Shut The Door
From Maureen Flynn
This is under the very cool department! Maureen Flynn is a writer from Selkirk and has completed her second book entitled "Shut The Door". It is in the Mystery section at McNally Robinson book store.
Hope you are enjoying the holiday season! Just thought I'd let you know my second book, Shut the Door, came out this month and is at McNally. Still putting finishing touches on the third that takes place at Little Mountain Park.
All the best in the New Year!
Warm Wishes, Maureen
Details Published: 05 January 2016 |
Dog Walker Looking for a dog walker or dog sitter. Give Brenda a call at 204-221-4137
Details Published: 14 February 2016 Last Updated: 14 February 2016 Hits: 2108 Sad News Feb. 09 2016 Sad news today. Our dear friend Bandit passed away. He lived a long and wonderful life. All our best to Kathrine and Tessa.
Details Published: 09 February 2016 Last Updated: 09 February 2016 Hits: 1737 Sad News Our dear friend Quincy passed away today. All our best go out to Jade and Scot in their sad times. Quincy was a wonderful Golden who was never far from his ball. The park will be a little bit lonely with out his company.
Details Published: 01 February 2016 Last Updated: 01 February 2016 Hits: 1681 BTPRSM February 1st, 2016 To whom it may concern; The Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba (BTPRSM) was founded in March 2009. We operate as a non-profit, all-volunteer based organization and run strictly on donations. Our volunteers are dedicated to rescuing Pugs, Boston Terriers and their mixes from shelters, breeders and individuals and finding them forever homes. BTPRSM will be hosting a Bingo Bowl Fundraiser on Saturday, March 12, with a Silent Auction and a 50/50 draw. The proceeds from the Silent Auction and the 50/50 Fundraiser will be used to help us pay for our Veterinary Expenses and other associated costs with rescuing Pugs and Boston Terriers. We are looking for donations of prizes for the silent auction that will be held that evening. Anything your company would be willing to donate would be greatly appreciated. If you are able to donate items, please contact us directly at btprmb@gmail.com and arrangements can be made to have your donation picked up. For further information about our organization, please refer to our website at: www.bostonpugrescuemb.com. Thank you so much for your consideration and support. All sponsors will be recognized on our website and on posters at the event. Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Lorraine Executive Committee Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba
Details Published: 01 February 2016 Last Updated: 01 February 2016 Hits: 1738 William R. Clement Parkway Local Residents voice fear for their homes during open house on city project $columnist.title By: Ashley Prest Posted: 01/19/2016 10:20 PM | Comments: 6
Tweet 13 Post 0 Reddit 0 ShareThis 13 Print Email 0 David Jopling (left) explains some of the options involved in the expansion of the William R. Clement Parkway at an open house and informational session in Charleswood Tuesday. PHIL HOSSACK / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS
David Jopling (left) explains some of the options involved in the expansion of the William R. Clement Parkway at an open house and informational session in Charleswood Tuesday. Purchase Photo Print
Craig and Kristen Enns will see their dream home bulldozed if one of the proposed options involved in the William R. Clement Parkway Extension project comes to pass.
If the first of three concepts on the table for the realignment of Wilkes Avenue is selected, their Liberty Street home — still under construction — is in the way.
The young couple was among a steady stream of area residents who attended the public open house regarding the William R. Clement Parkway Extension study Tuesday evening at the Charleswood United Church.
"Just recently we went through the process of getting approval from the City of Winnipeg to build our house. We do get the green light to go ahead, construction begins and then we see this document," Craig Enns said. "If this were to go ahead, it (their house) would be expropriated. It would be demolished. It’s crazy. It’s irresponsible."
Craig and Kristen, along with several other residents of their street and area, spoke at length while seated at a table with two city officials. The young couple is now more worried than excited for their new home.
"We were hoping to move in the spring. It becomes very difficult to keep moving forward with this in the back of our minds," Craig said.
Another man nearby spoke up.
"We just finished building and it’s going to go through our property. We’re your neighbours to the west," the man told Craig and Kristen.
The city had easels set up around the perimeter of the church’s hall with tables in the middle where citizens could fill out surveys and fill in forms to provide feedback. About a dozen city representatives were on hand to answer questions from community members.
"The William R. Clement Parkway is an important north-south link in west Winnipeg and it’s one step closer to completing the inner ring road, which is a strategic road network planned in the council-approved Transportation Master Plan from 2011," said Scott Suderman, a transportation facilities planning engineer with the city. "A road of this nature allows a lot of opportunity for economic development and recreational development as well. We have trails, walking, cycling, dog park — all of that is included as part of this project."
There was both enthusiasm and concerns regarding four proposals for a new off-leash dog park as the extension will cut through the existing dog park. The city has put forward four options for a new park in the area, with two of those being larger than the existing one.
Sandy Kluka said the fourth option, an eight-acre green space backing onto Ridgewood Avenue, looks the best but needs to be fenced.
"I’m at the dog park at least five times a week, it’s very popular. The users that go regularly are incredible about trying to keep it clean and sharing bags," said Kluka, an area resident since 1982 who takes her golden retriever to the park. "It’s very important to those of us who are pet owners, but it also helps people who don’t want dogs on their street all the time. It gives the dogs a place to go. We need a lot of space but we need parking and we need it to be fenced for the safety of the dogs."
While the extension will also cut across the Harte Trail recreation path, the two proposed solutions of either an overpass or underpass for pedestrians and cyclists drew positive reactions.
"I’m concerned about the water table because we already get water on the trail. In the winter it could be a really dangerous place with ice, so the overpass looks to be more sensible," said Russ Mutcher, a cyclist who said he uses the trail frequently.
Kevin Nichols, an area resident for 22 years, said he is involved with Citizens for Charleswood Habitat Preservation community group and they are monitoring the plans for the extension to try to minimize habitat destruction.
"We want to make sure there’s some attention. There’s an awful lot of wildlife here, for them to have the greenways and not have excessive deer strikes. That already happens at Wilkes," Nichols said. "There is a lot of disruption to the neighbourhood. Last fall (for housing development), they bulldozed a tall grass prairie that was home to an at-risk species of bird."
