Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 



LMPCG 2023

Public Hearing Jan. 05 2023

Starting at 5:00 PM



Fire Jan. 30 2023

Goldenrod is located north of Lmp. I also noted that at some point the RM renamed the Municipal quarry to Lake Babu? Then they filled it up???

Lake Babu

So the north Municiple Quarry is now called Lake Babu. I have asked for more information from the RM of Rosser about this.

Lake Babu, Farmer Rd, Stony Mountain, MB R0C 3A0

Water trearment plant


R.M. of Rosser Hearing


Good morning,


As the applicant has indicated that they are amending their applications, the hearing(s) you registered for will be opened today but will not be heard by the IPSPA until the amended application(s) have been received and circulated. As the application(s) will not be discussed tonight, there is no need to attend the hearing(s). Once the amended application(s) have been received, you will be notified of the continued hearing(s). If you would still like to attend tonight’s hearing(s) you may attend in person or request a link to attend virtually.


Thank you,





CentrePort Planning Unit

Department of Municipal Relations

604-800 Portage Av | Winnipeg, MB  R3G 0N4

Winnipeg Free Press Mar. 16 2023 Rail

Lighting Hearing

March 27 2023 Traffic Lights Farmers Road/Jefferson and Route 90

We are still on track for installing them this year. Winnipeg City Council approved the cost sharing agreement between the City and the RM last week.

Montreal Pledge

Time Sensitive: Your immediate attention is requested.
Montreal Pledge – Cities United in action for Biodiversity
Last month, OURS-Winnipeg wrote about the Montreal Pledge motion at the City Council Meeting on
March 23, 2023. The motion was forwarded to the Water Waste and Environment (WWE) Committee
April 11 the motion was posted on the WWE Agenda for a vote next Monday April 17, giving an urgent
deadline to respond to.
Submissions from the public to support the motion must be posted to the City website no later than this
Friday April 14 at NOON.
The Committee needs to hear from the public to be encouraged to go ahead with this historical and
game changing motion.
Steps to making a submission to a city committee -
To Speak or submit comments to the WWE City Meeting use the form at the link below.
1. Identify the Meeting:
April 17, 2023 Standing Policy Committee on Water, Waste and Environment Special Meeting Agenda
2. Identify the Agenda Item:
The Montreal Pledge – Cities United in Action for Biodiversity
3. Begin your submission with:
This submission is in support of Winnipeg becoming a signatory to the Montreal Pledge for cities united
in action for biodiversity
4. To help with your response
If you already sent a letter to the Mayor and Councillors we thank you very much. It can be repurposed
by adding the three points above and submitted to the link. If you didn’t write a letter now is your
chance to make your voice heard in support of the motion.
Sample content ideas
? Freely use the sample template letter
? Go to OURS-Winnipeg for info and
? Montreal Pledge - Lists 15 practical actions for biodiversity. Are there one, two or more that
resonate with you/your group?
? What you would like to let the City WWE committee know
? What you and/or your group are already doing to support nature/biodiversity,

? you would like to see happen,
? your concerns,
? Why is it important to you, to future generations

A brief submission will make a difference.
If the Montreal Pledge Motion doesn’t pass at this committee there won’t be another chance
for a long time.
Winnipeg is lacking in its ability to protect biodiversity and time is running out.
Thank you for your support!

Help preserve Winnipeg's urban nature areas! As a valued member of your community,
we invite you to support Winnipeg becoming a signatory to the Montreal Pledge - Cities
United in Action for Biodiversity. By making a submission to the City of Winnipeg
committee for Water, Waste, and Environment no later than April 14, 2023 at NOON,
you can play a vital role in protecting our local biodiversity.
As a service club, animal welfare group, student group, daycare, camera club,
gardening or flower group, faith group, neighbourhood, environmental group you
understand the importance of preserving our natural spaces for future generations. Your
submission will demonstrate your commitment to a greener, more biodiverse, and
climate-resilient city. Need help with your submission? Visit our website at https://ours- for a sample template and practical actions
for biodiversity listed in the Montreal Pledge.
Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference! Your support is crucial in halting and
reversing the loss of biodiversity in our city. Act now and let your voice be heard. Thank
you for your dedication to preserving our urban nature areas and creating a better future
for all. Submit your letter to the City of Winnipeg committee today and be part of this
historic and game-changing motion. Together, we can make a positive impact on our

communities biodiversity!


