. They had to take someone out of the park on a stretcher this morning, heard the person slipped on the mud and fell. Not sure who it was or how badly they hurt themselves.
I hope that it is not to serious. The mud and the roots can be dangerous.
Details Published: 06 September 2014 Last Updated: 06 September 2014 Hits: 1318 Animal Services It seems that lately Animal Services has been hanging out more and more at the park. Mostly just checking for tags but they could start going after leashes in a big way. Be warned that they are out there.
Details Published: 03 September 2014 Last Updated: 03 September 2014 Hits: 1740 Paranormal  LOCAL Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION
Mighty tree of paranormality Stories abound about cottonwood THE PARKS OF SUMMERBy: Adam Wazny
Posted: 09/2/2014 1:00 AM | Comments: 8 | Last Modified: 6:52 AM | Updates Tweet 22 Post 21 Reddit 0 ShareThis 64 Print Email 0 PHIL HOSSACK / WINNIPEG FREE PRESSEnlarge Image
Rumour has it this giant cottonwood tree in Little Mountain Park is haunted. Photo Store Winnipeg has more than 3,300 hectares of green space, made up of parks, gardens, trails, grasslands, forests, ponds and streams. Assiniboine Park, modelled after New York City's Central Park and home of the multimillion-dollar Journey to Churchill exhibit, gets most of the attention. But there are dozens of lesser-known parks throughout the city. In this summer series, Free Press reporters shine a light on some of these under-the-radar ecological gems.
On the northern boundary of Little Mountain Park, just south of Farmer Avenue in the RM of Rosser, a giant cottonwood tree stands tall.
The tree, which is more than a century old, is a majestic hunk of wood, its trunk as thick as a train. The branches stretch far up to the sky, reaching in every direction and creating a canopy that colours most elm-lined streets inside many of the old Winnipeg neighbourhoods green with envy.
The tree is a landmark, a postcard -- and might be haunted.
"It does have a reputation of being a place where paranormal activity exists, that's true," offered Tazz Norris, the lead investigator for the Winnipeg Paranormal Group (WPG). "And there are accounts of people seeing orbs and feeling ill at ease when in the presence of the tree. I'm just not sure its history holds up, though."
The sordid tale of the potentially evil tree reads like this: Back before the park was a park (the area was known as Mount Royal and Little Stony Mountain), the mighty cottonwood was rumoured to have been used as a lynching tree by the Ku Klux Klan.
However, before you ring the Ghostbusters, it should be pointed out there is no historical strength to support this claim. Norris and a handful of local paranormal aficionados say there is no concrete evidence the tree was used for this purpose -- even if the bark on some of the branches looks twisted.
Norris said the last time WPG took a look at the tree, in 2010, there was nothing out of the ordinary to report.
That doesn't mean one doesn't experience an eerie feeling when in its presence, though. There is something to this encounter -- maybe it's just the urban legend associated with it or the physical size of the tree itself -- that leaves one uneasy.
"I'm not saying it's not haunted," Norris said. "It could very well be, and the fact there is a lot of limestone in that area is something that we would consider notable."
The tree stands on a limestone ridge left by the Lake Agassiz glacier, a ridge that was developed as one of Winnipeg's first limestone quarries in 1896. There are still traces of that work around the site, and the quarry now serves as a pond for park visitors.
Limestone, according to popular paranormal theory, is an excellent recorder of past events. The rock holds the memory and energy of traumatic events, like a geological video camera, and has the ability to press play on that energy at certain moments when conditions are right.
"Places with large amounts of limestone or quartz, with the bedrock near the surface, tend to have some activity around them," Norris said.
Officially designated a civic green space in 1965, Little Mountain Park is located in the northwest corner of the city, tucked away behind Players golf course at Inkster Avenue and Brookside Boulevard. The 'maybe-haunted' tree and quarry are on the north edge of the 160-acre park, next to a large section of thick aspen forest.
Inside that forest, a network of wood-chipped trails is available for hikers and mountain bikers who wish to wind their way through the various small wildlife and forest floor vegetation. There are a handful of fire pits and picnic areas tucked away off some of the trails, as well.
Little Mountain also boasts one of the city's more popular off-leash dog areas, with a large section of grass set aside for canines on the western edge of the park along Klimpke Road.
