Jan. 04 2021 Cities 4 Forests
https://cities4forests.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/C4F-inner-forests-271119.pdf |
Jan. 18 2021
On Jan 18, 2021, at 5:22 AM, Jean A Paterson <patersonja@gmail.com> wrote:
Winnipeg Free Press January 18
“Having a yard became more important to 45 per cent of respondents, while having extra room(s) for home offices and being in close proximity to parks and greenspace became more chief concerns for 44 per cent of the sample.”
Jan. 26 2021
On Thursday, January 28, 2021, Winnipeg City Council will consider two long term planning documents (OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0) that will enable development on land that is zoned parkland.
The planning documents set out the specific steps for development on Public Major Open Spaces.
These "MAJOR OPEN SPACES" are large parks, golf courses and natural green space located throughout the city.
They are identified for future development.
(See attached graph)
6% of Winnipeg's total city land area is public park land, below the average of 9% for Canadian cities. (2020 Park People Report) Golf course lands are zoned park land and make up 1% of total city area. If the city chose to include them they could increase public park total area to 7% Public Major Open Space (all large parks and golf courses) makes up over 3% of City's 6% public park land. (city data) Public Major Open Space includes all City-owned municipal golf courses, regional parks and nature parks areas over 40 hectares (approx.100acres). They are Winnipeg’s largest parks located mostly along rivers. They are described as “attractive for development”.
(See attached map)
Examples of public major open spaces are King’s Park, Kildonan GC, Canoe Club, Tuxedo GC, Whittier Park, Assiniboine Forest, Harbour View.
City of Winnipeg Website EPC Agenda Items 7. And 8.
1. OurWinnipeg 2045 Plan
2. Complete Communities Direction Strategy2.0
3. Major Open Space Chapter of Complete Communities (6 pages)
It is a backward policy to reduce green space when we are facing a growing population, climate change impacts and a global pandemic.
OURS-Winnipeg asks that you read the information links and go to www.ours-winnipeg.com for detailed information.
Ask your Mayor and Councillors for an amendment to the Major Open Space Chapter to remove development options.
We will alert you to upcoming public engagement opportunities and the public hearing.
Contact us if you are able to help.
Mar. 22 2021
Ron and I were interviewed by Mike Mauder for the March edition of The Leaf, servingWolseley and West Broadway. "Nature groups fear development of city parks
4/22/21 |
April 22, 2021 Insect Control Update #1 City starts mosquito larviciding program
Released: 9:33 a.m.
Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg will begin this year’s insect control season on Monday, April 26 focusing on a targeted, environmentally friendly mosquito larviciding program which is the most effective approach to control mosquitoes. Larviciding targets mosquito larvae in the aquatic stage before they emerge |
Good morning,
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities 2.0 review processes to date. Please be advised of the May 13th, 9:30am Public Hearing information and supporting Public Engagement summary documents below.
Kind regards,
OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities 2.0 Review Teams
OurWinnipeg@winnipeg.ca and CompleteCommunities@winnipeg. ca
The Plan Approval Phase of OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities 2.0 is now in progress, which includes: May 13, 2021 (UPCOMING)- Public Hearing to be held by Executive Policy Committee (EPC). The Public Hearing Reports will be shared four days before the Public Hearing. The drafts of OurWinnipeg 2045 and the Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0 as they will be presented at the Public Hearing are now available in the Documents section. If you would like to appear as a delegation at the hearing, please contact the City Clerk's Department by 2:30 p.m. on May 12, 2021. After the Public Hearing- EPC may recommend Second Reading by Council and request any amendments based on what they heard at the Public Hearing. After Second Reading- Council will share OurWinnipeg 2045 for Provincial approval. The Province may request amendments prior to sending it back to council for Third Reading and adoption. Third Reading- Council will determine when Third Reading for Complete Communities 2.0 will occur as it doesn’t require Provincial approval. January 28, 2021 (COMPLETE) - First Reading completed by Council January 20, 2021(COMPLETE) - First Reading completed by Executive Policy Committee Also now available:
Phase 2 Engagement Summaries (NEW) that informed the development of the draft plans are available here:OurWinnipeg 2045 - Phase 2 Engagement Summary Complete Communities 2.0 - Phase 2 Engagement Summary Phase 3 Engagement Summaries (NEW) that informed policy revisions to the final plans are available here:OurWinnipeg 2045 – Phase 3 Engagement Summary Complete Communities 2.0 - Phase 3 Engagement Summary For further information on the review process to date, please visit winnipeg.ca/OurWinnipeg.
