If you have a dog ... PLEASE read this and send it on. If you don't
have a dog, please pass along
to friends who do. Written by: Laurinda Morris, DVM Danville Veterinary Clinic Danville , OH
This week I had the first case in history of raisin
toxicity ever seen at MedVet. My patient was
a 56-pound, 5 yr old male neutered lab mix
that ate half a canister of raisins sometime
between 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM on Tuesday. He
started with vomiting, diarrhea and shaking
about 1 AM on Wednesday but the owner didn't
call my emergency service until 7 AM.
I had heard somewhere about raisins AND
grapes causing acute Renal failure but hadn't
seen any formal paper on the subject. We
had her bring the dog in immediately. In the
meantime, I called the ER service at MedVet,
and the doctor there was like me - had heard
something about it, but... Anyway, we
contacted the ASPCA National Animal Poison
Control Center and they said to give IV fluids
at 1 & 1/2 times maintenance and watch the
kidney values for the next 48-72 hours.
The dog's BUN (blood urea nitrogen level) was
already at 32 (normal less than 27) and
creatinine over 5 (1.9 is the high end of normal).
Both are monitors of kidney function in the
bloodstream. We placed an IV catheter and
started the fluids. Rechecked the renal values
at 5 PM and the BUN was over 40 and creatinine
over 7 with no urine production after a liter of
fluids. At that point I felt the dog was in acute
renal failure and sent him on to MedVet for a
urinary catheter to monitor urine output overnight
as well as overnight care.
He started vomiting again overnight at MedVet
and his renal values continued to increase
daily. He produced urine when given lasix as a
diuretic. He was on 3 different anti-vomiting
medications and they still couldn't control his
vomiting. Today his urine output decreased
again, his BUN was over 120, his creatinine was
at 10, his phosphorus was very elevated and his
blood pressure, which had been staying around
150, skyrocketed to 220 ... He continued to vomit
and the owners elected to Euthanize.
This is a very sad case - great dog, great owners
who had no idea raisins could be a toxin. Please
alert everyone you know who has a dog of this
very serious risk.
Poison control said as few as 7 raisins or grapes could
be toxic. Many people I know give their dogs grapes
or raisins as treats including our ex-handler's. Any
exposure should give rise to immediate concern.
Onions, chocolate, cocoa, avocadoes and macadamia nuts can
be fatal, too.
Even if you don't have a dog, you might have friends
who do. This is worth passing on to them. Confirmation from Snopes about the above .....
http://www.snopes.com/ critters/crusader/raisins.asp |
May 31 2017
The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project, and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!
The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential off-leash site selection criteria.
Event Details: Date: May 31, 2017 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location: South Winnipeg Community Centre – Board Room (formerly known as the Waverley Heights Community Club) 1885 Chancellor Drive
Please RSVP to Brittany Shewchuk at shewchukb@mmm.ca<mailto:shewchukb@mmm.ca> or 204-943-3178 by May 26, 2017, if you are able to attend this workshop. Those who may require alternate formats or ASL interpretation in order to participate should let Brittany know when you RSVP.
Si vous préférez discuter de ce projet en français, veuillez contacter NYoung@winnipeg.ca<mailto:NYoung@winnipeg.ca>
We are hosting one other workshop in another area of the city on Thursday, June 1 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the above date, please contact Brittany if you can attend this alternative workshop date.
About the Master Plan
The Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan is being developed to address and respond to the growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The Plan will address the needs of all park and public open space users, and will include a vision and implementation strategy for off-leash dog areas throughout Winnipeg. To learn more about the goals of the Plan, please visit: winnipeg.ca/offleashareas<http://winnipeg.ca/ppd/PublicEngagement/OffLeashAreas/default.stm> ou au site français à winnipeg.ca/terrainspourchiens
Thank you!
You have been identified as a stakeholder for the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan. If you are not interested in receiving further updates, please contact us to be removed from the list.
Brittany Shewchuk, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP Planner Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
[wsp_RGB.png] T+ 1 204-943-3178 #3917 F+ 1 204-943-4948
93 Lombard Avenue, Suite 11 Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 3B1 Canada
wsp.com |
Pipe line Hi Lloyd,
Christopher Lepa, Forestry Technician 2 responded and investigated the location and has provided an update that you will find below. Chris also said that if you wish to speak with him further on this matter, please call him at (Phone: 204-986-2006).
Good Morning James,
I inspected the site late Friday afternoon and there certainly is some significant heavy construction taking place within close proximity to the park boundary. Any excavation that occurred adjacent to the large cottonwood has now been filled in, so I followed up with Brett Ransom, Senior Project Engineer for Stantec, who indicated that all of the tree roots that intersected the pipeline alignment were trimmed according to specifications. In addition, he also assured that there are plans for site restoration in late spring once the spring thaw is over and the ground has been given an opportunity to settle. The Urban Forestry Branch will inspect the condition of some of the smaller trees (https://www.google.ca/maps/@49.9607974,-97.2418882,3a,64.9y,208.49h,89.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sv0NQ3I5LhsKjXUhSJIsu8w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)
to determine if any removals and replacements are required, and you may provide Mr. Johnson with my contact information if he wishes to discuss any concerns or questions he may have moving forward.
