Trail Report 2023
Happy New Year everyone.

Walking at Kilodain Park today

Sun Dogs

Jan. 30 2023 Barb Wire
Located near the perfect spot bench just east of the trail head. I have contacted the city about this earlier and sent them another reminder yesterday. I tried digging it out but it is overgrown with roots.

Feb. 17 2023
Trials are in great shape. Good to be back walking again!

Feb. 20 2023
Just a bit blown in but not bad for walking today

Feb. 21 2023
The main trails have been all cleaned up from the blown in snow

Feb. 23 2023
-31 out his morning. Keep it short today!

Mar. 07 2023 Wonderful Hoar Frost today

Mar. 12 2023
The trails are not in bad shape at all after the winds last night.We didn't get the snow that was predicted.

Mar. 15 2023
What a wind last night. The trails are in fine shape except the open area on the Golf Course trail. Also, there are a few trees downed as well.

Mar. 20 2023 Blue sky over head

March 23 2023
Frost on the trees this morning

March 30 2023
Still waiting for spring to show up!

Apr. 03 2023
Blue sky overhead but a storm is coming tommorrow!

Apr. 06 2023
The trails are single file but getting matted down. The Farmers road parking lot is not in bad shape at all.

Apr. 11 2023
The melting has started. The trails are getting pretty soft!

Apr. 12 2023 Lost a lot of snow. The Big Field is opening up.

Apr. 13 2014
Snow is gone from the field.

April 20 2023
Yahoo! It's back. The Big Field has dried right. The Golf Course and interior trails are still under water.

Apr. 21 2023

Apr. 26 2023
Eerie fog rolled in

Apr. 30 2023
The Crocuses are popping up finally!
May 10 2023
That was a good storm! Heavy rain and hail
May 11 2023
Lots of standing water left on the trails

Somebody set off fireworks behind the clubhouse. we cleaned most of it up.

May 28 2023
After a quick storm last night there are a few wet spots on the trails. The Manure smell that we have enjoyed the last couple of days is slowly disappearing!

June 02 2023
Still finding broken glass on the trails. Some old like this piece, others recent.

June 11 2023
More hot weather coming. Bring lot's of water.

Broken Glass June 19 2023
Found this fresh piece of broken glass on one of the trails today.

June 19 2023
Wild Plums are starting!

June 21 2023
Another hot one today! Bring lots of water.

June 22, 2023
A bit of rain has taken the edge off!

July 02 2023
That was a good storm this morning. A few puddles on the trails.

July 08 2023
Red Bench has a new location. Alex has moved the Red Bench to the intersection of Hawthorn trail and the Main trail to make room for the new benches that are going in.. Looks great!

July 18 2023
I don't know if there is an early fall coming or the plants are getting stresses from the lack of rain. But everything is in great walking shape.

Aug. 03 2023
The Perfect Spot bench has been dug out and made ready for installation.

The Golf Course trail and East side trail have been cut back a bit. |
Aug. 07 2023
What a great day for walking. All the trails are in fine shape. Happy Terry Fox Day

Aug. 10 2023
Just a little rain last night. Trails dryed up quickley.

Aug. 14 2023
Trails are in great shape

Aug. 21 2023
There is a tree down on the Old Hut trail. Feeling a lot like fall!

Aug. 24 2023
That was a short nasty storm that rolled through. Hail, 90 km winds, lots of thunder. There was a lightening strike near by as well.
Aug. 25 2023
Lots of trees downed from yesterdays storm.
Aug. 28 2023
Trails are in fine shape

Sept. 02 2023
It's like a blast furance out there! Bring lot's of water if you are walking today.

Sept. 13 2023
The gangs all here. The trails are in great shape for a fall walk.

Sept. 18 2023
What a great day for a walk.

Tree down in the Big Field

Sept. 27 2023
Alex has been working on a project!
Oct. 01 2023
Enjoy the fall days. The trails are in really great shape.

Good and muddy after the storm

Oct. 17 2023
Garbage cans have been removed for the winter. Replacing them with our bags.
Oct. 22 2023 Sure feeling like snow is on it's way!

Oct. 26 2023
Our first taste of snow!

Oct. 27 2023
Looks like the snow is here to stay!

Nov. 01 2023 What a wonderful warm day. Mocha was checking out the snow duck at the Perfect Spot!

What a pretty walk today in the fallen snow

People are walking through the bush making their own trails. The ground cover will never recover.
Nov. 17 2023
What a pretty walk with the snow coming down.

Nov. 19 2023
Sun's out. Its going to be nice next couple of days. Kicking back and waiting for the Grey Cup. Go Blue!

Nov. 20 2023
What great warm day. Watch the trails they are very icy

Nov. 22 2023
Poop. There is a lot of poop people are not picking up around the clubhouse. Please help keep our park clean and pick up one extra present,
Dec. 04 2023 What a wonderful frosty morning.

Dec. 07 2023 Enjoy the warm weather while it lasts. An Alberta Clipper is set to roll through tomorrow. What a fantastic sunrise this morning.

Dec. 22 2023
A foggy morning today

Dec. 23 2023 Another Moody Manitoba morning

Dec. 24 2023 A picture postcard kind of morning with the fresh snow, (and rain this morning) making the intersections slippery.

Dec. 25 2023 Merry Christmas from LMP

Dec.29 2023 What a fantastic day for a walk! The sky was so blue and the moon still shone throught frost