Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 



Little Mountain Park Dog Club

Winnipeg Sun 2015/01/12/off-the-leash-dog- owners-want-greater-share-of- little-mountain-park

 Published: 07 August 2018
 Last Updated: 07 August 2018
 Hits: 1603
Howling Mad
Winnipeg Free Press - PRINT EDITION

Dog owners howling mad over poison
Pellets in park to kill rodents
By: Ashley Prest

Posted: 06/11/2014 1:00 AM | Comments: 26 | Last Modified: 10:52 AM | Updates
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Little Mountain Park Dog Club president Kristy Greening puts up a warning sign for dog owners Tuesday. Photo Store
Local dog club members are outraged after a dog ate rodent poison in an off-leash area.

Members of the Little Mountain Park Dog Club (LMPDG) say poison was scattered on the ground in pellet form by workers hired by the city.

Colleen Farnworth pets her dog after a walk in Little Mountain Park Tuesday. (RUTH BONNEVILLE / WINNIPEG FREE PRESS) Photo Store
The city has since suspended the rodent-poisoning operation.

Little Mountain Park is in the extreme northwest of Winnipeg, just north of Inkster Boulevard.

The poison, intended for rodents who have been digging holes, had not been dropped in the holes nor buried with fresh soil, as per city policy.

Most of the holes are dug by Richardson ground squirrels, commonly called gophers.

As a result of a public outcry on Tuesday, the City of Winnipeg stated in an email that "gopher control operations have been suspended" and it is "reviewing operating procedures."

The dog owner, who did not want to be interviewed or identified, posted a message on Monday on local discussion forum Reddit warning dog owners her dog needed a $250 emergency treatment by a veterinarian on Sunday after the dog had eaten "almost a cup worth of the pellets."

"They've been laying poison in the field for a number of years and it's unacceptable. This is the off-leash space where we're supposed to be and it's not safe," said Kristy Greening, the LMPDC president.

She brought her three dogs to the park on Tuesday as she and fellow club member James Dooks posted homemade signs to warn park users about the rodent poison.

"The dog that ate the poison was on leash at the time and the poison was just lying in the field," Greening said. "The poison was supposed to go a certain distance into the ground. Obviously, that didn't happen. Somebody maybe got lazy with how they were laying it. We don't know what happened and we're waiting to hear back from the city."

The city declined to make anyone available to the Free Press for an interview but a spokeswoman wrote in an email that the poison pellets were applied to the area by "a professional pest control company" to eradicate gopher/Richardson ground squirrel infestations and that the treatment in various parks has been done for decades.

The poster indicated the product her dog ingested was a restricted-use rodenticide that is an anticoagulant that causes the rodent to die after prolonged internal bleeding. A small warning sign that was said to be at the park over the weekend near one of the parking lots was no longer there on Tuesday.

"The vet estimated the dog ate about a cup worth of the poison. It was a little 40-pound lab cross so I would think that would be enough to kill a dog of that size," Greening said. "It causes internal bleeding and it can be a slow and painful death. It's just a horrible way for any creature to die."

Dooks said there was no advance notice of the poison application and no proper warning signage.

"I saw one little eight-by-10 sign last Thursday, which is now gone, and it wasn't even really clear what it meant. It was written in kind of law wording," he said.

"We've never seen signs up telling us there's poison around here. And the holes are definitely not filled in."

The city's statement indicated the contracted pest control company was responsible for public notification.

"In regards to the incident at Little Mountain Park, following an investigation, we have determined there were deficiencies. The City is following up with the contractor and reviewing operating procedures. Gopher control operations have been suspended and City staff have been sent out to monitor parks where the contractor was working," the city's statement read.

Greening said she was told by city staff her concerns were passed on to the division manager of parks and open spaces but that it could take two days for him to get back to Greening because he is in meetings.

"We might be well into next week before we hear back from anyone with a very busy weekend this weekend (Father's Day on Sunday), so if that poison is still there it's not acceptable," Greening said. "Yes, there's holes and it's a bit of nuisance but it's not worth poisoning them. We want to know what are some other options."

Kelcy Beirnes said she uses Little Mountain Park with her three dogs at least three times per week and thought her dogs were safe there.

"What's wrong with the city that they go out into nature and try to destroy it? They're putting out poison that could kill your animal here in this dog park where dogs come to," Beirnes said.