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition September 2, 2014 A7 Details Published: 02 September 2014
Trap Awful ordeal as trap snags pooch Device in park stuns Great Dane's owner By: Ashley Prest
Posted: 10/14/2014 1:00 AM | Comments: 23

 Tweet 37 Post 114 Reddit 0 ShareThis 183 Print Email 10 PHOTOS BY JOHN WOODS / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS Enlarge Image
Laura Carolan and her dog, Lex, Monday after Lex's foot got caught in a trap (seen right in a cellphone photo). Photo Store What started out as a leisurely Saturday morning stroll for Laura Carolan and her dog, Lex, ended with an emergency trip to the vet with a metal trap hanging from Lex's back paw.
Carolan said the trap was concealed in a grassy area of the bush near the river in Lagimodière-Gaboury Historic Park in St. Boniface, an area where she said children often play and ride bikes.
Enlarge Image
Laura Carolan shows the trap her dog got snared in Monday. (JOHN WOODS / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS ) Photo Store The trap, possibly for muskrat or beaver, clamped onto her dog's left hind foot, piercing a toe and puncturing the webbing between two toes.
"Who sets a trap in a public place? It's bad enough it was my dog, he came out of it OK, but what if that had been a child? Someone could have been seriously hurt," Carolan said.
"I was in shock. It feels like a bad dream, is this really happening? Is there a trap on my dog?"
Because her dog is a 150-pound Great Dane, he was able to withstand the crushing effects of the trap, but the two-year-old dog was in a lot of pain.
"The vet technician's husband came in to help us get the trap off. I was afraid his (Lex's) toe was going to break," Carolan said. "He was just yelping and I started bawling my eyes out. We were just out for a walk in a place that's supposed to be safe. You're not thinking there's a trap in the bush. It was just awful."
It took nearly two hours and cost about $300 to get the trap off at the Seven Oaks Veterinary Hospital. Now Lex is on pain medication and he's lost his favourite place to walk.
"We're not going back there, we don't know if there's others (traps) in there," she said. "The city should come in there and do a complete sweep of the area to make it safe again."
Carolan said she was walking Lex when he ran up ahead.
"He just ran over to this embankment near the river, there's trails down there, too, he'll run down there and come back up. He ran down there and just disappeared," Carolan said.
"We actually thought he took off. When we found him, he was in the original spot (where he ran down the embankment). He just froze as soon as the trap clamped onto his foot."
Carolan said a Good Samaritan that she's calling "my angel" -- a man she has regularly seen walking in the park -- helped her find Lex and get the dog into the man's van since her vehicle was too far away. After the man drove them to her vehicle, Carolan took Lex with the trap attached to his foot straight to the Seven Oaks Veterinary Hospital.
"The guy that was my angel, he had a vehicle right there. If he hadn't been there, my vehicle was about half a mile away. I don't know what I would have done," she said. "The trap was twisting and dragging and he (Lex) was yelping. It was so bad."
She said she contacted the Winnipeg Humane Society about the trap and reported it to the city's 311. The vet clinic will be contacting Manitoba Conservation on Tuesday to turn the trap over to them so they can try to trace the trap's serial number to an owner.
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition October 14, 2014 A2 Details Published: 14 October 2014 Last Updated: 14 October 2014 Hits: 1747 Found I found a young girls gold locket (no picture inside) on the trail today and put it in the Lost and Found box.
Details Published: 14 October 2014 Last Updated: 14 October 2014 Hits: 1292 Happy Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at LMP!

Details Published: 12 October 2014 Last Updated: 12 October 2014 Hits: 1339 Paint
Who in the right mind spray painted the rock out in the small field and other exposed rocks and trees. Was it the cross country team from Seven Oaks School Division or the Parks people putting down the wood chips?
Details Published: 11 October 2014 Last Updated: 27 October 2014 Hits: 1399 World Wide World Wide  Thursday, 09 October 2008 22:44 Our web site has reached out to people around the world ! We've had hits all around North American, from the far North, Deep South, East and West Coasts. I've seen several from the United Kingdom and Germany. Amstetten Austria, Praha Czech Republic ,Bucharest Romania Madrid Spain,Rome, Putignano,Puglia Italy, Finland, Chile, Istanbul,Izmir, and Trk Turkey, Quatar( Canadian Forces Base ),Lebanon,K Far Saba Israel, Egypt, Portugal, Sana Yemen and New Delhi India,Pakistan. Our latest visitor's were from Oman, South Africa, Jakarta,Warsaw Poland,Jimbolia Romania, Russia,New Delhi India, Mexico and Cork Ireland.We finally made it down under, Brisbane,Sydney, Melbourne, Queensland and Perth Australia. Joining in, Borgaro Torinese, Rosarno, Calabria Italy, Belgium, Casablanca Morocco, Johannesburg R.S.A., George Town Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Juarez Mexico and Honolulu Hawaii. It would sure be interesting to hear what they thought about our part of Canada.
