Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 



LMPCG 2024

Jan. 07 2024

Subject: From the CBC website this morning canada/manitoba/stnorbert- residents-land-lemay-forest-1. 7076679


Jan. 11 2024 Lemay Forest national-news/amc-asks- winnipeg-mayor-to-stop- development-in-area-of- possible-gravesite-unmarked- graves/


A very odd tidbit with no preamble on global: winnipeg/


Here is the link to the online version of tonight’s news on APTN. It’s the top story. Nicely done too. newscasts/

Here is a longer story on Global:

Jan. 14 2024 Subject: New report on economic impact of parks in USA

Feb. 03 2024

When I first saw the headline I thought it might be Lemay Forest. Still it’s nice to see this. I first saw the headline I thought it might be Lemay Forest. Still it’s nice to see this.

Below is the article about the cottonwoods.

Councillor wants city to branch out, consider protecting trees with historic designation By: Joyanne Pursaga Posted: 6:00 PM CST Monday, Jan. 22, 2024
https://www.winnipegfreepress. com/breakingnews/2024/01/22/ councillor-wants-city-to- branch-out-consider- protecting-trees-with- historic-designation
Riel CC Meeting January 2024 dmis/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=24341& SectionId=&InitUrl=
12. Addition of Cottonwood Groves - Abutting the Seine River Between Fort Gibraltar and the Junction of the Seine and the Red River to List of Historical Resources

Feb. 22 2024

Rosser meeting.

We met with the RM of of Rosser today to voice our concerns about lighting polution, greening Farmers Road and the park expansion proposal. Our concerns were very well recieved.

Damon Farm

Dumping of soil raises fears among opponents of Daman Farm development | CBC News

Trees have been in the news a lot lately.

Recent Media


A.     Urban Forestry Strategy

Winnipeg Free Press February 23 2024 Yes to trees, no to new roads Erna Buffie opinion/analysis/2024/02/23/ yes-to-trees-no-to-new-roads


CBC February 10 2024

Advocates hope budget boost means Winnipeg is turning over a new leaf to address its 'tree deficit' canada/manitoba/winnipeg- trees-spending-2024-budget-1. 7111145


CBC November 20 2024  

CBC Winnipeg November 20 2023 

Plan to increase Winnipeg tree canopy, protect trees on private property moves ahead at city hall  (Duncan) manitoba/winnipeg-urban- forest-strategy-1.7034430 .

Public service was ordered to review the city’s charter to determine how the city government could pursue a bylaw to protect trees on private property.

"There will definitely be some work to be done with the developers, but at the end of the day, we as council and we as Manitoban's can't say that trees are important to us and then have nothing in place to protect them from just being cut down, without any questions asked," (c. Evan Duncan)


C.      Tree Protection, Historic Designation  (Allard)

Winnipeg Free Press January 22 2024

Councillor wants city to branch out, consider protecting trees with historic designation breakingnews/2024/01/22/ councillor-wants-city-to- branch-out-consider- protecting-trees-with- historic-designation
Cottonwoods  were once abundant along the rivers but many have since vanished, increasing the need to preserve the rest.


D.     Tree Fund  (Mayes)

Winnipeg Free Press February 26 2024 

Councillor hoping ‘public tree fund’ idea takes root at city hall 

New motion calls for the city to study adding a potential fee to new homes to support the fund that would cover the cost of trees planted on public land in the same area. breakingnews/2024/02/26/ councillor-hoping-public-tree- fund-idea-takes-root-at-city- hall


Mar.23 2024 

Greetings and good news! – In February, the Mayor and entire City Council voted to support funding of the Comprehensive Urban Forestry Strategy in the 2024–2027 Preliminary Budget. In December, City Council adopted Winnipeg’s first ever Forestry Strategy.

We need to keep the Forestry Strategy top of mind for City Council as the budget can be revised until March 20.

A commitment to funding is needed to grow the forest to protect us from flooding, climate change effects, provide habitat and a host of ecosystem services. The funding to achieve the goals of the strategy cannot be postponed.

Thank you very much to everyone who has already sent a letter of support to the Mayor and Councillors.