The study, intended by the City of Winnipeg to guide the implementation of the project, will still go through several more phases before shovels hit the ground, including a second public open house tentatively scheduled for this summer.
City officials said a construction start date for the extension has not been set and declined to say what the project’s cost would be, pending the expected completion of the study this fall.
William R. Clement Parkway Extension study alignment considerations
Accommodate emergency vehicle and truck access
Accommodate access for local businesses
Enhance safety for all users
Address environmental concerns
Identify potential dog park locations
Grade separate the CN Mainline
Accommodate the Harte Trail
Link to Wilkes Avenue (or an alternative east-west connection)
Meet the design criteria requirements
Accommodate Winnipeg Transit
The city is encouraging feedback on the project and is inviting the public to view the study’s information boards by going here
source: City of Winnipeg
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PHOTO STORE Goslings with some size head for cover Wednesday afternoon on Commerce Drive in Tuxedo Business Park - See Bryksa 30 Goose Challenge- Day 12- May 16, 2012 (JOE BRYKSA / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS) COLUMNISTS
Details Published: 20 January 2016 Last Updated: 20 January 2016 Hits: 1972 BTPRSM
Hi Everyone!!! We hope you all had a very wonderful Holiday Season and a very good start to your New Year! The February Newsletter will be sent out in a few weeks, but we wanted to get this email out to everyone before then. We are currently taking orders for the Aunt Sarah's Famous Chocolate Bars. To place your order, please email us at btprmb@gmail.comEach bar sells for $2.00. All orders to be in by Sunday, February 7th. We will collect the $60/case upfront and each seller will collect the $60 back when they sell their case. Assorted cases are available upon request. You have the option to pick either a full box of 1 flavor, a box of 2 flavors (15 of each) or a box of 3 flavors (10 of each). If you would like an assorted case, we will need each person to let us know which flavors they would like.
There are now 7 Flavors of bars to choose from: Aunt Sarah’s Simply Delicious - this wonderful, scrumptious delight of a bar is filled with smooth caramel and whole roasted almonds. It is then covered in the finest, melt in your mouth chocolate. Aunt Sarah’s Simply Caramel - has the traditional, classic caramel and chocolate that we enjoy in the Simply Delicious bar, but we have taken out the almonds! Aunt Sarah’s Simply Crispie - is a thick, chocolate, crunchy bar full of rice crisps that kids of all ages will love! Aunt Sarah’s Simply Mint - is an irresistible chocolate bar filled with a creamy mint green truffle centre. Aunt Sarah’s Dark & Delicious - is a dark chocolate bar filled with a creamy cocoa dark chocolate truffle center. Aunt Sarah’s Yogurt, Fruit & Nut - is a delicious vanilla yogurt bar filled with fresh, juicy raisins and crunchy peanuts. Sure to melt in your mouth and offer a tasty crunch at the same time! Aunt Sarah’s Simply Peanut Butter - is a rich and creamy taste sensation! Peanut butter at its best.
If anyone has any questions, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com
Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Lorraine Executive Committee Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba Email: btprmb@gmail.com Website: www.bostonpugrescuemb.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-of-Southern-Manitoba-BTPRSM/193798940645439
Details Published: 19 January 2016 Last Updated: 19 January 2016 Hits: 1787 Downtown Off-Leash Dog Park Have your say on downtown dog park
BY JIM BENDER, WINNIPEG SUN FIRST POSTED: THURSDAY, JANUARY 07, 2016 05:19 PM CST | UPDATED: THURSDAY, JANUARY 07, 2016 05:58 PM CST John Arnett walks dogs Maverick (left) and Roxy in Crescentwood earlier this winter. The city is conducting a public survey on a planned downtown dog park. (Kevin King/Winnipeg Sun file photo) Article Change text size for the story Print this story Report an error Downtown Winnipeg will soon go to the leash-free dogs.
Mayor Brian Bowman still wants to establish an off-leash dog park in the downtown area to accommodate dog owners currently living in the heart of the city and those who may be considering doing so. As a result, the city is now offering a survey to see where people would like to see such a park put, where they would not want it located, and what kind of park they would prefer.
“Our downtown needs to feel like a neighbourhood for residents,” Bowman, who couldn’t be reached for comment, posted on his Facebook page. “We want downtown living to be an option for all Winnipeggers, offering similar amenities to those people currently enjoy in the suburbs.”
Donna Henry, Winnipeg Network of Dog Owners Group president, endorsed the concept.
“We think it’s a really good idea because there aren’t any dog parks downtown, or even close to downtown,” she said. “There are 11 off-leash dog parks in the city right now and they’re all in the suburbs.
“A lot of people are living downtown now and dog parks are places where people socialize.”
Henry, however, would prefer to have three smaller dog parks downtown, as opposed to a suggested destination dog park at The Forks, which would attract too much traffic.
“People want to go somewhere they can walk to in 10-15 minutes,” she said.
New York City features a number of small dog parks on corner lots near cafes, said Downtown BIZ executive director Stefano Grande.
“The park can be relatively small or one where you can throw a bone,” he said. “But there are a growing number of people with dogs living downtown.”
Coun. Jenny Gerbasi said everyone needs to look at what is actually available.
“The green space is very limited downtown and that has to be considered,” she said. “I don’t want to jump into any solutions but they have done it in cities like New York, using different models.”
The survey can be accessed on the city’s website at winnipeg.ca until Jan. 20.
Twitter: @bendersun Details Published: 10 January 2016 Last Updated: 10 January 2016 Hits: 1868 More Skunks Hi there..
On Monday night Rogue and Maisy got sprayed by another skunk, Rogue took most of it but Maisy was no smelling great.
It was on the trail where the big bird feeder is west to east we were heading east on the trail, it was the next trail to the right
That the girls ran in the bush and got sprayed.
We did smell it along the golf trail last night just where the chain fence ends, both girls were headed down that trail again so we headed back the other way.
So beware!!
Details Published: 06 January 2016 |
Home This lab is looking for a home; he is 3 years old his owner is older and not able to look after him anymore. I don't know much more about him but be sure is a good looking guy! I wish I had the funds and room to take on another dog.
If you know anyone looking for a dog could you please pass this on?
One of the girls at the park who has "Pepe" passed this on to me, Would be nice to find him a new home, I will find out more info once she gets back to me.
Thanks Darlene   Details Published: 14 April 2016 Last Updated: 14 April 2016 Hits: 1266 Ticks Here is a scary thought for everybody. I have had the first report of a tick today being found on one of the dogs. Noooooo...!
Details Published: 03 April 2016 Last Updated: 03 April 2016 Hits: 2318 Habby Easter Have a very Habby Easter Wally and Sheba

