Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 




LMPPOA 2020                

Dog Club
The board members of Little Mountain Park Dog Club (LMPDC) were daily users of the park. We formed in 2012 and incorporated in 2013 in response to a threat to the park when plans were released showing that an extension to Chief Peguis Trail was going to bisect the park and eliminate the official off leash space. This was planned in order to benefit the growing Centreport inland port project being promoted by the provincial government. Learning that we could only be recognized and interact with the City (as owners of the land) by incorporating, we did so and worked to establish links with city council members and city employees.

For seven years, we worked directly and also as founding members of the Winnipeg Network of Dog Owner Groups (WINDOG). The planned route for Chief Peguis was modified to preserve the park and raised the possibility of increasing the footprint of the park in time. Winter garbage removal, City trail clearing, and improved Richardson ground squirrel remediation all became part of the efforts to improve the park for dog walkers. Through WINDOG efforts were made to elevate the status of dog walking as a desirable activity to be promoted and spaces preserved and increased.

As happens in life, the members of the board have found themselves with other commitments and obligations and club activities could no longer be prioritized. Fortunately, there is another group with similar goals that continues. Having two groups was sometimes counter-productive and it became clear that the park does not require two advocacy groups.

As a non-profit, we are required upon dissolution to disburse the clubs assets to a like-minded organization. We have selected Little Mountain Park Conservancy Group. They have agreed to accept the funds accumulated through fund raising for park use, and the event canopy will be donated to WINDOG.

We treasure the park and the fantastic experience we’ve had through club activities and we wish the current organization much success.


 Published: 30 January 2020
 Last Updated: 30 January 2020
 Hits: 561
Jan. 06 2020 Sunset
All the dogs had a wonderful walk and what a great sunset there was tonight!

 Published: 07 January 2020

May 01 2020 Fish remains
Hi all. I heard today the there were fish remains left in the ditch along Klimpkie rd. I've got a hold of 311 and the parks people about this. Please keep away till it's dealt with.

Up-date - The City took care of the mess.

 Published: 01 May 2020
 Last Updated: 05 May 2020
 Hits: 226
Apr. 30 2020 Bins
The City came today and did a major clean up of the garbage bins and replaced the removed ones. I took a few more pictures of the Crocus's growing wild at the park.

 Published: 01 May 2020
 Last Updated: 01 May 2020
 Hits: 262
Barley and Morris
Here is Barley and Moe drawn by Winnipeg artist Lisa Whitehouse.

Lisa Whitehouse

P: 204-996-8245

 Published: 22 April 2020
 Last Updated: 22 April 2020
 Hits: 255
Rules Apr. 11 2020
Hi all, I asked City Council about the social distancing rules and our park. The response was ...

People will be required to maintain social distance and will not be able to gather in groups of more than 10. That will also apply in dog parks and in places like Little Mountain.


Felicia Wiltshire
Director, Customer Service & Communications
Customer Service & Communications
City of Winnipeg

 Published: 11 April 2020
 Last Updated: 11 April 2020
 Hits: 286
In General
With everything going on around us please be mindful of peoples space. It's great to chat with everyone at the park and have a good play with the pups. That's what I've always loved about LMP, the sense of community spirit. We are seeing a lot more non dog people so be respectful and not let your WET dogs jump on them.

Keep a positive attitude and we'll get through it!

 Published: 24 March 2020
 Last Updated: 24 March 2020
 Hits: 296
Mar. 04 2020 Icicles
Watch the icicles that have formed on the clubhouse over hang. Hopefully they bathrooms will be finished soon.

 Published: 07 March 2020
 Last Updated: 07 March 2020
 Hits: 382
Feb. 16 2020
Cat up-date. Animal Services has removed the cat from the tree this afternoon. There were tattoo markings in it's ear so the owners can be traced.

 Published: 17 February 2020
 Last Updated: 17 February 2020
 Hits: 484
Feb. 15 2020
Hi all. I have an upsetting discovery to report. There is a body of a dead cat in the trees along the tree line benches in the Big Field. Light brown in colour. There is vet tape on the paw. Might have dropped there by an owl some of the body is missing (sorry, gross I know). I'll let the City know. Please keep away from it.