. Details Published: 10 October 2014 Last Updated: 10 October 2014 Hits: 1301 Spanish Ebola This is scarier than science fiction
Details Published: 08 October 2014 Last Updated: 08 October 2014 Hits: 1353 Blessing 2014 What a great turn out today! The sun was shinning and it was not a cold day, (not warm, but not cold)! To bad the wind was up though. Thanks to all that made it out. Pictures can be found in the 'Where are they Now' section.
Details Published: 05 October 2014 Last Updated: 05 October 2014 Hits: 1342 Chips Over the course of the week the City has placed a good layer of the wood chips that were stored over in the West parking lot down along some of the trails. Over the winter this should compact nicely. Be warned of the dangers though. I received this on Facebook.
Sharon HodgeWLDA Awareness Melissa Martin 2 October 14:22 i thought i would bring this to as many ppls attention as possible to help prevent this..
While visiting Kilcona dog park today with my 2 dogs i was walking along the path by the church on the hill where the wood chips make up most of the path. my Siberian husky had a chip penetrate through her foot completely and had to be taken to the vet to have it surgically removed. Just a heads up to owners to avoid this path!!! Details Published: 02 October 2014 |
Lest We Forget 
Details Published: 11 November 2014 Last Updated: 11 November 2014 Hits: 1277 MMM Secondary Plan The MMM Group is having an open house Wednesday November 19th from 4:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the Convention Centre and at the Victoria Inn on Wellington Ave. Their presentation is for the Centreport land development. This is a huge concern for all of us the make use of Little Mountain Park.
Details Published: 09 November 2014 Last Updated: 09 November 2014 Hits: 1409 For Sale The field to the North of the Park has been put up for sale. How much longer will it be before we see the Hwy. cut through the park? All their maps show the Centreport Hwy. going through the park.
Brookside Boulevard (Mollard) Land
Stephen Sherlock
(204) 928-5011
300.00 A $14,970,000 Located within Centreport Canada; Canada’s only inland port and Centre for Global Trade. Situated
on the North and South side of Mollard Road along Route 90; Winnipeg’s major North/South
transportation route. Two parcels of land are available: Parcel 1 is (+/-) 154 Acres, Parcel 2 is (+/-)
146 Acres. Parcels can be sub-divided into approximately two equal lots either North/South or
East/West. Currently zoned Agriculture with an application for re-zoning to I2 in process with the
RM of Rosser, pending a new zoning By-Law. Water and wastewater services coming soon. Sale
Price: $49,900.00 per Acre; Property Taxes: TBD
(204) 928-5009
Murray Goodman
www.dtzwinnipeg.com | www.dtz.com

Details Published: 09 November 2014 Last Updated: 09 November 2014 Hits: 1344 BTPRSM Good Afternoon, Please see the attached November 2014 Newsletter. Also attached is the order form for our Gift Card Fundraiser. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at btprmb@gmail.com Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Lorraine Executive Committee Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba Email: btprmb@gmail.com Website: www.bostonpugrescuemb.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-of-Southern-Manitoba-BTPRSM/193798940645439 Unsubscribe: To unsubscribe from our mailing list, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com and post 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. The contents of this communication, including any attachment(s), are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or are not receiving this communication on behalf of the intended recipient), please notify the sender immediately and delete or destroy this communication and its attachments without reading it, and without making, forwarding, or retaining any copy or record of it or its contents. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution, or copying is strictly prohibited. 2 Attachments Preview attachment BTPRSM _Gift _Card_Order_Form_October_2014.pdf BTPRSM _Gift _Card_Order_Form_October_2014.pdf Preview attachment BTPRSM News November 2014.pdf BTPRSM News November 2014.pdf Details Published: 06 November 2014 Last Updated: 06 November 2014 Hits: 1320 Craft Sale Confusion Corner Craft Sale
November 9,2014 10 am - 4 pm
Masonic Centre 420 Corydon ave.
If you are looking for a unique gift or just to treat yourself to something fun - stop in and take a look.
Handmade soap, Jewellery, Knitted Items, Recycled and Uncycled Goods, Vintage Bling, Fine Art, Stained Glass, Christmas Swag, and much more!
Lunch Available, Free Parking
Admission $1.00 (auction ticket included in fee)
Details Published: 01 November 2014 Last Updated: 01 November 2014 Hits: 1375 Sad News I just received some sad news last night. Our long time friend Susan Van D. 's pup Cleo passed away over the summer. We will all miss her.