Details Published: 28 March 2016 Last Updated: 28 March 2016 Hits: 1305 Easter 2016 Happy Easter Love Maisey, Bun Bun and Darlene 2016

Details Published: 28 March 2016 Last Updated: 28 March 2016 Hits: 1335 Old Grace Housing Co-operative Co-operative Living In Wolseley
Construction is set to begin in June 2016 of the Old Grace Housing Co-operative. Located at Arlington and Preston on the site of the original Grace Hospital in the heart of Wolseley, the co-operative will provide 60 units of mixed-income housing. Occupancy is expected to begin in early 2018.
For more information:
The Old Grace Housing Co-operative
or oldgracehousingcoop.ca
Details Published: 17 March 2016 Last Updated: 17 March 2016 Hits: 1692 Winnipeg Free Press Tuesday March 15 Sect. B Pg.1 We all get it.
The City of Winnipeg wants every extra buck it can nab, grab and squeeze out of its already taxed-to-the-eavestrough homeowners and citizens at large. Dogs at large, for that matter.
phil hossack / winnipeg free press</p><p>Jack Smith and his dog, Luna, at King’s Park Monday.</p> phil hossack / winnipeg free press Jack Smith and his dog, Luna, at King’s Park Monday. We also get it that, at times, not all of our civil servants are civil or possess a nickel’s worth of common sense. Which brings me to an email that arrived late last week. It was written by a former career Canadian Air Force officer who moved to Winnipeg from Calgary less than eight years ago to be with family. The bonus was how much he and his wife love our city’s parks. In fact, that’s where the story starts: walking his 10-year-old Lab, Luna, through Kings Park late last Tuesday afternoon. Walking her off-leash, mind you. That’s unlawful there, which is why he and Luna came to the attention of an ever vigilant animal services officer.
You may be wondering why I’ve mentioned the dog’s name, but not the dog owner’s. All in good time. Meanwhile, I should let him tell you in his own words how he encountered the keen-eyed animal services officer at the end of his and Luna’s walk in the park. And ended up with nearly $600 worth of bylaw offence tickets.
"As I approached the road," he wrote, "a van pulled up directly across our path, and someone called out to me. I am 79 years old, and my hearing is not great."
It was the animal services officer, of course. She asked where the dog’s leash was.
"I told her it was in the car. She then asked me if the dog had a tag, which I showed her."
With that, the officer turned to her portable terminal.
Then, leaning out of her van window, she asked the dog owner for his name.
"I told her it was Jack Smith, to which she replied very sarcastically, ‘Oh, right!’ She then demanded to see my driver’s licence."
He didn’t have it with him. She asked for his address. He gave it to her. The constable turned back to her computer and Jack, who was getting chilled by then, told her he and the dog would wait for her in his nearby car. About five minutes later, the officer pulled up beside Jack’s car and asked for his car registration.
"She looked at it," Jack recalled, "and said, ‘I thought you told me your name was Jack Smith’, again in a very accusatory tone."
The name on the registration is his legal name; John Smith. Later, he wondered how the already doubting officer would have reacted if he had initially told her he was John Smith. Instead of Jack, the commonly used other version of John he had been called since he was a boy and his Scottish-born father, John Smith, was known as "Jock."
Anyway, Jack said the constable ended up giving him two summons. One was a $195 ticket for "failure to ensure that the dog did not run at large."
"And the other, she said, was for giving her a false identity. The summons reads ‘failing to provide identification sufficient to establish their name and address’ — and it comes with a whopping $400 fine."
Jack was left both stunned and outraged.
"I freely provided this constable with my correct name and address... which appears at the top of the summons. Why then, did she present me with this second summons? The name ‘Jack’ is universally known as a diminutive version of ‘John’; to accuse me of lying over my own name is outrageous, offensive and little more than bullying. I was being co-operative and civil but was met with disdain and contempt. This is unacceptable behaviour on the part of anybody — especially a civil servant. I am angry and upset by my treatment and by this constable’s attitude, and I have lodged a formal complaint. In addition, I will be contesting the summons. I can only hope that the management of the animal services department will demonstrate more common sense, civility and sensitivity than did their employee."
As it turned out, Jack was hoping for too much, at least when it came to common sense and sensitivity.
I forwarded Jack’s email to a city media handler who said a city councillor had already reported it and that later Leland Gordon, the COO of animal services, had phoned Jack "to discuss the incident."
"We take complaints like these seriously," communications projects officer Kailey Barron added.
No, they don’t. Not judging by what happened next.
According to Jack, the animal services COO had indicated the $400 "failing to provide identification" ticket would not be proceeded with. Why would it be? The ticket should never have been given. As for what Jack was also looking for — an apology from the animal services constable, or at the very least, her boss — he didn’t even get a perfunctory, "sorry."
What are we to conclude from all of this? That there are dogs with more common sense than the COO of animal services.
And way better manners. Woof!
Details Published: 15 March 2016 Last Updated: 15 March 2016 Hits: 1832 Garage Sale 2016 GARAGE SALE:
We’re having our Second Annual Garage Sale!
Please come by and check out the great stuff we’ll have May 14th & 15th starting at
9:00AM to 4:00PM At 559 McAdam Ave.

