Good Afternoon Rescue Supporters, Well January is over and we are gearing up for our Upcoming Bingo Bowl Fundraiser. We hope you are all excited about it as much as we are! :) Attached to this email you will find the event poster that you can print off and post up on our behalf. If you can think of places in the city that would let you post the poster, please do. Also attached is our silent auction donation request letter. If any of you or someone you know can donate items to our silent auction, please use this letter as a reference. If anyone has any questions, please tell they they can contact us directly. If you would like to donate something to our silent auction some ideas we have are: General Basket Ideas -Pug theme -Boston Terrier theme -Lottery tree (already donated by FFFAS) -Men's basket -Ladies basket -Kids basket -Pamper yourself (spa stuff) -Dog (pet) basket -Cat basket -Kitchen basket -Coffee/tea basket -Romance basket -Odds and ends basket -Sports theme basket -Lia Sophia basket (already donated by Jessica M.)
Grand Prize Ideas -BBQ Package -TV & Entertainment Package -Bar Fridge -Winnipeg Jets Tickets or Winnipeg Jets Merchandise (jersey, sweatshirts, t-shirts, mugs) -Deluxe Wine Basket (Donations of $10 bottles of wine??) -Restaurant Gift Cards If you are looking to reserve some tickets for the Bingo Bowl or reserve a lane, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com and we can get the tickets to you. We will also have tickets available for sale at our 3rd Annual Valentine's Playgroup on February 12th. See the link below to come on out and join in on the fun... http://www.meetup.com/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-Playgroup-of-Winnipeg/events/45848722/ Also check out the attached poster for more details on the party and feel free to share with Family and Friends. Look forward to seeing some of you soon.... Jessica & Rena
Details Published: 02 February 2012 Last Updated: 02 February 2012 Hits: 1301 BTPRSM
Good Afternoon Everyone, Well we are half way through January and that means we are half way through the worst of winter. By the time you know it we will be at the end of March and all the snow will be melting. We do have a few things to tell you all about to keep all of you busy through these last few months before Spring arrives. ************************************************************************************************************* BTPRSM Adoption Meet & Greet at Pet Valu Rivergrove Pet Valu Rivergrove - 2595 Main Street Saturday, January 21st & Sunday, January 22nd Saturday (11 am - 3 pm) & Sunday (Noon - 4 pm) Come out and meet some of the adoptables available with the BTPRSM.
We will have our display table with our crafted items. Information about the rescue including adoption applications and foster applications available.
We will have a small silent auction as well.
Hope to see some of you there. The event poster is attached to this email. Please feel free to share and cross post this event with family and friends. *** Stay tuned for more adoption events in the future ***
************************************************************************************************************* BTPRSM's First Ever Cookbook!!! We are still looking for your favorite recipes for our first ever BTPRSM Cookbook.... Our cookbook will consist of 350 recipes. If you have a favorite recipe, then we want it :). Below is what we would require when receiving your recipe submissions: 1) Recipe (please double check the measurements to make sure its correct) 2) Copyrighted recipes will not be accepted (as per cookbook printer) {Examples of copyrighted recipes would be "Nestle Chocolate Chip Cookies", you may call them Jane's Chocolate Chip Cookies instead.} 3) Put the name you would like published. (ex: Jane Doe or "Fluffy" Doe or in memory of "Fluffy" Doe) NOTE: Please also make sure spelling of the name or company is correct) 4) What category your recipe would be filed under: Drinks & Appetizers Salads & Dressings, Soups & Sauces Veggies & Side Dishes Main Courses Breads and Muffins Desserts For your Pet Misc Our deadline for submissions is January 31 or until we have 350 recipes. Please feel free to forward this email to family and friends.
We are hoping to have the cookbooks ready in early spring.
All recipes can be sent to btprmb@gmail.com and if you have any questions you can email us at that address as well. We are really looking forward to see what yummy recipes our supporters will submit. Feel free to share this with family and friends. Get your recipes into us before we run out of space.....
************************************************************************************************************* Aunt Sarah's Chocolate Bar Fundraiser It's that time of year again! Beginning today, we'll start taking orders for selling Aunt Sarah's Famous Chocolate bars. Many of you are familiar with the "Simply Delicious" bars that are so addictive!
As in the past, we're looking for people willing to sell a case (or more?) or our behalf. How does it work? Easy - just let us know how many cases you'd like, and whether you'd like a mixed case, or a case entirely of one kind. Each case has 30 bars in it that are sold for $2 each. We collect the $60 per case up front from you when you get your case, and then you recoup the $60 you've put out through sales of the bars. These things sell like HOTCAKES! Please consider selling a case of chocolate bars on our behalf - every two cases we sell is a spay/neuter and rabies shot for a foster dog who needs it! :) There are now only three types of flavours available through Aunt Sarahs: -Simply Delicious -Simply Caramel -Krispie Rice
We're placing our order Wednesday, January 25th. If you are able to take a case, please let us know prior to this date and we will include your request in our order. Delivery will be arranged once the bars are available. Your support is greatly appreciated!! ************************************************************************************************************ BTPRSM T-Shirts You can now support our rescue by wearing one of our t-shirts. We just got them in last week and they are selling fast. We have attached a photo of the front and back of the t-shirt for you to view. We have a few different sizes available. (S - 2XL). The t-shirts are $20.00 each. Our t-shirts have our logo on the front and on the back is a QR code and our website address. A QR code is a matrix bar code that can be scanned by a smart phone that will link you directly to our website. Now how cool is that!! If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com Get your T-shirt today and support the BTPRSM. ************************************************************************************************************* BTPRSM St. Paddy's Bingo Bowl Fundraiser
We are excited to announce we will be holding our Annual Bingo Bowl Fundraiser on Saturday, March 17th from 8:00 - 10:00pm.
We've moved to an even larger venue this year. Join us at Dakota Lanes (1085 St.Mary's Rd.) for two games of bowling, prizes, food, a silent auction, and a 50/50 draw! Tickets are $12 each and there are 6 bowlers to a lane. If you'd like to bring a team of 6, please contact us and let us know so we can make sure a full lane is set aside for you. Don't delay - we sold out of tickets very quickly last year and there were some people who were disappointed. We don't want that to happen this year! *** NOTE: Our Event Poster will be available soon. ***
As well, we are also looking for donations to help make our Silent Auction a success. A donation letter is also attached - if anyone is able to donate or solicit donations on our behalf, it is greatly appreciated! ************************************************************************************************************* Show & Save Card & Coupon Book Spring/Summer 2012 Edition Fundraiser This is a first time fundraiser for BTPRSM. There have been very many requests from our supporters to give it a try, so we have listened and we are excited to see if they are a hit. The Show and Save Card and Coupon book is $15.00. The will be available for us to sell mid-March and we will be selling them for approximately three weeks. We are taking orders now, so please email us at btprmb@gmail.com so you don't miss out on this great savings book. BTPRSM gets a % of all books sold. WHAT IS THE SHOW & SAVE CARD? The SHOW & SAVE CARD is a re-usable discount card that conveniently fits into your wallet. The SHOW & SAVE CARD features over 100 money saving discounts and offers including restaurants, entertainment, clothing, merchandise, services, and much, much more. The SHOW & SAVE CARD can be used over and over until the expiry date of March 31, 2013. HOW THE CARD WORKS: Simply present the Card when ordering at any of the businesses and you will receive the discount or offer featured on the Card. The business does not punch their ad out, cross it out or cut it out. Like a credit card, it may be used over and over, until the expiry date. The SHOW & SAVE CARD is carried with you at all times and presented at the point of purchase. COUPON BOOK OF SAVINGS: Every SHOW & SAVE CARD includes a Coupon Book. This book features over 400 coupons. The coupons may only be used once, but they are a tremendous value; worth thousands of dollars. Featured discounts include restaurants, golf, entertainment, merchandise, grocery, services and more. All coupons expire March 31, 2013. Well that's all for now. If you have any questions about any of the above events, fundraisers or news, please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com. We will be emailing out our Bingo Bowl event poster soon and will also notify when tickets are available. Cheers, Jessica & Rena
Details Published: 17 January 2012 Last Updated: 17 January 2012 Hits: 1288 Barb Wire Hi there, Just spoke to a person at the park who talked to an owner of a dog warning her about barbed wire snares being set up in the bush. Apparently a dog was all cut up after the barbed wire got wrapped around his leg. Just wanted to pass this message along to see if anyone else had problems similar to this. The more people who know about this kind of information the better! Thanks
From Leanne
Details Published: 05 January 2012 Last Updated: 05 January 2012 Hits: 1264 BTPRSM
Good Afternoon Rescue Supporters, Friends Fundraising for Animal Shelters (FFFAS) is hosting a bake sale for the Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba (BTPRSM) at the Misercordia Hospital on Thursday, January 12, 2012. If you would like to donate some baked goods, they must be made with nut free products. (No peanut butter or peanuts, almonds, walnuts, etc.). Also, baking (cookies, tarts and squares) must be packaged in 6's and 12's. Other items such as; breads, loaves, pies and cakes can be packaged as such. Please include the ingredients of the baked goods on the package. The baked goods can be dropped off to Karen at 222 Kilbride Ave. (Please email her at huskyontherun2@gmail.com or call her at 889-4700 to arrange drop off). If pick up of baking is needed, please contact Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue at btprmb@gmail.com Baking needs to be submitted no later than Wednesday, January 11. Thank you so much for your continued support. FFFAS & BTPRSM
Details Published: 05 January 2012 |
Pet Valu April 14th & 15th is Pet Valu National Adoption Weekend. (McPhillips location)
Schedule of Events:
- 10:00 am - 6:00pm CARE Cat Adoptions
- 11:00 am - 3:00pm Hull's Haven Dog Adoptions
- 12:00 - 5:00pm Fundraising BBQ
- 1:00pm Diamond Disc Dog Show
- 2:30pm - 4:30pm Canada'a Canine Academy Dog Trainer Dawn Piche
- 12:00 - 6:00pm CARE Cat Adoptions
- 1:00pm - 3:30pm Hull's Haven Dog Adoptions
- 12:00 - 5:00pm Fundraising BBQ
- 12:00 - 5:00pm Canine Behavioral Specialist Wayne Chambers
Details Published: 07 April 2012 Last Updated: 07 April 2012 Hits: 1580 Kil-cona This comes from our friends over at Kil-cona park.
Greetings Little Mountain,
Kilcona Park Dog Club is starting to work on a poster and brochure on dog park etiquette and safety for off-leash area users . Our original idea was to develop Kilcona-specific material but the idea of having common park etiquette guidelines and safety tips that apply to all off-leash areas make more sense. Dog walkers will know what to expect, whatever off-leash area they visit. They can also choose a park that best meets their needs.
Maple Grove Club has expressed interest in working jointly on such a project and we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to be a partner too.
We are planning to develop posters and brochures that will target new park users in particular. We will look at distributing the brochures through veterinary clinics and pet supply stores. The information can also be posted on our websites.
For consistency and credibility, we will be asking Animal Services and Park Services to endorse the information so their names/logos would appear on the poster and brochures along with the associations'.
As usual, we will keep the costs as low as possible. KPDC's Marketing Committee has the capacity to design and produce the material so the main budget item will be printing.
Please let me know whether your Board would like to proceed with a joint project and, if so, please let me know who the point person will be.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Donna Henry President - Kilcona Park Dog Club Inc.
Details Published: 04 April 2012 Last Updated: 05 April 2012 Hits: 1427 Tick Their back, we've had our first report of the 2012 ticks on March 24 th. It's also time to think about getting the Heart Worms pills as well.
Details Published: 31 March 2012 Last Updated: 05 April 2012 Hits: 1309 Postponed Sorry everybody but mother nature has other ideas this week about our Spring Clean-up,or at least that's what the weather channel has forcasted! So how about the Sunday after the Easter long weekend ?
Details Published: 28 March 2012 Last Updated: 28 March 2012 Hits: 1311 Clean-up Spring Clean-up 2012. With warm weather we have had our spring clean-up is early this year. We are looking at Sunday April 1st at 10:00 am as a good day to take care of it. The trails seem to be in good shape, just around the Club House and Big field need cleaning. Also with the water level so low in the dug out we can try to clean that as well! So remember to bring your shovel, boots and smile!