Christopher Lepa, Forestry Technician 2
Phone: 204-986-2006
Email: CLepa@winnipeg.ca
Regards, James
Hi Lloyd,
I received your inquiry from the Mayor's Office today about the construction on Farmers Road and concern for a large Cottonwood you reference in your email. Urban Forestry will be out to do an inspection of the site to assess these concerns. I've also emailed Stantec Consultants requesting an update about this concern and for other plant material possibly affected by this work. The following attachment was sent to Stantec and Urban Forestry identifying the location of the tree. Anything further from Stantec and/or Urban Forestry I will gladly relay to you.
James Houldsworth Superintendent of Park Services North Area and Downtown Parks and Open Space Division, Public Works Department City of Winnipeg
Phone: 204-986-4247 Email: jhouldsworth@winnipeg.ca
Website: Winnipeg.ca Address:6th Floor, 105-1155 Pacific Avenue,Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P1
Hello. I'm sorry to trouble you but I have a concern about Little Mountain Park. The R.M. of Rosser and Stantec are putting in a water pipe down Farmers road. This located on the Northern edge of the Park. I am concerned about the destruction of the environment and history of Little Mountain. There is a large Cottonwood tree planted along their path. This is the last piece of the village of Mount Royal. The quarry's are the first the the City used. Which is a piece of Winnipeg and Manitoba history. I fear that the construction will impact all these things that are important to the people and future generations. If you are interested in our parks history please check out my web site at www.lmppoa.ca. I have enclosed a letter I received about the construction. Thank you for your time. Mr. L. Johnson Chair Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc. www.lmpcg.ca
"Parks was just notified by Stantec Consulting Ltd. that the RM of Rosser will be closing Farmers Road from Klimpke Road to Brookside Boulevard as early as next week for a construction project to install water main along Farmers road. The closure is estimated for six weeks. Due to this, the North side access points will be closed off to all traffic; vehicular and pedestrian including the parking lot on Farmers Road.
I have requested Stantec Consulting Ltd to send us any updated information about this project. Once I have it, I'll pass on the information to you so you can notify your members. As far as I understand, Klimpke Road should be open during the construction period and our parking lot on Klimpke Road will be available for park users.
City of Winnipeg James Houldsworth
Superintendent of Park Services North Area and Downtown
Parks and Open Space Division, Public Works Department
City of Winnipeg
Phone: 204-986-4247
Email: jhouldsworth@winnipeg.ca
Website: Winnipeg.ca
Address:6th Floor, 105-1155 Pacific Avenue,Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P1 |
Chief Peguis Trail Meeting Nov. 7th 2017 The final round of public engagement is planned for November 2017, which includes another series of land owner and stakeholder meetings, as well as final public information session which will include a viewing of a video simulation of the proposed route. The purpose of this round of engagement is to present the final recommended design and seek comments from the public and stakeholders.
Information session Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Time: 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Location: Red River Community Centre, 293 Murray Ave.
For those who require alternate formats or ASL interpretation in order to participate, please contact David Jopling, public engagement lead at 204-943-3178 or ChiefPeguisTrailExtension@winnipeg.ca by October 29, 2017.
The intent of the public engagement process for the Preliminary Design Study is to provide information and collect local feedback to:
Inform the community and stakeholders of the intended plans and share any changes to the design; Help plan pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and amenities; Help identify connections to community destinations; Ensure the project complements adjacent development; Address the requirements of the Environmental License; and, Meet with affected landowners and identify property requirements. Previous Engagement From 2014 to 2016, four public engagement events were held to collect feedback for the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West Functional Design Study. A public information session held on June 29, 2016 at Red River Community Centre had 244 people in attendance. An online survey closed on July 12, 2016 with 84 responses. Comments received through this public engagement process indicated a repeated desire for an uninterrupted flow of traffic and fewer traffic lights; this feedback was considered in the latest phase of the design. Read more about what was said during previous public engagement activities under the related links tab.
Following the 2016 engagement events, a series of landowner and stakeholder meetings were facilitated from February 2017 to June 2017, including a public information session which was held on June 6, 2017 at the Red River Community Centre, where 244 individuals signed-in and 113 comment forms were collected. An online survey received 112 responses. A summary of these engagement events and the feedback received from the public, stakeholder and landowners is available online here.
Project Contact: 204-943-3178 or ChiefPeguisTrailExtension@winnipeg.ca
Details Published: 25 October 2017 Last Updated: 09 November 2017 Hits: 2736 Letter Dear Mr. Farthing:
Little Mountain Park is in danger and we need your help.
We are the Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc., an association dedicated to the preservation and continued well being of Little Mountain Park. The Park occupies approximately 160 acres of naturalized tall grass prairie and wooded trails, located on the site of the village of Mount Royal (also known as Little Stony Mountain), Winnipeg’s first quarry. It is home to unique and endangered species of flora, as well as a robust population of raptors, migratory song birds, deer and other mammals. The Park’s stunning mix of naturalized prairie, wooded trails, abundant fruit stands and quarry pond make it a unique and treasured destination for dog lovers, bird watchers, hikers and nature buffs.
The Park’s unique ecoystem is threatened by recurring plans to annex all or part of it for the extension of the Chief Peguis Trail. It is also threatened by encroaching industrial development.