Sky Garden

Please take time to fill out the survey for Portage and Main


May 01 2023


Read about new Winnipeg Director of Property Planning and Development canada/manitoba/hazel-borys- planning-director-1.6823130
The WFP article says she will be starting at the end of July.
https://www.winnipegfreepress. com/breakingnews/2023/04/27/ urban-expert-staying-out-of- portage-and-main-fray-as-new- city-planning-property- development-director
and the link in the article below to the green toolkit.

Speech May 05 2023

The Rotary Club gave the OURS-Winnipeg group and myself  a chance to speak about different issues.


May 27 2023

https://www.winnipegfreepress. com/arts-and-life/life/ greenpage/2023/05/26/about- half-of-canadas-environment- ministers-skip-meeting-on- biodiversity-loss
https://www.winnipegfreepress. com/this-just-in/planning- underway-for-perimeter- interchange-at-st-annes-road

Meeting at the Leg. with Mark Wasyliw the NDP environment critic on May 19 2023 with theOURS group as well.


What We Owe Our Trees | The New Yorker magazine/2023/05/29/what-we- owe-our-trees


City Golf Course Fiasco Sequence of Events 2012 - 2013

City not selling golf courses | CBC News
City not selling golf courses
CBC News · Posted: Jun 29, 2012 11:17 AM CDT | Last Updated: June 29, 2012
The city of Winnipeg has finally released its report into what it's going to do with city-
owned golf courses.
First, nothing will change for this golf season, and the city doesn't plan to sell any of
these courses at this point.
But it will now start negotiating with private groups that may wish to manage the
Kildonan, Windsor Park, Crescent Drive and Harbour View golf courses.
Coun. Scott Fielding, chair of the city's finance committee, said 76 responses were
received and close to half offered to manage the courses, rather than take them over
"And we really want to focus in on stopping the bleeding on some of our existing
courses. Really, our priority is to fix the troubled courses and stop the bleeding and we
think this could be done through the operations and the private operators," he said.
The report and its recommendations will go before the alternate service delivery
committee at a July 6 meeting.

This City sure has no respect for nature. There is only a path along part of the Sturgeon creek in the middle of the development. Truro Creek is also mentioned.
April 19, 2021 Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development Regular Meeting Agenda DMIS/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=20865& SectionId=&InitUrl=
Item 9 Airport West Residential 
Background Material p 349
Explains what happens to Sturgeon Creek in the development
To minimize waterfowl activity near the airport the CentrePort Winnipeg land drainage systems
would incorporate dry bottom linear stormwater retention basins (SRB’s). To minimize
construction costs, the alignment of the dry bottom SRB systems must consider varying shallow
depths to till and bedrock in the CentrePort area.
The residential area straddles Sturgeon Creek. All residential lands would drain to dry bottom
linear storm retention basins which would discharge to Sturgeon Creek by at least 2 outfalls. The
outfall servicing the west sector of the development could discharge to the creek east of the
Summit Road bridge, while the outfall for the east sector could discharge south of
Saskatchewan Avenue. These locations would be beneficial to the drainage system hydraulics. It
is envisioned that generally the west sector of the industrial lands north and west of CentrePort
Canada Way (CCW) would also drain to Sturgeon Creek, possibly with an independent or
common outfall within the east sector residential area, while the industrial area east of CCW
would drain to the Truro Creek system.
Sturgeon Creek provides a deep channel which is beneficial to land drainage system hydraulics
during normal flow levels. However, under high flow conditions there is a capacity deficiency at
downstream road and rail crossings, which results in high water levels in the CentrePort drainage
area. The primary crossing constraint is the Saskatchewan Avenue road crossing, planned for
replacement in the next few years, and the adjacent CPR rail crossing. These two constraints
should be improved before significant development occurs. Even so, periods of creek high
water levels would require flood protection measures including outfall gates and pumping
fl s:\1168\active\116809381\0500_ reports\servicing_ infrastructure\rpt_cenport_ aawsp_res_amen_serv_20160302_ rev.docx 4


June 05 2023

Evan Duncan meeting at City Hall. The O.U.R.S. Winnipeg group presented our concerns for green space.