Details Published: 26 March 2012 Last Updated: 26 March 2012 Hits: 1242 BTPRSM
BTPRSM St. Paddy's Bingo Bowl Fundraiser
Our Bingo Bowl is officially SOLD OUT!! Thanks to everyone who has supported us by purchasing tickets for the fundraiser or donated items to our silent auction. We still have $5.00 supporter tickets available if you are interested in coming out and participating in the festivities and Silent Auction. We will be contacting everyone who has reserved tickets this week to arrange drop off and collect money. There has been a waiting list started in case we have people who have reserved lanes are no longer able to attend. If you would like to add your name to our waiting list, please send us and email. Like always for those of you that are unable to attend we are allowing our supporters to purchase tickets for the Silent Auction and Grand Prize draws. Please see the attached poster for ticket prices and send a cheque and note as to which package you would like to: BTPRSM, P.O. Box 51063, RPO Tyndall Park, Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 Cheques to be made payable to BTPRSM. If you have a donation for the silent auction, we are asking that all donations be turned in by Saturday, March 10th. We are assembling silent auction baskets on Sunday, March 11th, and will be posting photos of the completed baskets on our FB page and website. Here is a little teaser for you.... Grand Prizes include: Lottery Tree and Assorted Gift Cards/Certificates Jewellery Basket valued at over $500 (including over $250 in lia sophia jewellery) Wine and Dining Out Basket (Wine and Assorted wine accessories and Restaurant Gift Cards) Winnipeg Jets Package (includes: Two tickets to the Jets game on March 26th, Jets Jersey (size L), Jets Pet Jersey (size S), Two Jets Pennants, Jets Bumper Sticker Hope to see you there!!!
************************************************************************************************************ BTPRSM at Craig Street Cats Spay-ghetti Dinner BTPRSM will have our display table set up at the Craig Street Cats 3rd Annual Spay-ghetti Dinner. Please come out and support a great rescue as they help control Wolseley's feral cat population. See below for more information. We are, once again, serving up Spay-ghetti and no balls to help fund our spring spay and neuter drive. Please join us for a great evening of fun, food and entertainment! Saturday March 10, 2012 R.A. Steen C.C. , 980 Palmerston early sitting 5 to 7:00 late sitting 7:30 to 9:30 Tickets: $10 adults, $5 kids 10 and under
Doors open at 4:30 and 7
Pasta by DeLuca’s
Entertainment by Prairie Caravan Tribal Belly Dancers
Order your tickets online and have them waiting for you at the door!
Check out this link for more information on this event:
http://cats.wolseleygirl.com/fundraising-calendar/dinnertickets/ ************************************************************************************************************* BTPRSM 3rd Annual Rescue Reunion Our 3rd Anniversary/Rescue Reunion is happening on Sunday, March 25th from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Sophie's Dognasium. This event is open to EVERYONE - not just past adopters or foster families, so please come and enjoy the day with us!
We'll be going all out, with a full social lunch and celebratory goodies. We are not usually too sticky about RSVPs, but for this event, we need to get a handle on how much food to order, so if you're planning on coming, please RSVP by Friday, March 23rd. See the attached Invite for more detailed information.
************************************************************************************************************* Kin Kar 2012 Raffle Tickets BTPRSM is currently selling Kin Kar Raffle Tickets - A project of Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg. Tickets are 3 for $10. BTPRSM will get $4.00 (40%) for each $10 ticket sold. On the bottom of the ticket is a voucher for the Red River Exhibition for "Buy one regular price admission, get one admission free". Grand Prize: Your CHOICE of: $15000 Cash or 2012 Camaro (total MSRP $30, 640) plus taxes or Jayco 28' White Hawk DSBH Trailer (total MSRP $34,450) plus taxes or 16 Pro Angler Boat & 2012 Can-Am Outlander (total MSRP $27,438) plus taxes or 2012 Can-Am Spyder RS (MSRP $18,949) plus taxes Draw Date: June 24, 2012 at 11:59pm Buy your tickets early and you will be entered into the "Early Bird" draws of $500 Cash! Early Bird draws will take place on April 2, May 2 and June 2. We will have the Kin Kar tickets available at all of our upcoming events. If you would like to purchase a tickets, we can always arrange for to meet up with you. See the attached poster for more details.... ************************************************************************************************************* Required Vetting for Boston Terriers & Pugs Boston Terriers & Pugs come to our rescue with all different kinds of health concerns, which we will always correct so we can help them live a healthy life with their new adoptive families. These surgeries are definitely required for all of our dogs to be healthy, but are very costly. 90% of the time we need to do Dentals (with extractions), nare surgery and elongated palate surgery. When these health conditions get overlooked they can really cause a lot of health concerns for the dog.
Any monetary donations to the rescue to help us pay for our outstanding vet bills for Harley ($1400) and Bella ($1300) would be greatly appreciated. Even $5.00 can go a long way. Donations can be sent to us via mail at BTPRSM, P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park, Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 or can be dropped off at Southglen Veterinary Hospital an applied to our rescue account. Cheques to be made payable to BTPRSM.
If you are unable to donate to the rescue at this time we understand. We ask instead that you please spread the word about all the adoptable dogs we have in rescue so we can help them find their forever homes.
********************************************************************************************************** Always Looking for Qualified Foster Homes
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba are always looking for qualified foster homes to add to our fleet of home and to give our other foster homes a break and to be able to take in more dogs. Foster homes are the heart and soul of our rescue. So if you have a bit extra love to care for one of rescued dogs then please don't hesitate to fill out an application. We supply food, leash, collar, harness, kennel (if required) and medications (if needed). We also pay for all vetting as well.
You can find the foster application attached to this email or on our website at www.bostonpugrescuemb.com under “Fostering A Dog”.
Foster Dog Play Time at Sophie's Dognasium
Sophie's Dognasium thought it would be fun to have a day for the fosters to all play together. Every Tuesday between 11am-5pm they would like to offer foster families half off their drop in fee. Make a play date with another foster parent or just come down and enjoy all the stimulating obstacles.
*********************************************************************************************************** BTPRSM T-Shirts You can now support our rescue by wearing one of our t-shirts. We only have two XL T-shirts left from our first order, but we are now taking orders and sizes for our 2nd T-shirt order. This time we will also be including black t-shirts as well.
The t-shirts are $20.00 each. Our T-shirts have our logo on the front and on the back is a QR code and our website address. A QR code is a matrix bar code that can be scanned by a smart phone that will link you directly to our website. Now how cool is that!!
If you are interested in purchasing one of the two XL t-shirts or placing an order with us for our 2nd shipment, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com
We want to THANK everyone who has already purchased a t-shirt in support of the BTPRSM. ************************************************************************************************************* Show & Save Card & Coupon Book Spring/Summer 2012 Edition Fundraiser
This is a first time fundraiser for BTPRSM. There have been very many requests from our supporters to give it a try, so we have listened and we are excited to see if they are a hit.
The Show and Save Card and Coupon book is $15.00. The will be available for us to sell mid-March and we will be selling them for approximately three weeks. We are taking orders now, so please email us at btprmb@gmail.com so you don't miss out on this great savings book. BTPRSM gets a % of all books sold.
The SHOW & SAVE CARD is a re-usable discount card that conveniently fits into your wallet.
The SHOW & SAVE CARD features over 100 money saving discounts and offers including restaurants, entertainment, clothing, merchandise, services, and much, much more.
The SHOW & SAVE CARD can be used over and over until the expiry date of March 31, 2013.
Simply present the Card when ordering at any of the businesses and you will receive the discount or offer featured on the Card. The business does not punch their ad out, cross it out or cut it out. Like a credit card, it may be used over and over, until the expiry date. The SHOW & SAVE CARD is carried with you at all times and presented at the point of purchase.
Every SHOW & SAVE CARD includes a Coupon Book. This book features over 400 coupons.
The coupons may only be used once, but they are a tremendous value; worth thousands of dollars. Featured discounts include restaurants, golf, entertainment, merchandise, grocery, services and more. All coupons expire March 31, 2013. ************************************************************************************************************ Veseys Bulbs Spring 2012 Fundraiser
Back by popular demand, we will be doing the Veseys Bulbs Spring 2012 Fundraiser. It was a hit with our green thumbs and we want to make everyone's spring a beautiful one. The rescue gets 50% of all sales for each package purchased. Please check out the attached full colour brochure and order form. Orders must be submitted by April 1st, 2012. Cheques can be made payable to BTPRSM. ************************************************************************************************************* Well that's all for now. If you have any questions about any of the above news, events or fundraisers please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com.
Jessica, Rena & Shaila
Details Published: 07 March 2012 Last Updated: 07 March 2012 Hits: 1469 BTPRSM
New Member to the BTPRSM Executive First off we would like to Welcome Shaila Wise to the BTPRSM Executive Committee. Shaila has been volunteering with the rescue for a while now and we decided recently to ask her if she would like to take on a more active role with the BTPRSM. Shaila will be our Advertising & Events Coordinator. Congratulations Shaila!! Rena Mathieson will be taking on the role of Fundraising & Marketing Coordinator, and Jessica Klym will be concentrating on Adoptions, Fosters and Vetting. We are going to make a great team! :) *************************************************************************************************** Harley the Pug Harley was surrendered to the rescue on Thursday evening (Feb 9th) and we went straight to the vet for a check up and to have his shots updated. Harley was scheduled to have surgery on Feb 17th, but Dr. Sra was able to squeeze him in for his surgery for the next day, so Harley got to have a sleepover at Southglen Vet. We are happy to report that Harley's surgery went great and he is doing very well. He has a great appetite and is very happy. Harley's surgery included a neuter, narrow nostrils widened, elongated palate surgery and a dental which included 11 teeth rotten teeth being extracted. Total bill for Harley's surgery and up to date shots was just over $1400.
Boston Terriers & Pugs come to our rescue with all different kinds of health concerns, which we will always correct so we can help them live a healthy life with their new adoptive families.
This surgery was definitely required for Harley to be healthy, but it also was an unexpected amount of money we thought we would need to put into an owner surrendered dog. Unfortunately, sometimes people overlook dental health which can really cause a lot of health concerns.
We are asking for any monetary donations to the rescue to help us pay for this recent bill. Even $5.00 can go a long way. Donations can be sent to us via mail at BTPRSM, P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park, Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 or can be dropped off at Southglen Veterinary Hospital an applied to our rescue account.
If you are unable to donate to the rescue at this time we understand. We ask instead that you please spread the word about all the adoptable dogs we have in rescue so we can help them find their forever homes. ********************************************************************************************************** Looking for Qualified Foster Homes Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba is in need of qualified foster homes! We are always looking for more foster homes to add to our fleet to give our other foster homes a break and to be able to take in more dogs.
Foster homes are the heart and soul of our rescue. So if you have a bit extra love to care for one of rescued dogs then please don't hesitate to fill out an application. We supply food, leash, collar, harness, kennel (if required) and medications (if needed). We also pay for all vetting as well.
You can find the foster application on our website at www.bostonpugrescuemb.com under “Fostering A Dog”.
*********************************************************************************************************** Buster Brown & Bella Today, two new pugs will be arriving to the rescue from SK. Bella and Buster Brown. Here is what we know about both of them so far... - Surrendered to us, because child in home has severe allergies to them - Bella is about 5 1/2 years old, not spayed (but will be asap) good with kids, has the occasional accident (pee) in the house. - Buster Brown is about 8 years old, neutered, not good with really young kids (we suggest 7yrs or older), has food allergies which are controlled with a special diet of grain free food. - Both dogs will be attending the vet this week to be checked by our vet and have their shots updated. Any monetary donations to help us with the upcoming vet bill for these two newbies, is greatly appreciated. Donations can be sent to us via mail at BTPRSM, P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park, Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 or can be dropped off at Southglen Veterinary Hospital an applied to our rescue account. We are currently looking for foster homes for these two. We are not sure if they will be able to be separated or not, but will know more once we meet them and assess them tonight... Please spread the word about our adoptable dogs... We want them to all find their forever homes and the best way to spread the word is by sharing our website... www.bostonpugrescuemb.com *********************************************************************************************************** Foster Dog Play Time at Sophie's Dognasium Sophie's Dognasium thought it would be fun to have a day for the fosters to all play together.