Colleen Farnworth said the issue goes beyond dogs.

"My sister-in-law told me someone she knows was here with kids last weekend. If a dog can pick it up, a child certainly can," Farnworth said.

Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition June 11, 2014 B4

Updated on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 10:52 AM CDT: Clarifies the dog was not seriously ill and adds links to Reddit.
 Published: 11 June 2014
 Last Updated: 11 June 2014
 Hits: 3397
CTV report
Residents frustrated by state of park

Meghan Roberts on a park that’s outside of Winnipeg city limits, but is still owned by the city and residents upset with the condition of it.

 Published: 30 May 2014
 Last Updated: 19 June 2014
 Hits: 3271
Discussing LMP
Canstar Community News - ONLINE EDITION

Discussing Little Mountain Park
By: Andrea Geary

Posted: 3:00 PM | Comments: 0
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Little Mountain Pet Owners Association members James Dooks and Kristy Greening enjoyed a March afternoon with their dogs at Little Mountain Park. Photo Store
Local dog owners and other regular users of Little Mountain Park are invited to discuss ways to improve the park at a meeting set up by Coun. Brian Mayes (St. Vital).

The meeting is scheduled on Thurs., May 29 at 7 p.m. in the Sir William Stephenson Library (765 Keewatin St.).

Situated within the RM of Rosser, the 160-acre park is located on Farmer Avenue just off Route 90, and is owned by the City of Winnipeg. Mayes calls it "an orphan" as it’s not part of any Winnipeg ward.

In his role as chair of the Mayor’s Environment Advisory Council, Mayes realized that no other councillor was taking responsibility for the park, meaning it hasn’t been receiving funding through any councillor’s ward budget, so he decided to step in. Mayes said, from his point-of-view, the purpose of the meeting is to get budget ideas from the park’s users.

He used Maple Grove Park, an off-the-lease dog park in south St. Vital and within his ward, as an example of how the relationship between pet owners and the City normally works. Mayes said the park’s dog owners group has requested and received municipal grants for improvements in the past. However, Little Mountain Park users haven’t been able to follow the same process.

"There’s nowhere for them to go because there’s no ward councillor," Mayes said.

He said discussion at the meeting will be focused on project ideas, and isn’t a chance to do any long-term planning for Little Mountain Park, because the city has already conducted this type of exercise for all its parks.

One of Little Mountain Park Dog Club’s founders, Kristy Greening, welcomes the chance to meet with Mayes and talk about improvements.

"Without having a councillor, it’s been extremely tough dealing with the city, having to call 311," she said.

Lloyd Johnson has used the park for dog walking since the mid-1990s and maintains the Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association’s website

His main goal is to ensure the park is protected from development.

"I guess my biggest hope is to protect our valuable green space. We have such precious little of it," he wrote in an email message.

CentrePort Canada vice-president of marketing and communications Riva Harrison said the organization was asked to provide a statement, to be presented at the meeting, confirming that CentrePort’s land use plan protects Little Mountain Park as green space.

"We support the park continuing to be protected as such," Harrison said. "We recognize that amenities like Little Mountain Park are important to the community."

The RM of Rosser was also invited to send a representative to the meeting.
 Published: 23 May 2014
 Last Updated: 30 May 2014
 Hits: 3451
The Headliner
Canstar Community News - ONLINE EDITION

Little Mountain Park more than a place for dogs
By: Andrea Geary

Posted: 11:27 AM | Comments: 0
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Kristy Greening, one of the Little Mountain Park Dog Club founders, enjoys a late winter’s afternoon at the park with her dogs Kaleah and Kobe. Photo Store
There’s 160 acres of unspoiled, city-owned wooded land located within the 
Perimeter, but to say it’s a Winnipeg park isn’t quite right.

Sound confusing? It is, and many people still don’t know much about Little Mountain Park, which lies above Winnipeg’s northwest corner on Farmer Avenue, just off Route 90.
Founded as a civic park in 1965, the land once contained two operating limestone quarries, remnants of which can still be seen by visitors.

James Dooks and Kristy Greening, Little Mountain Park Dog Club founders, give their dogs some exercise as they play fetch at the park on Farmer Avenue. (JORDAN THOMPSON) Photo Store
Part of the confusion arises from the fact that the park is owned by the City of Winnipeg, but lies outside its boundaries, within the RM of Rosser.