Thank you/Merci.
Laura Rempel, MCP
Planner Urban Planning Division
Planning Property And Development Department Telephone: 204-986-7195
Email: laurarempel@winnipeg.ca Website: winnipeg.ca
Address: 15-30 Fort Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4X5 Connect with us:
Winnipeg 2045 master plan
May 13 2021
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tu1Q_yXpbxA |
May 18 2021
10:08 AM CDT Tuesday, May. 18, 2021 https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/574412792.html
Vote postponed on key city development plans Winnipeggers who’ve lobbied the city to prevent development on green space will have to wait a little longer to see if their advocacy will spark changes.
Council’s executive policy committee was scheduled to consider possible amendments and vote on two over-arching planning documents Tuesday: OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities 2.0. Instead, council’s most powerful committee opted to lay over its votes on the draft plans for another month.
The decision comes after dozens of Winnipeggers weighed in on the documents during a public hearing last Thursday, with many urging the city to keep green space intact and ban any redevelopment on major public parks and open spaces, such as forests, parks and golf courses.
EPC is now expected to vote on the documents, and any possible amendments, on June 16. Both documents would also require full council approval. |
Subject: Article in local newspaper SouWester by Council member Chambers
Greenspace key to healthy, vibrant Winnipeg
By: Markus Chambers — St. Norbert-Seine River City Councillor Ward Report
Posted: 2:21 PM CDT Wednesday, May. 19, 2021
Over the next couple of weeks, council will be debating the proposed OurWinnipeg bylaw 2045.
OurWinnipeg is the City’s development document, which sets a vision for the next 25 years. An important component of these documents is land use, including greenspace and major open spaces, and the City’s plans for land as our population grows steadily toward one million people.
Why is greenspace and the consideration of biodiversity so important to our city? Biodiversity is the rich variety of life on earth. There is variety in genes, variety in species and variety in ecosystems. Much like a spider’s web, everything is interconnected.
Winnipeg’s local ecosystem requires a healthy balance of living things to thrive and build resiliency. As an example, plants require plenty of sunlight and rain as well as healthy soil full of nutrients. Bees and other insects feed on the plants, helping pollinate and make seeds. Local wildlife such as deer, rabbits, and grasshoppers eat the plants as well and return nutrients to the soil making it a healthy place for plants to grow and thrive.
Increasing habitat loss through over exploitation and poorly planned development is driven by our rapid population growth and unsustainable consumption habits. This contributes to the primary cause of biodiversity loss, which is occurring at a rate 10,000 times faster than in the previous millions of years. We must be mindful of the impacts of development and how we can develop sustainably, while meeting the needs associated with the growth of our city.
Recognizing the need that development must happen, green space is one commodity that cannot be produced. Once green space is gone, the effect on climate change is almost immediately measurable. Green space allows for pollution absorption and temperature cooling. Green space assists in improving air quality while moving us toward the City’s positive climate action goals.
Winnipeg dedicates only six per cent of its land to urban green space, which by definition includes land that is partly or completely covered by grass, trees, shrubs or other vegetation and includes parks, community gardens and cemeteries. In comparison, the following cities have dedicated percentages towards green space: London, U.K. (33 per cent); Rome (34 per cent); Madrid (35 per cent); and Stockholm (40 per cent). Additional comparison of Canadian cities Toronto and Montreal with 13 per cent and 14.8 per cent green space, respectively.
OurWinnipeg 2045 must be both responsible and visionary. Development is inevitable, but with the growth of our population, we must also maintain existing and increase green space that enhances esthetics, while supporting our mental health and well-being. If the last year has taught us one thing, it’s the value of the great outdoors.
Markus Chambers
St. Norbert - Seine River City Council War |
Winnipeg Sun May 20 2021

5/21/21 |
OURS-Winnipeg Wolseley Leaf |
This was in the Wolseley Leaf this month.
The newspaper is only in print form.
Pam |
5/23/21 |
The Nature of Health https://www.natureconservancy.ca/en/where-we-work/manitoba/events/nature-and-health.html?utm_campaign=SM_MB_0521&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=organic
By Nature Conservancy
May 27, 2021 12:30 p.m. CDT
Online Register Now https://act.natureconservancy.ca/page/81101/data/1?_ga=2.12678903.1393510207.1621727646-1801766800.1614974822
Canadians have turned to nature in significant numbers to help them cope with the impacts of COVID-19. A recent Ipsos poll conducted for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) reveals that 94 per cent of people credit time spent in nature with helping them to relieve the stress and anxiety of the pandemic.