We encourage you all to write a letter to show your appreciation to the Mayor and Councillors for approving the Urban Forestry Strategy and supporting its accompanying budget in full. Sending letters is important to keep the funding intact until Council votes on March 20. Between now and the final vote, there are many pressures and revisions to the Preliminary Budget.  The sooner letters are sent, the better.

For editable template letter to send, Councillor email addresses and more:

https://ours-winnipeg.weebly. com/save-our-canopy.html


Schedule of budget meetings in March (with Urban Forestry Strategy on the Agenda) where the public can register to speak or send a submission at dmis/:

1.     Monday, March 11 - Standing Policy Committee on Community Services - budget delegations

2.     Friday, March 15 - Executive Policy Committee - budget delegations

3.     Wednesday, March 20 - Council to consider budget
To register as a delegation to speak in person or on line, or submit written comments for the upcoming Committee meetings, go to online delegation registration form. Additional information at


Winnipeg Comprehensive Urban Forestry Strategy, budget request and accompanying reports are found on City Council Agenda page, December 14, Item 5 near the end of the agenda. DMIS/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=24329& SectionId=&InitUrl=


City of Winnipeg Budget Page governance/budget-finance/ multi-year-budget-2024-2027


The Forestry Strategy is a modest plan with a long term target to increase the tree canopy cover from 17% to 24% by 2065, by planting 17,000 trees per year. The strategy can get only off to a good start if the funding is provided as requested in the Parks Department Recommendations for the Comprehensive Urban Forestry Strategy.  Over the years the target will be challenged by drought years, high heat, development choices, infestations and inconsistent funding.  It will require attention of us all to keep the budget, protection and enhancement of the urban forest on track.


Winnipeg Free Press Community Review West March 20 2024 Breaking with our colonial past Michelle Kading We must adopt city bylaws and best practices that reflect Indigenous world view, and values to better protect the land, water, and biodiversity. UNDRIP, Article 29.

CTV March 19 2024 Batttle over Lemay forest could be heading to court MMF President David Chartrand says if a purchase price can't be reached, he is willing to start legal action of his own to prevent any development, as he has concerns there could be a cemetery there from a former orphanage.

Winnipeg Free Press March 16 2024 Developer accuses city of ‘slow-walking’ contentious Lemay Forest project, threatens lawsuit

Winnipeg Free Press March 16 2024 A radical re-evaluation of how we look at our land Wall Kimmerer offers a surprisingly inclusive view of how traditional values and modern science can intersect, and how humans and the environment can co-exist in mutually beneficial ways.

Winnipeg Free Press Community Review East March 13 2024 We must protect Lake Winnipeg Markus Chambers appointed to Red River Basin Commission. Reduce pollution, promote conservation practices, and increased community engagement, paramount to preserving the ecological balance and long-term viability of these invaluable water resources. Interconnectedness of the Red River and Lake Winnipeg,

Winnipeg Sun March 8 2024 Green fees to golf at city courses to raise this year City-run golf courses were open for 179 days during the 2023 golf season and hosted 107 rounds of golf, a 29% increase from the 2022 golf season.

CBC March 7 2024 Dumping of soil raises fears among opponents of Daman Farm development Residents worry impact development will have on groundwater, surrounding habitat

Lloyd Johnson
Sat, Apr 20, 3:18?PM
to me
Toronto looks to expand tree canopy with planting on private land

Lloyd Johnson
Sat, May 11, 9:10?AM (8 days ago)
to me, Darlene, Brent, Kathryn

May 17 2024

Not exactly about Greenspace but still somehow relevant
(BoJo is Boris Johnson).
Language warning!

Trust for Public Land
The Power of Parks
to Strengthen Community (2024)

Trust for Public Land has released its 2024 ParkScore® report—and one finding is clear: parks have the power to strengthen our communities. This year's report finds that residents of cities with the highest rankings are more socially connected and engaged with their neighbors.
Learn more:

Executive Summary
Americans’ sense of community is being sorely tested . Studies show that people are experiencing extreme levels of loneliness, polarization, and division . Places that historically brought people of different backgrounds together have faded in importance or have themselves become battlegrounds, from houses of worship to social clubs to school boards of education . Parks remain a neutral public gathering place where community members can meet, collaborate, and become empowered . Park leaders can foster those connections through a variety of approaches, programs, and partnerships .
The Challenge: Americans are increasingly divided, and the nation’s social fabric is fraying
• Across the United States, people are divided by politics, economics, race, ethnicity, and ideology . A looming presidential election and contentious wars abroad have raised those tensions further .
• More than three-quarters of major cities were more racially segregated in 2019 than in 1990 .
• Half of American adults report feeling lonely, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the isolation that many experience .
• Two-thirds of adults say they feel little to no confidence in the future of our political system.