Winnipeg councillor Brian Mayes (St. Vital) calls the park "an orphan", but he could be said to be stepping in as its foster parent by making Little Mountain Park’s future the topic of an upcoming public meeting.

"I’m trying to get ideas about what it needs," Mayes said.

In his role as chair of the Mayor’s Environment Advisory Council, Mayes realized no other councillor was taking responsibility for the park. This means it hasn’t been receiving funding through any councillor’s ward budget.

However, that doesn’t mean the park’s been forgotten. In fact, it’s a favourite destination for dog owners and their pets who use the trails winding through aspen woods as a year-round recreational destination.

One of Little Mountain Park Dog Club’s founders, Kristy Greening, and her family, including two labs and a shepherd cross, live close to the park in the Garden Grove neighbourhood. She said they use it every day as an off-the-leash area.

"You can walk for miles with your dog," she said. "There are hundreds who use it every single day."

She said the trees provide shelter from winter’s cold winds.

While Little Mountain Sportsplex and The Players Course are recreational businesses located next to the park, Little Mountain Park itself just contains barbecue pits, picnic tables and washrooms that are open for part of the year.

Greening said the Dog Club was recently formed to provide a voice for the dog owners who want to preserve their off-the-leash space. They plan on attending the public meeting, which Mayes said will be held in late May.

Lloyd Johnson, who has used the park for dog walking since the mid-1990s, said he’ll try to get the word out about the public meeting through his Little Mountain Park Pet Owners association website at

Greening mentioned a rumour that CentrePort Canada might want to run a highway through or close to the park, and Johnson said a roadway is shown on maps put out by CentrePort.

Riva Harrison, CentrePort’s executive director of communications and marketing, said she was aware there is talk of a road being constructed to meet CentrePort Canada Way if Chief Peguis Trail is extended westward along Jefferson. However, at this time, there’s no truth to the rumour.

"Since day one, the park has been protected as green space on our land use plan," she said.

Mayes said the meeting’s date and location will be made public.

"We will have a report back to the mayor and get it into the budget," he said.
Twitter: @CanstarHeadline
 Published: 31 March 2014
 Last Updated: 31 March 2014
 Hits: 3428
New Leash On Life
Winnipeg dog park gets new leash on life
St. Vital coun. takes Little Mountain Park under his wing
By Leslie McLaren, CBC News Posted: Mar 20, 2014 4:00 AM CT Last Updated: Mar 20, 2014 5:23 AM CT

St. Vital Coun. Brian Mayes said as chair of the Mayor's Environmental Advisory Committee he will hold public consultations on what users of Little Mountain Park in the northwest corner of the city want to see in the park's future. (Leslie McLaren/CBC )
Dog owners worried about their beloved park in the northwest corner of Winnipeg were pleasantly surprised to hear that a councillor from the south side of the city has thrown them a nice, juicy bone.

Dog owners fear losing park to economic development

St. Vital Coun. Brian Mayes, who chairs the Mayor's Environmental Advisory Committee, said he will hold public consultations to hear from Little Mountain Park users about what they'd like to see in the future for the park.

The park is an 'orphan,' owned by the city but surrounded by the Rural Municipality of Rosser. It doesn't belong to any city ward and so no councillor is responsible for it.

Mayes said he's heard the concerns about the park's future, and has found a way to help.

Councillors worry about development at Little Mountain Park
"Somebody has to go to bat for it," he said. "I fight for St. Vital Park, Jenny Gerbasi fights for Crescent [Drive Park], [Justin] Swandel fights for King's Park. Everybody has parks that they help fund and nobody's helping to fund this one because it's not in their ward. So we've got to get some suggestions from the public... on what we should be doing there."

Mayes said a public meeting could be held in late May, perhaps at a local school. He said between advertising it and holding it, it will probably cost a couple thousand dollars, paid for by the mayor's environmental advisory committee budget.

The pledge comes after concerns from park users that Little Mountain would disappear, whether by intention or by disuse, as industrial development in and around CentrePort grows.

Will new inland port rid Rosser of its green space?


Mayes said the park's usage is in fact, likely to increase, as new residential development in the northwest quadrant of the city is built.