 Published: 16 February 2020

June 01 2020 Hope Garden
Hi all. I've added a Lavender bush and some Petunias to the Hope Garden this morning to go with the wild flowers. Please feel free to add more.

 Published: 01 June 2020
 Last Updated: 01 June 2020
 Hits: 225
May 28 2020
What a difference from yesterday! I thought about breaking out my heavy jacket again! Transplanted a Virginia Creeper along the Golf Course fence today. I have permission from the parks people and Players to do so. Also, the Ornamental Crab tree is in full bloom in front of the Clubhouse.

 Published: 28 May 2020
 Last Updated: 29 May 2020
 Hits: 187
Garden May 25 2020
I planted some wild flower mix seeds at the front of the garden this morning. Please feel free at add in. Many thanks to the City for tilling the garden. The grass was overwhelming. 


 Published: 25 May 2020
 Last Updated: 25 May 2020
 Hits: 180
Garden May 22 2020
I put a request into the City to have the front garden tilled to try and get rid of the quake grass out of it. Today the crew was at it. So lets get some plants in there if you have any you wish to transplant. Water hardy would be best like Day Lilly's etc. 


 Published: 22 May 2020
 Last Updated: 22 May 2020
 Hits: 168
May 17 2020 Park Clean-up
What a fantastic turn out we had today for our park clean-up day. Thanks to everyone who helped out. Many thanks to Irene who manned the table and help keep people informed. There are still some crocus's blooming in the quarry. Also a large group of turtles and ducks enjoying the day.

 Published: 17 May 2020
 Last Updated: 17 May 2020
 Hits: 233
We had a wonderful celebration at the park. Irene , Aman, Ray and myself all have May birthdays.


 Published: 17 May 2020
 Last Updated: 17 May 2020
 Hits: 189
May 08 2020
Hi all. I have to report an ugly incident that happened at the park this morning. Two yahoo's were riding there mini bikes on the trails. I challenged them on it which led to a lot of yelling ( I apologize for the language) and one took a couple of swings at me but didn't connect. The younger one was native in appearance and the older one was white with a lot of tattoo's and missing a lot of teeth. No plates on the bikes but they were red. They took off down the east side trial. There were lot's of witnesses. I have connected the head of parks and the RM. the R.C.M.P. did a drive through the parking lot. I wonder if somebody had called them?

Sorry for that.

Up-date May 09 2020

Hi there. I just heard that those two a-holes were back again in the park this afternoon. This time someone took pictures of them. I’ve made a report yesterday to the R.C.M.P. in Stonewall. Somebody is going to get seriously hurt! They must live close by because they are riding there.
 Published: 09 May 2020
 Last Updated: 09 May 2020
 Hits: 262
Park Clean up
Park Clean-up Sunday May 17th 10:00 am to whenever


Hi all. I was thinking that it's time to run our park clean up day again. The weather has been unpredictable and with the Covid-19 restrictions I haven't been able to create the event earlier. If you would like to join in, garbage bags and water will be supplied. All that is required is a shovel. rubber boots, gloves and a good attitude. Start at the club house and fan out from there, The west parking lot requires a lot of work. Remember to keep the social distancing in mind. Stay as long as you like every little bit helps. See you there.
Check back for any updates just in case we get rained out!

 Published: 06 May 2020

Thank You
Thank you to everyone for all your well wishes and get betters. Thank you for the wonderful card and putting green, what a fantastic thought. I'm on the mend after my surgery and will be back at the park soon.

Cheers, Lloyd

 Published: 04 July 2020
 Last Updated: 04 July 2020
 Hits: 169
June 20 2020
Looks nasty out there so batten down the hatches!

 Published: 20 June 2020
 Last Updated: 20 June 2020
 Hits: 173
June 17 2020
Good day for a swim with all your friends.

 Published: 18 June 2020
 Last Updated: 18 June 2020
 Hits: 175
June 14 2020 Garden
Garden is looking great. Please help by watering the plants. They get pretty roasted in the hot sun.

 Published: 14 June 2020
 Last Updated: 15 June 2020
 Hits: 180
June 10 2020 Discovery
Hi there. I made a really interesting discovery today on one of the trails. A bullet, lead with three rings around it. I'll see what sort of information I can dig up about it.