The Findings: Parks can strengthen communities and help bridge divides

• According to our analysis of park systems across the 100 most populous U.S. cities, residents of cities with the highest ParkScore® rankings are more socially connected and engaged with their neighbors than residents who live in cities with lower-ranking park systems.

• In the top 25 ParkScore cities, there were on average 26 percent more social connections between low- and high-income individuals (“cross-group” relationships) than in lower-ranked cities. Also in those cities, people were 60 percent more likely to volunteer than those living in lower-ranked cities.

• About two-thirds of ParkScore cities are investing in community engagement by compensating residents for their input or hiring full-time community engagement staff. Park leaders are also hiring and training community organizers to create programs for green spaces to encourage social connection.

• According to the Center for Active Design, people who live near parks are more likely to be satisfied with their local government. In two dozen U.S. communities, those living near popular public parks reported 29 percent greater satisfaction with their parks and recreation departments, 14 percent greater satisfaction with their police, and 13 percent greater satisfaction with their mayor, compared with people not living near parks.

Recommendations: Parks departments can deploy strategies to build community

• Develop civic infrastructure. That includes hosting voter registration and polling sites in parks; training residents in community engagement; permitting public protests; and welcoming community organizers. These activities elevate the democratic ideal of the public square.

• Invest in community engagement and organizing. When planning an individual park or an entire master plan, park agencies should avoid a top-down approach and instead seek to consult, involve, and empower the community.

• Activate park programs inspired by residents.Park leaders can bring diverse groups together through creative and culturally specific programs that engage new audiences and park user groups. These programs should reflect the cultures, interests, and priorities specific to that community.

• Build strategic partnerships. Parks departments should develop partnerships with organizations that bolster park stewardship, the arts, public health, and literacy. Less typical though equally important goals include job training, housing stability, and immigrant inclusion.

Dave and Pam were at the Little Forks Proposal Launch event today. There was a lot of media coverage so should be much news on all channels. Excellent speakers as listed in the media release were committed and experienced. Gary Doer and Dorothy Dobbie had experience with making the Forks a reality.

It could be a long way off for the proposal to come to fruition as the city is not officially accepting proposals. From the City,  Hazel Borys, C. Sherri Rollins and a park planner were in attendance.

The website is and has maps. 

Although the plan doesn't reach Lemay or Daman Farm, the waterway conservation framework would would include a portion of these lands.

Winnipeg Waterways Conservation Framework  https://www.wpglittleforks. com/conservation-framework

The lateral extent of a waterway’s conservation area will be established by applying a conservation buffer on each side of the riverbed. The width of this conservation buffer would be 105 metres for rivers (Red, Assiniboine, Seine, and LaSalle), 75 metres for main creeks (Sturgeon, Truro, Omand’s, and Bunn’s), and 50 meters for all other waterway


Begin forwarded message:

From: Ryan Palmquist <>

Subject: May 29th; 10:00AM <Point Douglas Park> Proposal for a New National Urban Park in Winnipeg

Date: May 28, 2024 at 3:15:01?PM CDT

To: Save Our Seine <>

Proposal for a New National Urban Park in Winnipeg

Date: Wednesday, May 29th, 2024
Time: 10:00 A.M. – 10:30 A.M.
Location: Point Douglas Park (next to the Louise Bridge off Higgins Ave)

The press event will include presentations from:
--Gary Doer, Former Premier of Manitoba
--Dorothy Dobbie, Former Member of Parliament & recipient of the Order of Canada

In July 2022, a group of Winnipeg citizens began exploring the creation of a national urban park at the “Little Forks”, where the Red and Seine Rivers meet. This community-led initiative responded to the federal government’s decision to establish at least one new national urban park in every province and territory.
As proposed, this new national park would include the tip of Point Douglas and the mouth of the Seine River. It would then reach along Winnipeg’s three main rivers to cover 430 hectares of land and water areas right in the heart of the city (see map in attached press release pdf).