Details Published: 25 October 2014 Last Updated: 25 October 2014 Hits: 1318 Barb wire Heads up everybody, I found some more barb wire at the top of the Ridge trail near the small field entrance. I'll get my gloves and side cutters out tomorrow.
I removed a bit of the wire but it has become over grown with roots. This might take a while to get out
Details Published: 24 October 2014 Last Updated: 09 November 2014 Hits: 1375 BTPRSM Good Afternoon Everyone!!
Join us for a ghoulishly good time at the Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba's 6th Annual Howl-O-Ween Party.
Dogs are encouraged to dress up in costumes. There will be prizes (for best overall costume, best homemade costume and best group costume), a 50/50 draw and refreshments will be served for both humans and furry friends. We will also have our fundraising table set up with some new crafted items that will be available for purchase at our upcoming craft sales.
Where: Sprockett's Doggy Daycare (975 Thomas Ave.)
When: Saturday, October 25th
Time: 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Admission: $5 per family, dogs are free :) Poster is attached. Feel free to share with friends and family.
To RSVP and follow the event on Facebook, follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/events/729295673774785/
To RSVP to the event on Meetup.com please follow this link: http://www.meetup.com/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-Playgroup-of-Winnipeg/events/204269452 Meetup.com is free to join and the site will send you updates and email reminders for all events.
If anyone has any questions about this event, please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com We can't wait to see all of you there!! Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Lorraine Executive Committee Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba Email: btprmb@gmail.com Wesbite: www.bostonpugrescuemb.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-of-Southern-Manitoba-BTPRSM/193798940645439 Details Published: 20 October 2014
2014 Sale 
Looking for something unique for Christmas presents or just something special for yourself!
Details Published: 27 November 2014 Last Updated: 27 November 2014 Hits: 1261 Northern Quarry The Centreport contractor for the Water pumping station is back filling the Northern Quarry. It's R.M. land so there is not much that can be done. I've sent out e-mails and taken pictures. So much for the MMM plan to include the site in the park.
There have been a lot of e-mails going back and forth. Stop this now before it's to late!

Details Published: 26 November 2014 Last Updated: 28 November 2014 Hits: 1357 Pick Up Sticks Very cool department!
Maureen Flynn is writing a book which includes LMP . Set from 1929 till Present.
I am a writer and working on a mystery series that takes place in Winnipeg. The third in the series, Pick Up Sticks, includes your park in several scenes. http://maureenflynn.net/ They say that a ghost haunts the halls of the stately Winnipeg Hotel. Detective Steve Ascot is skeptical about that, but there's no question a dead body is lying in the elevator. Buckle My Shoe, Maureen Flynn's debut novel for Pemmican, weaves a mystery set among the streets of a Winnipeg you won't forget. If you are interested in the characters who will be in the book you could pick up the first in the series, Buckle My Shoe. It is available at the library in Winnipeg or at McNally Robinson. Details Published: 25 November 2014 Last Updated: 07 December 2014 Hits: 1844 MMM Secondary Plan We went to the MMM Secondary Plan open house last night at the Victoria Inn. They had incorporated a lot of our suggestions from previous meetings. Mostly our concern was the placement of the Centreport Highway which was to cut through the park. According to their designs now the park would gain the northern quarry area from the RM of Rosser. The Highway would skirt LMP on the Klimpke rd. side. The split the land between Mollard rd. and Farmer rd. then connect up to Chief Peguis trail at Route 90.A few thoughts with that. One, this is a four lane highway with expansion to six if needed, plus ditches, approaches to established road ways, water and hydro figuring into it. Will this plan call for the expropriation of all the homes that follow that route or remove land from the park? We'll see what happens at the Chief Peguis Trail meeting next Tuesday.
Details Published: 21 November 2014 Last Updated: 21 November 2014 Hits: 1226 Bird Feeders Thanks for getting the Bird Feeding stations up for another season. Lets help keep them full. Looks like another long winter ahead!
Details Published: 21 November 2014 Last Updated: 21 November 2014 Hits: 1332 BTPRSM Hi Everyone,
This is just a reminder about the upcoming Holiday Fun Dog Day on Sunday, November 23rd! It's only a week away!! The event runs from 10 am - 4 pm at Vada's Club K9, 628 St. Anne's Road, in support of Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba!