June 07 2023

Attended a enviromental meeting with the OURS group put on by Councillors Rollins and Mayes at the Holiday Inn South.


Poop bag holders

Looking into purchasing a few of these for the park.

Montreal Pledge

OURS-Winnipeg Supporters,


Winnipeg City Council voted 15 – 1 this month in favour of signing the “Montreal Pledge – Cities United in Action for Biodiversity”. This is a big deal!


Thank you so much to everyone who sent letters and helped support this motion.


Read the 15 actions you can now expect your City and Council to support to protect and increase nature in your communities.  (List at bottom of email).


We expect to be able to report on the date for the official signing of the Montreal Pledge in our next email.


The pledge is based on the COP15 Global Biodiversity Framework’s 4 goals and 23 actions and agreed to by almost every country in the world. The aim is to halt and reverse the loss of biodiversity. decisions/cop-15/cop-15-dec- 04-en.pdf


Biodiversity and climate change and how we care for the land are inextricably linked.


Fall Provincial Election

In the upcoming election there is an opportunity to raise the profile of climate change. Check out the non-partisan campaign called Consider Climate, Manitoba and order a lawn sign! 


Support CPAWS campaign to increase protected areas.  COP15 calls for 30 per cent of the world’s land and water to be protected by 2030. manitobans-need-to-call-on- political-parties-and- candidates-in-the-upcoming- provincial-election-to-commit- to-developing-an-action-plan- that-will-protect-30-of- manitobas-lands-and-waters-by- 20/


15 Actions of the Montreal Pledge articles/montreal-pledge-call- cop15-launched-to-worlds- cities-39529


Reduce Threats to Biodiversity

1.      Integrate biodiversity into territorial and regulatory planning

2.      Restore and rehabilitate ecosystems and their connectivity

3.      Conserve existing natural environments through protected areas and other effective and equitable measures

4.      Ensure the conservation and recovery of vulnerable species both wild and domestic, and effectively manage their interactions with humans

5.      Control or eradicate alien species to eliminate or reduce their impacts

6.      Reduce pollution from all sources to levels that do not adversely affect biodiversity, ecosystems functions or human health

7.      Aim to eliminate plastic waste

8.      Aim to reduce pesticide use by at least two-thirds

9.      Contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation measures through ecosystem-based approaches


Share the Benefits of Biodiversity           

10.  Aim to ensure that urban agriculture, aquaculture and forestry zones are accessible, sustainably managed and contribute to food security

11.  Prioritize nature based solutions to protect against extreme weather events and hazards and to regulate air and water quality

12.  Increase the amount of green and blue spaces


Solutions, Governance, Management and Education

13.  Integrate biodiversity into governance frameworks and public policies, and increase financial resources allocated to its conservation and sustainable use

14.  Through citizen education and participation, help ensure that people and businesses are encouraged to make responsible choices toward biodiversity and have the resources and knowledge to do so.

15.  Ensure the equitable and effective participation of Indigenous peoples and local communities in decision-making and in the process of knowledge acquisition and transmission


 Please feel free to share this email with others who may be interested.


Pam Lucenkiw / Dave Green

Co-chairs, OURS-Winnipeg

https://ours-winnipeg.weebly. com


Recent Media:

A Vote for Biodiversity, Winnipeg Free Press July 18 2023

https://www.winnipegfreepress. com/opinion/analysis/2023/07/ 18/a-vote-for-biodiversity? fbclid= IwAR1Kg2QPPoYcJTTCGndtGwYbgnr5 yRP9C0Yo2XgoR95BGYIDcy-qBl_ r2OY

Rail park development

News Release - Manitoba
$1.5-Million Grant for Manitoba Habitat and Heritage Corporation to Preserve Green Space: Klein

The Manitoba government is providing a grant of $1.5 million to the Manitoba Habitat and Heritage Corporation (MHHC) to help preserve natural infrastructure in the Winnipeg area, Environment and Climate Minister Kevin Klein announced today.