From backyard birds and urban foxes to increased use of trails and parks, anecdotally, Canadians report a greater awareness of nature in their lives since the pandemic began. The survey was one of the first to try to measure that impact and reinforce the inextricable connection between nature and health. Clean air, clean water and healthy foods all come from nature. At a time when health is a top priority for Canadians, nine in 10 surveyed say we need to invest more to restore and care for the natural areas that sustain us all. By taking care of nature, we take care of ourselves and each other.
Join NCC and our panel of speakers to learn more about the importance of connecting to nature. |
6/3/21 |
Urban Forest Winnipeg Free Press |
6/16/21 |
Thank you so much for the wonderful donations to our Hope Garden flower box by Leo's parents. Please help out by donating flowers, pulling weeds or just watering the plants. Every little bit helps!

6/16/21 |
Today EPC voted unanimously on motions for amendments to both OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities 2.0 to include a Master Greenspace Plan that considers municipal golf courses as major nature preserves and greenspaces, a Biodiversity Plan and a Corridor Plan and the prohibition of development on city owned land that is designated as Major Open Space, zoned PR, under parks jurisdiction, or used as parks
This amendment is to support greenspace and the underlying need for conservation, recreation and to keep pace with population growth.
Also this motion is in recognition of International Standards of the Durban Commitments and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration.
Greenspace and natural areas are really important. Much thanks goes to Councillor Sherri Rollins for taking the lead and working with OURS and Save Our Seine, EPC and all Councillors, OURS members and supporters, PPD, all those who presented at the Public Hearing and wrote letters and signed the petition and spread the word. |
6/22/21 |
The R.M. of Rosser has removed the trees from the north side of the municiple quarry to make room for furture developement..

7/8/21 |
I have asked the R.M. if they could increase the 'Slow, Watch for Dogs' signage on Klimpke and Farmers Roads. As it stands now. There is only one sign and a few 50kms signs.

7/29/21 |
https://www.citieswithnature.org/buzz/ |
7/29/21 |
https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/opinion/analysis/province-should-protect-urban-canopy-574923762.html |
8/2/21 |
Improved To Preserve Green Space |
https://www.winnipegfreepress. com/our-communities/metro/ correspondent/OurWinnipeg- improved-to-preserve-green- space-574976771.html
July 30, 2021
OurWinnipeg improved to preserve green space
By: Cindy Gilroy
Friday, Jul. 30, 2021
Two of Winnipeg’s major planning documents are moving ahead with important amendments that will help preserve our green space and add more of it as our city grows.
Council passed the OurWinnipeg 2045 plan and Complete Communities 2.0 with changes to prohibit development on major city-owned green spaces such as forest, parks and golf courses. The city will also work towards adding another 1,000 acres of public park space by 2045.
These were important amendments to ensure that we maintain green space so critical to our quality of life. Winnipeggers made it clear how much they value our precious green space at public hearings held by the executive policy committee in May and June.
The amendments also included the city developing a master greenspace plan, a biodiversity policy and a natural corridor protection plan that includes riverbanks. These measures will help us make sure that biodiversity and sustainable development are part of our planning and policies.
OurWinnipeg 2045 is a plan of how we would like to see our city grow over the next 25 years. It is intended as a guide for the policies that shape everything the city does, including the delivery of city services, how we get around, how we address climate change and how we grow in a sustainable fashion, both environmentally and economically.
OurWinnipeg has a companion document called the Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0, a citywide secondary plan by-law that will guide growth, land use, and development in the City. This includes a key goal of having 50 per cent of new residential growth happen in established neighbourhoods like Daniel McIntyre. The target will help us better use existing infrastructure and fight climate change by shortening the length of drives.
As chair of the standing policy committee on property development, heritage, and downtown development I have been proud to work along with the public and my fellow councillors in the robust review process on how we can make a better City.
Now that council has approved OurWinnipeg 2045, it will be forwarded to Manitoba’s Minister of Municipal Relations for review.