We have successfully joined forces with advocate Judith Stearns and the Winnipeg Humane Society to end the annual and brutal cull of Richardson Ground Squirrels in the Park by the City of Winnipeg, a move that is slowly seeing the resurgence of the Park's animal ecosystem. We wish to do more.
Our goal is to secure a long term commitment to the preservation of the Park as well as provisions for its appropriate maintenance. We are seeking the support of other groups dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of fragile ecosystems. We hope to devise a sound future for Little Mountain Park with your help. In particular, we are looking for allies to help us establish the Park as a vital naturalization area and unique eco-system. We hope to organize a Bio Blitz in order to inventory the Park's many species, and are seeking expert advice to do so, advice that perhaps your organization can provide. We are also seeking public support for our Park's ecosystem from lobby groups and intervenors in public policy discussion.
We welcome you to join our efforts. We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Karen Zoppa, Secretary
on behalf of the Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc..
Details Published: 21 October 2017 Last Updated: 21 October 2017 Hits: 1808 Garbage Bags Have you received your free bags for PITCH-IN Week April 22-29th? If not please click on link to complete your registration http://pitch-in.ca/pitch-in- week/order-supplies/
If you have previously registered online with PITCH-IN Canada at http://www.pitch-in.ca and have not yet received a notification email regarding your bag order please review your online registration. You can easily edit or update your information at http://pitch-in.ca/pitch-in- week/order-supplies/
Bag orders cannot be processed if one or more of the 3 steps required for ordering bags is incorrect or incomplete. Details Published: 26 August 2017 Last Updated: 26 August 2017 Hits: 1728 Pipe line Hi Lloyd,
Christopher Lepa, Forestry Technician 2 responded and investigated the location and has provided an update that you will find below. Chris also said that if you wish to speak with him further on this matter, please call him at (Phone: 204-986-2006).
Good Morning James,
I inspected the site late Friday afternoon and there certainly is some significant heavy construction taking place within close proximity to the park boundary. Any excavation that occurred adjacent to the large cottonwood has now been filled in, so I followed up with Brett Ransom, Senior Project Engineer for Stantec, who indicated that all of the tree roots that intersected the pipeline alignment were trimmed according to specifications. In addition, he also assured that there are plans for site restoration in late spring once the spring thaw is over and the ground has been given an opportunity to settle. The Urban Forestry Branch will inspect the condition of some of the smaller trees (https://www.google.ca/maps/@49.9607974,-97.2418882,3a,64.9y,208.49h,89.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sv0NQ3I5LhsKjXUhSJIsu8w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)
to determine if any removals and replacements are required, and you may provide Mr. Johnson with my contact information if he wishes to discuss any concerns or questions he may have moving forward.
Christopher Lepa, Forestry Technician 2
Phone: 204-986-2006
Email: CLepa@winnipeg.ca
Regards, James
Hi Lloyd,
I received your inquiry from the Mayor's Office today about the construction on Farmers Road and concern for a large Cottonwood you reference in your email. Urban Forestry will be out to do an inspection of the site to assess these concerns. I've also emailed Stantec Consultants requesting an update about this concern and for other plant material possibly affected by this work. The following attachment was sent to Stantec and Urban Forestry identifying the location of the tree. Anything further from Stantec and/or Urban Forestry I will gladly relay to you.
James Houldsworth Superintendent of Park Services North Area and Downtown Parks and Open Space Division, Public Works Department City of Winnipeg
Phone: 204-986-4247 Email: jhouldsworth@winnipeg.ca
Website: Winnipeg.ca Address:6th Floor, 105-1155 Pacific Avenue,Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P1
Hello. I'm sorry to trouble you but I have a concern about Little Mountain Park. The R.M. of Rosser and Stantec are putting in a water pipe down Farmers road. This located on the Northern edge of the Park. I am concerned about the destruction of the environment and history of Little Mountain. There is a large Cottonwood tree planted along their path. This is the last piece of the village of Mount Royal. The quarry's are the first the the City used. Which is a piece of Winnipeg and Manitoba history. I fear that the construction will impact all these things that are important to the people and future generations. If you are interested in our parks history please check out my web site at www.lmppoa.ca. I have enclosed a letter I received about the construction. Thank you for your time. Mr. L. Johnson Chair Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc. www.lmpcg.ca
"Parks was just notified by Stantec Consulting Ltd. that the RM of Rosser will be closing Farmers Road from Klimpke Road to Brookside Boulevard as early as next week for a construction project to install water main along Farmers road. The closure is estimated for six weeks. Due to this, the North side access points will be closed off to all traffic; vehicular and pedestrian including the parking lot on Farmers Road.
I have requested Stantec Consulting Ltd to send us any updated information about this project. Once I have it, I'll pass on the information to you so you can notify your members. As far as I understand, Klimpke Road should be open during the construction period and our parking lot on Klimpke Road will be available for park users.
City of Winnipeg James Houldsworth
Superintendent of Park Services North Area and Downtown
Parks and Open Space Division, Public Works Department
City of Winnipeg
Phone: 204-986-4247
Email: jhouldsworth@winnipeg.ca
Website: Winnipeg.ca
Address:6th Floor, 105-1155 Pacific Avenue,Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P1
Details Published: 26 August 2017 Last Updated: 26 August 2017 Hits: 1931 Chief Peguis Trail Study Hi,
Thank you for participating in the Chief Peguis Trail (CPT) Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard project earlier this year. A public engagement report and summary on what we heard is now available online in the Documents Section of the project website:winnipeg.ca/ChiefPeguisTrail. This Phase 1 Public Engagement documenthas been provided to the project team and will be used to help guide the design process.