Every Tuesday between 11am-5pm they would like to offer foster families half off their drop in fee. Make a play date with another foster parent or just come down and enjoy all the stimulating obstacles. ************************************************************************************************************* Craft Sales at Health Sciences Centre Friends Fundraising for Animal Shelters (FFFAS) will be fundraising at the Health Sciences Centre on February 15, 17, 28 & 29. BTPRSM was invited to have a table at the HSC with FFFAS on these days with some of our crafted items. We will have bandanas, magnets, crafted cards and other items available as well as our dog cookie kits... If you are visiting the HSC or work at the HSC on these days, stop in and say "Hi" to Karen and check out our table. You can support the rescue and spoil your furry friend at the same time. ************************************************************************************************************* Bake Sale in Support of BTPRSM ~ Friday, March 2nd, 2012 Friends Fundraising for Animal Shelters (FFFAS) is hosting a bake sale for the Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba at the Misercordia Hospital on Friday, March 2, 2012. We are looking for supporters to donate some delicious home baked goods. All baking (cookies & squares) must be packaged in 6's and 12's. Other items such as; breads, loaves, pies and cakes can be packaged as such. Please no nuts in the baking, but smooth peanut butter is permitted. Please include the ingredients of the baked goods on the package. Baked goods can be dropped off to Karen at 222 Kilbride Ave. Please contact Karen directly at huskyontherun2@gmail.com or call 899-4700 to arrange a drop off time. If pick up of baking is needed, please contact Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue at btprmb@gmail.com and we will be happy to pick it up from you. Baking needs to be submitted no later than Thursday, March 1st. Some examples of baked goods needed: Loaves, pies, tarts, cookies, muffins, breads/buns, scones, biscuits Even if you can only bake one item it will help us raise money for our rescued dogs. *********************************************************************************************************** BTPRSM T-Shirts You can now support our rescue by wearing one of our t-shirts. We just got them in last week and they are selling fast. We have attached a photo of the front and back of the t-shirt for you to view. We have a few different sizes available. (M - 2XL). The t-shirts are $20.00 each. Our t-shirts have our logo on the front and on the back is a QR code and our website address. A QR code is a matrix bar code that can be scanned by a smart phone that will link you directly to our website. Now how cool is that!! If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com Get your T-shirt today and support the BTPRSM.
************************************************************************************************************* BTPRSM St. Paddy's Bingo Bowl Fundraiser We are excited to announce that we have almost sold out our Bingo Bowl. We have a few tickets left... get your ticket soon...before they are all gone. Tickets are $12 each. There are also supporter/non-bowler tickets available for $5. (includes access to the event, food and drinks). Check out the attached poster for more details on the event!
We are also looking for donations to help make our Silent Auction a success. A donation letter is also attached - if anyone is able to donate or solicit donations on our behalf, it is greatly appreciated!
************************************************************************************************************* Show & Save Card & Coupon Book Spring/Summer 2012 Edition Fundraiser This is a first time fundraiser for BTPRSM. There have been very many requests from our supporters to give it a try, so we have listened and we are excited to see if they are a hit.
The Show and Save Card and Coupon book is $15.00. The will be available for us to sell mid-March and we will be selling them for approximately three weeks. We are taking orders now, so please email us at btprmb@gmail.com so you don't miss out on this great savings book. BTPRSM gets a % of all books sold.
The SHOW & SAVE CARD is a re-usable discount card that conveniently fits into your wallet.
The SHOW & SAVE CARD features over 100 money saving discounts and offers including restaurants, entertainment, clothing, merchandise, services, and much, much more.
The SHOW & SAVE CARD can be used over and over until the expiry date of March 31, 2013.
Simply present the Card when ordering at any of the businesses and you will receive the discount or offer featured on the Card. The business does not punch their ad out, cross it out or cut it out. Like a credit card, it may be used over and over, until the expiry date. The SHOW & SAVE CARD is carried with you at all times and presented at the point of purchase.
Every SHOW & SAVE CARD includes a Coupon Book. This book features over 400 coupons.
The coupons may only be used once, but they are a tremendous value; worth thousands of dollars. Featured discounts include restaurants, golf, entertainment, merchandise, grocery, services and more. All coupons expire March 31, 2013.
Well that's all for now. If you have any questions about any of the above news, eventsor fundraisers please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com. Jessica, Rena & Shaila
Details Published: 15 February 2012 Last Updated: 15 February 2012 Hits: 1354 Sad News Sad news yesterday, our friend Noble passed away. Our deepest thoughts go out to Gayle in these sad times.
Details Published: 03 February 2012 |
Missing  Missing Pup:
Hi, Abby went missing tonight, when my dad (Ed Loewen) was leaving the dog park. Somehow, driving down that gravel road his tailgate must have popped open, and since it was pouring rain he didn't hear it. He got home and noticed she wasn't in the back and that tailgate was open. He guesses that she must have hopped out at the stop sign at route 90 cause it's really the only time he stopped. We've put out ads online, and he will go put a poster up there tomorrow. But wondering if you could post on here as well. His number is 47904283, and home number 668-1053 Kate
Good news, Abby is back safe and sound!
Details Published: 28 May 2012 Last Updated: 28 May 2012 Hits: 1398 New project We have an app in I-tunes. The Little Mountain Header appears in the 'Winnipeg Headlines' app. It is a free download for your I-Pad or I-Phone, this will help keep in touch with the goings on in the city.
Details Published: 13 May 2012 Last Updated: 13 May 2012 Hits: 1480 Sad News Sad News, our friend Rudy passed away last week. He was a great dog, full of life and always something to say about everything. He will be sadly missed by all.
Details Published: 13 May 2012 Last Updated: 13 May 2012 Hits: 1400 Four Years Old We are Four years old this week! I've sure had a lot of fun doing this and hope to keep on going with some new projects. Stay tuned!
Details Published: 05 May 2012 Last Updated: 05 May 2012 Hits: 1349 BTPRSM
Hi Everyone, Here is an update on some upcoming events and fundraisers as well as some news.... Last Call for Gourmet Kitchen Fundraiser for BTPRSM
We received information about doing a fundraiser with Gourmet Kitchen Fundraising and we wanted to pass it along to all our supporters. This fundraiser will help us raise some money to put towards our vet bills for Roxy, Chance and many more of our adoptable dogs.
Check out the two fundraisers below:
Fun Pasta: Fun Pasta comes in all sorts of different shapes from Dog, Cat, Horse to hockey, holiday and pasta meals. BTPRSM gets 40% profit from each bag sold. See the attached Order Form for details. Here is a link to the website with more information about the products: http://www.gourmetkitchenfundraising.com/productlistpasta.html
Frozen Food: On this form we have cookie dough, bread sticks, chicken fingers, pizzas and much more. BTPRSM gets $8 profit per case. See the attached Order Form for details. Here is a link to the website with more information about the products: http://www.gourmetkitchenfundraising.com/productlist.html
Any questions, feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com and we will be happy to help you.
Please feel free to share this fundraiser with family and friends. Donations for Upcoming Yard Sales
We want your Junk!
BTPRSM is looking for your gently used items for our 1st Yard Sale of the Season.
We are looking for all kinds of items that are easily transportable, and are in good working condition.
One thing we do not need is clothing, so please save those items for Canadian Diabetes pick up or send them to your nearest Valu Village or Salvation Army Store.
Here is where you can find us......
What: Whyte Ridge Community Yard Sale When: Saturday, May 5th Where: 107 Marygrove Cres. Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
And... while we are looking for donations for our yard sale, we are also looking for volunteers for the day of the sale. Even if you can only help out a few hours, we would appreciate the help.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering with us for the this sale, please email us back at btprmb@gmail.com and we will get back to you.
Please check out the attached poster and feel free to share with family and friends.
Our second yard sale will be: When: Saturday, May 26th Where: 1144 Inkster Blvd. Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Niverville Dog Adoption Fair
BTPRSM will be participating in the Niverville Dog Adoption Fair on Saturday, May 12th from Noon - 4 pm. There will be many local pet rescues in attendance as well as many pet related businesses and services.
Please see the attached poster for more details on the event.
We hope to see some of you there. Stop in and say "Hi"!
Wolseley Walk for Wags & Whiskers 2012
The first Sunday in June is the date for the annual Wolseley Walk for Wags and Whiskers. This event is a joint fundraising effort for Craig Street Cats and Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba. Supporters of both causes and residents of Wolseley come out with pets and/or family for a peaceful morning walk around the Wolseley / Wellington loop. Everyone meets at R.A. Steen Community Club, then the walk heads up Wolseley to Oman’s Park, across the railroad bridge, up Wellington Crescent to the Maryland Bridge, and back up Wolseley to the club. It’s a great way to spend a gorgeous spring morning.
Wolseley Walk for Wags & Whiskers 2012 Sunday June 3, 2012 R.A. Steen C.C. 980 Palmerston Registration: 9 am Walk Starts: 10 am Pledge forms and walk information packages are attached in this email.
New this year: We have added a team category. Put together a team of 5 walkers and help raise much needed $$$ for 2 great causes.
Prizes: t-shirts: raise $25 in pledges to earn an event t-shirt gift bags: the first 100 walkers to raise $100 or more will receive a gift bag full of goodies! highest pledges raised: raise the highest $$ amount in pledges, and win a great prize. team prize: the team raising the highest $$ amount in pledges will win great prizes! early bird prize: get your pledge forms in by May 1st to be eligible for the early bird draw!
Sponsors: Sponsors make it possible to put on events like this. We are happy to welcome and acknowledge sponsors for this, and many other events. Please see the attached Sponsorship Package to learn about sponsoring the Wolseley Walk for Wags and Whiskers.
Sophie's Dognasium
Foster Dog Play Time at Sophie's Dognasium
Sophie's Dognasium thought it would be fun to have a day for the fosters to all play together. Every Tuesday between 11am-5pm they would like to offer foster families half off their drop in fee.
Make a play date with another foster parent or just come down and enjoy all the stimulating obstacles.
Sophie's Puppy Pageant
Come strut your stuff at Sophie's Puppy Pageant!! On Saturday May 19th we want you to show off your dog.
All in good fun we will check out their walk, jumps, trick, and fun outfit.
Small dogs (30 lbs and under) will be 11:30am-1:30pm
Med-Large will be 2pm-4pm
Must register by May 12th, Full payment required of $10.50 (passes are not valid for this event). Spots are limited so don't miss out on the FUN!!
Sophie's Dognasium SMALL DOG PLAY TIME! (30 lbs and under)
EVERY Wednesday 5pm-7pm will stay the same
EVERY Sunday 6pm-8pm will change to 4pm-6pm
Please Call To Guarantee a Spot.
P.S. - Summer hours being May 1st. Please visit web site to for Summer Hours
Chance and Roxy Update
On Thursday, April 5th, the rescue welcomed two new pugs. Both were in very bad shape and were extremely emaciated.
Both Roxy and Chance has since had their surgeries and are both doing very well. Chance's adoption is being finalized Tuesday evening. He found a forever home that has two young boys who are going to spoil him rotten with lots of loves, treats, toys and walks. Congratulations Chance!! We are so happy you have found the perfect forever home. :)
Roxy had her surgery last Tuesday and she is recovering well. She was spayed, had her elongated palate shortened, her narrow nostrils widened and had 11 teeth extracted. She is had a severe infection in her mouth because of all the rotten teeth. :( We are also going to be consulting with Dr. Sra from Southglen Vet about Roxy possibly requiring patella surgery in one of her knees. This surgery will fix her knee so that is doesn't slip out when she walks. Roxy will not be available for a few more weeks while she recovers from her surgery and once we consult with Dr. Sra about her knee surgery.