Looking forward to seeing you there! In support of the LMPCG efforts to Protect & Preserve
the parks future!
Details Published: 21 February 2016 Last Updated: 21 February 2016 Hits: 1981 BTPRSM Hi Everyone,
We just wanted to send out a reminder about our upcoming Bingo Bowl Fundraiser on Saturday, March 12th at Windsor Lanes. We have still have 6 lanes available. Only $15/person which includes 3 games of Bingo Bowl, shoe rentals, late night lunch and unlimited soft drinks) Silent Auction and 50/50 Draw too! You don't want to miss this fun filled family friendly event! If you are interested in purchasing tickets and reserving a lane, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com and we will get the tickets to you. NOTE: We are still collecting donations for our silent auction as well. If you have a donation or know a business that would like to donate to the auction, we have attached a letter in this email so you can print or share. If you have an item that would you like us to pick up, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com and we will make arrangements for pick up. Thanks to everyone who has donated to our fundraiser so far! ? And another fundraiser that we are currently doing is the 'Action Pack Coupon Book Fundraiser'. The book is only $25 and the value of the coupons inside is over $325. All the coupons in the book are COMPLETELY FREE offers. Check out this preview of the coupons available below. If you are interested in purchasing one of these books or selling them at your business, please email us atbtprmb@gmail.com We will have these books available at our next playgroup on Sunday, February 28th and we have them at a few locations throughout the city. ? Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Lorraine Executive Committee Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba Email: btprmb@gmail.com Website: www.bostonpugrescuemb.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-of-Southern-Manitoba-BTPRSM/193798940645439 Details Published: 19 February 2016 |
May 18 2016 Hi there. I got some very up setting news today. A report with the City has been filed but I don’t have a number yet. Pictures were taken so I waiting on that also.
Sorry for this, Lloyd
Reference # 10996994
Hi there...
Last night I met up with a girl who walks her 2 dogs at the park, Her dog likes to find old dead things in the bush, a few nights ago she brought back what looks like a head of a dog, just the head!! Looks like a fairly big dog, the teeth were still white, still a lot of fur dark black & brown in color. She said she through it in one of the cans along one of the middle trails. She took a photo of it but I had a hard time looking at the photo and just can't imagine why just a head was found of this poor soul.. just broke my heart. Would there be a body somewhere in there? Who could of done this???!!!
I am going to take a look on the Lost Dog site to see if one that matches the colour was missing. Should we report this?
Details Published: 18 May 2016 Last Updated: 21 May 2016 Hits: 1648 May 15 2016 Garage Sale We were very successful with our 2nd garage sale. The left over items were donated to 'Funds for Pets' Animal Rescue Group, Amber Fox Director.