The CPT Extension West will be approximately 10 kilometres in length and will support economic development, create recreational opportunities, and support the completion of the Strategic Inner Ring Road to reduce traffic on neighborhood streets to make them more accommodating for public transit, walking and cycling.
As part of this study, a two-phase public engagement strategy was developed. Phase One of the public engagement strategy occurred from February 2017 to June 2017, and Phase Two is scheduled to commence in the Fall of 2017. During Phase One, study background information was presented to the public and feedback was gathered to learn about potential issues and opportunities, and seek comments on the draft design of the CPT Extension.
Phase Two of the CPT Extension West Study is scheduled to start in the Fall of 2017. Please refer to the project webpage (winnipeg.ca/ChiefPeguisTrail) for further details on upcoming public engagement events.
For project inquiries, please contact:
Brittany Shewchuk, Chief Peguis Trail Extension West Public Engagement Team at 204-943-3178 or Brittany.Shewchuk@wsp.com
Thank you!
You have been identified as a stakeholder for the CPT Extension West Study. If you are not interested in receiving further updates, please contact us to be removed from the list.
Brittany Shewchuk, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP
Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
T+ 1 204-943-3178 #3917
F+ 1 204-943-4948
93 Lombard Avenue, Suite 11
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
R3B 3B1 Canada
Details Published: 26 August 2017 Last Updated: 26 August 2017 Hits: 1911 |
Off Leash Dog Parks Subject: Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan Stakeholder Workshop
The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project, and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!
The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential off-leash site selection criteria.
Event Details: Date: May 31, 2017 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location: South Winnipeg Community Centre – Board Room (formerly known as the Waverley Heights Community Club) 1885 Chancellor Drive
Please RSVP to Brittany Shewchuk at shewchukb@mmm.ca<mailto:shewchukb@mmm.ca> or 204-943-3178 by May 26, 2017, if you are able to attend this workshop. Those who may require alternate formats or ASL interpretation in order to participate should let Brittany know when you RSVP.
Si vous préférez discuter de ce projet en français, veuillez contacter NYoung@winnipeg.ca<mailto:NYoung@winnipeg.ca>
We are hosting one other workshop in another area of the city on Thursday, June 1 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the above date, please contact Brittany if you can attend this alternative workshop date.
About the Master Plan
The Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan is being developed to address and respond to the growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The Plan will address the needs of all park and public open space users, and will include a vision and implementation strategy for off-leash dog areas throughout Winnipeg. To learn more about the goals of the Plan, please visit: winnipeg.ca/offleashareas<http://winnipeg.ca/ppd/PublicEngagement/OffLeashAreas/default.stm> ou au site français à winnipeg.ca/terrainspourchiens
Thank you!
You have been identified as a stakeholder for the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan. If you are not interested in receiving further updates, please contact us to be removed from the list.
Brittany Shewchuk, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP Planner Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
[wsp_RGB.png] T+ 1 204-943-3178 #3917 F+ 1 204-943-4948
93 Lombard Avenue, Suite 11 Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 3B1 Canada
You are receiving this communication because you are listed as a current WSP | MMM Group contact. Should you have any questions regarding the MMM Group Limited electronic communications policy, please consult our Anti-Spam Commitment http://mmmgrouplimited.com/anti-spam-commitment. For any concern or if you believe you should not be receiving this message, please forward this message to caslcompliance@wspgroup.com so that we can promptly address your request. This message is intended only for the addressee and may contain information which is privileged, confidential, proprietary, or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, distributing, copying, or in any way using this message. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender and delete any copies you may have received.
Vous recevez cette communication car vous faites partie des contacts de WSP | MMM Group. Si vous avez des questions concernant la politique de communications électroniques de MMM Group Limited, veuillez consulter notre Engagement anti-pourriel http://mmmgrouplimited.com/anti-spam-commitment. Pour toute question ou si vous croyez que vous ne devriez pas recevoir ce message, prière de le transférer au conformitelcap@wspgroup.com afin que nous puissions rapidement traiter votre demande. Ce message est destiné uniquement au destinataire et il peut contenir des informations privilégiées, confidentielles ou non divulgables en vertu de la loi. Si vous n’êtes pas le destinataire du présent message, il vous est strictement interdit de le divulguer, de le distribuer, de le copier ou de l’utiliser de quelque façon que ce soit. Si vous avez reçu la présente communication par erreur, veuillez en aviser l’expéditeur et supprimer le message.
______________________________________________________________________ NOTICE: This communication and any attachments ("this message") may contain confidential information for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any unauthorized use, disclosure, viewing, copying, alteration, dissemination or distribution of, or reliance on this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, or you are not an authorized recipient, please notify the sender immediately by replying to this message, delete this message and all copies from your e-mail system and destroy any printed copies.
----- End forwarded message -----
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Shewchuk, Brittany" <ShewchukB@mmm.ca> To: Cc: Bcc: Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 20:16:43 +0000 Subject: Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan Stakeholder Workshop
The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project, and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!