The total for Roxy's surgery was $1293.93. Roxy's adoption fee will only cover 1/3 of her vetting. The rest if made up of fundraising and donations from supporters.
Any monetary donations towards Roxy's vet bill is greatly appreciated. Even $5.00 goes along way to help us out.
Donations can be made directly on our account at Southglen Veterinary Hospital or can be mailed to us at: BTPRSM, P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park, Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6
Kin Kar 2012 Raffle Tickets BTPRSM is currently selling Kin Kar Raffle Tickets - A project of Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg.
Tickets are 3 for $10. BTPRSM will get $4.00 (40%) for each $10 ticket sold. On the bottom of the ticket is a voucher for the Red River Exhibition for "Buy one regular price admission, get one admission free".
Grand Prize: Your CHOICE of: $15000 Cash or 2012 Camaro (total MSRP $30, 640) plus taxes or Jayco 28' White Hawk DSBH Trailer (total MSRP $34,450) plus taxes or 16 Pro Angler Boat & 2012 Can-Am Outlander (total MSRP $27,438) plus taxes or 2012 Can-Am Spyder RS (MSRP $18,949) plus taxes Draw Date: June 24, 2012 at 11:59pm
Buy your tickets early and you will be entered into the "Early Bird" draws of $500 Cash! Early Bird draws will take place on April 2, May 2 and June 2.
We will have the Kin Kar tickets available at all of our upcoming events. If you would like to purchase a tickets, we can always arrange for to meet up with you.
See the attached poster for more details on the items available.
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue Playgroup of Winnipeg
If you are not a member feel free to join the group. It's a lot of fun for your dog to get out and socialize. We are currently doing walks at various dog parks throughout the city. Walks are every second Thursday at 7pm. Check out the link for more info.
Always Looking for Qualified Foster Homes
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba are always looking for qualified foster homes to add to our fleet of home and to give our other foster homes a break and to be able to take in more dogs.
Foster homes are the heart and soul of our rescue. So if you have a bit extra love to care for one of rescued dogs then please don't hesitate to fill out an application. We supply food, leash, collar, harness, kennel (if required) and medications (if needed). We also pay for all vetting as well.
You can find the foster application attached to this email or on our website at www.bostonpugrescuemb.com under “Fostering A Dog”.
If anyone has any questions about any of the upcoming events, news or fundraisers please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com
Details Published: 30 April 2012 Last Updated: 30 April 2012 Hits: 1688 Clean-up 2012 Even though the weather wasn't the greatest, we still had a few people show up for our annual clean-up day. Thanks to everybody that made the effort to try to make things better for all.
Details Published: 15 April 2012 Last Updated: 15 April 2012 Hits: 1297 Sunday Hi there, we are going to try to have our Park Clean-up day this Sunday April 15th at 10:00 ish. So remember to bring a shovel and your boots!
Details Published: 10 April 2012 Last Updated: 10 April 2012 Hits: 1286 BTPRSM
************************************************************************************************************ Hi Everyone, We received information about doing a fundraiser with Gourmet Kitchen Fundraising today and we wanted to pass it along to all our supporters. This fundraiser will help us raise some money to put towards our vet bills for Roxy, Chance and many more of our adoptable dogs. ORDER DEADLINE is MAY 1st Check out the two fundraisers below: Fun Pasta: Fun Pasta comes in all sorts of different shapes from Dog, Cat, Horse to hockey, holiday and pasta meals. BTPRSM gets 40% profit from each bag sold. See the attached Order Form for details. Here is a link to the website with more information about the products: http://www.gourmetkitchenfundraising.com/productlistpasta.html Frozen Food: On this form we have cookie dough, bread sticks, chicken fingers, pizzas and much more. BTPRSM gets $8 profit per case. See the attached Order Form for details. Here is a link to the website with more information about the products: http://www.gourmetkitchenfundraising.com/productlist.html Any questions, feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com and we will be happy to help you. Two New Pugs in Rescue Last Thursday, the rescue welcomed two new pugs. Both were in very bad shape and were extremely emaciated. {See attached photos of Roxy and Chance the first day they came into rescue} Roxy is a 6 year old female fawn pug. She was used for breeding and is in very bad shape. She will need to be spayed, have her narrow nostrils widened, have her elongated palate trimmed and have a dental with all her rotten teeth removed. This girl was not cared for at all. Her teeth are in very bad shape and we expect that the majority of her molars will need to be removed. We are also going to be consulting with Dr. Sra from Southglen Vet about Roxy possibly requiring patella surgery in one of her knees. This surgery will fix her knee so that is doesn't slip out when she walks. Chance is a 3 year old male fawn pug. He was also used as a stud for breeding. Chance is also emaciated and we are working on getting him to a healthy weight. Chance will be neutered, have his narrow nostrils widened, have his elongated palate trimmed and will also have a dental with any rotten teeth extracted. We will be vetting these two pugs in the next few weeks. We just want them to be comfortable in their news homes and each put on a few more pounds before we put them on the surgical table. Any monetary donations towards their vet care is greatly appreciated. We don't expect these vet bills to be low. Especially is they are both going to be having dentals and if Roxy requires patella surgery. Donations can be made directly on our account at Southglen Veterinary Hospital or can be mailed to us at: BTPRSM, P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park, Winnipeg, MB R2X 3C6 Thanks, Roxy, Chance and BTPRSM Executive ************************************************************************************************************* Show & Save Book & Card ~ Spring/Summer 2012 Fundraiser Spring into savings with a Show & Save Book/Card for only $15. LAST DAY FOR ORDERS IS SUNDAY, APRIL 15th! Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba is currently selling these for a short time. All coupons and reusable card expires March 31, 2013!
Whether you are purchasing a book for yourself, for company during the summer or as a Easter present for someone, the book will pay for itself in no time!
If you are interested in purchasing a Show & Save book, please email btprmb@gmail.com and we will make arrangements to get the book to you.
You can purchase your copy at the following up coming events
April 14th 9:00am - 1:00pm: Pet Valu Reenders Rescue Awareness, Adoption Event & BBQ (various rescues will be in attendance).
Karen from Friends Fundraising for Animal Shelters will also be selling the books at her table at Sobeys and HSC.
Please feel free to pass this email onto everyone you know, so they have a chance to get in on the savings!
Kin Kar 2012 Raffle Tickets BTPRSM is currently selling Kin Kar Raffle Tickets - A project of Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg.
Tickets are 3 for $10. BTPRSM will get $4.00 (40%) for each $10 ticket sold. On the bottom of the ticket is a voucher for the Red River Exhibition for "Buy one regular price admission, get one admission free".
Grand Prize: Your CHOICE of: $15000 Cash or 2012 Camaro (total MSRP $30, 640) plus taxes or Jayco 28' White Hawk DSBH Trailer (total MSRP $34,450) plus taxes or 16 Pro Angler Boat & 2012 Can-Am Outlander (total MSRP $27,438) plus taxes or 2012 Can-Am Spyder RS (MSRP $18,949) plus taxes Draw Date: June 24, 2012 at 11:59pm
Buy your tickets early and you will be entered into the "Early Bird" draws of $500 Cash! Early Bird draws will take place on April 2, May 2 and June 2.
We will have the Kin Kar tickets available at all of our upcoming events. If you would like to purchase a tickets, we can always arrange for to meet up with you.
See the attached poster for more details on the items available.
************************************************************************************************************ Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue Playgroup of Winnipeg Our outdoor walks start this Thursday evening at 7 pm and they will be every second Thrusday until October unless it rains which you will be notified by email through the playgroup meet up site below. If you are not a member feel free to join the group. It's a lot of fun for your dog to get out and socialize. http://www.meetup.com/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-Playgroup-of-Winnipeg/ ************************************************************************************************************* Pet Valu Pet Appreciation & Adoption Weekend This Saturday, April 14th, Pet Valu Reenders will be hosting the National Pet Valu Pet Appreciation and Adoption Weekend. BTPRSM has been invited to attend. We will be at the Reenders location from 9 am - 1 pm and will have some of our adorable adoptables with us. There will be a BBQ and Silent Auction at this location as well that supports Friends Fundraising for Animal Shelters. ************************************************************************************************************* Wolseley Walk for Wags & Whiskers 2012 The first Sunday in June is the date for the annual Wolseley Walk for Wags and Whiskers. This event is a joint fundraising effort for Craig Street Cats and Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba. Supporters of both causes and residents of Wolseley come out with pets and/or family for a peaceful morning walk around the Wolseley / Wellington loop. Everyone meets at R.A. Steen Community Club, then the walk heads up Wolseley to Oman’s Park, across the railroad bridge, up Wellington Crescent to the Maryland Bridge, and back up Wolseley to the club. It’s a great way to spend a gorgeous spring morning.
Walk 2012 Sunday June 3, 2012 R.A. Steen C.C. 980 Palmerston Registration: 9 am Walk Starts: 10 am
Pledge forms and walk information packages are attached in this email.
New this year: we have added a team category. Put together a team of 5 walkers and help raise much needed $$$ for 2 great causes.
Prizes: t-shirts: raise $25 in pledges to earn an event t-shirt gift bags: the first 100 walkers to raise $100 or more will receive a gift bag full of goodies! highest pledges raised: raise the highest $$ amount in pledges, and win a great prize. team prize: the team raising the highest $$ amount in pledges will win great prizes! earlybird prize: get your pledge forms in by May 1st to be elegible for the earlybird draw!
Sponsors Sponsors make it possible to put on events like this. We are happy to welcome and acknowledge sponsors for this, and many other events. Please see the attached Sponsorship Package to learn about sponsoring the Wolseley Walk for Wags and Whiskers. ************************************************************************************************************* Always Looking for Qualified Foster Homes Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba are always looking for qualified foster homes to add to our fleet of home and to give our other foster homes a break and to be able to take in more dogs.
Foster homes are the heart and soul of our rescue. So if you have a bit extra love to care for one of rescued dogs then please don't hesitate to fill out an application. We supply food, leash, collar, harness, kennel (if required) and medications (if needed). We also pay for all vetting as well.
You can find the foster application attached to this email or on our website at www.bostonpugrescuemb.com under “Fostering A Dog”.
************************************************************************************************************ Foster Dog Play Time at Sophie's Dognasium Sophie's Dognasium thought it would be fun to have a day for the fosters to all play together. Every Tuesday between 11am-5pm they would like to offer foster families half off their drop in fee. Make a play date with another foster parent or just come down and enjoy all the stimulating obstacles. ************************************************************************************************************* Donations for Upcoming Yard Sales We want your Junk!
Now that we have your attention....
BTPRSM is looking for your gently used items for our 1st Yard Sale of the Season.
We are looking for all kinds of items that are easily transportable, and are in good working condition. One thing we do not need is clothing, so please save those items for Canadian Diabetes pick up or send them to your nearest Valu Village or Salvation Army Store.
Here is where you can find us......
What: Whyte Ridge Community Yard Sale When: Saturday, May 5th Where: 107 Marygrove Cres. Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
And... while we are looking for donations for our yard sale, we are also looking for volunteers for the day of the sale. Even if you can only help out a few hours, we would appreciate the help.
If you or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering with us for the this sale, please email us back at btprmb@gmail.com and we will get back to you.
Please check out the attached poster and feel free to share with family and friends. ************************************************************************************************************* If anyone has any questions about any of the upcoming events, news or fundraisers please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com Thank you for your continued support,
Jessica, Rena & Shaila
Details Published: 10 April 2012 |
Manitoba Pet Expo 2012 Manitoba Pet Expo 2012 Sunday, September 16th at Sophie's Dognasium 1469 St. James Street (between Saskatchwan & Dublin).
Rescue Information Booths - Pet Portraits - Pet Merchandise Exhibitors - Kid's Carnival - Concession & BBQ - Demonstrations
go to ManitobaPetExpo.com for more information
Details Published: 08 July 2012 Last Updated: 08 July 2012 Hits: 1254 Brochure Kil-cona, Maple Grove and ourselves have been working together to create a Puppy Etiquette brochure for the public. We plan to take our proposals to the City in the fall. We thought that it might be fun to have a contest to come up with a name for the brochure. This is a major contest that will be on par with the Power-ball and Lotto Max! Okay, maybe not, how about a bag of cookies or something along those lines!