To read more about this, visit www.winnipeg.ca/ OurWinnipeg
Thanks to Winnipeggers for all their input into the making of OurWinnipeg 2045. I know that working together we can achieve our goal of a city that is vibrant, sustainable, and resilient. |
8/5/21 |
8/27/21 |
Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedinEmail this link The Responsible Pet Ownership By-law(External link) aims to keep both pets and the community safe. The City is proposing to update the by-law to ensure that pets are properly cared for and not placed in at-risk scenarios. Some issues the bylaw updates intend to address include the use of animal traps in Winnipeg, Dangerous Dog designations, requirements for spaying or neutering, breeding, and exotic animals.
(External link)
The Responsible Pet Ownership By-Law(External link) regulates the presence of wild and domesticated animals within Winnipeg, their activities, and the activities of their owners. Since the by-law came into force in 2013, opportunities have been identifiedContinue reading UPDATES FAQ August 10, 2021 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedinEmail this link The City is reaching out to stakeholder organizations to get feedback on the proposed updates to the by-law. The objectives are to:
Inform stakeholders about current pet ownership issues Explain the need to update the by-law Share proposed ideas Gather feedback from stakeholders
Stakeholder feedback will be used to refine the proposed ideas, which will be presented to Council in winter 2021/22.
Anyone else who has feedback can submit comments through email before September 7 RPObylaw@winnipeg.ca(External link). STAY INFORMED Subscribe for project updates Your email address... 137 members of your community are following this project How Can We Help? If you have questions or require alternate formats, interpretation or any additional accommodations to participate, please contact:
RPObylaw@winnipeg.ca(External link)
Visit winnipeg.ca/publicengagement(External link) to learn about some of the ways we can accommodate those who may need alternative access to engagement or information.
Timeline By-law Review Begins Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review has finished this stage May 2021 Develop Draft By-law Recommendations Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review has finished this stage Spring/Summer 2021 Stakeholder Engagement Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review is currently at this stage August 2021 Refine By-law Recommendations this is an upcoming stage for Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review September - October 2021 Council Review this is an upcoming stage for Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review January 2022 By-law Amended and Changes Enforced this is an upcoming stage for Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review January 2022 onward Document Library Proposed By-law Updates Presentation - August 2021 (3.01 MB) (pdf) Important Links Responsible Pet Ownership By-law No. 92/2013(External link) Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Standing Policy Committee Motion(External link) City of Winnipeg Animal Services Agency(External link) Who's Listening Leland Gordon General Manager - Animal Services
City of Winnipeg Brett Andronak Stakeholder Engagement Lead
City of Winnipeg Engagement Type
Get information or updates.
Engagement News Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review
The City is reaching out to stakeholder organizations to get feedback on the proposed updates to the by-law. The objectives are to:
Inform stakeholders about current pet ownership issues Explain the need to update the by-law Share proposed ideas Gather feedback from stakeholders Stakeholder feedback will be used to refine the proposed ideas, which will be presented to Council in winter 2021/22.
Anyone else who has feedback can submit comments through email before September 7 RPObylaw@winnipeg.ca.
For more information, visit winnipeg.ca/RPObylaw |
8/27/21 |
Transportation Master Plan: 2050
Thank you to everyone who took time to share feedback during Phase 1 of the Transportation Master Plan: 2050.
You helped the project team understand how Winnipeggers view the city’s transportation network, as well as how they use it, where they are challenged, and in what broad areas they would like to see improvements. A public engagement summary and report are now available.
The team has also been working on a Current State report and summary.
Phase 2 public engagement is planned to launch in fall 2021.
To learn about the current state of transportation in Winnipeg and what we heard in Phase 1, visit winnipeg.ca/tmp2050.
Community Safety Strategic Action Planning Project In 2019 and 2020, the City reached out to community-based program and service providers to identify barriers and discuss opportunities to improve the delivery of community safety and wellbeing programs, services, and related initiatives. Stakeholder engagement included an online survey, workshops, and the creation of a stakeholder planning group.
A stakeholder engagement summary is now available for the Community Safety Strategic Action Planning Project.
A strategic action planning document will be presented to the Executive Policy Committee and Council in fall 2021.
For more information, visit winnipeg.ca/safetystrategy.
______________________________ _____
We strive to promote public events at least two weeks ahead through other means such as newspaper ads, social media, and direct mail.
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Related winnipeg.ca Office of Public Engagement OurWinnipeg
Privacy Statement The City of Winnipeg values your privacy. We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties. You are receiving this email as a result of your signing up for the Public Engagement newsletter as part of the Terms of Use of registering for Engage Winnipeg.