The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential off-leash site selection criteria.
Event Details:
Date: May 31, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location: South Winnipeg Community Centre – Board Room (formerly known as the Waverley Heights Community Club)
1885 Chancellor Drive
Please RSVP to Brittany Shewchuk at shewchukb@mmm.ca or 204-943-3178 by May 26, 2017, if you are able to attend this workshop. Those who may require alternate formats or ASL interpretation in order to participate should let Brittany know when you RSVP.
Si vous préférez discuter de ce projet en français, veuillez contacter NYoung@winnipeg.ca
We are hosting one other workshop in another area of the city on Thursday, June 1 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the above date, please contact Brittany if you can attend this alternative workshop date.
About the Master Plan
The Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan is being developed to address and respond to the growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The Plan will address the needs of all park and public open space users, and will include a vision and implementation strategy for off-leash dog areas throughout Winnipeg. To learn more about the goals of the Plan, please visit:
ou au site français à winnipeg.ca/terrainspourchiens
Thank you!
You have been identified as a stakeholder for the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan. If you are not interested in receiving further updates, please contact us to be removed from the list.
Brittany Shewchuk, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP
Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
T+ 1 204-943-3178 #3917
F+ 1 204-943-4948
93 Lombard Avenue, Suite 11
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
R3B 3B1 Canada
Details Published: 26 August 2017 Last Updated: 26 August 2017 Hits: 1706 Off-leash Hello,
The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project, and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!
The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential off-leash site selection criteria.
Details Published: 21 May 2017 Last Updated: 21 May 2017 Hits: 1699 Chief Peguis Trail Chief Peguis Trail Extension West From Main Street to Brookside Boulevard From 2014 to 2016, a Functional Design Study was conducted for the Chief Peguis Trail (CPT) Extension West. The intent of the study was to gain insight into the use and expectations for the CPT Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard. The CPT Extension West will be approximately 10 kilometers in length and will support economic development, create recreational opportunities, and support the completion of the Strategic Inner Ring Road to reduce traffic on neighborhood streets to make them more accommodating for public transit, walking and cycling.
A Preliminary Design Study is now being completed for the CPT Extension West.
The Preliminary Design Study will recommend a final design for the CPT Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard. The design will:
Provide efficient traffic flow on CPT; Relieve traffic on neighbourhood streets; Provide connections to surrounding neighbourhoods; Include pedestrian and cycling infrastructure along the route and connections to community destinations; Include potential locations for public art; and, Limit the loss of higher quality natural areas.
Engage Background Timeline Documents FAQs Maps Related Links The intent of the public engagement process for the Preliminary Design Study is to provide information and collect local feedback to:
Inform the community of the intended plans; Help plan pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and amenities; Help identify connections to community destinations; Ensure the project complements adjacent development; Address the requirements of the Environmental License; and, Meet with affected landowners and identify property requirements. Public Information Session
Take a tour of the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West.
View the proposed design, speak with City representatives and project team members, provide your feedback and ask questions regarding the project.
Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Time: 4 p.m.- 7 p.m. Location: Red River Community Centre, 293 Murray Avenue Format : Drop-in
From 2014 to 2016, four public engagement events were held to collect feedback for the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West Functional Design Study. A public information session held on June 29, 2016 at Red River Community Centre had 244 people in attendance. An online survey closed on July 12, 2016 with 84 responses. Comments received through this public engagement process indicated a repeated desire for an uninterrupted flow of traffic and fewer traffic lights; this feedback was considered in the latest phase of the design. Read more about what was said during previous public engagement activities under the related links tab.
At the end of this study, a public engagement report will be shared on this website.
Project Contact: 204-943-3178 or ChiefPeguisTrailExtension@winnipeg.ca Details Published: 20 May 2017 Last Updated: 20 May 2017 Hits: 1854 Parks Report 2015 The City released a report called 2015 Park Assets. I couldn't find Little Mountain Park in the list. Who is the City Councillor for LMP. http://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/ DMIS/ViewPdf.asp?SectionId= 463130 Next the City announced an Interactive website https://parkmaps.winnipeg.ca/ for Parks and Open spaces and Little Mountain Park is listed with the following amenities even thought it is not in the report of City Assets. Details Published: 14 May 2017 Last Updated: 14 May 2017 Hits: 1841 |
Chief Peguis Trail Meeting Nov. 7th 2017 The final round of public engagement is planned for November 2017, which includes another series of land owner and stakeholder meetings, as well as final public information session which will include a viewing of a video simulation of the proposed route. The purpose of this round of engagement is to present the final recommended design and seek comments from the public and stakeholders.
Information session Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Time: 4 p.m. – 7 p.m. Location: Red River Community Centre, 293 Murray Ave.
For those who require alternate formats or ASL interpretation in order to participate, please contact David Jopling, public engagement lead at 204-943-3178 or ChiefPeguisTrailExtension@winnipeg.ca by October 29, 2017.