“This new Manitoba government funding will support the protection of our precious forests, green spaces and natural environment now, and for future generations,” said Klein. “Converting spaces into conservation areas or parks shows our government’s commitment to enhancing community well-being and preserving natural assets and infrastructure for the long-term environmental sustainability of our great province.”

The funding will be used to preserve natural habitat in the Winnipeg area and build on the Manitoba government’s decades of successful partnership with MHHC to advance conservation objectives across Manitoba, the minister noted. This includes the Manitoba government’s investment of $204 million in the GROW and Conservation trusts, administered by MHHC.

A one-time, $1.5-million grant will be provided to MHHC as part of an initiative to acquire privately owned land with unique natural ecosystems and habitats in the Winnipeg area to ensure green spaces are preserved for generations to come. MHHC works in partnership with landowners and the Manitoba government to maintain and enhance natural spaces for the benefit of all Manitobans.

“Through this support, MHHC will be able to build on more than 30 years of conservation work across rural Manitoba, and have a meaningful conservation impact right here in our capital city,” said Stephen Carlyle, chief executive officer, MHHC. “Natural areas within the urban landscape provide amazing spaces for communities to gather and recharge in a natural setting, as well as protect important wildlife corridors. Initiatives and funding like this puts the MHHC vision, ‘Manitoba Landscapes – Alive with people and nature,’ into action.”

For more information on the MHHC, visit


Climate Change and Environment Forum 2023
Digital amplification toolkit

Link to event page
Posts for Social Media
Facebook (link to graphic)

The Event was well attended last night.

Article on CBC website about lat night’s forum


 Sept. 14 2023 Values for a Liveable City

Not the show last night but a lead into it. Still trying to find newscast.

Up To Speed with Faith Fundal | Live Radio

CBC › listen › 1-111-up-to-speed › clip


The University of Manitoba's Centre for Professional and Applied Ethics is hosting a public forum on what are considered “Values for a Liveable City.” Panelist ...


Is anyone interested in this workshop on Sept 14 evening?
More info

Thursday, September 14
Values for a Liveable City: Priorities
A panel discussion on the priorities of our city, followed by an open-floor question period to
table your question for the Mayor!
About this event
If we aspire to achieve a truly liveable city, a broad vision is essential. Potholed streets
are a problem, for sure, but our state-of-the-streets debate should also extend to rapid
transit, cycle paths, and pedestrian-friendly neighbourhoods. The reduction of crime
requires not only a debate about “how many cops do we need on the beat” but
thoughtful policies on urban planning, poverty reduction, homelessness, racism, and
unemployment. The promise to freeze or lower taxes is likely achievable but only by
sacrificing our schools, parks and community clubs, cultural institutions, and public art.
Achieving a decent society will require that we pay attention to such fundamental values
as sustainability, inclusivity, fairness, equity, and social justice
Values for a Liveable City brings together politicians, policymakers, city builders, and
community leaders - who have thought carefully about community priorities. They will
share their ideas with us and we can share our ideas with them at this Public Forum.
We need serious public discussion of the problems facing our community and the

priorities that should guide the council as they grapple with the task of shaping our
collective future.
Date and time
Thu, Sep 14, 2023, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDT
Tom Hendry Warehouse Theatre
140 Rupert Avenue Winnipeg, MB R3B 0T9
Hosted by Author Shaffer
-Store Front Manitoba
-Winnipeg Design Festival
-Ethics Center
-Video online/ CBC Radio recording
-8 Minutes each to speak
-Great Cities
-Livable/ Sustainable
-1- For Whom?
-Prosperity/ economically – balanced
- Quality of Life
- Housing /food/transportation/healthcare
1-first speaker
-Bar Code
-Housing The 99% -book
-Rising construction costs
- Affordable housing
-U of M
-planners vs. planning
-Why Bother?
-Anti-Kenaston Blvd. widening and Chief Peguis Trail expansion
-Downtown empty
-streets are places
3-Negan Sinclair
-the future of Manitoba
-new vision/old vision

Scott Gillingham
-Housing shortage
-15% infill
-Housing Accelerator fund
-Centre plan 2050
-downtown one of 5 priorities
-Graham Ave.
-downtown recovery plan
-Planning is politics
-Green Space master plan
-grow parkland
-strike a balance
Comments/Question period


DJ Green

Lloyd Johnson


Sept. 18 2023

A lot of development is planned for the Northwest.
I hope the well being of the creeks and new parkland and connecting corridors are being considered.