Details Published: 15 May 2016 Last Updated: 15 May 2016 Hits: 1413 Winnipeg Free Press May 11 2016 Parks going to the dogs Donna Henry’s frustration with the City of Winnipeg bureaucracy is not unique (Dog park upgrades must wait, May 10). We totally sympathize with Henry and all those who have supported the Kilcona Park Dog Club’s fundraising efforts to improve the amenities at Kil-Cona Park.
The Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group has also been stonewalled in its attempts to implement plans to enhance the natural amenities of its park, most recently a negative response to its initiative to install an aerator pump in the quarry pond to discourage algae and mosquitoes.
In both cases, groups of citizens — who are also tax- and ratepayers — donate time, money and expertise to improve the parks only to be stymied by bureaucrats who treat the civic resources they are responsible for like personal fiefdoms. I hope the mayor and council take note and brings a fresh approach to such initiatives. There are a few of us who use city parks, own dogs, and vote.
Karen E. Zoppa
Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group Inc.
Details Published: 12 May 2016 Last Updated: 12 May 2016 Hits: 1442 Weekend Don't forget that our garage sale is this weekend at 559 McAdam, May 14th and 15th from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Details Published: 10 May 2016 Last Updated: 10 May 2016 Hits: 1399 May 01 2016 Clean-up What a great day for our clean-up. Thanks to everybody we have a wonderful looking park!