9/17/21 |
The City has been replacing the broken chians around the park edge.

Combatting Heat in Cities |
Combatting heat in cities ..Univ. Birmingham four pager
On Oct 6, 2021, at 5:24 PM, Jean A Paterson <patersonja@gmail.com> wrote:
Note that this also mentions the cooling effect of parks (=golf courses too)
http://epapers.bham.ac.uk/ 3452/2/TDAG_UrbanHeat.AW.pdf
10/10/21 |
Fifty Shades of Green: Pathway to Healthy Urban Living
Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen 1 , Haneen Khreis, Margarita Triguero-Mas, Mireia Gascon, Payam Dadvand
Currently half the world population lives in cities, and this proportion is expected to increase rapidly to 70% over the next years. Over the years, we have created large, mostly grey cities with many high-rise buildings and little green space. Disease rates tend to be higher in urban areas than in rural areas. More green space in cities could reduce these rates. Here, we describe the importance of green space for health, and make recommendations for further research. Green space has been associated with many beneficial health effects, including reduced all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and improved mental health, possibly through mediators, such as reduced air pollution, temperature and stress, and increased physical activity, social contacts, and restoration. Additional studies are needed to strengthen the evidence base and provide further guidelines to transport planners, urban planners, and landscape architects. We need more longitudinal studies and intervention studies, further understanding of the contribution of various mechanisms toward health, and more information on susceptible populations and on where, when, how much, and what type of green space is needed. Also needed are standardized methods for green space quality assessments and evaluations of effectiveness of green prescriptions in clinical practice. Many questions are ideally suited for environmental epidemiologists, who should work with other stakeholders to address the right questions and translate knowledge into action. In conclusion, a growing evidence base supports the hypothesis that greener cities are healthier cities. Jean
On Sat, Oct 9, 2021 Thank you for this excellent resource. I found the full text using your information https://www. thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/ article/PIIS2542-5196(21) 00229-1/fulltext Lots of good info - health benefit large, large and small greenspaces, some American city data and percentage of canopy cover, greenspace in dense urban centers
Subject: (Open access ). Newly published study of almost 1000 European cities RE greenspace and mortality I hope this link works. From The Lancet Planetary Health October issue Jean
https://www.sciencedirect.com/ sdfe/arp/cite?pii= S2542519621002291&format=text% 2Fplain&withabstract=true |
10/16/21 |
Save John Blumberg Golf Course |
Save John Blumberg G.C. - OURS-WINNIPEG (OUTDOOR URBAN RECREATIONAL SPACES) Save John Blumberg Golf Course 4 things you can do to help 1. Spread the word 2. Sign the petitio n http://chng.it/z9n7nv5V 3. Letter Template - Write a letter to ... www.ours-winnipeg.com |
10/20/21 |
Subject: City fo Winnipeg Report on riparian areas
https://winnipeg.ca/ publicworks/parksOpenSpace/ NaturalistServices/PDF/ESNL. pdf
OURS-Winnipeg launches the “Now or Never” phase of the Call to Action Campaign to Save the John Blumberg Golf Course.
Now or Never
If you do not act NOW to save the John Blumberg Golf Course from sale and development. You will NEVER again have this 200 acres as riverside green space. Once it is gone, it is gone forever!
A Call to Action – NOW
See what you can do:
https://www.ours-winnipeg. com/save-john-blumberg-gc.html
Remember , this is about saving green space along the Assiniboine River. The land is currently owned by the City of Winnipeg and must be withdrawn from the surplus land designation and maintained as public green space.
Climate change is real and this 200 acres helps mitigate the impact.
The pandemic is real and summer golf and winter skiing are two safe distance recreation activities.
Please go to the link above and write an email to Mayor and Council and sign the petition.
Together, we can save green space for future generations.