Santa Photos/Holiday Photos: Santa Photos will be taken by the talented Coralee Penner of Red Photo Co. http://www.redphotoco.com/ Photos are $10 each sitting. So if you would like more than one pose or each dog in their own photo it will be $10/pose. To reserve your sitting for Santa photos please call Vada's @ (204) 221- 0998. Please note: you will get a digital file emailed to you, so you can print it yourself or get Christmas cards done. If you do not have email, an alternative will be provided. Appointments for the Photos will start at 10:30- 3:30 pm.
De-Shedding and Pawdicures: Vada's staff with be doing dog De-Shedding for $15 and "Pawdicures" for only $10. Pawdicures and De-shedding are walk-in appointments. Please check out Vada's Club K9 at www.vadasclubk9.ca
Bake Sale and Silent Auction:
We are also looking for donations to the bake sale and silent auction. If you are able to donate to our silent auction or bake sale (ingredients must be listed on baking) please let us know by emailing btprmb@gmail.com for drop off or pick up.
All proceeds from this event, will be donated to Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba! Event Poster is attached. And here is the link to the event on our BTPRSM Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/489720727836658/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming
Gift Card Fundraiser: Also, Sunday, November 23rd is the deadline for the Annual Gift Card Fundraiser. Attached is the order form. The order form can be dropped off at the event on Sunday or if you want to order before, then email us at btprmb@gmail.com to make arrangements for drop off.
Grey Cup Tickets: Grey Cup Sunday, is November 30th and we will have the Grey Cup tickets available for sale at the Holiday Fun Dog Day! If you would like to get your tickets before Sunday, let us know and we will let you know where you can pick them up or we can meet up with you.
If anyone has any questions about this event or fundraiser please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com
Jessica, Rena & Lorraine Executive Committee Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba Email: btprmb@gmail.com Website: www.bostonpugrescuemb.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-of-Southern-Manitoba-BTPRSM/193798940645439 Details Published: 18 November 2014 Last Updated: 18 November 2014 Hits: 1328 Brenda's Dog Sitting Service Looking for a Dog Sitting Service for a holiday vacation. Ask Brenda at 204-221-4137.

Details Published: 15 November 2014 Last Updated: 15 November 2014 Hits: 1666 Chief Peguis Trail Hello,

Please find attached an invitation to the Public Information & Kick-Off Event for the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West (from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard) on Tuesday, November 25th.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Cheryl Dixon MALA Public Participation Coordinator
SMM_Logo_Email Suite 1120 - 201 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 3K6 ph: 204.927.3444 ext 232, fax: 204.927.3443 CPT_Kick Off Event_Invite.jpg (1.5 Details Published: 12 November 2014 |
Christmas Happy Holidays to all! Have a very safe,wonderful Christmas and New Year from all of us at Little Mountain Park.
Details Published: 24 December 2014 Last Updated: 24 December 2014 Hits: 1258 Sleigh Ride 
We having a sleigh Ride out at Birds Hill Provincial Park Riding Stables on December 27 2014 at 5:45 pm. We have room for a maximum of 25 people. It is a fixed fee of $120.00 for the first 20 people ($6.00 per person if 20 show) then $5.00 each. Remember that it is a Provincial Park so there is the $5.00 day pass fee.
Please let me know if interested.
Details Published: 21 December 2014 Last Updated: 21 December 2014 Hits: 1258 ResQwalk https://www.facebook.com/ResQwalk is a great app to track your walks while raising money for a rescue! It's also Free! The app donates a % depending on how many kms are walked!
Details Published: 16 December 2014 Last Updated: 30 December 2014 Hits: 1740 Lynn 
Dog walker Lynn Norquay walks her charges through Kildonan Park on Tuesday. (Brian Donogh/Winnipeg Sun)
Loretta , Susie and the rest of the crew enjoying a walk today.
Winnipeg Sun Dec.10 2014
Details Published: 10 December 2014 Last Updated: 10 December 2014 Hits: 1307 BTPRSM Please see the attached December 2014 Newsletter. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at btprmb@gmail.com Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Lorraine Executive Committee Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba Email: btprmb@gmail.com Website: www.bostonpugrescuemb.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-of-Southern-Manitoba-BTPRSM/193798940645439 Unsubscribe: To unsubscribe from our mailing list, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com and post 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. The contents of this communication, including any attachment(s), are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or are not receiving this communication on behalf of the intended recipient), please notify the sender immediately and delete or destroy this communication and its attachments without reading it, and without making, forwarding, or retaining any copy or record of it or its contents. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution, or copying is strictly prohibited. Attachments area Preview attachment BTPRSM News December 2014.pdf BTPRSM News December 2014.pdf Details Published: 03 December 2014 |