Details Published: 03 May 2016 Last Updated: 03 May 2016 Hits: 1377 BTPRSM
Good Afternoon Please see the attached May 2016 Newsletter. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at btprmb@gmail.com Sincerely, Jessica, Rena & Lorraine Executive Committee Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba Email: btprmb@gmail.com Website: www.bostonpugrescuemb.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-of-Southern-Manitoba-BTPRSM/193798940645439
Details Published: 03 May 2016 Last Updated: 03 May 2016 Hits: 1382 Spring Clean-up 2016 Yep, it's that time again. We are hoping to get our spring clean-up in on May 1st at 10:00 starting at the the Clubhouse and working out from there. Please bring a shovel, rubber boots and a great smile and we'll get it done. Bags will be provided at the Clubhouse.
Details Published: 19 April 2016 Last Updated: 19 April 2016 Hits: 1148 Globe and Mail Apr. 14 2016
Ozzie, a French bulldog, plays with Missy, a five-month-old Rottweiler, at High Park in Toronto. Dog owners are advised to keep a close watch – what is safe one moment can turn nasty the next. (Tim Fraser for the Globe and Mail) A DOG’S LIFE Dog park rules: Five ways to make a safer, better experience for your best friend JILL PRIEST Special to The Globe and Mail Published Thursday, Apr. 14, 2016 1:16PM EDT Last updated Friday, Apr. 15, 2016 10:41AM EDT 4 Comments
486 486 0
AA Kim Bailey stamped her feet and blew into her hands, trying to get warm. It was a surprisingly cold and blustery April morning, but her Doberman, Kiba, needed his first run of the day, so she bundled up and headed to her local dog park in Toronto. She watched with interest as a late-model SUV pulled up, witnessed the driver open the back hatch to let his Husky-mix out – off leash – and was shocked to see the man get back in the car. Bailey knew it was impossible for the driver to supervise his dog from the parking lot, so she leashed up Kiba and started heading home. Before leaving, the 42-year-old grandmother and professional nail artist tapped on the window of the SUV, and said, “I know it’s cold, but to be safe, you really should be in the park with your dog.” The driver’s response was loud, swift and indecent.
Bailey’s story is not unique. Dog parks are often overrun with rude pets, ill-informed owners and a misguided belief that “the dogs will work it out.” Ask responsible dog owners for their own “dog park horror story” and you’re sure to get an earful. Off-leash dogs barking in the face of on-leash pets, owners who refuse to keep tabs on their dogs, or worse, who refuse to step in when their pup behaves badly. Many dog owners have stopped going to dog parks altogether, or are careful to attend only during quieter times, avoiding the peak periods before 8:00 a.m., at lunch time and between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
However, the reality is that dog parks are a fixture of life for urban and suburban dogs. When attended by informed, responsible dog owners, they can be a wonderful addition to a dog’s social and mental needs. While the subject of appropriate dog park etiquette could fill a book, these five tips are the best way to help your dog park experience be fun and safe.
Michelle Adams, left, and Ahmet Duman introduce their dog Missy, a five-month-old Rottweiler, to French bulldog Ozzie and his owner Brent Wilkinson at the High Park dog park in Toronto. (Tim Fraser for The Globe and Mail) Watch your dog
Most owners come to the dog park, unleash their pet and immediately turn to their phones or chat with other dog owners. Dog play exists on a continuum, and what is safe and healthy play in one moment can easily turn nasty the next. At a casual glance, those two states don’t look all that different. The only way to catch the shift is by watching your dog at all times, to ensure his safety.
Don’t let your dog be rude to other dogs
As the owner, you are responsible for making sure your dog behaves in a mannerly, appropriate way toward the other dogs in the park. Mounting behaviour (humping) is rude. Step in, pull your dog off, and teach him that mounting is not allowed. Barking excessively? That’s annoying, not only to owners, but also to dogs. Give your pet a short timeout on leash to help him calm down. Learn the PLAYERS index (see sidebar below) to recognize the key signals of stress in dogs, so you can better evaluate the interactions your dog is having. And don’t just watch for stress signals in your own dog – you should also notice when your pup’s playmate isn’t having fun any more, so you can step in and redirect your dog to another friend.
Vivienne Potter introduces her dog Trigger, right, to another dog at the High Park dog park in Toronto. (Tim Fraser for The Globe and Mail) Don’t let your dog be rude to other people
Jumping up on people is rude. So is shoving wet noses into hands, pockets or nether regions. Just because a person owns a dog does not automatically mean that he or she will love your pooch, too – plenty of people are fine with small breeds but scared of big dogs, or get uneasy when there’s a boisterous, overly excited dog nearby. Be aware of your dog’s impact on others – you don’t want to be “That Guy” who can clear a park in a few minutes because your ill-mannered dog is ruining everyone else’s fun.
Keep moving
Dogs like to be near people. If the owners stand in a cluster, it creates a concentrated area of too many dogs in too small a space, which often ends poorly. By walking in a large, slow circle inside the dog park, everything will run more smoothly, fewer fights will break out, and you’ll get some exercise along with your pet.
Obey the law
This one shouldn’t need to be included, but sadly, the behaviour of many dog owners in public places indicates it needs addressing. You are not a special snowflake, exempt from the rules of society. Being able to take our dogs in public places is not a right, and in North America, dog owners are being subjected to increasingly strict laws about pets. Every time a dog owner breaks the law, it moves communities and governments one step closer to eliminating the privileges of dog owners everywhere. So be a responsible owner. Pick up after your dog. Keep your dog on leash, unless you are in a designated off-leash area. Don’t allow your dog to be a noise nuisance or invade the personal space of other people or pets.
Jill Priest is owner of Toronto-based Time and Patience Dog Training. PLAYERS index
Watching your dog is only useful if you know what you’re seeing. Some “common” indicators of stress are unreliable, can be difficult for the average pet owner to read, and are easily misinterpreted. Many dog bite prevention resources provide far too many warning signs – one lists 38 signals. The PLAYERS index has stripped away almost all of the signs that are difficult to determine, and left only the ones that clearly indicate discomfort with a situation.
P is for paw
A dog who is uncertain of a situation, and deciding if he needs to run away, will often lift one paw. This is common with smaller dogs.
L is for licking
Either their lips, or their nether regions. Lip licking says to other dogs, “Hey, I’m a little uncomfortable.” Licking private parts is a displacement behaviour: a way of putting on blinders in an overwhelming situation. It’s why we’ve all seen a dog lie down in the centre of a crowded room, lift his leg and start self-grooming. It’s a coping mechanism for too much stimulus.
A is for away
Either looking or moving away. The dog is giving a clear signal that he would rather not interact right now. Help him out by showing you understand, and giving him a safe way to escape the situation.
Y is for yawn
A long, exaggerated yawn is a dog’s way of saying to other dogs, “I won’t bother you if you don’t bother me. I am not a threat, but I’m also not a pushover, so please don’t stir up any trouble with me.”
E is for eyes
“Whale eye,” where you can see the whites of a dog’s eyes (and often accompanies looking away), or “hard eyes,” where a dog will stare with a hard, focused glare. The dog is now considering whether to take action against the cause of his stress.
R is for rigid
A dog who is getting ready to take action – as in, “fight or flight” – will become very rigid, with stiffened muscles. The dog is getting very close to making a decision that will change his stress levels.
S is for scratching, or still
Scratching, like licking for self-grooming purposes, is also a displacement behaviour. Sometimes, an itch is just an itch, but scratching can mean your dog is feeling overwhelmed. Dogs who suddenly become very still are often at the end of their coping skills, and biting or bolting is a very possible next step.
Details Published: 16 April 2016 |
Storm Still picking up the pieces after the storm.
Details Published: 22 July 2016 Last Updated: 22 July 2016 Hits: 1589 Berries Picking berries is a lot of fun but you don't need to damage the trees to do it people!

Details Published: 20 July 2016 Last Updated: 20 July 2016 Hits: 1638 New Roof
We are getting a new roof for the Club house. Be careful there are nails sticking up on the tarp beside the work area.