Send in your ideas and any suggestions that you might want to see included. I'll pass them along, we can make this a real community event!
Details Published: 16 June 2012 Last Updated: 16 June 2012 Hits: 1314 Blessing 2012 We are setting up the Blessing of the Animals ,the date is Sunday, October 7th at 2:00 – I think that is Thanksgiving weekend. Maybe we can get it on CJOB or in the paper. This has been a wonderful event for the last couple of years.
Details Published: 10 June 2012 Last Updated: 10 June 2012 Hits: 1278 Garden It's time to get the Hope Garden fixed up again for another summer. Let's try to get a wide assortment of different flowers and give the garden some colour!
Details Published: 10 June 2012 Last Updated: 10 June 2012 Hits: 1337 Mess I have had a number of people comment about the mess left over from this last weekends event. To contact the city, 986 6635, which is the voice mail for Bob Moskal, Technician for Parks Services North Branch. I was told that because of the location of the park, it's the North Branch's responsibility. The more people that do call, the city will be forced to deal with the large groups that use the park. I have taken pictures of the left overs and will be forwarding them on.
Details Published: 07 June 2012 Last Updated: 07 June 2012 Hits: 1317 Football The city has seen fit to drop the football field back in the Off-Leash section of the park, again. Well done, well done!
Details Published: 02 June 2012 Last Updated: 02 June 2012 Hits: 1253 BTPRSM Hi Everyone, Here is an update on some upcoming events and fundraisers as well as some news.... Upcoming Fundraising Yard Sales We want your Junk! BTPRSM is looking for your gently used items for our yard sales for the summer yard sales we will be having to raise money for the rescue.
And while we are looking for donations for our yard sale, we are also looking for volunteers for the day of the sale. Even if you can only help out a few hours, we would appreciate the help. We usually need help in the morning unpacking boxes and sorting onto the tables as well as at the end of the day packing up everything until the next sale. If you or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering with us for the this sale, please email us back at btprmb@gmail.com and we will get back to you. Also send us an email if you have items you would like to donate to the yard sale. Please check out the attached posters and feel free to share with family and friends.
BTPRSM Fundraising Yard Sales for June:
June 2 & 3 ~ 1144 Inkster Blvd. ~ Saturday 9 am - 3 pm and Sunday 10 am - 3 pm
June 23 ~ 471 Beresford Ave. ~ Saturday 9 am - 3 pm
Tupperware Fundraiser (40% of the sales goes to BTPRSM)
We have partnered up with Dominque Homme from Tupperware to sell some awesome products and raise money for the rescue at the same time.
Here is the link below to place an order online directly through Tupperware's website and directly to our Fundraising Party. http://order.tupperware.ca/pls/htprod_wwwcan/!twx$eparty_ctl.p_guest_welcome?pv_eparty=3ae6bbcafad83a193a7fee6961669554
We will also have fundraising brochures and order forms at all our events in June.
ORDER DEADLINE is June 25. BTPRSM wants you to "Show us your Rolls!" With the Canadian Penny going out of circulation and becoming extinct (that's exactly how we want to see out vet bill).
We are collecting pennies, loose or rolled!!!!! Our goal by December 31, 2012 is to collect $1000 worth of pennies!! That's right 100,000 pennies!!!
You can donate your pennies at any event we are at OR print off this snazzy label, affix it to a jar and set it up at your desk or (if allowed) at your place of work. We will be assembling some jars for businesses that wouldn't mind putting them out for us.
Every penny counts!!!!
Sophie's Dognasium 1st Anniversary
It has been one year since we opened our doors and we are having a party!! Come on down, have some fun and celebrate with us on June 9th 2012 11am-6pm
Dognasium will be open for off leash play!
Agility demo will be from 1pm-130pm
Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of MB will be here with Adoptable Dogs from 12pm-4pm
Royal Canin will have a product specialist here from 12pm-4pm
Dunk for the dog (weather permitted) and face painting for the kids
Regular admission, no passes accepted on this day.
Please Note we will be Closed June 10th and 11th :)
Fundraising with Gourmet Kitchen
Because our first fundraiser with Gourmet Kitchen was such a hit, we decided to do it again. This fundraiser will help us raise some money to put towards our vet bills. ORDER DEADLINE is June 25. Check out the two fundraisers below: Fun Pasta: Fun Pasta comes in all sorts of different shapes from Dog, Cat, Horse to hockey, holiday and pasta meals. BTPRSM gets 40% profit from each bag sold. See the attached Order Form for details. Here is a link to the website with more information about the products: http://www.gourmetkitchenfundraising.com/productlistpasta.html Frozen Food: On this form we have cookie dough, bread sticks, chicken fingers, pizzas and much more. BTPRSM gets $8 profit per case. See the attached Order Form for details. Here is a link to the website with more information about the products: http://www.gourmetkitchenfundraising.com/productlist.html Any questions, feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com and we will be happy to help you.
Please feel free to share this fundraiser with family and friends.
Second Annual Bullies & Buddies Adoption and Awareness Day
BTPRSM is happy to announce that we will be taking part in the 2nd Annual Bullies & Buddies Adoption and Awareness Day.
Thanks to Pet Valu for sponsoring this event!!
Manitoba dog and cat rescues will be in attendance. So far: - MB German Shepherd Rescue - Craig Street Cats - Winnipeg Boxer Rescue - Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern MB - Take Me Home Small Dog Rescue - Manitoba Mutts Dog Rescue (confirming) - Manitoba Under Dogs Rescue - MB Great Pyrenees Rescue (confirming) - S.S.N.I.P - MB Small Dog Rescue - Angels Haven (confirming) - Project P.A.W.S - Hi Speed Hounds - Walk for Guide Dogs - Safe Haven (confirming) - Quagga (confirming) - MB Pit Bull Connection
Musical Entertainment: Country music star JASON KIRKNESS will be performing for us!!
Entertainment booked so far: Steve Diamond of the Diamond Disc Dogs The Winnipeg Woof Pack
Local Vendors so far: Pet Valu
Killer silent auction prizes (BBQ, Patio set, luggage set, DVD player, gift cards are all in the works already!)
BBQ with Veggie alternatives, drinks, chips, burgers and hot dogs and much much more!
Bring your whole family out, there will be lots to do and see. Dogs are are also welcome - ALL breeds can attend!**
**All dogs must be contained on a 6 foot or shorter leash. No human aggressive dogs of any shape or size please. Reactive dogs/dogs who are NOT comfortable with dogs in their faces will be asked to have a red ribbon on their collar or leash so other dog owners know to respect their space with their own dogs.
Check out the attached poster for more details on this event.
BTPRSM at Lower Fort Garry Dog Day
Sunday, July 8 9 am - 3 pm
Come on out and join in the fun! BTPRSM will be one of the exhibitors participating in Lower Fort Gary Dog Day 2012.
Dogs and their owners can participate in a talent show, historic costume fashion show, watch agility demonstrations, participate in a dog look -alike contest and even hook up their pups to a travois.
Check out the Canine Trade Fair which takes place inside the fort walls in a large tent.
BTPRSM will have some adoptable dogs on site with us and will also have our display table set up with information on our rescue as well as merchandise for purchase. All monies raised support the BTPRSM directly.
Hope to see some of you there.
See the attached poster and feel free to share with family and friends.
Canvasback Pet Supplies ~ 2013 Calendar Photo Contest
BTPRSM is looking for all our supporters and fans to help us with this photo contest. All you need to do is submit your favorite photo of your pet(s) and let Canvasback Pet Supplies know that you want the proceeds donated to Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of MB. Thanking you all in advance to help us win this contest. Please share this event with family and friends and tell them to nominate the BTPRSM. :) See below for more information: Canvasback Pet Supplies is very excited to announce our first ever Calendar Photo Contest! We are looking for your adorable pet photos to fill our calendar pages. The Calendar will be offered for sale starting in November 2012 with the proceeds going to a local pet rescue chosen by you. https://www.facebook.com/notes/canvasback-pet-tack-supply/2013-calendar-photo-contest/10150923873089640
Kin Kar 2012 Raffle Tickets BTPRSM is currently selling Kin Kar Raffle Tickets - A project of Kinsmen Club of Winnipeg. Tickets are 3 for $10. BTPRSM will get $4.00 (40%) for each $10 ticket sold. On the bottom of the ticket is a voucher for the Red River Exhibition for "Buy one regular price admission, get one admission free".
Grand Prize: Your CHOICE of: $15000 Cash or 2012 Camaro (total MSRP $30, 640) plus taxes or Jayco 28' White Hawk DSBH Trailer (total MSRP $34,450) plus taxes or 16 Pro Angler Boat & 2012 Can-Am Outlander (total MSRP $27,438) plus taxes or 2012 Can-Am Spyder RS (MSRP $18,949) plus taxes Draw Date: June 24, 2012 at 11:59pm Buy your tickets early and you will be entered into the "Early Bird" draws of $500 Cash! Early Bird draws will take place on April 2, May 2 and June 2. We will have the Kin Kar tickets available at all of our upcoming events. If you would like to purchase a tickets, we can always arrange for to meet up with you. See the attached poster for more details on the items available.
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue Playgroup of Winnipeg If you are not a member feel free to join the group. It's a lot of fun for your dog to get out and socialize. We are currently doing walks at various dog parks throughout the city. Walks are every second Thursday at 7pm. Check out the link for more info. http://www.meetup.com/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-Playgroup-of-Winnipeg/ Always Looking for Qualified Foster Homes Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba are always looking for qualified foster homes to add to our fleet of home and to give our other foster homes a break and to be able to take in more dogs.
Foster homes are the heart and soul of our rescue. So if you have a bit extra love to care for one of rescued dogs then please don't hesitate to fill out an application. We supply food, leash, collar, harness, kennel (if required) and medications (if needed). We also pay for all vetting as well.
You can find the foster application attached to this email or on our website at www.bostonpugrescuemb.com under “Fostering A Dog”. Save the Date ~ Manitoba Pet Expo 2012
Save the Date ~ The 3rd Annual Manitoba Pet Expo is Sunday, September 16 at Sophie's Dognasium. More details are going to be available soon. If you are interested in attending the Manitoba Pet Expo as an exhibitor or if you have any questions please contact us directly at manitobapetexpo@gmail.com
If anyone has any questions about any of the upcoming events, news or fundraisers please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com Thank you for your continued support, Jessica, Rena & Shaila
Executive Committee
Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba "It's a dog's life!"
Details Published: 31 May 2012 Last Updated: 31 May 2012 Hits: 4392 Sad News Sad news, Charlotte passed away today. She was a sweet little girl and will be missed by all. The park was her favourite place to toddle along and just be happy. All of us wish the best to Kathryn.
Details Published: 28 May 2012 |
Sad News Sad news, our friend Nanook passed away this week. Always up for a swim and a good scratch. All our best to David, he will be missed by all.
Details Published: 17 August 2012 Last Updated: 17 August 2012 Hits: 1353 Casting Call Up-date Kilcona Park Dog Club is pleased to provide further details about the Fido Casting Call 2 which was officially launched today. The Casting Call is national contest in search of the next dog to star in an upcoming Fido Mobile advertisement.
The Winnipeg Fido Casting Call is being sponsored by Fido Mobile in partnership with Kilcona Park Dog Club.
An all-star prep team of groomers, including KPDC corporate sponsors, will be on site that day to get your dog(s) competition-ready (at no cost). Grooming tables will be available if you prefer to do it yourself.
Professional photographers will capture you dog(s) on camera and photos will be posted on-line. You and your friends can vote for your favorite dog daily until September 10, 2012. For each vote, Fido will donate $1 to Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, to a maximum of $200,000.
Dog Guides Canada will use the funds to train and place ten Dog Guides with Canadians with disabilities.