The event will be moderated by past CBC host Terry MacLeod. Other key supporters of the park proposal speaking at the media launch include:

• Dené Sinclair, (strategy and business consultant)
• Sel Burrows (coordinator of The Point Powerline)
• Jean Trottier (Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Manitoba, and Project Lead)
• Catherine Flynn (Past President, North Point Douglas Residents Association)
• Dennis Daniels (Executive Director, Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre)
• Laurie Ringaert (Past President, Save Our Seine).

More informa+on about the proposal can be found at: (live on May 29th).

Good evening.  Attached are the Clarion bylaw review reports done for the City. The 2023 report was what Hazel Borys mentioned in the May 2024 Public Hearing on the Rapid Bylaw Changes.  She noted that the Winnipeg zoning bylaw overhaul to be done over the couple of years will probably rely on this 2023 report.

When: Wednesday July 19th at noon

What: Climate Affordability & Carbon Pollution: What's Up in Manitoba? Public Webinar
Where: online
Cost: FREE
(it is a week away so be sure to register now so you have the link!)


The affordability crisis and the climate crisis need to be tackled together, but governments appear to be cutting carbon taxes in the name of affordability. The Manitoba government is moving on some areas, like Electric Vehicles, but also on controversial carbon capture. 

Please attend this public talk to learn what's up and what can be done. 

Niall Harney, Errol Black Chair in Labour Issues at CCPA Manitoba,
Zach Rempel, Policy Analyst at the International Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD)
Heather Fast, Policy Director at the Manitoba EcoNetwork. 

Join to hear from these fantastic speakers with a Q and A and discussion to follow.

REGISTER NOW: webinar/register/WN_ sY8vPEQOQbS9AxoXoY7tiQ?t= 1716566835530#/registration.

Thanks for all the action and care you put into the world!!



Ps feel free to share with your network!!

pps sorry this reads so much like a newsletter, clearly my work brain has not turned off yet...

be sure to do things that are rejuvenating


Add reaction

Urban forestry standards

Supporting Facts and Resources:
• Urban forests promote mental well-being and reduce stress, heart rate, blood pressure and incidence of obesity, asthma, and diabetes
• “more neighborhood tree cover in urbanized areas, independent from green space access, is related to better overall health, primarily through lower overweight/obesity and better social cohesion, and to a lesser extent through less type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.”
Ulmer, J. M, Wolf, K. L., Backman, D. R., Tretheway, R. L., Blain, C. J. A., . . . Frank, L. D. (2016). Multiple health benefits of urban tree canopy: The mounting evidence for a green prescription. Health & Place, 42, 54-62.
• Urban forests promote social interaction and a sense of community, including stronger ties to neighbors, a greater sense of safety, and more use of outdoor public spacesO’Brien, L. E., Urbanek, R. E., & Gregory, J. D. (2022). Ecological functions and human benefits of urban forests. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 75, 127707.
• Urban forests can promote healing – people in hospital rooms with views of trees heal fasterHanson, P., & Frank, M. (2016). The human health and social benefits of urban forests. Dovetail Partners, Inc.
• Urban forests provide space for recreation.Fagerholm, N., Eilola, S., & Arki, V. (2021). Outdoor recreation and nature’s contribution to well-being in a pandemic situation-Case Turku, Finland. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 64, 127257.
• Urban forests reduce erosion and stable slopes from improved plant cover, which helps maintain water quality
• S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 2018. Urban nature for human health and well-being: a research summary for communicating the health benefits of urban trees and green space. FS-1096. Washington, DC. 24 p.
• Urban forests add value of between $1.88 and $12.70 for every dollar spent on maintaining them, depending on the city.
• Alexander, C. & McDonald, C. (2014). Urban Forests: The Value of Trees in the City of Toronto. Special Report: TD Economics. Retrieved from
• Urban forests increase property values
• Escobedo, F. J., Adams, D. C., & Timilsina, N. (2015). Urban forest structure effects on property value. Ecosystem Services, 12, 209-217.