Details Published: 28 June 2016 Last Updated: 20 July 2016 Hits: 1626 Bark in the Park BARK IN THE PARK, JULY 19 at Shaw Park! The Winnipeg Goldeyes Baseball Club and the Winnipeg Veterinary Care Group are proud to present "BARK IN THE PARK", where fans are invited to bring their dogs to watch a baseball game! Bark in the Park will include fun dog-themed entertainment, prizes, giveaways and pet-related vendors with lots of treats for furry fans. Tickets are only $14 and include admission for one Adult and one Dog plus a FREE Doggie Treat Bag! A portion of Bark in the Park ticket proceeds will be donated to The Winnipeg Humane Society. Click Here for More Information and Tickets! NOTE: Bark in the Park seats are limited, while quantities last SAVE THE DATE THE WINNIPEG PET SHOW Presented by Winnipeg Veterinary Care Group OCTOBER 15 & 16, 2016 RBC CONVENTION CENTRE
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Details Published: 23 June 2016 Last Updated: 23 June 2016 Hits: 1441 Mosquito Spray The City is spraying the park with a biologic mosquito spray BTI from June 22 - 27 2016. It is supposed to be safe for animals. I still worry about the eating of grass by the dogs. Here is a report on the formula used.
Details Published: 22 June 2016 Last Updated: 22 June 2016 Hits: 1771 Mystery Illness http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2016/05/23/dog-mystery-illness-tick-pkg.kptv/video/playlists/amazing-animal-rescues/
Please take the time to watch this CCN video
Thanks to Greg Marianne and Dalwhinnie Hodges for sending it in.
Details Published: 20 June 2016 Last Updated: 20 June 2016 Hits: 1511 Chief Peguis Trail Extension West Dear stakeholder,
Thank you very much for your interest in providing input into the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard Study.
Join us at a Public Information Session to preview the functional design and learn about the project’s next steps.
Date: Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Location: Red River Community Centre, 293 Murray Avenue
Format: Drop-in
The City of Winnipeg will provide a project update on:
What was heard at past events What was considered in the functional design stage Key decisions that informed the alignment of the route Please see attached Project Update Newsletter for more information.
If you have any questions, please contact 311. For past event details please visit:
Hope to see you there!
They will be displaying the CentrePort connection to Chief Peguis Trail.
Please support your park and get involved.
Details Published: 19 June 2016 Last Updated: 19 June 2016 Hits: 1518 Dead Fox Hi there, I just got to the park and the first thing I find is a young fox dead on a the trail that goes east from the building, right in the middle!! It must of just happened is was not stiff:( I had to phone animal services for pick up. I had to move it and cover it, made me sick to my stomach. Now who is the asshole who let there dog do that and the leave it??? What is wrong with people??

Details Published: 21 May 2016 |
Animal Services Animal Services has shown up at the a couple of times this week. Most recently last night. They are tagging owners of unleashed dogs for $200.00. Beware that the trails are NOT off leash just the open field on the west side of the park.
Details Published: 15 October 2016 Last Updated: 15 October 2016 Hits: 1599 Oct. 02 2016 Blessing What a wonderful turnout for the Blessing. The weather was fantastic. Many thanks to Reverend Woodcroft for making it such a special day.
Details Published: 03 October 2016 Last Updated: 03 October 2016 Hits: 1586 Found We found a set of Chevy car keys out in the Big Field this afternoon. They are hung up at the Lost and Found Box at the Club House.
Details Published: 30 September 2016 Last Updated: 30 September 2016 Hits: 1550 Dog Club The LMP Dog Club is having there membership drive ($5.00) this weekend at the Club house. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 and Sunday 12:00 to 14:00. Come out and a coffee and doughnut.
Details Published: 23 September 2016 Last Updated: 23 September 2016 Hits: 1519 Sept. 14 2016 Fire Pit The LMP grounds crew are putting in a new Fire Pit near the Club House. They were tired of trying to clean up the mess left at the Club House time and time again.

Details Published: 14 September 2016 Last Updated: 14 September 2016 Hits: 1537 Blessing for the Animals 2016 We are having our seventh annual 'Blessing for the Animals' on Oct. 02 2016 at 2:00 PM at the Little Mountain Park Club house. It is a short wonderful service provided by Rev. Geoff Woodcroft. Please come and celebrate our love for the animals.

Details Published: 10 September 2016 Last Updated: 10 September 2016 Hits: 1606 Bat House We have two new Bat Houses in the park. This will help with the Mosquitoes I hope! Thanks to everybody who made this happen.
Details Published: 09 September 2016 Last Updated: 09 September 2016 Hits: 1582 Recycle Bins RECYCLE EVERYWHERE BLUE BINS are now at the 3 Parking Lots of Little Mountain Park! Hoorah! Please - recycle your plastic water, pop, and juice containers in the Blue Bins!! We have a volunteer committee to service this bins.

Details Published: 24 August 2016 |
Garbage With the removal of the garbage cans the bags are starting to build up! I have written the Parks people but no answer as of yet. Kristie and the Dog Club have written as well. A letter to the Mayors office will be going out tonight.

Details Published: 17 November 2016 Last Updated: 17 November 2016 Hits: 1425 Up-date A porcupine was found dead on the road the next day.
Details Published: 17 November 2016 Last Updated: 17 November 2016 Hits: 1547 Nov. 16 2016 Our wonderful City has removed the garbage bins from the Big field and on the trails. There is going to be one hell of a mess come spring time. Please e-mail or phone the City 311 line and voice your concerns.
Details Published: 17 November 2016 Last Updated: 17 November 2016 Hits: 1350 Porcupine Facebook
Looks like we might have a porcupine around the park somewhere. Rogue found some quills out in the Big Field. The upper level bark will be chewed as a indication of where to look. They have been in the park before.
Details Published: 13 November 2016 Last Updated: 13 November 2016 Hits: 1483 Halloween 2016 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-wiccans-perform-ancient-ritual-to-mark-the-end-of-harvest-1.3828637
Details Published: 31 October 2016 Last Updated: 31 October 2016 Hits: 1510 New Sign Have a new sign put up in the parking lot.