In addition to being featured in an upcoming Fido print ad, the winning dog will receive a VIP pamper experience in Montréal that includes:
Spa treatments for the winning dog and its owner Professional photo shoot with a dog trainer and dog groomer Air travel and/or limousine service to the VIP photo shoot Hotel accommodations $1,000 in spending money A Fido LG Optimus L7 A Grand Prize Winner medal engraved with the winning [UTF-8?]dog’s name
Nine runners-up will receive:
A Fido LG Optimus L7 and Fido branded USB key A silver medal engraved with the dog's name A dog accessory in Fido colours
50 Lucky Dogs will get Fido branded USB keys
Please visit KPDC's website at http://www.kilconaparkdogclub.ca for further information.
Details Published: 08 August 2012 Last Updated: 08 August 2012 Hits: 1315 Clamp down You (and myself) may have been wondering what the orange painted X's were for all over the park trails. I found out that they are for new leash signs going up. Also, we are to have roving patrols traveling the trails, checking for tags and leashes. Like it or not , we are not an completely off-leash park so be aware or warned.
Details Published: 03 August 2012 Last Updated: 03 August 2012 Hits: 1516 Lost Dog
Hi just wondering if you can post something on your website that a Jack Russell cross was found at our place of business not far from your dog park.
It’s a male with a tattoo in the ear and is at Leos sales & service ltd. 6944978
Up-date: The little guy was picked up yesterday. Good on the people at Leo's for taking him in.
Sheila Tabin
Leo's Sales & Service Ltd.
Accounts Receivable
FAX: 694-5758
Details Published: 01 August 2012 Last Updated: 03 August 2012 Hits: 1262 Pet Valu We have two events going on at Pet Valu at 2136 McPhillips Street (204)334-8600 www.petvalu.com
First: A Customer Appreciation and Dog Adoption, Saturday August 11th 11:00am to 3:00pm. There will be a BBQ / Raffles / Free Refreshments.
Proceeds going towards C.A.R.E. and Hull's Haven Border Collie Rescue
Second: Calender Casting Call. Pet Valu is looking for pet models for the 2013 calender. www.petvalu.com/castingcall
Enter contest by July 31st 2012
Grand prize: A front cover feature on Pet Valu's 2013 calendar and a $500 shopping spree at Pet Valu
12 finalists will also be featured in the calendar as a Pet of the Month
Details Published: 30 July 2012 Last Updated: 30 July 2012 Hits: 1459 Heads Up Heads up everybody, we had a car broken into the other day in the West Parking lot. The thieves might be driving a Black Suburban. Please don't leave anything of value in your car.
Details Published: 20 July 2012 Last Updated: 20 July 2012 Hits: 1219 BTPRSM
Here is an update on some upcoming events and fundraisers as well as some news.... BTPRSM wants you to "Show us your Rolls!"
With the Canadian Penny going out of circulation and becoming extinct (that's exactly how we want to see out vet bill).
We are collecting pennies, loose or rolled!!!!! Our goal by December 31, 2012 is to collect $1000 worth of pennies!! That's right 100,000 pennies!!!
You can donate your pennies at any event we are at OR print off this snazzy label, affix it to a jar and set it up at your desk or (if allowed) at your place of work. We will be assembling some jars for businesses that wouldn't mind putting them out for us. If you need a jar for your office, let us know and we will get one to you.
Every penny counts!!!! So far we are at $171.50 and we still have a ways to go until our goal of $1000.
Check out this link to the "Show us your Rolls" Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/359719604082795/
Animal Rescue Pet Wash Day
BTPRSM will be participating in this event. Please read the following for details on the event. And find the attached poster. Join Friends Fundraising for Animal Shelters (FFFAS) for a fun filled day at Vada's Club K9 628 St. Anne's Rd from 11:00 to 4:00 pm for a BBQ, pet wash, pawdicures, and face painting for the kids!
100% of proceeds from this event go to Friends Fundraising For Animal Shelters (FFFAS).
Prices: Wash & Towel Dry: $20 Pawdicures: $10 Combos: $25 BBQ (hot dog, chips & pop): $5
Also some of the rescues will be out for adoption Day with their adoptables and will be selling items at their table.
Rescues & Advocacy Groups that have confirmed attendance:
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba Manitoba German Shepherd Rescue Sagkeeng Spay/Neuter Initiative Program (SSNIP) Winnipeg Boxer Rescue Manitoba Great Pyrenees Rescue C.A.R.E Happy Tails Rescue Take Me Home Small Breed Rescue Quagga Stray Cat Rescue Jenn's Furry Friends Rescue Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert Guard Dogs Check out this Facebook link to the Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/359719604082795/?ref=ts#!/events/433208696713581/ BLOWOUT Fundraising Yard Sale
Well it's our final Fundraising Yard Sale of the Season and we have many great deals for everyone!! The more we sell the less we have to pack up at the end of the day! Location: 19 Christenson Place Date: Saturday, August 18, 2012 Time: 9 am - 3 pm We are still looking for your gently used items, if you would like to donate them to us. Any leftover items will be donated to any other rescues who are having yard sales this year. And while we are looking for donations for our yard sale, we are also looking for volunteers for the day of the sale. Even if you can only help out a few hours, we would appreciate the help. We usually need help in the morning unpacking boxes and sorting onto the tables as well as at the end of the day packing up all the items up. If you or anyone you know may be interested in volunteering with us for the this sale, please email us back at btprmb@gmail.com and we will get back to you. Also send us an email if you have items you would like to donate to the yard sale.
Please check out the attached posters and feel free to share with family and friends.
Also check out the Facebook link to the event below:
BTPRSM at St. Norbert Farmer's Market On Saturday, September 8th, come out our display table. We will have our cookie kits, sweet potato chips, magnets, buttons, quilts & much, much more...
We will also have some of our Adorable Adoptables on site, so you will be able to meet the dogs looking for their forever homes.
Come on out and say "Hi"! Check out the poster attached to this email and the link to the Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/#!/events/354406701296787/ 2012 Manitoba Pet Expo
The 3rd Annual Manitoba Pet Expo is Sunday, September 16 at Sophie's Dognasium. We have a newly updated website with all the current information available. Check it out at www.manitobapetexpo.com We also have a Facebook event page for the Manitoba Pet Expo as well. Check out this link and feel free to share with your Facebook Friends: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.195441687147831.49674.193798940645439&type=3#!/ManitobaPetExpo
If you are interested in attending the Manitoba Pet Expo as an exhibitor we have attached the Exhibitor Application or if you have any questions please contact us directly at manitobapetexpo@gmail.com Also if you are interested in sponsoring the 2012 Manitoba Pet Expo, we have attached our Sponsorship Package and Confirmation Form. We have extended the Sponsorship Deadline to Friday, July 20th. The official 2012 Manitoba Pet Expo Poster will be available soon. Check out the Pre-Poster attached to this email. If anyone has any questions about any of the upcoming events, news or fundraisers please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com BTPRSM T- Shirts and Hooded Zip-Up Sweatshirts We are placing a second order of t-shirts and hooded zip-up sweatshirts. This time we will be taking orders and will be offering the t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts in red and black.
We have attached a photo of the front and back of the red t-shirt for you to view.
Sizes are from S - 2 XL. The t-shirts are $20 each. Our t-shirts have our logo on the front and on the back is a QR code and our website address. A QR code is a matrix bar code that can be scanned by a smart phone that will link you directly to our website. Now how cool is that!!
Sweatshirts will be $35 and have our logo on the back.
If you are interested in purchasing a t-shirt, please email us at btprmb@gmail.com Check out the photo of the red t-shirt and hooded sweatshirt.
Get your T-shirt and Hooded Sweatshirt today and support the BTPRSM. ORDER DEADLINE: Friday, July 20th
Canvasback Pet Supplies ~ 2013 Calendar Photo Contest
BTPRSM is looking for all our supporters and fans to help us with this photo contest. All you need to do is submit your favorite photo of your pet(s) and let Canvasback Pet Supplies know that you want the proceeds donated to Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of MB. Thanking you all in advance to help us win this contest. Please share this event with family and friends and tell them to nominate the BTPRSM. :) See below for more information: Canvasback Pet Supplies is very excited to announce our first ever Calendar Photo Contest! We are looking for your adorable pet photos to fill our calendar pages. The Calendar will be offered for sale starting in November 2012 with the proceeds going to a local pet rescue chosen by you. https://www.facebook.com/notes/canvasback-pet-tack-supply/2013-calendar-photo-contest/10150923873089640
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue Playgroup of Winnipeg
If you are not a member feel free to join the group. It's a lot of fun for your dog to get out and socialize. We are currently doing walks at various dog parks throughout the city. Walks are every second Thursday at 7pm. Check out the link for more info.
Always Looking for Qualified Foster Homes
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba are always looking for qualified foster homes to add to our fleet of home and to give our other foster homes a break and to be able to take in more dogs. Foster homes are the heart and soul of our rescue. So if you have a bit extra love to care for one of rescued dogs then please don't hesitate to fill out an application. We supply food, leash, collar, harness, kennel (if required) and medications (if needed). We also pay for all vetting as well.
You can find the foster application attached to this email or on our website at www.bostonpugrescuemb.com under “Fostering A Dog”.
Details Published: 20 July 2012 Last Updated: 20 July 2012 Hits: 1386 Casting Call http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73sE2gWf1yg
From Kil-cona Park Dog Club: They are putting on a BBQ and 50/50 raffle as a fundraiser for Guide dogs in support of Fido Casting Call. More details to come when I get them as to dates and times. Please watch the video to get an idea as to what's happening.
I want to share some information about an exciting national event that is being held in Winnipeg on August 19th, and to ask for your help in publicizing the event to the dog community.
Winnipeg has been chosen as one of six Canadian cities to host a major fundraiser for dog guides. The "Fido Casting Call"is being sponsored by Fido Mobile in partnership with Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guides, and several other partners, including KPDC.
The day-long event, which promises to be a lot of fun for dogs and people alike, will be held at Kilcona Park. Dogs will be groomed and photographed (at no cost to their owners), and then have their pictures posted to a website where the public can view each one and vote for their favorite. Fido Mobile will donate $1.00 for every vote a dog receives. The expectation is that the event will raise $200,000 for the purchase of 10 new dog guides for disabled people. The winning dog will star in the next set of Fido cell phone commercials.
There will be a Dog Guide and a representative at the Casting Call to talk about Dog Guides; brand ambassadors for sponsoring companies like Milk Bones; groomers; a food vendor (KPDC); and an events manager to oversee the whole operation. I'm sending you a link to a YouTube video of last October's Fido Casting Call in Toronto to give you a sense of what the event is going to look like.
Details Published: 14 July 2012
Sad News I received some bad news today, our friend Brandy past away. All our best to out to Vince and his family for their loss.
Details Published: 25 September 2012 Last Updated: 25 September 2012 Hits: 1236 BBQ BBQ on Sunday, Sept. 16th at the Clubhouse at 12:00. It will be like our last BBQ, very informal. Bring your own Hamburgers or Hot Dogs to cook up . Drinks provided. A representative from Royal Canin will be on hand. Have a great day!
Details Published: 15 September 2012 Last Updated: 15 September 2012 Hits: 1280 Blessing for the Animals Blessing for the Animals Up-date:
Our annual event will be held on October 7th at 2:00 by Rev. Geoff Woodcroft. We were hoping to have the police K-9 unit pay us a visit but it doesn't look like that's going to work out. Let's hope for Next year!
