Little Mountain Park Conservancy       Group Inc.
For The Love of Our Park
 Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association 




About Us  

Our Team


Lloyd Johnson - Chair

Kathryn Kawka - Member at Large

Debra Kim Bradshaw - Member

Mike Nickerson - Member

Darlene Korzinski - Vice Chair

Walter Choma - Member at Large

Lori-Ann Johnson - Treasurer

Irene Hinam - Member at Large

Karen Zoppa - Member at Larger

Tanis Jury - Lawyer

Carolyn Crisp - Retired

Susanne McCrea McGovern - Member at Large

Ruth Byquist - Member at Large

Brent Corrigan - Secretary

CBC Meeting Story

Here is the meeting story by CBC. It went very well and we had a super turnout! Almost to the point of over the limit!Thanks to everybody for their concern and love of LMP.

June 05 2014.

A small group of us had a meeting with David Jopling from the MMM group that was hired by the RM of Rosser to come up with secondary plan on land uses in the Centreport area. We gave him a lot of information about our concerns for the development of the park and its surroundings. We included information on the history and environment of LMP.  He plans to meet with other groups, land owners and businesses that will be affected. There is a plan to bring all the groups back together at a later date once all the information is gathered and presented to their steering committee.

Thanks to all that made it a very successful evening,

Darlene has provided us with our super new logo from her friend Rod Salm. Thanks so much for that.

Many thanks to my Unifor for their contribution of $200.00 to help with the printing costs of a new brochure we are making for our park.

Parks Report 2015

The City released a report called 2015 Park Assets. I couldn't find Little Mountain Park in the list. Who is the City Councillor for LMP.

Next the City announced an Interactive website for Parks and Open spaces and Little Mountain Park is listed with the following amenities even thought it is not in the report of City Assets.

Chief Peguis Trail
Chief Peguis Trail Extension West
From Main Street to Brookside Boulevard
From 2014 to 2016, a Functional Design Study was conducted for the Chief Peguis Trail (CPT) Extension West. The intent of the study was to gain insight into the use and expectations for the CPT Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard. The CPT Extension West will be approximately 10 kilometers in length and will support economic development, create recreational opportunities, and support the completion of the Strategic Inner Ring Road to reduce traffic on neighborhood streets to make them more accommodating for public transit, walking and cycling.

A Preliminary Design Study is now being completed for the CPT Extension West.

The Preliminary Design Study will recommend a final design for the CPT Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard. The design will:

Provide efficient traffic flow on CPT;
Relieve traffic on neighbourhood streets;
Provide connections to surrounding neighbourhoods;
Include pedestrian and cycling infrastructure along the route and connections to community destinations;
Include potential locations for public art; and,
Limit the loss of higher quality natural areas.

Related Links
The intent of the public engagement process for the Preliminary Design Study is to provide information and collect local feedback to:

Inform the community of the intended plans;
Help plan pedestrian and cycling infrastructure and amenities;
Help identify connections to community destinations;
Ensure the project complements adjacent development;
Address the requirements of the Environmental License; and,
Meet with affected landowners and identify property requirements.
Public Information Session

Take a tour of the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West.

View the proposed design, speak with City representatives and project team members, provide your feedback and ask questions regarding the project.

Date: Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Time: 4 p.m.- 7 p.m.
Location: Red River Community Centre, 293 Murray Avenue
Format : Drop-in

From 2014 to 2016, four public engagement events were held to collect feedback for the Chief Peguis Trail Extension West Functional Design Study. A public information session held on June 29, 2016 at Red River Community Centre had 244 people in attendance. An online survey closed on July 12, 2016 with 84 responses. Comments received through this public engagement process indicated a repeated desire for an uninterrupted flow of traffic and fewer traffic lights; this feedback was considered in the latest phase of the design. Read more about what was said during previous public engagement activities under the related links tab.

At the end of this study, a public engagement report will be shared on this website.

Project Contact: 204-943-3178 or

Thank you for participating in the Chief Peguis Trail (CPT) Extension West from Main Street to Brookside Boulevard project earlier this year. A public engagement report and summary on what we heard is now available online in the Documents Section of the project This Phase 1 Public Engagement documenthas been provided to the project team and will be used to help guide the design process.


The CPT Extension West will be approximately 10 kilometres in length and will support economic development, create recreational opportunities, and support the completion of the Strategic Inner Ring Road to reduce traffic on neighborhood streets to make them more accommodating for public transit, walking and cycling.


As part of this study, a two-phase public engagement strategy was developed. Phase One of the public engagement strategy occurred from February 2017 to June 2017, and Phase Two is scheduled to commence in the Fall of 2017. During Phase One, study background information was presented to the public and feedback was gathered to learn about potential issues and opportunities, and seek comments on the draft design of the CPT Extension.


Phase Two of the CPT Extension West Study is scheduled to start in the Fall of 2017. Please refer to the project webpage ( for further details on upcoming public engagement events.