 Published: 11 June 2020
 Last Updated: 11 June 2020
 Hits: 228
June 10 2020 Garden
Thanks to Darlene for adding in more plants to the garden . A very warm thank you to Kanahda Garden Products Ltd for donating the flowers. Also thanks to Peter for planting the vines along the small field fence, (notice the helpers).

 Published: 11 June 2020
 Last Updated: 11 June 2020
 Hits: 202
June 10 2020 City of Winnipeg
The following is some info we came across in the Agenda for the Protection, Community Services and Parks. There are three agenda items (5, 6, & 7) related to parks, trees and greenspace  which may be of interest to you and Little Mountain Park Group as reference material.
The meeting at City Hall is tomorrow June 10  It can be viewed live or just read the reports
Agenda item #5 Winnipeg Tree Canopy
Agenda item # 6 List of parks and natural areas to be protected. 

It is anticipated this report and recommendations will pass on June 10.
The province makes the final decision as to what to include for protection.
There is some good language in the documents about protecting natural areas and alignment with city planning documents and climate action plan. (too bad the acres of protected areas weren't provided). 


"Pathway to Canada Target 1" is referenced in the parks preservation document. It is found at "One with Nature: A Renewed Approach to Land and Freshwater Conservation" A Report of Canada’s Federal, Provincial and Territorial Departments Responsible for Parks, Protected Areas, Conservation, Wildlife and Biodiversity

Jointly developed by federal, provincial and territorial governments.


A useful reference for all the groups looking at protecting greenspace and corridors in and around the city. 


Agenda item #7 re agreement with Tree Canada for the million tree challenge. 

 Published: 11 June 2020
 Last Updated: 11 June 2020
 Hits: 193
June 03 2020
Lori's cousin (and mine), Wendy , has added some more flowers to our garden today. That is fantastic! Thanks ever so much for that. Now we just need some rain.

 Published: 03 June 2020

Aug. 05 2020
Had a wonderful even out at Winnipeg Beach. Ice Cream, a swim and a good walk down the Boardwalk. If you are planning on going please remember that the dog beach area (south of the water tower) is on leash but the water is off leash. Last year fines were being handed out. To many incidents of uncontrolled dogs and owners.

 Published: 07 August 2020
 Last Updated: 08 August 2020
 Hits: 139
Fireworks July 30 2020
Somebody set off a mess of fireworks in front of the clubhouse. People aren't going to be happy until the whole place goes up in flames! I have contacted the parks department about this. Let's try and get it cleaned up.

 Published: 01 August 2020
 Last Updated: 01 August 2020
 Hits: 152
July 29 2020
Please check out the survey at .

 Published: 30 July 2020
 Last Updated: 30 July 2020
 Hits: 150
City Of Winnipeg July 27 2020
YtsSgnienslterccdsay ooauttgpooSnsSotred 1n1l:ui05 eAM · 
Winnipeg is creating a new set of plans and strategies for where and how our city will grow. Do you agree? Discuss and share your thoughts at:

 Published: 27 July 2020
 Last Updated: 27 July 2020
 Hits: 161
O.U.R.'s Group July 27 2020
Hi Green Space Supporters,


OURS-Winnipeg wishes all of you a safe and healthy journey through the COVID-19 pandemic.


We know and understand the stress this pandemic has caused.


One observation that stands out is the significant increase in the number of people visiting parks and natural green spaces.


Green Space matters more than ever and is an important element in providing opportunities to relieve stress during this pandemic.


OURS-Winnipeg announces a Green Space ALERT regarding a new threat to Winnipeg's green spaces.


The Transformative Fund proposal passed in the City of Winnipeg 2020 Budget poses this same threat.


Re-purposing up to 30% of municipal golf courses, as proposed by the Transformative Fund, will be the most serious attack on Winnipeg's green spaces since the 2011 sale proposal by Mayor Sam Katz.


A Transformative Fund was approved in the 2020 Winnipeg City Budget.


$200,000 was approved to hire a consultant and report back to Council in the fall of 2020.


The City’s plan for a Transformative Fund includes repurposing of up to 30% of city golf lands. 


The Transformative Fund and Repurposing Golf Lands proposal allows for:

acquiring funding from the sale of golf lands
residential development on golf lands
repurposing up to 30% of all golf lands 
proceeds of the fund to reduce City’s infrastructure deficit 
“reinvestment” of capital assets (golf land) into services and deficit reduction 
Further details are provided in the OURS attachment to this email.