The intent of the public engagement process for the Preliminary Design Study is to provide information and collect local feedback to:
Inform the community and stakeholders of the intended plans and share any changes to the design; Help plan pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and amenities; Help identify connections to community destinations; Ensure the project complements adjacent development; Address the requirements of the Environmental License; and, Meet with affected landowners and identify property requirements. Previous Engagement From 2014 to 2016, four public engagement events were held to collect feedback for the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West Functional Design Study. A public information session held on June 29, 2016 at Red River Community Centre had 244 people in attendance. An online survey closed on July 12, 2016 with 84 responses. Comments received through this public engagement process indicated a repeated desire for an uninterrupted flow of traffic and fewer traffic lights; this feedback was considered in the latest phase of the design. Read more about what was said during previous public engagement activities under the related links tab.
Following the 2016 engagement events, a series of landowner and stakeholder meetings were facilitated from February 2017 to June 2017, including a public information session which was held on June 6, 2017 at the Red River Community Centre, where 244 individuals signed-in and 113 comment forms were collected. An online survey received 112 responses. A summary of these engagement events and the feedback received from the public, stakeholder and landowners is available online here.
Project Contact: 204-943-3178 or ChiefPeguisTrailExtension@winnipeg.ca
Details Published: 25 October 2017 Last Updated: 09 November 2017 Hits: 2736 Letter Dear Mr. Farthing:
Little Mountain Park is in danger and we need your help.
We are the Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc., an association dedicated to the preservation and continued well being of Little Mountain Park. The Park occupies approximately 160 acres of naturalized tall grass prairie and wooded trails, located on the site of the village of Mount Royal (also known as Little Stony Mountain), Winnipeg’s first quarry. It is home to unique and endangered species of flora, as well as a robust population of raptors, migratory song birds, deer and other mammals. The Park’s stunning mix of naturalized prairie, wooded trails, abundant fruit stands and quarry pond make it a unique and treasured destination for dog lovers, bird watchers, hikers and nature buffs.
The Park’s unique ecoystem is threatened by recurring plans to annex all or part of it for the extension of the Chief Peguis Trail. It is also threatened by encroaching industrial development.
We have successfully joined forces with advocate Judith Stearns and the Winnipeg Humane Society to end the annual and brutal cull of Richardson Ground Squirrels in the Park by the City of Winnipeg, a move that is slowly seeing the resurgence of the Park's animal ecosystem. We wish to do more.
Our goal is to secure a long term commitment to the preservation of the Park as well as provisions for its appropriate maintenance. We are seeking the support of other groups dedicated to the preservation and maintenance of fragile ecosystems. We hope to devise a sound future for Little Mountain Park with your help. In particular, we are looking for allies to help us establish the Park as a vital naturalization area and unique eco-system. We hope to organize a Bio Blitz in order to inventory the Park's many species, and are seeking expert advice to do so, advice that perhaps your organization can provide. We are also seeking public support for our Park's ecosystem from lobby groups and intervenors in public policy discussion.
We welcome you to join our efforts. We look forward to meeting with you soon.
Karen Zoppa, Secretary
on behalf of the Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc..
Details Published: 21 October 2017 Last Updated: 21 October 2017 Hits: 1810 Garbage Bags  Have you received your free bags for PITCH-IN Week April 22-29th? If not please click on link to complete your registration http://pitch-in.ca/pitch-in- week/order-supplies/
If you have previously registered online with PITCH-IN Canada at http://www.pitch-in.ca and have not yet received a notification email regarding your bag order please review your online registration. You can easily edit or update your information at http://pitch-in.ca/pitch-in- week/order-supplies/
Bag orders cannot be processed if one or more of the 3 steps required for ordering bags is incorrect or incomplete. Details Published: 26 August 2017 Last Updated: 26 August 2017 Hits: 1730 Pipe line Hi Lloyd,
Christopher Lepa, Forestry Technician 2 responded and investigated the location and has provided an update that you will find below. Chris also said that if you wish to speak with him further on this matter, please call him at (Phone: 204-986-2006).
Good Morning James,
I inspected the site late Friday afternoon and there certainly is some significant heavy construction taking place within close proximity to the park boundary. Any excavation that occurred adjacent to the large cottonwood has now been filled in, so I followed up with Brett Ransom, Senior Project Engineer for Stantec, who indicated that all of the tree roots that intersected the pipeline alignment were trimmed according to specifications. In addition, he also assured that there are plans for site restoration in late spring once the spring thaw is over and the ground has been given an opportunity to settle. The Urban Forestry Branch will inspect the condition of some of the smaller trees (https://www.google.ca/maps/@49.9607974,-97.2418882,3a,64.9y,208.49h,89.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sv0NQ3I5LhsKjXUhSJIsu8w!2e0!7i13312!8i6656)
to determine if any removals and replacements are required, and you may provide Mr. Johnson with my contact information if he wishes to discuss any concerns or questions he may have moving forward.
Christopher Lepa, Forestry Technician 2
Phone: 204-986-2006
Email: CLepa@winnipeg.ca
Regards, James
Hi Lloyd,
I received your inquiry from the Mayor's Office today about the construction on Farmers Road and concern for a large Cottonwood you reference in your email. Urban Forestry will be out to do an inspection of the site to assess these concerns. I've also emailed Stantec Consultants requesting an update about this concern and for other plant material possibly affected by this work. The following attachment was sent to Stantec and Urban Forestry identifying the location of the tree. Anything further from Stantec and/or Urban Forestry I will gladly relay to you.