Ron Mazur / Pam Lucenkiw
News Articles / Media links:
CTV October 8, 2021 Golfers teed off over potential Blumberg sale winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/golfers- teed-off-over-potential- blumberg-sale-1.5615919? fbclid= IwAR1jdLozuZdV3pKsuezBQUjpa23d cEy-ZuHA- vwhHy7s0yGmluclzdVP0hk
Winnipeg Free Press The Headliner Community Newspaper September 24 2021 Saving John Blumberg Historic Golf Course may shut down www.winnipegfreepress. com/our-communities/headliner/ Saving-John-Blumberg- 575386741.html?fbclid= IwAR1vl3VKojzD6pMcUwu8_ 7mzvj4cIsNdaV5ZRS8MmuBUD63ICEM 9vAuSREM
Year round activity including winter
COVID has shown Greenspace and natural areas contribute to Health and well being
10/30/21 |
3-30-300 rule for urban forests
https://www.uforest.eu/news/ insights/a-new-rule-for- greener-cities/
A new rule for greener cities
The 3-30-300 rule is an easy yet promising tool to guide urban forestry programmes, and design greener and more inclusive cities.
Urbanization and environmental degradation trends have been increasing exponentially in the last few decades, forcing us to rethink the way we plan and interact with urban environments. Within this framework, Nature Based Solutions (NBS) can provide a useful tool to address these issues. Particularly, trees and urban forests are considered effective NBS to promote greener, healthier, and more resilient and liveable cities. In the past years, the European Commission has encouraged the use of this type of solutions to bring nature back into the cities. However, the implementation of urban forestry programmes is often complicated by the different stakeholders involved and the interdisciplinary nature of this subject. In addition, there is no general rule on how to build urban forests. Given the peculiarity of each city, with regard to climate, administration, ecosystems, and size, it is difficult to design a rule that can be applied everywhere. Nevertheless, general guidelines can be provided in order to simplify the initial process. This is made even more urgent given the current climate crisis and the need for consistent action to be taken.
Against this background, the 3-30-300 rule was designed by Cecil Konijnendijk of the nature Based Solutions Institute as a guiding principle for urban forest programmes. The aim of this rule is to ensure that the entire urban population has good and equal access to green spaces and the benefits they provide. Indeed, the rule recognises that a city having a large tree canopy cover is not sufficient, especially if it is not likely be evenly distributed. This will affect marginalised communities, which usually have little access to urban tree or green spaces in their neighbourhood. Therefore, the rule was developed to bring nature closer to people, in their neighbourhood, on their doorsteps, and in every place they live, work, and play.
How does the 3-30-300 rule work?
3 is the minimum number of trees everyone should be able to see from their home. Extensive research demonstrates the importance of nearby and visible green for mental health and wellbeing. The COVID-19 pandemic has stressed this aspect even more, leading to increased awareness on the benefits of nature.
30 refers to the percentage of tree canopy cover every neighbourhood should have. Urban forest canopy provides better microclimates and air quality, it reduces noise, and also has positive impacts on physical and mental health. In this regard, 30% represent the minimum threshold for a canopy cover to be effective, especially in terms of human health and wellbeing. In addition, greener neighbourhood can encourage people to spend more time outdoor and be active, and to interact with their neighbours, promoting social wellbeing. Many cities around the world – such as Barcelona, Bristol, Seattle, and Vancouver – have already set a target of achieving 30% canopy cover. Finally, where conditions do not allow trees to grown and thrive, the target should be 30% of vegetation.
300 stands for the maximum amount of metres from the nearest park or green space. Many studies have underlined the importance of proximity and easy access to green spaces. Specifically, the European Regional Office of the World Health Organisation recommends a maximum distance of 300 meters from the nearest green space, consisting of at least 1 hectare. This can have a positive impact on physical and mental health by encouraging the recreational use of green spaces. In this case, it will be important to work within the local context and adapt the rule to the different needs of lower-density or more dense suburban areas. Anyways, efforts shall be made to provide access to high-quality urban green spaces. Concerning this, it is important to note that the term green space does not necessary refer to park-like spaces. Linear green corridors with substantial vegetation, seating, and areas to play and exercise can be, and should be, taken into consideration too.
In conclusion, the 3-30-300 rule represents a useful guideline for the implementation of urban forests. One of the strongest aspects of this rule is that it is easy to communicate, which is very helpful when support from different stakeholders is needed. Finally, while adaptations and adjustments will be necessary in some contexts, when applied this rule will improve and expand urban forests in many cities. In addition to environmental benefits, greener cities will have a positive impact on health and wellbeing for urban populations too.
11/1/21 |
Re: A ‘clear-cut’ need to protect intact forests (Opinion, Oct 28) Bravo to the authors of this article for explaining clearly why Winnipeg residents should challenge the priorities of our city accountants.