Good Morning All,

What a wonderful evening “Celebrating Women Annual Gala & Fundraiser”! It was so inspiring to hear of the great work being done by women and women organizations in Winnipeg. It was also so refreshing to hear and read about all the positive stories in a time when the news around the world is so depressing.  


Thank you, Joyce, for the great photo in Crescent Drive Park honouring Ron, thank you to Pam for presenting and thank you to Dave for coming and joining the few men who attended in support of women. And last but not least, congratulations to OURS-Winnipeg for receiving an award.



Public Forum


Plan Winnipeg seemed to be going along smoothly. I submitted written comments on behalf our OURS at the first pubic hearing, July 25 (at end of this email). Then the second hearing was canceled.

Here is the saga

Concerned Citizens Canada was responsible for getting the Plan Winnipeg 2050 August 5 public meeting in Niverville postponed.
This group is opposed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals which they say are not compatible with the Canadian way of living, Also opposed to FCM (Federation of Canadian Municipalities) and ICLEI (which they call KICLEI and hold conspiracy theories about 15-minute cities
They are opposed to Plan 20-50 for taking away rights.

Concerned Citizens' Facebook reel about their response to Plan 2050

CBC August 16 2024 5 Winnipeg-area municipalities oppose regional planning framework, Selkirk, Niverville, Headingley, St. Andrews and East St. Paul protest provincially imposed Plan 20-50
Five Winnipeg-area municipalities are protesting what their leaders describe as a "forced involvement" in a regional planning process they say will increase the cost and complexity of their governments and deprive them of their ability to make their own land-use decisions.

Winnipeg Free Press August 16 2024 15-minute cities: convenience, not tyranny Aug. 8 public hearing for Plan 20-50, Regional Growth Plan for the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region, postponed, 15-minute city concept taken on by conspiracy theorists.

?Winnipeg Sun August 4 2024 Winnipeg must let the people decide on Plan20-50 Marty Gold re concerns: restricting gas-fueled vehicles and imposing land-density rules.

I hope the activity of this group does not spill over to the Master Plan for Greenspace.The Montreal Pledge is supported by ICLEI.

OURS-Winnipeg three concerns submitted to Winnipeg Metropolitan Region Plan 2050, July 25, 2025
A low priority timeline is given to complete the Regional Natural Asset Network Plan by 2045 – 21 years from now!
(Schedule A–12: Future Regional Plan Schedules (p.136)

The timeline does not align with the urgency and severity of the need to protect natural assets.
How can natural assets be preserved if there is no plan for 21 years?
Request scheduled timeline be moved up to 5 years.

The Regional Natural Assets Map is lacking - p.71
Rivers, creeks and streams, among our greatest natural assets are virtually omitted from the map and are represented by barely visible lines. Roads, boundaries, recreation trails are clearly marked.
Request adjustment to the map to demonstrate that rivers, creeks and streams and their watersheds are a priority.

River corridors and natural areas require protection from housing density targets Density Minimums and Targets in Schedule A-3. p. 48

River, creek and stream corridors and natural areas need protective exclusions from density targets.
Density targets that do not identify buffers and development exclusion zones along the waterways are counter to the goals of a Natural Assets Plan, Winnipeg’s Master Greenspace and Natural Corridors plan, National Urban Park Proposal, Montreal Pledge Actions and actions from the following:

One Environment Chapter 3 p.102
c) Restricting development in wetland and riparian areas as per provincial regulation. Where development may be considered, municipalities should consider the acquisition of the wetland and/ or riparian area, as public reserve and as an investment into green infrastructure; and

d) Developing and maintaining a land acquisition program to protect and support natural assets and their ecological functions and to support green infrastructure investment.

- Request the provincial regulation be reviewed.

Sept. 07 2024

Over 1200 signature for my petition. Well done everyone!

Lemay Forest Winnipeg Free Press

Subject: Council meeting today

Re: 16. Amendments to the Real Estate Policy Framework in Support of Affordable Housing

There were two other presenters - Jean Trottier, National Urban Parks and Tom Scott, Old St. Boniface Residents Association.
There were a number of submissions and thank you to Shelley, Dave and Kathryn
What an eye opening day it was at City Hall. It was very disappointing to see that council is so unsupportive toward preserving riverside land.