Ron Mazur

Pam Lucenkiw


Co-Chairs, OURS-Winnipeg


Twitter @OURS_Winnipeg


 Published: 27 July 2020
 Last Updated: 27 July 2020
 Hits: 149
June 21 2020
Hi all. I had a report that a couple of dogs took sick in the Big Field at the park. The person was concerned about the spraying going on and whether it was effecting the dogs. I have had no other reports of any sickness happening. Please be aware that the spraying is going on this week and stay away if you are worried.

 Published: 22 July 2020
 Last Updated: 22 July 2020
 Hits: 154
The Hope garden is looking great. Thanks to everyone who keep make it this way.


 Published: 20 July 2020
 Last Updated: 20 July 2020
 Hits: 145
July 20 - 24th the City will be doing aerial spraying for mosquitoes using BTI between 5AM - 9AM. It is harmless to the environment and safe for dogs and humans.

 Published: 20 July 2020

The bathrooms look fantastic. However the people that did the trenching deposited the larger rocks in the undergrowth east of the clubhouse. They chewed up the bushes in the process. I have let the City know what has happened.

 Published: 25 August 2020
 Last Updated: 25 August 2020
 Hits: 162
Aug. 21 2020 Bathroom
Looks like the renovations to the bathrooms in the clubhouse are almost done. They did a great job on it. The outside tap has been removed and replaced with a locked cover.


 Published: 22 August 2020
 Last Updated: 22 August 2020
 Hits: 132
The trench has been covered over and the area just needs to be cleaned up. I saw the workmen connected the water inside the clubhouse. Power should be done this weekend.


 Published: 16 August 2020
 Last Updated: 16 August 2020
 Hits: 134
Aug. 15 2020
Made a real interesting find on one of the trails, a railway spike. Maybe it was from the spur line that connected the quarries to the main line.


 Published: 16 August 2020
 Last Updated: 02 September 2020
 Hits: 130
Clubhouse Water Supply Aug. 13 2020
Hi Lloyd,


We are connecting to the main water service for Rosser, which is potable.  The renovated washroom area of the building will have also have a drinking water fountain facing into the common area of the building as you enter.  There will not be an exterior tap for public access.




 Published: 13 August 2020
 Last Updated: 13 August 2020
 Hits: 137
Aug. 12 2020
Trench is dug from the road to the clubhouse.


 Published: 12 August 2020
 Last Updated: 12 August 2020
 Hits: 133
Water Aug. 11 2020
The City Has finally got going on connecting the water supply to the clubhouse. They should be done the excavation in two days, (so they say).

 Published: 11 August 2020
 Last Updated: 11 August 2020
 Hits: 179
So after how long we have been waiting for the bathrooms to be finished the Parks people have told me that it will be completed in September. Just in time to shut it down for winter. Well done City!! Other parks at least get port-o-potties. Oh well what can you do.

 Published: 08 August 2020

Sept. 26 2020
I found a square nail today on our walk. Goes with the rail way spike and bullet I found earlier this year.



 Published: 27 September 2020
 Last Updated: 27 September 2020
 Hits: 149
Blessing For The Animals Oct. 4th 2020

Cancelled this year.


Sunday, October 4th we had planned a visit with you for St. Francis of Assissi's Day, the Blessing of the Animals.
It seems, as of Monday, the province's pandemic response system will be elevated to "code orange.'  This
will limit gatherings inside and outside to 10 people.  Consequently, we will not be able to come this year.
We will, however, include you, your friends and those lovely dogs in our prayers next Sunday.
Take care and keep safe.


Hi all, come and join us in our annual Blessing For the Animals event. It is a wonderful little service to celebrate the animals that fill our lives with joy.

Please maintain social distancing and masks might be a good idea.

Where: Little Mountain Park Clubhouse off Farmers Road

When: Sunday Oct. 4th at 2:00 PM

 Published: 21 September 2020
 Last Updated: 27 September 2020
 Hits: 135
Sept. 19 2020 Bonfire
Hi all. This morning I walked into this. Some A. Hole left a bonfire burning for who knows how long . I tried to contain it as best I could and just let it burn itself down. Some day the park is going to go up in flames!