Details Published: 15 September 2012 Last Updated: 15 September 2012 Hits: 1269 BTPRSM
Hi Everyone,
Here is an update on some upcoming events and fundraisers as well as some news.... 3rd Annual Manitoba Pet Expo It's only 11 days away... We are really looking forward to this year's event. For some of you that are not aware we had to change venues. We were originally going to have the Expo at Sophie's Dognasium, but they had to close their doors a few weeks ago, which left us looking for a new venue. We found a venue and are excited that we are still able to bring all of our supporters the 3rd Annual Manitoba Pet Expo! This year you will see many animal rescue groups and shelters, animal advocacy and many pet related businesses. We have attached the poster to this email. Please feel free to share it, post it and send it to your friends. Also attached you will find a Donation Request letter for the Silent Auction at the Manitoba Pet Expo. Please feel free to print this letter off and deliver to any businesses you think would like to donate to our Silent Auction. All donations will be recognized on posters the day of the event. Looking for Volunteers for the Manitoba Pet Expo We are looking for volunteers to help us out at the Manitoba Pet Expo. Various duties will include Canteen, BBQ, Admission Table, Silent Auction-50/50 Ticket Table and a few more odd jobs. All volunteers will receive lunch for free and unlimited beverages for the day. And we will be giving you all something special after the event. If you can spare us a few hours that day we would greatly appreciate it. If you are interested in volunteering at the Expo please reply to this email and let us know what times you are available. BTPRSM at St. Norbert Farmer's Market
The Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba will be at the St. Nortbert Farmer's Market this Saturday, September 8th. We will have our display table set up as usual as well there will be a few adoptables in attendance to have meet and greets with the public.
We will have our Famous Cookbooks available as well as some BTPRSM clothing too. The ever popular dog cookies kits, new buttons and much, much more....
Please see the attached poster for more information and feel free to share it, post it and email it to everyone you know.
See you there!!
BTPRSM wants you to "Show us your Rolls!"
With the Canadian Penny going out of circulation and becoming extinct (that's exactly how we want to see out vet bill).
We are collecting pennies, loose or rolled!!!!! Our goal by December 31, 2012 is to collect $1000 worth of pennies!! That's right 100,000 pennies!!!
You can donate your pennies at any event we are at OR print off this snazzy label, affix it to a jar and set it up at your desk or (if allowed) at your place of work. We will be assembling some jars for businesses that wouldn't mind putting them out for us.
Every penny counts!!!!
BTPRSM at Canvasback Adoption Day
The Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue will be participating in Canvasback's Third Annual Adoption Day on Saturday, September 22nd from 11:00 - 4:00 pm.
Please see the attached Facebook link to the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/395809173802362/ BTPRSM at Purina Walk for Dog Guides
BTPRSM will have table set up at the Purina Walk for Dog Guides on Sunday, September 23rd. The walk is being held at Bird's Hill Provincial Park at 12:00 pm.
Please see the link for more info: http://www.purinawalkfordogguides.com/findWalkResult.cfm?WalkID=1725
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue Playgroup of Winnipeg
If you are not a member feel free to join the group. It's a lot of fun for your dog to get out and socialize. We are currently doing walks at various dog parks throughout the city. Walks are every second Thursday at 7pm. Check out the link for more info.
Always Looking for Qualified Foster Homes
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba are always looking for qualified foster homes to add to our fleet of home and to give our other foster homes a break and to be able to take in more dogs.
Foster homes are the heart and soul of our rescue. So if you have a bit extra love to care for one of rescued dogs then please don't hesitate to fill out an application. We supply food, leash, collar, harness, kennel (if required) and medications (if needed). We also pay for all vetting as well.
You can find the foster application attached to this email or on our website at www.bostonpugrescuemb.com under “Fostering A Dog”. If anyone has any questions about any of the upcoming events, news or fundraisers please feel free to email us at btprmb@gmail.com
Details Published: 05 September 2012 Last Updated: 05 September 2012 Hits: 1292 Puppies Great News! Kenny and Shea (Irish Water Spaniels) have had puppies!

Details Published: 04 September 2012 Last Updated: 04 September 2012 Hits: 1247 Bud, Spud and Steak In support of Winnipeg Lost Dogs.

Details Published: 25 August 2012 Last Updated: 25 August 2012 Hits: 2578 Fido Casting Call Kilcona Park Dog Club has received several complaints from Winnipeg dog owners who attended the Fido Casting Call photo shoot last Sunday saying that Fido Mobile still has not emailed their dog’s photo and that the integrity of the contest .. has been compromised KPDC’s President contacted Mosaic Sales Solutions, the Toronto-based event organizer on Wednesday and requested an explanation for the delay in distributing the photos.
She also requested that the deadline for voting for Winnipeg dogs .
be extended in the interest of fairness Mosaic´s response and contact information can be found at http://kilconaparkdogclub.ca Details Published: 25 August 2012 Last Updated: 25 August 2012 Hits: 1583 Barb wire We have a report of some barb wire near the middle parking lot (along Farmers Rd), coming up the trail from the quarry, going towards the club house. The dog has got some pretty deep cuts. I'm still looking around to see if I can spot it. Be aware that there is wire along the Golf Course trail that has become over grown. If you find it, let me know and I'll get rid of it.
We walked from the parking lot located to the east of the main lot (the main lot being the one directly in front of the bathrooms on the east side of the water pit). We walked straight south to the wide trail that leads to the bathrooms if you turn right and on the left it takes you to the trail located at the boundary of the park or you can walk south toward the golf course and my dog ran into the bushes on the left hand side (south east) from where those trails meet. Hope that's more helpful in terms of directions.
Details Published: 22 August 2012 |
Hi Everyone,
The Holiday Season is fast approaching... BTPRSM is doing a few fundraisers to help us pay off some of our debt at the vet from the dogs who recently had surgery as well as help us care for the dogs who recently came into our care.
This year, we're focusing on a few great events and fundraisers that will help you with your Holiday shopping and entertaining, and at the same time, help out our rescue with a portion of the proceeds raised donated the rescue. HOLIDAY FUNDRAISERS
Mom's Pantry Fundraiser
Print off the Mom's Pantry order form below and feel free to send to your family and friends.
Payments can be made by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to BTPRSM.
Order forms can be dropped off at our playgroups or craft sales or you can mail them to us. Our mailing address is:
BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6
Mom's Pantry also offers online ordering.
To order online please sign up for an account, then click on Fundraising Orders link.
You will need these codes below to order. Group Name: Boston Terrier Pug Rescue of Manitoba Order Number: 93257 Group Password: 13009 ORDER DEADLINE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 2012
Gift Card Fundraiser
Print off the Gift Card Fundraising order form below and feel free to send to your family and friends.
Payments can be made by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to BTPRSM.
Order forms can be dropped off at our playgroups or craft sales or you can mail them to us. Our mailing address is:
BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6 ORDER DEADLINE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 2012
Epicure Selections ~ Extraordinary Cheese Dip Fundraiser
You get three jars of dips (Lemon Dilly, Cheese, Chives and Bacon & Herb & Garlic), recipe booklet and a black Epicure Velcro bag for $20.
Print off the Epicure Fundraiser order form below and feel free to send to your family and friends.
Our goal is to raise $200 or sell 40 kits. Please help us make our goal!!!
Payments can be made by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to BTPRSM.
Order forms can be dropped off at our playgroups or craft sales or you can mail them to us. Our mailing address is:
BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6
Lia Sophia Fundraiser Our Lia Sophia consultant Jessica McEachern is hosting an online book fundraiser for BTPRSM. The customer special is buy 2, get up to 4 more at half price (full price items are the CHEAPEST). Here is the link and details for the book show: www.liasophia.ca/jessicam Click on 'Browse our Jewellery' Go to 'Look up Your Hostess' Hostess First Name: BTPRMB
Hostess Last Name: Fundraiser If anyone has any questions or problems with the site, they can contact Jessica at (204)471-5406 or at jessicam@mymts.net ORDER DEADLINE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 2012 HOLIDAY EVENTS BTPRSM at various Craft Sales Attached you will find a poster of the 2012 Craft Sales that BTPRSM will be at. Feel free to stop in and say "Hi". We have a few new items available for sale including Tug Toys, and new bandanas. You will also be able to drop off your order forms at the craft sales.
Playgroup and Santa Photo Fundraiser Sunday, November 18th, 2012 3:00-4:30pm Canada's Canine Academy Unit 12 -360 Keewatin Street This year we decided to do our Santa photos in November so that everyone will have their photos in time for the Holiday cards so we combined it with our playgroup. Photographs will be taken by award winning photographer Coralee Penner of red photo co. Please check out her beautiful work at www.redphotoco.com
Photos are $10 each and will emailed to everyone so you will be able to print as many as you like or use them for your holiday cards. We will also do our regular 50/50 draw.All monies raised from the 50/50 and photo fundraiser will support the BTPRSM directly. Below you will find a poster for the Santa Photo Fundraiser for our playgroup attendees. Here is the link to sign up for the playgroups. http://www.meetup.com/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-Playgroup-of-Winnipeg/events/86730942/
Holiday Pet Event and Photos with Santa Paws Sunday, December 2nd, 2012 11:00am - 4:00pm Vada's Club K9, 628 St. Anne’s Road For those of you who won't be able to make it out to our Santa Photo Fundraiser and playgroup, Vada's Club K9 is hosting an event for our rescue . We will have a fun filled day to get your pooch ready for the holidays: -Doggy Pawdicures for only $10 -De-shedding for only $15 -Pet Photos with Santa Paws for only $10 (Digital file will be send via email. If you do not have email other arrangements will be made) -Bake Sale, for all your Holiday goodies -Silent Auction
All proceeds from this event will support the rescue efforts of the Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba. Thank you to Vada’s Club K9 for hosting this event and to Photography by Carmen for taking the photos! To reserve your photos with Santa Paws please call Vada’s: (204)221-0998 BTPRSM 4th Annual Holiday Party Sunday, December 9th, 2012 3:00-4:30pm Canada's Canine Academy Unit 12 -360 Keewatin Street Come out and play indoors where it is warm for our last playgroup of 2012.Refreshments will be provided for pet guardians and our furry friends! Here is the link to sign up for the playgroups. http://www.meetup.com/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-Playgroup-of-Winnipeg/events/86731892/
Many of our adorable adoptables will also be on hand so come and visit one of the many dogs in foster care with the rescue. Any donations of toys or high quality grain-free dog food will be greatly accepted for the dogs that will be in foster care over the Holiday Season.
As always if anyone has any questions about any of the Holiday Events or Fundraisers please feel free to send us an email at btprmb@gmail.com Thanks for your continued support, Jessica, Rena & Shaila Executive Committee Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba "It's a dog's life!"
The contents of this communication, including any attachment(s), are confidential and may be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient (or are not receiving this communication on behalf of the intended recipient), please notify the sender immediately and delete or destroy this communication and its attachments without reading it, and without making, forwarding, or retaining any copy or record of it or its contents. Any unauthorized use, disclosure, distribution, or copying is strictly prohibited. Details Published: 07 November 2012 Last Updated: 07 November 2012 Hits: 3401 BTPRSM
Hi Everyone,
The Holiday Season is fast approaching... BTPRSM is doing a few fundraisers to help us pay off some of our debt at the vet from the dogs who recently had surgery as well as help us care for the dogs who recently came into our care.
This year, we're focusing on a few great events and fundraisers that will help you with your Holiday shopping and entertaining, and at the same time, help out our rescue with a portion of the proceeds raised donated the rescue. HOLIDAY FUNDRAISERS Mom's Pantry Fundraiser
Print off the Mom's Pantry order form below and feel free to send to your family and friends.
Payments can be made by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to BTPRSM.
Order forms can be dropped off at our playgroups or craft sales or you can mail them to us. Our mailing address is:
BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6
Mom's Pantry also offers online ordering.
To order online please sign up for an account, then click on Fundraising Orders link.
You will need these codes below to order. Group Name: Boston Terrier Pug Rescue of Manitoba Order Number: 93257 Group Password: 13009 ORDER DEADLINE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 2012
Details Published: 07 November 2012 Last Updated: 07 November 2012 Hits: 1264 Thanks A big thank you to the City crew for repainting the club house after it was vandalized with spray paint the other day.
Details Published: 03 November 2012 Last Updated: 03 November 2012 Hits: 1256 BTPRSM We have created the BTPRSM Silver Coin Drive to help us raise some money for dog in in our care that will require extensive vetting or surgery.
We are looking to raise $3000 to put towards both surgeries such as luxating patella surgeries for Roxy (Pug) who had her second surgery on her left knee or even vetting such as caring for Ralphie (Daschund/Chihuahua X) who suffers from Juvenile Diabetes, or extended medical care for dogs in our Hospice Program such as Buster Brown (Pug). We will be taking all the silver coins collected in our Penny Donation jars as well as any other silver donations we receive and applying it to the BTPRSM Silver Coin Drive.