Council voted unanimously to declare all the properties on the list as surplus. The only one spared (partially) was in Russ Wyatt's ward, and was needed for an active transportation path. He learned about it at the meeting. That shows the lack of assessment that was done. One of Wyatt's arguments for keeping 0 Cal Gardiner Drive (roll #04006983100) was so they would not have to rely on an easement owned by someone else.
Part of 825 Tache was declared surplus. The park will now be behind the new buildings on the riverside and not visible when walking down the street, or be as safe in at night.

Matt mentioned a St. B secondary plan. I remember something from years ago. Didn't even think it was still active.
Matt seemed very firm on supporting the old plan that called for housing in Taché riverside area.

It was not a transparent process at all as the list of properties appeared in print on the Council Agenda for the first time, four working days before the meeting.
C. Wyatt noted there was no assessment or report. He said the city used to provide reports when land was declared surplus.

It was good we were there to raise the issue or it would gone unknown.


Subject: Plan 2050 critique from group affiliated with Greedome Convoy

I came across the critique of Plan 2050 by the group that stopped the meeting in Niverville.
It is likely rural critics are similar to those in the city.

The One Environment chapter starts on page 90.

Overall they don't want to take actions or responsibility for climate change mitigation or environmental protection as it will implement global goals for climate change in their local area, impact personal property and local economy.

Here are a few of the comments from the report.
Natural assets network will place a burden on municipalities to invest in green infrastructure and land management practices that could be costly and complex to implement. For rural areas, this could divert limited resources away from essential services and infrastructure needs. Additionally, the concept of a network that integrates various ecosystems across the WMR risks placing urban-driven priorities over the land use autonomy of rural municipalities.

Manitoba has been prone to seasonal flooding for centuries, and many rural communities have already adapted. The focus on climate change as the primary driver of these risks may obscure local knowledge and existing strategies for managing these natural occurrences.

The risk of over-regulation in the name of flood and drought resilience could limit land use options, especially for rural areas that depend on
agriculture and water resources.

Manitoba is a province that already has a relatively low carbon footprint, largely due to its reliance on hydroelectric power. The push to further reduce greenhouse gases may place an undue burden on sectors such as agriculture, which are essential for rural economies but inherently produce emissions.

The reliance on climate rhetoric may alienate stakeholders who feel that economic opportunities are being sacrificed in the name of global climate initiatives. This could lead to resistance from local governments and businesses, particularly in rural areas that are more focused on job creation and economic growth than climate change mitigation.

Subject: HAF Explained, dates for open houses,

At the following link there is a helpful outline for the HAF. It includes a timeline for how it will role out and a 38 page presentation called  HOUSING ACCELERATOR FUND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT building-development/housing/ housing-accelerator-fund/ zoning-changes/malls-corridors

There are open houses next week

Open Houses
Please join us at any of the following open houses to learn more about these proposed changes.

October 7
Canad Inns (Club Regent)
1415 Regent Ave. W.

October 8
Canad Inns (Garden City)
2100 McPhillips St.

October 9
Canad Inns (Polo Park)
1405 St. Matthews Ave.

October 10
Canad Inns (Fort Garry)
1824 Pembina Hwy.

Format: Drop-in (come and go)
Time: 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

3 OURS Facebook Posts


The large mall redevelopments component of the Housing Accelerator Fund, will be required to include privately owned and publicly accessible green spaces.

https://www.winnipegfreepress. com/breakingnews/2024/10/03/ mall-redevelopments-must- include-green-spaces-city



The public is invited to comment on housing accelerator fund bylaw changes at open houses between 4:30 and 7pm October 7, 8, 9, 10.
Links to locations for open houses and description of the plan: building-development/housing/ housing-accelerator-fund/ zoning-changes/malls-corridors


The Housing Accelerator Fund mall development buildings can be up to 150 ft tall which could be 13 or 14 stories tall in areas surrounded by lower buildings. We suggest the City's bird friendly guidelines be required as these buildings will otherwise be hazardous to birds & biodiversity ppd/CityPlanning/ BirdFriendlyResources/default. stm
Links to locations for HAF open houses and description of the plan: building-development/housing/ housing-accelerator-fund/ zoning-changes/malls-corridors