James Houldsworth Superintendent of Park Services North Area and Downtown Parks and Open Space Division, Public Works Department City of Winnipeg
Phone: 204-986-4247 Email: jhouldsworth@winnipeg.ca
Website: Winnipeg.ca Address:6th Floor, 105-1155 Pacific Avenue,Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P1
Hello. I'm sorry to trouble you but I have a concern about Little Mountain Park. The R.M. of Rosser and Stantec are putting in a water pipe down Farmers road. This located on the Northern edge of the Park. I am concerned about the destruction of the environment and history of Little Mountain. There is a large Cottonwood tree planted along their path. This is the last piece of the village of Mount Royal. The quarry's are the first the the City used. Which is a piece of Winnipeg and Manitoba history. I fear that the construction will impact all these things that are important to the people and future generations. If you are interested in our parks history please check out my web site at www.lmppoa.ca. I have enclosed a letter I received about the construction. Thank you for your time. Mr. L. Johnson Chair Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc. www.lmpcg.ca
"Parks was just notified by Stantec Consulting Ltd. that the RM of Rosser will be closing Farmers Road from Klimpke Road to Brookside Boulevard as early as next week for a construction project to install water main along Farmers road. The closure is estimated for six weeks. Due to this, the North side access points will be closed off to all traffic; vehicular and pedestrian including the parking lot on Farmers Road.
I have requested Stantec Consulting Ltd to send us any updated information about this project. Once I have it, I'll pass on the information to you so you can notify your members. As far as I understand, Klimpke Road should be open during the construction period and our parking lot on Klimpke Road will be available for park users.
City of Winnipeg James Houldsworth
Superintendent of Park Services North Area and Downtown
Parks and Open Space Division, Public Works Department
City of Winnipeg
Phone: 204-986-4247
Email: jhouldsworth@winnipeg.ca
Website: Winnipeg.ca
Address:6th Floor, 105-1155 Pacific Avenue,Winnipeg, MB R3E 3P1
Details Published: 26 August 2017 Last Updated: 26 August 2017 Hits: 1934 Chief Peguis Trail Study Hi,
Thank you for participating in the Chief Peguis Trail (CPT) Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard project earlier this year. A public engagement report and summary on what we heard is now available online in the Documents Section of the project website:winnipeg.ca/ChiefPeguisTrail. This Phase 1 Public Engagement documenthas been provided to the project team and will be used to help guide the design process.
The CPT Extension West will be approximately 10 kilometres in length and will support economic development, create recreational opportunities, and support the completion of the Strategic Inner Ring Road to reduce traffic on neighborhood streets to make them more accommodating for public transit, walking and cycling.
As part of this study, a two-phase public engagement strategy was developed. Phase One of the public engagement strategy occurred from February 2017 to June 2017, and Phase Two is scheduled to commence in the Fall of 2017. During Phase One, study background information was presented to the public and feedback was gathered to learn about potential issues and opportunities, and seek comments on the draft design of the CPT Extension.
Phase Two of the CPT Extension West Study is scheduled to start in the Fall of 2017. Please refer to the project webpage (winnipeg.ca/ChiefPeguisTrail) for further details on upcoming public engagement events.
For project inquiries, please contact:
Brittany Shewchuk, Chief Peguis Trail Extension West Public Engagement Team at 204-943-3178 or Brittany.Shewchuk@wsp.com
Thank you!
You have been identified as a stakeholder for the CPT Extension West Study. If you are not interested in receiving further updates, please contact us to be removed from the list.
Brittany Shewchuk, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP
Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
T+ 1 204-943-3178 #3917
F+ 1 204-943-4948
93 Lombard Avenue, Suite 11
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
R3B 3B1 Canada
Details Published: 26 August 2017 Last Updated: 26 August 2017 Hits: 1913 |
Off Leash Dog Parks Subject: Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan Stakeholder Workshop
The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project, and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!
The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential off-leash site selection criteria.
Event Details: Date: May 31, 2017 Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Location: South Winnipeg Community Centre – Board Room (formerly known as the Waverley Heights Community Club) 1885 Chancellor Drive
Please RSVP to Brittany Shewchuk at shewchukb@mmm.ca<mailto:shewchukb@mmm.ca> or 204-943-3178 by May 26, 2017, if you are able to attend this workshop. Those who may require alternate formats or ASL interpretation in order to participate should let Brittany know when you RSVP.
Si vous préférez discuter de ce projet en français, veuillez contacter NYoung@winnipeg.ca<mailto:NYoung@winnipeg.ca>
We are hosting one other workshop in another area of the city on Thursday, June 1 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the above date, please contact Brittany if you can attend this alternative workshop date.
About the Master Plan
The Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan is being developed to address and respond to the growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The Plan will address the needs of all park and public open space users, and will include a vision and implementation strategy for off-leash dog areas throughout Winnipeg. To learn more about the goals of the Plan, please visit: winnipeg.ca/offleashareas<http://winnipeg.ca/ppd/PublicEngagement/OffLeashAreas/default.stm> ou au site français à winnipeg.ca/terrainspourchiens
Thank you!
You have been identified as a stakeholder for the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan. If you are not interested in receiving further updates, please contact us to be removed from the list.