In international conferences, ideas about how cities can accommodate more residents in a climate- adaptive manner are being debated by city design experts. One proposal comes from British Columbia, from Cecil Konijnendijk, who promotes a “nature-based” approach to designing healthier communities. He describes his vision in practical terms as the “3-30-300” rule, because of his conviction that trees and parks should be available to everyone in a city.
Thirty per cent of the area of a neighbourhood should consist of tree canopy, or park space, to benefit from the documented advantages of such space. Social well-being increases when residents have green spaces within 300 metres of home, not the 600 metres in current suggested plans. As for the “three” in the guideline, three trees should be within view of each city home — what much of Winnipeg used to have.
This 3-30-300 guideline gives us a goal for restoring a healthy city. It is already in use in such major cities as Vancouver and Barcelona. As Winnipeg grows, its residents will want a city that is not only “intelligent” in its digital connectivity, but also in its willingness to provide places for human connection to our natural environment.
Winnipeg |
11/9/21 |
Interesting article that I read on the CBC website. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/winnipeg-climate-change-efforts-too-slow-1.6239879?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar |
11/11/21 |
My proposal for the park expansion was not regected but not a priority. I will keep asking.

11/20/21 |
My Green Corridor proposal is back on the table
The time location on the video is 7hrs. :11 - 7hrs. :15
Hi Lloyd Good news! The Green space corridor to Little Mountain Park was on the Nov 17 EPC Agenda. You can listen to the discussion at the link https://youtu.be/ 2AU4JImD8Cw?t=25866 A motion was made by Councillor Rollins to have the corridor plan considered when the Planning Documents are approved as opposed to the Public Service recommendation on Nov 9, 2021 that the plan not be concurred in. The motion was unanimously approved. This was not an immediate commitment to buy land but for it to be included as part of a blueprint for future plans, consideration for the 1000 acres.
11/20/21 |
Hi All Amazing article in the Winnipeg Free Press today that there will be no development on city owned golf lands. Excellent work Murial in connecting with Joyanne and your comments in the article! This change in use of golf lands was able to happen because of the amendments to the Planning Documents. We still have to bring Blumberg into the fold.
I attached the article from 2012. This has been a long time coming and it is so rewarding to see today's article.
City-owned golf courses to stay green spaces - Winnipeg Free Press It appears Winnipeg’s public golf courses won’t be replaced with new homes any time soon.About a year ago, the City of Winnipeg sought private proposals to repurpose up to 30 per cent of all ... www.winnipegfreepress.com |
11/29/21 |
Nova Scotians defeat billionaire developers who tried to swoop in on park | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis
11/29/21 |
Attached are the two Winnipeg budget documents with references to Master Greenspace Plan pulled out. The Master Greenspace Plan is in the 2022 Budget for $700,000 as a Strategic Investment with $200,000 for 2022 and $500,000 for 2023 It falls under the Standing Policy Committee on Property and Development, Heritage and Downtown Development – Budget meeting on Tuesday November 30, 2021@ 5:00 pm @ https://winnipeg.ca/council/video.asp
Golf Services is at the Innovation and Economic Development Committee Meeting - Monday November 29 @ 5:00 pm https://winnipeg.ca/council/video.asp
Pam |
12/11/21 |
Saving John Blumberg In June this year members of the City of Winnipeg Council made the bold move to ask City administration to add amendments to City planning documents to create a Master Greenspace and Natural Corridors Plan. This recognizes the United Nations Decade of Ecosystem Restoration, 2021-2030. According to the UN, this means not only helping to restore ecosystems that have been degraded or destroyed but also conserving ecosystems that are still intact. Further, Council promised to take steps to add a thousand acres of public park space by 2045. They approved two reports, OurWinnipeg 2045 and Complete Communities 2.0, with a Biodiversity Policy and consideration of municipal golf courses as major nature preserves and green space, which would eliminate the sale of green spaces such as parks and golf courses for private development on these city-owned properties. There is an issue outstanding, and that is to save the John Blumberg golf courses. In 2013 the city declared the golf courses as surplus. This historic property, purchased in 1964, encompasses 200 acres on the Assiniboine River just outside the City of Winnipeg in the rural municipality of Headingley. The city built professional 18 hole and 9-hole golf courses in 1969 in order to attract major golf competitions to the city. In addition to the original forest bordering the river, the city planted 3,000 trees, evergreens and shrubs. The property has a wild and delicate beauty. But Winnipeg is already lacking in green space compared to other major cities in Canada; we have only 6% compared to 9% on