 Published: 19 September 2020
 Last Updated: 19 September 2020
 Hits: 136
Sept. 16 2020
The Debris has been removed from the trenching to the clubhouse. The ground has been chewed up though. Still waiting for the keys to be turned over to the city so the bathrooms can be opened.

From the City "The pictures of the rubble you provided were useful, thank you, and I have been advised the contractor has cleaned that up.  Now, we are just waiting for the keys to be turned over to us, which I expect to happen this week.  Once I receive those and we open the building to the public, I shall send a message to that effect."

 Published: 17 September 2020
 Last Updated: 17 September 2020
 Hits: 124
Bathroom Up-date Sept. 15 2020
Hi all. I received a up-date on the status of the bathrooms being reopened from the City. I also asked about the debris that was left behind from the trenching that was done.

"The pictures of the rubble you provided were useful, thank you, and I have been advised the contractor has cleaned that up.  Now, we are just waiting for the keys to be turned over to us, which I expect to happen this week.  Once I receive those and we open the building to the public, I shall send a message to that effect."


 Published: 15 September 2020
 Last Updated: 15 September 2020
 Hits: 146
Bald Eagle
Vince took this picture of a Bald Eagle at the big Cottonwood tree at the north side of the park. What a fantastic shot of a beautiful bird.


 Published: 05 September 2020
 Last Updated: 05 September 2020
 Hits: 131
Stop Sign
Hi there. Just a quick note for you. There is no stop sign on Farmers road and the new road way, north side. I almost got smacked today by a vehicle going straight across. This is incredible dangerous situation. I have written the RM of Rosser and they will deal with the developer with this. Hopefully quickly!
Quick update. Monday morning there was a stop sign put up.

 Published: 30 August 2020
 Last Updated: 01 September 2020
 Hits: 135
Aug. 25 2020
The well head has been removed and the fences are down around the clubhouse. On a sad note, I found a dead goose on one of the trails. Not sure what happened, maybe a hawk brought it down? Anyways, I altered the park staff and they took care of it.


 Published: 25 August 2020


Parks are for nature, not profit

Hi Pam,

Our provincial parks need your love and attention like never before.

The Manitoba government is looking for ways to privatize and divest from provincial parks at a time when we need them most. This Request for Proposal is asking a consultant to examine 76 Manitoba provincial parks and build a business case for parks while examining privatization and divestment — and building amusement parks.

Parks are not a business model.
Write now to protect our parks!

Divesting, privatizing, monetizing parks is a dereliction of duty from Premier Brian Pallister’s Progressive Conservative government. And hiring a consultant to do it, while axing the staff in Manitoba’s Conservation and Climate Department who know how parks need to be expanded is incredibly insulting and demoralizing.

This is the worst idea I have seen in my 16 years with the Wilderness Committee. In fact, this is the first time since the Manitoba government signed on to an international agreement to protect nature and biodiversity in 1992 that we are actively moving away from that goal.

Our parks have taken care of us during a time of profound need: the COVID-19 pandemic and our physically-distanced summer. And we’ll rely heavily on them next summer too. This is just one of the many benefits of having parks. Parks help the climate, preserve biodiversity, and keep us healthy — all for very little cost or effort. 
Write Now!
Please write a letter right now to protect our parks. Manitobans do not want privatization. We want increased staffing, increased funding, increased services and more parks. This is the future that scientists tell us we need. Let’s not deny parks the care they need. 
For the wild,

 Published: 26 October 2020
 Last Updated: 26 October 2020
 Hits: 120
Oct. 25 2020
Another Sunday morning, another mess to clean up behind the clubhouse. I've asking the city if the table and bench from there could be removed or, failing that, a camera installed at that location. This is getting really upsetting having to clean up all the time and now, no bin at that location.

 Published: 25 October 2020
 Last Updated: 25 October 2020
 Hits: 140
Oct. 23 2020
Hi all. The benches located in front of the clubhouse have been returned all refurbished. Also, we have new picnic tables around and the benches have had soon boards replaced. I was told by the crew that there is an anniversary planned for the park. I don't have any information on that so I've written the parks people about it but no response yet. 

On the down side the garbage cans have been picked up so I am suppling orange bags again and breaking out the LMP Honey Wagon. Please, don't just toss the bags into the bush.