"This isn't the time to be talking about selling it or turning it into a roadway or something," he said. "This is the time to be looking at [how] residential areas are moving out toward this park. CentrePort doesn't need it, doesn't want it. They say, 'Leave it as green space,' So ok, let's leave it as greenspace and talk about what would be useful for the park."

Developer says Little Mountain important
The developer of Waterford Green, a new residential community going up in the northwest corner of the city, said Little Mountain Park's continued survival is important for the thousands of new residents who will call that part of Winnipeg home.

Project Manager Dave Palubeski said even though green space is built right into the new community, larger parks still play an important role, even as the area grows as an industrial hub.

"Little Mountain Park and other parks, for example La Barriere Park in the RM of Richot, provide a different type of recreation experience," he said. "It's more of a regional kind of attraction as opposed to a neighbourhood attraction. I think Little Mountain ... will be important as CentrePort develops and as new residential development grows ... to serve that employment area. It'll become a focus for the families and people that live in the new neighbourhoods that are being created."

Palubeski said the residents of 600 homes are expected to move in this summer. It's the first phase of a 1,100 unit development.

Dog club bumps up membership drive
Dog owners, among the most vocal of the park's advocates, are thrilled.

Kristy Greening, one of the founders of the Little Mountain Park Dog Club, said having no councillor responsible for the park has made it a challenge to get anyone at city hall to pay attention to their concerns.

And while she was surprised to hear of Mayes' promise of public consulations on the park's future, Greening said Mayes has championed the cause since the beginning.

"Brian Mayes, who really has nothing to do with this end of the city, stepped up and agreed to help us," she said. "He's been a strong advocate and supporter since before we even founded the club. He's been fantastic to work with."

Greening said the club will bump up a planned membership drive to spread the word about the public consultations so as many people attend as possible.

She said talk of the park's future gives her hope that the city may be turning a corner in how it approaches dog owners and their green spaces, after the loss of space in Transcona for example and the impending extension of the William R. Clement Parkway which will wipe out a dog park in Charleswood.

New dog park mulled for St. James neighbourhood
"It absolutely does," she said. "It gives me confidence. This is exactly what we want to see. The city is growing. There's more dogs. You can't take your dogs to very many places at all, so we rely on our dogs parks throughout the city. And we need more, for sure."

Coun. Mayes said preserving green space is not just about dog owners.

"It's not just dog parks," he said. "One of the guys on the committee last night said, 'Hey, I played touch football there. I know this park. Yeah, this is great. We should be protecting this park.'"
 Published: 21 March 2014
 Last Updated: 21 March 2014
 Hits: 3887

Little Mountain Park Dog Club
Little Mountain Park Dog Club has officially adopted the Little Mountain Park. As adoptees we will act as an enhanced support system between the Park and the City. The very young relationship has already proven to have great value to the Park and it's users. Going forward if you have any concerns/questions you are more than welcome to bring them to us either via the Clubs page or in person, we will do our very best to assist you in every way we can. It is unnecessary to sit on hold with 311 when we can make a quick call for you 

 Published: 11 December 2013
 Last Updated: 11 December 2013
 Hits: 3177
Garbage Cans
I received a return phone call today from the north area park technician. He has agreed to return the garbage bins to the trails if we empty them and bring them to the front. Once there are multiple bags to collect I put a call in, and he will send a guy to collect the bags and take them to the dump. As I said yesterday, it's a small group of men that have been emptying them for years, the only difference is that we are now responsible for taking them to the front, the City does not want the bags collecting at the bins and sitting there for a good chunk of the year.

I'm not quite sure what the plan is for getting the bags to the front, any suggestions would be great. Also, if you are willing to help out this Winter please message me, it doesn't have to be an every day thing but anything you can do would be greatly appreciated. I believe that the guys that have been doing it for so many years deserve a break! I'd also like to take the opportunity to say Thank You to Lloyd, Jim and Ron for doing this out of the goodness of their hearts for so many years. Thank you from all of us 

Keeping the park clean and free of dog waste is a never ending problem, but there is no reason for that. Just pick up after your dog/s. It's really very simple, your dog poops? Pick it up. I do however understand that there are times when people happen to genuinely miss it. If you get to talking to someone and have your back turned it's just that simple. I feel it's ok to politely tell the dog owner that their dog happened to do his/her business, point it out for them so they can go ahead and pick it up. I know I would appreciate being told. The other thing is, if you are picking up after your dog and there is another poop close to it, please pick it up. Even with my fairly big dogs there is always room for another one. If we all picked up one extra poop can you imagine what a difference it would make?