Building up the
north side
Mixed-use commercial,
residential project adds to
development on
McPhillips near Perimeter

Free Press Sept. 21 2023 Pg. B4

Also CBC

20,000 residents 60,000 daily population


https://www.childrenandnature. org/
 Has a section on Resources 

Rosser zoning Oct. 18 th 2023 at 6:00, 400-330 Portage Ave.

RCMP launches criminal investigation into Doug Ford’s Greenbelt land swap
The RCMP has launched a criminal investigation into Premier Doug Ford’s $8.28-billion Greenbelt land swap scandal.Read in Toronto Star: AuvgyRv61SwOSAdNAOWf3FQ

Public Hearing Nov. 15 2023 starting at 5:00 PM


Nov. 01 2023 Winnipeg Plane 20-50 open house


There is an opportunity to attend an open house for the Winnipeg Metro Region’s Plan 20-50 review:

https://winnipegmetroregion. ca/public-notices/plan20-50- public-consultation-public- open-houses/

There is some discussion about natural areas, but not a lot of protection there of.


Nov. 03 2023

Hi All

Concerning news today re Mayor's Infill Plan and zoning changes and will impact development along river corridors.  Shows disregard for greenspace and climate change.

Winnipeg Free Press November 2, 2023 Mayor pushes for zoning changes to secure millions in federal housing dollars breakingnews/2023/11/02/mayor- pushes-for-zoning-changes-to- secure-millions-in-federal- housing-dollars
Request will include

legalizing the construction of up to four housing units on a single lot “as-of-right” city-wide;
legalizing buildings of up to four-storeys “as-of-right” at any site within 800 metres of frequent transit corridors;
ensuring that new mid-rise housing targeted for mall sites and commercial corridors is allowed “as-of-right.”

CBC November 2 2023 Winnipeg Mayor wants fewer hoops for high density development manitoba/winnipeg-mayor- zoning-by-law-changes-1. 7017147

·         "I don't think we just need to roll over for the federal government," St. Vital Coun. Brian Mayes said in an interview.

·         "I think this is really just giving pretty broad rights to developers and ignoring the public."

While we wait for the Master Plan for Greenspace the City is forging ahead with infill, while sorely lacking in anything to protect urban greenery or the spaces it might occupy. It will also remove public hearings and the right to appeal decisions.

The city is not prepared for a massive zoning change.  

The city needs higher standards for energy efficiency homes for the future. The city does not have a tree bylaw or urban forestry strategy

There needs to be guidelines to provide additional greenspace around high density development, much more than 8 - 10% along river corridors, not removing forests as there are almost none left and they are needed for flood proofing and biodiversity, not building on flood plains and river corridors as they are needed for flood proofing.

Need a neighbourhood tree and green corridor plan so as not to create urban heat islands and have planned shade corridors where people can walk.

I agree with Brian Mayes comments above.

There is a lot of news related to the environment lately. In case you didn't see these articles...
They are all posted on as well

Winnipeg Free Press November 6 2023 Looming development of urban Lemay forest sparks preservation drive C. Chambers will request public service work with other levels of government, including the provincial and federal governments and Manitoba Métis Federation, to see if land can be purchased for parkland.

Winnipeg Free Press November 4 2023 Meet Manitoba's new Environment Minister Tracy Schmidt

Winnipeg Free Press November 4 2023 From the Pulpit to Politics - Mayor Scott Gillingham Interview one year after being sworn in

Global News November 2 2023 Potential Lemay forest development escalates fear, 'panic' in St. Norbert: residents

CJOB November 1 2023 Lemay Forest development threat Councillor mentions city looking at options to maintain the forest or to find a land swap and also recognizes fasted growing sector of the population is seniors and they need housing.