If you would like to donate to the BTPRSM Silver Coin Drive, please contact us at btprmb@gmail.com and we can arrange pick up of your loose silver change.
Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue Playgroup of Winnipeg If you are not a member feel free to join the group. It's a lot of fun for your dog to get out and socialize. We are currently doing walks at various dog parks throughout the city. Walks are every second Thursday at 7pm. Check out the link for more info. http://www.meetup.com/Boston-Terrier-Pug-Rescue-Playgroup-of-Winnipeg/
BTPRSM Howl-o-Weeen Party
Sunday, October 28, 2012
3:00 PM To 4:30 PM
Canada's Canine Academy
360 Keewatin Street Unit 12 (Behind the strip mall), Winnipeg, MB
The temperatures are dropping outside so it's time to move out meet-ups indoors.
Join us for our first party of the season - we'll start if off with a bang!
Bring your dog dressed for a Halloween and enter the costume competition.
There will be snacks for both 2-legged and 4-legged attendees.
50/50 draw
And of course the best reason to come - playtime and socialization for your furry friend!
All socialized dogs are welcome.
Proceeds from this event go towards the Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba. We are an all-volunteer rescue organization completely funded by donations and donated items. 100% of monies raised go directly to the medical and daily care of the Bostons and Pugs in our care.
For more details check out this link:
Silpada Open House Fundraiser in Support of BTPRSM
You're invited to a Silpada Open House Fundraiser Party where you can celebrate in style while supporting the Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba (www.bostonpugrescuemb.com) hosted by Heather Mahon and Diane DeBattista, Silpada Designs Independent Representative.
At a Silpada Party, you’ll have fun with friends and beautiful, handcrafted Sterling Silver Jewellery – every piece is a work of art and as individual as you are!
So skip the mall and have ball shopping for yourself and every gal on your list from 4 to 104 … bringalong a carload of friends and forward this invitation to men and women everywhere - they’ll love the simplicity and beauty of giving and receiving Silpada jewellery and gift certificates - orders will bedelivered directly to CANADIAN mailboxes by mid-November.
And if you can't wait to get the party started, go online where you can see the entire collection, create and share your Wish Lists, and place an Online Order linked to this cause (aahh, shopping from the comfort of home)
Hostess: Boston Terrier And Pug Rescue Of Southern Manitoba RSVP: Diane DeBattista
sterlingdiane@mts.net When: Friday, October 26, 2012 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Where: Louis Riel Library 1168 Dakota Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2N 3T8
(view map)
To share a fun Silpada Party with your friends, earn free jewellery and benefit this cause,host your Home, Office, Book or Online Party by November 15th with a minimum of $1000 in sales and I will donate $25 to this cause – on average, my Home Party hostesses earn $450 of free jewellery and can purchase a piece at half price – teammwork has never been so easy or rewarding!
Details Published: 17 October 2012 Last Updated: 17 October 2012 Hits: 1341 Cat's need a Home We have a pair of cat's that are in need of a good home. Please e-mail me if you know somebody that would like to share their home with them.
They are both 11 year old long hair neutered males.
Tigger is a brown tabby Maine Coon cross. He is very gentle although his appearance is quite intimidating because he is huge! He loves to get brushed. He is used to being the boss and as such ignores other animals.
Rocky is a grey long hair with a white muzzle. He too is a large fellow who loves to be petted. He is shy with other animals and will stay hidden rather than risking confrontation.

Both of these cats are big babies that love to company of people.
Details Published: 15 October 2012 Last Updated: 30 October 2012 Hits: 1197 National Adoption Weekend National Adoption Weekend : Finding Forever Homes
Join Us! October 12th - 14th and help us celebrate
For event and adoption details at our store, visit us at
Details Published: 13 October 2012 Last Updated: 13 October 2012 Hits: 1243 Thanks Thanks to the Hair Force Barber Shop and the National Automobile, Aerospace, General Workers Union of Canada (CAW) Local 2169 for their generous support of our Pet-iquette Brochure. Once it is finalized, approved by the City and printed, it will be available at the Pet Shops and Vets offices. Thanks again to everybody.
Details Published: 30 September 2012 Last Updated: 30 September 2012 Hits: 1223 Winston
7 yr old Winston is a Boxer mix, weighs 110 lbs.
He will need to be neutered. He is good with people and kids, other dogs and cats unknown? Good in the car and on leash. Fine if left alone in the house. If you can help us with fostering or adoption please contact Boxer Rescue #204 228 5031
Here are some pics of Winston.....

Details Published: 27 September 2012
Clementine  This pup needs a new home for Christmas. If you know of anyone who would like to adopt this beautiful little girl, please contact me and I'll pass your info on.
Details Published: 06 December 2012 Last Updated: 06 December 2012 Hits: 1347 Pippin http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=445358315512109&id=444590445588896
Here is the horrible story of Pippin. The pup that was caught and died in a trap at Grand Beach. All our best wishes go out to the Shura family.
Details Published: 04 December 2012 Last Updated: 05 December 2012 Hits: 1467 Dogfood / Treats Recall Warning To All Dog Owners:
This is a list of dog treats and food made in China that have been in question and linked to pet illnesses or deaths.
Please throw away any of these brands.
Waggin Train / Canyon Creek Ranch / Dogswell / Hartz Snausages / Booda Bones - Aspen Pet / Milo's Kitchen American Kennel Club / Dingo's / Beefeaters / Cadet Sargents / Ever Pet ( Dollar General ) / Home Pet 360 Walgreen's Simple (new brand) / The Kingdom's Pets Benefuk ( a play on Beneful, I'm sure) / Beggin' Strips Pupperoni / Canine Carryout
Details Published: 02 December 2012 Last Updated: 02 December 2012 Hits: 1821 Art Show 2012 Les and her friends have their Art Show on.

Details Published: 24 November 2012 Last Updated: 24 November 2012 Hits: 1382 BTPRSM
Holiday Fun Dog Day!!!!
Flying fur getting out of hand? Dog's nails getting too long? Need baking for the holidays? Looking for some cute Christmas photos of Fido?
Look no further...
On Sunday, December 2, from 11 am - 4 pm. You are invited to a Holiday Fun Dog Day at Vada's Club K9, 628 St. Anne's Road, in support of Boston Terrier & Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba!
The awesome staff at Vada's K9 Club will de-shed your dog for only $15 and "Pawdicures" for only $10. National award winning photographer Carmen Matthews from Photography by Carmen will be taking the Santa photos for a $10 sitting fee, tons of home baked goodies will be for sale, Michelle from 5th Avenue Jewelry will be in attendance (we will get a % from her sales donated to the rescue, PLUS a silent auction!! All proceeds from this event, will be donated to Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba!
To reserve your sitting for Santa photos please call Vada's @ (204) 221-0998. (We might have some walk in spaces for Santa photos). Please note: you will get a digital file emailed to you, so you can print it yourself or get Christmas cards done. If you do not have email, an alternative will be provided. Pawdicures and de-shedding are walk-in appointments :).
Please check out Vada's Club K9 at www.vadasclubk9.ca, and Photography by Carman for all your photography needs (they even do spectacular pet portraits at their studio) at www.photographybycarmen.ca
We are also looking for donations to the bake sale and silent auction. If you are able to donate to our silent auction or bake sale (ingredients must be listed on baking) please let us know by emailing btprmb@gmail.com for drop off or pick up. Or call Rena (evenings are best) @ (204) 223-4185 or Karen @ (204) 899-4700
Mom's Pantry Fundraiser
Print off the Mom's Pantry order form below and feel free to send to your family and friends.
Payments can be made by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to BTPRSM.
Order forms can be dropped off at our playgroups or craft sales or you can mail them to us. Our mailing address is:
BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6
Mom's Pantry also offers online ordering.
To order online please sign up for an account, then click on Fundraising Orders link.
You will need these codes below to order. Group Name: Boston Terrier Pug Rescue of Manitoba Order Number: 93257 Group Password: 13009 ORDER DEADLINE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 2012 Epicure Selections ~ Extraordinary Cheese Dip Fundraiser
You get three jars of dips (Lemon Dilly, Cheese, Chives and Bacon & Herb & Garlic),
Recipe booklet and a black Epicure Velcro bag for $20.
Print off the Epicure Fundraiser order form below and feel free to send to your family and friends.
Our goal is to raise $200 or sell 40 kits. Please help us make our goal!!!
Payments can be made by cash or cheque. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to BTPRSM.
Order forms can be dropped off at our playgroups or craft sales or you can mail them to us. Our mailing address is:
BTPRSM ~ P.O. Box 51063 RPO Tyndall Park ~ Winnipeg, MB ~ R2C 3X6
Lia Sophia Fundraiser Our Lia Sophia consultant Jessica McEachern is hosting an online book fundraiser for BTPRSM. The customer special is buy 2, get up to 4 more at half price (full price items are the CHEAPEST). Here is the link and details for the book show:www.liasophia.ca/jessicam Click on 'Browse our Jewellery' Go to 'Look up Your Hostess' Hostess First Name: BTPRMB Hostess Last Name: Fundraiser If anyone has any questions or problems with the site, they can contact Jessica at (204)471-5406 or atjessicam@mymts.net ORDER DEADLINE: SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 2012
Details Published: 23 November 2012 Last Updated: 23 November 2012 Hits: 1654 Craft Sale
The Winnipeg Centre Vineyard 4th Annual Christmas Craft Sale 782 Main St. (corner of Main and Sutherland) 10am - 4pm $2 admission, kinds 14 and under free no strollers, please Cash ONLY event. No ATM... bring lots of cash :) www.vineyardcraftsale.com Here is additional info: Heart behind the sale: The WCV Christmas Craft Sale is a local, Winnipeg craft sale that showcases Winnipeg artists. We are in our 4th year of running this sale. The heart behind the sale is: To showcase and support local artists and to encourage Winnipegers to buy locally made items. As well, this is a NON profit craft sale. 100% of the proceeds go to: a) funding local art programs in the North End of the city. Bringing beauty to an area that is often seen as not and giving people from all walks of life an opportunity to learn and grow in their talent. Be it art, music, dance etc. b) Another portion of the proceeds goes to a Himalayan women's co-op. $300 is all it takes to send a woman to school for 3 months where she learns how to sew/tailor. Here she's gets empowered and learns a skill that propels her to have her own micro business and provide for her family. We strongly believe it helping out these two areas, locally and globally. So far, on our event page on fb we have over 4,000 people on it. We are on twitter as well (just joined) but our following is growing. Our vendors our high quality artists. Some of them have hand their items be in the MTV music award goodie bags and the Emmy's goodie bags. Some have sold their items to celebrities. Many have super successful etsy stores online and lastly many are about of WEST.
Details Published: 21 November 2012 Last Updated: 21 November 2012 Hits: 1317 Blood Needed
I'm a frequent visitor at Little Mountain Park with my dog Buddy. My little guy is in dire need this week-end and needs a blood transfusion!! He is type NEGATIVE blood, and I am searching frantically for a canine donor. Can you throw out my request as soon as you read this to all our Little Mountain Park friends, and ask if anyone can contact the Machray Animal Hospital and/or Pembina Animal Hospital today (Sat. Nov. 17) AND bring their dog down to PEMBINA ANIMAL HOSPITAL so it get get tested for blood type so that dog can receive his transfusion.. It is a matter of life and death. Being the week-end the Canine Blood Bank is closed, and I am searching furiously myself so that he doesn't die. I know you collected a lot of email addy's from the petition that went out, so your assistance would be greatly appreciated!
Details Published: 17 November 2012 Last Updated: 17 November 2012 Hits: 1821 Winnipeg Sun The Winnipeg Sun published an article today by Doug Lunney Nov. 08 2012 about the Pet-iquette brochure the Kil-cona, Maple Grove and ourselves have been working on. Please go to:
Hi everyone,
Here’s the Sun’s story about the Pet-iquette brochure. Sage is Lloyd Johnson’s dog.
Details Published: 09 November 2012 |