Now more than ever we need to be taking care of LMP. There is a real threat to our favorite dog park, and if there is nothing else we can do but to keep it clean and give ourselves a good name by doing so, I'd say it's worth any little effort. Let's make Little Mountain Park the cleanest dog park in the City! 


 Published: 12 November 2013
 Last Updated: 12 November 2013
 Hits: 3475
Garbage Cans
I had a long conversation with the North Area park technician, he is the one that we have been dealing with in regards to becoming park stewards. I might not have liked what he had to say, but he was still very willing to hear our concerns and willing to come up with a solution that satisfies both parties.

He was very aware that the garbages had been removed. I'm told the staff were directed to remove them because the resources are not there to maintain and empty them throughout the winter. This clearly is not acceptable, Little Mountain Park is a functioning park ALL year round. It's true that there are no City staff there beyond May-October, but that certainly doesn't mean that the park closes for the remainder of the year. Dog-parkers make up the vast majority of park users and have for a very long time, this is especially true in the winter months.

Though the City made efforts to irregularly empty the garbages the past couple of years, prior to that it was a small and dedicated group of dogparkers that were doing all the work to keep the park clean. These men emptied all the park garbages, they would empty the garbages and put the bags beside the garbages, once spring hit the City would come along and take the bags to the dump. I think that's a more than fair system, I don't think this happens at Assiniboine Park!

I can't tell you how many times I had to express how necessary it is that we have garbage cans. When I told him I was on my way to the park and had bins in my truck that I planned to disburse as a temporary solution, he strongly advised me not to go ahead with that, he stated that they would be taken away. My response? Fix it then!

After a long conversation I told him I needed a solution, I suggested that we continue to do what had been done for years, we empty them ourselves. My request was very simple, take the garbage bins out of the compound and put them back on the trails so that we can continue to be self-sufficient as a group. We are not making an unreasonable request, not at all! Give us garbage cans so we can keep the park clean, sounds like a pretty sweet deal for them, if you ask me!

By the end of the conversation I agreed to hold off on putting temporary bins out, if he would do his part to get the cans back on the trails. He does agree that we need a system and has agreed to come up with a plan, he asked for a day or two to sort things out. If I don't hear back from him tomorrow, I will call him back on Tuesday and will share the response with everyone.

If nothing else, I hope after all this we can work together to keep the park clean. Please, please, please clean up after your dogs, not doing so can really come back to bite us and I can't stress this enough, so please do your part!

If you have any concerns please send me a message through the fb page.



 Published: 12 November 2013
 Last Updated: 12 November 2013
 Hits: 3077
Garbage Cans
While doing our daily walk today we noticed that the very few garbages left in the trails were now completely eliminated. There are NO garbages left on the trails. This is obviously unacceptable. As a Club we recently applied to be park stewards, a large duty as park stewards is to keep the park clean as well as do bi-annual park cleanups. There are certain tools we need in order to be able to work together to maintain a clean park, garbages is one of those things. I have left a message for someone who I believe will be able to resolve the issue. Once I speak to him I will update everyone in regards to the resolution. In the meantime, I will be bringing a few bins that will act as garbage cans. Please continue to do you part and pick up after your dog/s. We have a beautiful park and we all need to work together to keep it clean 

 Published: 12 November 2013
 Last Updated: 12 November 2013
 Hits: 3096

Hi To everybody. We have our own Dog Club now! Thanks to Kristie and Jordan who incorporated us. So we are now a legal entity.

We have a face book page as well now.

Dog owners fear losing park to economic development
Little Mountain Park an 'orphan,' has no voice at Winnipeg's city hall
By Leslie McLaren, CBC News
 Posted: May 27, 2013 5:56 AM CT
 Last Updated: May 27, 2013 5:30 PM CT
 Read 18comments18
Winnipeg dog owners fear losing park to development
External Links
CentrePort Canada
Shindico's Brookside Business Park website
(Note:CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external links.)
Kristy Greening says the red flags about Little Mountain Park's future went up last summer, when new signage appeared showing an off-leash area smaller than dog owners thought they had.