Brittany Shewchuk, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP Planner Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
[wsp_RGB.png] T+ 1 204-943-3178 #3917 F+ 1 204-943-4948
93 Lombard Avenue, Suite 11 Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3B 3B1 Canada
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---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Shewchuk, Brittany" <ShewchukB@mmm.ca> To: Cc: Bcc: Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 20:16:43 +0000 Subject: Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan Stakeholder Workshop
The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project, and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!
The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential off-leash site selection criteria.
Event Details:
Date: May 31, 2017
Time: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location: South Winnipeg Community Centre – Board Room (formerly known as the Waverley Heights Community Club)
1885 Chancellor Drive
Please RSVP to Brittany Shewchuk at shewchukb@mmm.ca or 204-943-3178 by May 26, 2017, if you are able to attend this workshop. Those who may require alternate formats or ASL interpretation in order to participate should let Brittany know when you RSVP.
Si vous préférez discuter de ce projet en français, veuillez contacter NYoung@winnipeg.ca
We are hosting one other workshop in another area of the city on Thursday, June 1 from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. If you are unable to make it to the above date, please contact Brittany if you can attend this alternative workshop date.
About the Master Plan
The Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan is being developed to address and respond to the growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The Plan will address the needs of all park and public open space users, and will include a vision and implementation strategy for off-leash dog areas throughout Winnipeg. To learn more about the goals of the Plan, please visit:
ou au site français à winnipeg.ca/terrainspourchiens
Thank you!
You have been identified as a stakeholder for the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan. If you are not interested in receiving further updates, please contact us to be removed from the list.
Brittany Shewchuk, M.Pl., MCIP, RPP
Planning, Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
T+ 1 204-943-3178 #3917
F+ 1 204-943-4948
93 Lombard Avenue, Suite 11
Winnipeg, Manitoba,
R3B 3B1 Canada
Details Published: 26 August 2017 Last Updated: 26 August 2017 Hits: 1708 Off-leash Hello,
The City of Winnipeg is in the process of developing the Off-Leash Dog Areas Master Plan to address and respond to growing interest and demand for off-leash dog areas in Winnipeg. The City has engaged the services of WSP (formerly known as the MMM Group Limited) to develop the plan. We are in the preliminary stages of this City-wide project, and will be hosting a stakeholder workshop on May 31, 2017. You/your organization have been identified as a project stakeholder. We want to hear from you and encourage you to participate in this workshop event!
The purpose of the workshop is to obtain feedback on current off-leash facilities in Winnipeg, discuss issues that are currently being experienced with existing off-leash sites, and identify potential off-leash site selection criteria.
Details Published: 21 May 2017 Last Updated: 21 May 2017 Hits: 1701 Chief Peguis Trail Chief Peguis Trail Extension West From Main Street to Brookside Boulevard From 2014 to 2016, a Functional Design Study was conducted for the Chief Peguis Trail (CPT) Extension West. The intent of the study was to gain insight into the use and expectations for the CPT Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard. The CPT Extension West will be approximately 10 kilometers in length and will support economic development, create recreational opportunities, and support the completion of the Strategic Inner Ring Road to reduce traffic on neighborhood streets to make them more accommodating for public transit, walking and cycling.
A Preliminary Design Study is now being completed for the CPT Extension West.
The Preliminary Design Study will recommend a final design for the CPT Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard. The design will:
Provide efficient traffic flow on CPT; Relieve traffic on neighbourhood streets; Provide connections to surrounding neighbourhoods; Include pedestrian and cycling infrastructure along the route and connections to community destinations; Include potential locations for public art; and, Limit the loss of higher quality natural areas.
Engage Background Timeline Documents FAQs Maps Related Links The intent of the public engagement process for the Preliminary Design Study is to provide information and collect local feedback to:
Inform the community of the intended plans; Help plan pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and amenities; Help identify connections to community destinations; Ensure the project complements adjacent development; Address the requirements of the Environmental License; and, Meet with affected landowners and identify property requirements. Public Information Session
Take a tour of the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West.
View the proposed design, speak with City representatives and project team members, provide your feedback and ask questions regarding the project.
Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 Time: 4 p.m.- 7 p.m. Location: Red River Community Centre, 293 Murray Avenue Format : Drop-in
From 2014 to 2016, four public engagement events were held to collect feedback for the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West Functional Design Study. A public information session held on June 29, 2016 at Red River Community Centre had 244 people in attendance. An online survey closed on July 12, 2016 with 84 responses. Comments received through this public engagement process indicated a repeated desire for an uninterrupted flow of traffic and fewer traffic lights; this feedback was considered in the latest phase of the design. Read more about what was said during previous public engagement activities under the related links tab.
At the end of this study, a public engagement report will be shared on this website.
Project Contact: 204-943-3178 or ChiefPeguisTrailExtension@winnipeg.ca Details Published: 20 May 2017 Last Updated: 20 May 2017 Hits: 1856 Parks Report 2015 The City released a report called 2015 Park Assets. I couldn't find Little Mountain Park in the list. Who is the City Councillor for LMP. http://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/ DMIS/ViewPdf.asp?SectionId= 463130 Next the City announced an Interactive website https://parkmaps.winnipeg.ca/ for Parks and Open spaces and Little Mountain Park is listed with the following amenities even thought it is not in the report of City Assets. Details Published: 14 May 2017 Last Updated: 14 May 2017 Hits: 1844 |