 Published: 24 October 2020
 Last Updated: 24 October 2020
 Hits: 111
Giving Up the Ghost
We had a pod cast done about the park, the hauntings around LMP and my web site back in 2019. I have expressed my desire to do a follow-up interview with them. It was fun to listen to what other people say.
*Editors note, there is foul language expressed through the program so be aware.
The Ghost Town of Little Mountain Park - Giving up the Ghost ... › podcasts › giving-up-the-ghost podcasts/giving-up-the-ghost/ the-ghost-town-of-little- UEaq37IWMR6/ 
 Published: 24 October 2020
 Last Updated: 24 October 2020
 Hits: 113
Oct. 20 2020 Mess
We had a fun filled mess to clean up this morning. A group of a-holes left curried chicken, bones, broken glass and anything you wish to name in the picnic area behind the clubhouse last night. Many thanks to Ruth and Donna who helped clean it up.


 Published: 20 October 2020
 Last Updated: 20 October 2020
 Hits: 119
Oct. 08 2020
Hi all. Farmers road has been opened up again. I made interesting, perhaps scary discovery, a .22 bullet on one of the trails. Also, I've asking the City if they could replace some of the picnic table top boards. They are slowly rotting away and becoming dangerous.

 Published: 09 October 2020
 Last Updated: 21 October 2020
 Hits: 130
I finally got the city to move a bench to the small field so we'll have a place to sit. Still nothing on the bathrooms being open any time soon, except that the city does have the keys turned over to them from the contractor. The parks crew will be packing it up this weekend. The garbage cans will be rounded up once again. I've asked to be involved in the discussion on putting them in better locations for winter pick up but the city has not scene fit to respond to me. Oh well, break out the LMP honey wagon and garbage bags again! Farmers road was still cut off for the gas line installation. The north parking lot is still accessible from the Klimpke side.


 Published: 08 October 2020
 Last Updated: 08 October 2020
 Hits: 124
Blessing For the Animals Cancelled
Sunday, October 4th we had planned a visit with you for St. Francis of Assissi's Day, the Blessing of the Animals.
It seems, as of Monday, the province's pandemic response system will be elevated to "code orange.'  This
will limit gatherings inside and outside to 10 people.  Consequently, we will not be able to come this year.
We will, however, include you, your friends and those lovely dogs in our prayers next Sunday.
Take care and keep safe.
 Published: 27 September 2020

Dec. 30 2020
The Hoar Frost was very pretty on our walk this morning.

 Published: 30 December 2020
 Last Updated: 30 December 2020
 Hits: 73
Dec. 23 2020
The sun dogs were very impressive this morning. The wind was nasty cold!

 Published: 24 December 2020
 Last Updated: 24 December 2020
 Hits: 63
Prayer Ties

 Published: 30 November 2020
 Last Updated: 30 November 2020
 Hits: 102
Nov. 17 2020 Broken Glass
There is broken glass located in the Farmers Road parking lot trail entrance to the clubhouse. More fun and games at the park. I have sent a note to the city about it. 

-Up-date. The City was out cleaning it up this afternoon from what I was told.

 Published: 18 November 2020
 Last Updated: 18 November 2020
 Hits: 124
Nov. 15 2020 Fireworks
Another Sunday morning clean up. Thanks to everyone that helped clean up the fireworks leftovers in the Farmers Road parking lot. The Parks people and RM have been notified about it.

 Published: 16 November 2020
 Last Updated: 16 November 2020
 Hits: 131
Nov. 05 2020
Somebody left a box of dog toys at the clubhouse this morning. Thank you to you ever did that.  I moved it to under the overhang to keep it from getting wet. 

 Published: 05 November 2020
 Last Updated: 05 November 2020
 Hits: 131
Nov. 03 2020
Enjoy the sun shine!

 Published: 04 November 2020
 Last Updated: 04 November 2020
 Hits: 126
Parking Lot
Hi all, from the Parks Dept.

Hi Lloyd,


Parks has made arrangements to regrade the parking lot on the Westside of Little Mountain Park just off of Kilmpke Road on Tuesday November 3rd. I wanted to let you know that so you can inform your group members who may use that parking lot when visiting the park.

 Published: 02 November 2020