"So we started to do some research and we came across CentrePort's plan to take Chief Peguis Trail right through the off-leash section, which would eliminate the park as we know it," she said.

Construction projects virtually surround Little Mountain Park, located inside an area slated for industrial development. (CBC)Terry Brown said industrial development surrounds the park as it is.

"Construction from Klimpke Road, there's no longer access from Inkster," he said.

"There's all kinds of construction going on to the east of us, with the heavy trucks and the big warehouses there. I think that there's plans to redo Jefferson Avenue. I'm seriously concerned about the future of the park."

Greening and others have put together a petition, asking the city to save Little Mountain. She said about 1,000 people signed it within two weeks.

But while the park belongs to the city, it's not actually located in Winnipeg. It's in the Rural Municipality of Rosser. Since it's not in a city ward, it has no councillor.

Greening said the group asked for help from the councillor in the closest city ward, Devi Sharma of Old Kildonan, but they were turned down flat.

"We were told that we should call 311," Greening said.

Sharma told CBC News she has no record of that call.

Park is an 'orphan'
Greening said the group then turned to St. Vital Coun. Brian Mayes through a personal connection.

Mayes said he doesn't blame the group for being concerned that the park has no defender at city hall.

"This is kind of an orphan that's out there that doesn't get maybe the same attention as other parks," said Mayes, who took the petition to the city's infrastructure committee.

'CentrePort's plan … would eliminate the park as we know it.'—Kristy Greening
Mayes said right now, there are no plans on the books to extend the Chief Peguis Trail past Route 90.

But a map on CentrePort's website shows the northwest corner of the park will be trimmed when the extension is built.

CentrePort spokesperson Riva Harrison said right now, development is planned around the existing green space.

Greening said roads and other infrastructure for CentrePort are being built much more quickly than people expected, and the park has lost space recently to private development on the east side.

In fact, a map on the website of Shindico, a commercial real estate developer, shows the Chief Peguis Trail extension will actually cut right through the park.

Mayes said the park should be assigned to a councillor who can go to bat for it.

"It wouldn't be assigned presumably to me, and so my budget doesn't get spread a little thinner," he said.

"But I do think … it should be assigned to some councillor just to make sure that things get dealt with there."

Sharma told CBC News she wants to help and is urging the group to call her.

Greening said a membership drive is planned for next month at Little Mountain to show the city the depth of local support for the park.

"I don't know that the city realizes how many people are out using this park every single day," she said. "We just want a say in the future."

In this CentrePort map, the proposed Chief Peguis Trail extension is shown cutting into the northwest corner of Little Mountain Park. (CentrePort)
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Dog Club
The board members of Little Mountain Park Dog Club (LMPDC) were daily users of the park. We formed in 2012 and incorporated in 2013 in response to a threat to the park when plans were released showing that an extension to Chief Peguis Trail was going to bisect the park and eliminate the official off leash space. This was planned in order to benefit the growing Centreport inland port project being promoted by the provincial government. Learning that we could only be recognized and interact with the City (as owners of the land) by incorporating, we did so and worked to establish links with city council members and city employees.

For seven years, we worked directly and also as founding members of the Winnipeg Network of Dog Owner Groups (WINDOG). The planned route for Chief Peguis was modified to preserve the park and raised the possibility of increasing the footprint of the park in time. Winter garbage removal, City trail clearing, and improved Richardson ground squirrel remediation all became part of the efforts to improve the park for dog walkers. Through WINDOG efforts were made to elevate the status of dog walking as a desirable activity to be promoted and spaces preserved and increased.

As happens in life, the members of the board have found themselves with other commitments and obligations and club activities could no longer be prioritized. Fortunately, there is another group with similar goals that continues. Having two groups was sometimes counter-productive and it became clear that the park does not require two advocacy groups.

As a non-profit, we are required upon dissolution to disburse the clubs assets to a like-minded organization. We have selected Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group. They have agreed to accept the funds accumulated through fund raising for park use, and the event canopy will be donated to WINDOG.

We treasure the park and the fantastic experience we’ve had through club activities and we wish the current organization much success.