Winnipeg Free Press November 2, 2023 Mayor pushes for zoning changes to secure millions in federal housing dollars
Request will include
legalizing the construction of up to four housing units on a single lot “as-of-right” city-wide;
legalizing buildings of up to four-storeys “as-of-right” at any site within 800 metres of frequent transit corridors;
ensuring that new mid-rise housing targeted for mall sites and commercial corridors is allowed “as-of-right.”
There will be no public hearings for citizens to appeal decisions.

CBC November 2 2023 Winnipeg Mayor wants fewer hoops for high density development
"I don't think we just need to roll over for the federal government," St. Vital Coun. Brian Mayes said in an interview.
"I think this is really just giving pretty broad rights to developers and ignoring the public."

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video CJOB News Story November 1 2023

Perimeter Highway enguagement and Lemay Forest


From: +WPG139 - Inland Port Special Planning Authority <>
Date: November 16, 2023 at 11:37:43 AM CST
Subject: IPSPA Zoning By-law Amendment 2-23 and Subdivision Application - Notice of IPSPA Recommendation and objection period


IPSPA Zoning By-law Amendment  (By-law No. 2-23) and Subdivision Application (File No. 4172-23-8304)

Please be advised the Inland Port Special Planning Authority’s recommendation has been sent to the Minister. Per Section 13(2)(b) of the Special Planning Areas Regulation 49/2016, any person who made a representation at the public hearing on October 18, 2023 may file an objection with stated reasons to the Minister, care of Community Planning. Please send any objections to Objections must be filed by no later than November 30, 2023.

Thank you,


Hi Everyone
There is a lot of news related to the environment lately. In case you didn't see these articles...
They are all posted on as well

Winnipeg Free Press November 6 2023 Looming development of urban Lemay forest sparks preservation drive C. Chambers will request public service work with other levels of government, including the provincial and federal governments and Manitoba Métis Federation, to see if land can be purchased for parkland.

Winnipeg Free Press November 4 2023 Meet Manitoba's new Environment Minister Tracy Schmidt

Winnipeg Free Press November 4 2023 From the Pulpit to Politics - Mayor Scott Gillingham Interview one year after being sworn in

Global News November 2 2023 Potential Lemay forest development escalates fear, 'panic' in St. Norbert: residents

CJOB November 1 2023 Lemay Forest development threat Councillor mentions city looking at options to maintain the forest or to find a land swap and also recognizes fasted growing sector of the population is seniors and they need housing.

Winnipeg Free Press November 2, 2023 Mayor pushes for zoning changes to secure millions in federal housing dollars
Request will include
legalizing the construction of up to four housing units on a single lot “as-of-right” city-wide;
legalizing buildings of up to four-storeys “as-of-right” at any site within 800 metres of frequent transit corridors;
ensuring that new mid-rise housing targeted for mall sites and commercial corridors is allowed “as-of-right.”
There will be no public hearings for citizens to appeal decisions.

CBC November 2 2023 Winnipeg Mayor wants fewer hoops for high density development
"I don't think we just need to roll over for the federal government," St. Vital Coun. Brian Mayes said in an interview.
"I think this is really just giving pretty broad rights to developers and ignoring the public."

Attachments area
Preview YouTube video CJOB News Story November 1 2023

Nov. 20 2023

Community Services - 2023 11 20

6. Establishment of a Green Space Corridor North of Inkster Boulevard
Appendix 3 - Master Green Space and Natural Corridors Plan By-law Project Sheet
Nov. 20 meeting times
-1 Dave Green - 32:38 -55:24
-2Lloyd Johnson -55:25-1:15:57
-3Dave Domkie -3:03:09-3:20:43

Winnipeg Free Press December 6 2023 Mother Nature pulls the economic cart opinion/analysis/2023/12/06/ mother-nature-pulls-the- economic-cart  Marianne Cerilli   "Please, ensure full environment and health impact assessments on economic projects, and ensure public budgets have mechanisms, like full cost accounting and genuine progress indicators, that recognize the ecology as the foundation for life on Earth, and pull the economic cart."

Subject: Media today
Lemay forest Video