average elsewhere. With the public golf courses included we have 7%, but if John Blumberg is removed that will greatly reduce what we have now. According to the Canadian City Parks Report 2020, Winnipeg ranks in the bottom third for total City land area that is park and for the amount of natural areas within its parks. Every major city in Western Canada has preserved access to its rivers for their citizens except the city of Winnipeg, where the majority of land bordering our rivers is in private hands. The draft Regional Growth and Servicing Plan for the Winnipeg Metropolitan region also issued in June of this year sets a bold expectation for the region that establishes a path toward building a sustainable, climate-resilient region positioned to meet the challenges of the future and thrive. Green spaces provide many physical, social, and mental health benefits. Large greenspaces like Blumberg are green infrastructure and must be part of our strategy to adapt to the climate change crisis. Blumberg helps mitigate flooding from storms, protects the Assiniboine River, reduces water scarcity, improves air and water quality, regulates temperature and aids soil nutrient cycling, all the while sequestering carbon. John Blumberg also is an active wildlife corridor and provides habitat for endangered bird species. Many thousands of Winnipeg citizens flock to city owned parks that lie outside of the city’s boundaries such as Little Mountain in the RM of Rosser or La Barrière in St. Norbert, or provincial parks such as Trappist Monastery, Beaudry, and Birds Hill. While outside city limits, Blumberg is easily accessible for citizens in the west side of the city where the city is planning major future growth. The Blumberg golf courses have provided easily affordable and important recreational activity for families. With competent management the golf courses have significantly improved and the use of the courses has subsequently skyrocketed. Blumberg could also be used for cross-country skiing and as an off-golf season park in winter, as is already done on other courses in the city. The green space also includes over 40 acres that could be used for nature walks for citizens. The city must consider future sustainability of the environment, building resilience against the shocks of climate change and making decisions that consider the well-being and opportunities for our children and grandchildren. The 200 acres of John Blumberg was purchased for $200,000 in 1964. Today a single acre in Headingley costs $200,000. Land inside the city limits is scarce and costs significantly more. It makes no sense for the city to plan to purchase 1,000 acres of green space at exorbitant prices in future yet sell 200 acres for limited value now. Currently the city receives revenues from Blumberg golfers. The sale of the land will eliminate this revenue stream and all future taxes will go to Headingley. We have to look at the long-term picture regarding the vision for the city, regarding climate change mitigation and our mental and human health. As Mark Carney, current United Nations Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance has stated: “every financial decision should take climate change into account.” This beautiful jewel doesn’t have to be sold; all it requires is a majority of City Council voting to remove it from the surplus list. City councillors have already shown great vision for the city’s environment.
Remember: once John Blumberg is sold for development, this greenspace is gone forever.
For more information, see the OURS-Winnipeg website: https://www.ours-winnipeg.com/save-john-blumberg-gc.html.
Dr. Shelley Sweeney, Volunteer, OURS-Winnipeg (Outdoor Urban Recreational Spaces), Retired University Archivist, University of Manitoba. Muriel St. John, Volunteer, OURS-Winnipeg (Outdoor Urban Recreational Spaces), Retired Law Research Librarian, University of Manitoba. |
12/22/21 |
I am following up from a while back about the link you sent to the ESNL Strategy. https://winnipeg.ca/publicworks/parksopenspace/NaturalistServices/PDF/ESNL.pdf
This is an excellent document and will be used as reference when work is being done on the Biodiversity and Master Plans.
This strategy was from 2007 and was constrained by the City Hall culture of the day, watered down from what it should have been. The content is helpful but it only protects ecologically significant land on city owned parkland. This excludes the ecologically significant areas in new developments, except for what is left within the 8% land dedication after the developer has taken what they want for paths retention pond areas, etc. Could end up saving 2 or 3% of ESNL at best.
A city committee can vote to delist ESNL land to make room for a cricket field, for example.
The strategy focuses on ESNL land but not the ecosystem surrounding it that may make its existence possible.
In the public consultation for the Planning documents OURS requested this document be updated, but it was not on the list. Being able to purchase 1000 acres of land can help ESNL. |
https://globalnews.ca/pages/ audio-vault-cjob/
Dec. 27 8:52:51 – 8:52:50 Subject: Re: CJOB
Good morning. I was listening to Richard Cloutier singing the praises of Centre-port. I think we should send something off to cjob just to present a different side to the commentary. |