Details Published: 19 October 2016 Last Updated: 19 October 2016 Hits: 1383 Upsetting News Oct. 16 2016 I received some very upsetting news today. Somebody dumped two moose heads into the quarry area. I'm not sure if they were in the quarry or not. I have left a message with the Parks people to investigate further. So stay tuned on that.
Details Published: 16 October 2016 Last Updated: 16 October 2016 Hits: 1597 Six Pines We had a great time at Six Pines tonight. Maybe next year we can get more people out!

Details Published: 16 October 2016 |
Christmas 2016 All the best from your friends at Little Mountain Park. Have a safe and wonderful Christmas and we can look forward to the New Year of 2017. Hopefully our storm that has been predicted misses us tomorrow.
Details Published: 24 December 2016 Last Updated: 28 December 2016 Hits: 967 Buckthorn Removal A note from our naturalist services department,
“Just wanted to let you know that we are planning to do some removal of an invasive shrub, European Buckthorn, from Little Mountain Park today. This will involve cutting down the shrubs and then treating the cut stumps with Glyphosate. We will mostly be using hand saws/loppers , but may use a chainsaw as well for a few of the larger plants. This work will not be noticeable once complete, but there may be some concerned park users when they see us working there so I wanted to let you all know!
Details Published: 05 December 2016 Last Updated: 05 December 2016 Hits: 1421 Dec. 05 2016 Winnipeg Free Press Local Parks left out in the cold Department squeezed by green space that's expanding and a budget that's not By: Aldo Santin Posted: 12/5/2016 3:00 AM | Comments: 0 Tweet 0 Post 0 Reddit 0 ShareThis 0 Print Email 0 Winnipeg’s city parks division expects to spend another year struggling without an increase to its operating budget.
Parks manager Dave Domke said his division won’t get an increase in 2017.
"In 2016, the budget was $38 million and in 2017, it’s $37.9 million — relatively flat overall," Domke told councillors on the protection, community services and parks committee that reviewed his division’s proposed budget for the coming year.
'Parks are crucial to the quality of life of our city. It is so short-sighted for the city to underfund and cut our parks. Parks are infrastructure, too'-- Coun. Russ Wyatt (above left) The parks budget has been essentially unchanged for three years.
In September, the committee endorsed Domke’s proposal for another $2.8 million in the 2017 operating budget and forwarded it to the budget process for consideration. As in previous years, it wasn’t approved.
The spending handcuffs placed on the parks division is startling. While there is a planned 3.8 per cent increase in total department spending from 2016 to 2017, none of that is allocated to parks.
In contrast, the increase to the police budget is 2.6 per cent (1.3 per cent adjusted); the fire paramedic service budget is going up 4.7 per cent; public works, 6.7 per cent; water and waste, 6.2 per cent; community services, 3.1 per cent.
"Parks are crucial to the quality of life of our city," said Coun. Russ Wyatt, one of the four councillors who reviewed the division’s budget Friday. "It is so short-sighted for the city to underfund and cut our parks. Parks are infrastructure, too."
An attempt by Wyatt (Transcona) and Coun. Ross Eadie (Mynarski) to increase the parks budget $700,000 annually for the next four years — to cut grass on boulevards — was blocked by Couns. Mike Pagtakhan (Point Douglas) and John Orlikow (River Heights-Fort Garry).
Domke said he’s had to juggle priorities to stay within budget. The division is planning cuts to athletic field maintenance ($150,000), park pathway maintenance ($80,000), park planning ($256,000), tree planting ($36,000) and playground management ($257,000).
There will be additional spending in park grass maintenance ($134,000), park amenity maintenance ($254,000) and weed control ($42,000).
The problem facing the parks division isn’t new. In September, Domke told councillors requests for additional funds have been repeatedly rejected. His division lost 10 full-time staff from 2010 to 2015. The budget book shows there’s been another drop of 20 staff since 2015.
Suburban growth added 250 acres of new park space from 2010 to 2015, but his department doesn’t have the budget or the resources to touch a blade of grass in those areas. Domke said it would cost another $1.2 million for maintenance in the suburbs. There’s no money for that in the 2017 budget.
Coun. Janice Lukes complained to the committee Friday that the division is unable to maintain open spaces and boulevards in her south Winnipeg ward, demanding that the city needs to take a new approach to park maintenance.
Lukes said homeowners in her ward are paying property taxes that are three to five times higher than that charged to homeowners in other areas, yet they receive no parks services and few other civic services.
"The present model isn’t working," she said.
Domke did offer the committee some unexpected news. Capital spending for the department is set for $9.3 million in 2017, up from $8.3 million this year.
aldo.santin@freepress.mb.ca Read more by Aldo Santin. Details Published: 05 December 2016 Last Updated: 05 December 2016 Hits: 1057 Nov. 30 2016 The garbage cans are back on the trails.Thanks to everybody that made contact with our City about this. Also, trenching is going on on the West side. The west parking lot is cut off.

Details Published: 30 November 2016 |