Jan. 05 2024
Found another hole in the east fence.
Jan. 06 2024
Subject: Re: Personal This is the information I received.
Hi Everyone: just a heads-up on a (potentially) fatal dog attack I was involved in at the park yesterday, 5th January at about 4:30 pm, in case there are any legal ramifications in the future that we need to know about. The circumstances were as follows: I was parked at the Farmer Road lot and was circling the park. I was walking across the wooded area of the Klimke Road parking lot when I became aware of a small dog barking frantically, and raised voices, culminating in desperate screams and the cessation of barking. I crossed the lot to find out what was happening, and a group of people were gathered about 20 yards up the main trail from the lot. A small boy of about 12 rushed up to me and said "don't come here, there's a dead dog". A young woman was standing screaming on the trail, a small boy of about 8 was sobbing his heart out, and a middle-aged man was attempting to leash a large, old black dog. He was yelling that she - the young woman, who turned out to be the mother of the two small boys - "had an aggressive dog" and it wasn't his dog's fault. A Yorkshire terrier was stretched out flat in the tree line with bite wounds to the stomach and a spray of blood around it; it was apparently dead. I calmed everyone down, the guy (whose name is Kim) carried the terrier to the woman's car (name unknown) and I wrapped it in a blanket in the cargo area. The woman had no phone, so I let her use mine to phone her husband, who was on the other side of the city. I also got the guy's name and number just in case. (See below. )I told him in no uncertain terms that a yapping terrier did not constitute an "aggressive" dog and that he should not bring his dog to the park again. He left. A woman who turned out to be a nurse came up to the group of clearly distraught people in the parking lot while this was going on and said she would look at the dog to ascertain if it was, in fact, dead. I thought it definitely was, but could see the wisdom in getting a second opinion. She gave the dog a thorough examination, and said she detected a faint heartbeat. Also, the dog's eyes were not glazed over, which indicated that it was not actually dead (yet), just in a state of shock. I phoned the nearest vet's office, who directed me to the emergency vet on McGillivray. The dog's owner made an appointment for 5:30 and left. Amid all of the sobbing, wailing and stream of accusations I pieced together what actually happened: the woman and her two small boys had just arrived in the parking lot and were setting off on the trail. The oldest boy was carrying the dog at this point when the large black dog came running from the trail and started jumping at him; the terrier, of course, was yapping. The boy was terrified by the large dog and his mother told him to put the terrier down, hoping this would cause the dog to back off from the boy. The dog - a large heavy set labrador mix - then proceeded to attack and presumably kill the terrier. I arrived just at this point. Clearly the man's dog was at fault here - if every yapping dog in the park was deemed aggressive and therefore justifiably to be killed we would have mass slaughter on an ongoing basis. The man backed off when I told him this quite forcefully; meanwhile the woman was screaming that his dog should be put down. I told him to leave, confident that we had his contact information, and she calmed down a bit after that. I haven't heard what happened later, and frankly I'm reluctant to get involved further by phoning either of the participants. If the dog survives then the woman will obviously ask for the vet fees to be reimbursed; if it didn't then she will want replacement of an alleged $2000 dog. I am willing to be a witness to what happened if asked. |
Roxanne Fernado
A sad part of the history of Little Mountain Park

Another cut section in the fence near Players Golf Course and the East Side fence.The City and RM have been notified
Feb. 05 2024
The groomed trails are really sliipery today

A Construction trailer has been abonded in the Klipkie parking lot.
The Thermostate in the clubhouse has been torn off.
A mobile home in the Farmers Road parking lot.
It's been a busy week!

Bird spotting

Bald Eagle in the Cottonwood tree on Farmers Road Feb. 25 2024

Car abandoned in the Centre parking lot. Another in the ditch on Klimpkie RD.
Items left in the clubhouse. Will be collected up by the city.

Cadets out this weekend Aprl. 27-28 2024
Spring Cleanup May 5 2024
What a fantastic turn out! Thank you everyone.
May 17 2024 Geology of park being looked at.

May 19 2024 Petition
Question petition Hi al. The Manitoba Highways department has expressed a desire to have the Centre-port highway to Chief Peguis Trail follow Klimpke Road. I have opened a dialogue with different levels of government about a different route that follows the old Sturgeon Road footprint. The original plan was to have it go through the middle of Little Mountain Park and connect to Jefferson Avenue. Now the termination point is between Mollard avenue and Jefferson. Therefore I am creating a petition, both physical and online. Therefore the question I would like to ask is, ‘Are you in support of our actions to protect our valuable green space with the redirection of the potential traffic flow through Little Mountain Park?’
TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA: The background to this petition is as follows: 1) The Manitoba Highways department has expressed a desire to have the Centre-port highway to Chief Peguis Trail extension be developed to follow Klimpke Road with a termination point on the Centre-Port highway, route 190. 2) The proposed path would eliminate a portion of Little Mountain Park, which abuts Klimpke Road, private residences, and the neighbouring Little Mountain Sportsplex. 3) Although located in the RM of Rosser, Little Mountain Park is one of Winnipeg's valuable green spaces, located within the perimeter highway boundary, and is the only significant green space in the northern sector of the city. 4) Little Mountain Park has been providing recreational opportunities and natural habitat for local wildlife since it was established in 1965. It contains a tallgrass prairie ecosystem on ecologically sensitive land, complete with flora and fauna, and is a destination for tourists from all over. 5) The impact of the growing industrial port and the resultant redirected traffic through this area would not only disrupt access to the nearby sports plex and golf course with the additional heavy traffic but also pose environmental threats, and disruption to local wildlife in and surrounding Little Mountain Park. 6) The Province of Manitoba has a stated responsibility to protect the environment and greenspaces for the benefit of all Manitobans with policies and legislation that support Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources and the conservation of species and ecosystems to conserve these precious resources for future generations. 7) The encroachment of the proposed highway represents a threat to the Little Mountain Park ecosystem and must be considered a threat to an existing designated ecosystem. 8) An earlier proposal utilized a different route, which followed the existing old Sturgeon Road footprint, circumventing Little Mountain Park and the sports plex while still providing suitable access to the industrial area with a termination point between Mollard Avenue and Jefferson.
We petition the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba as follows:
1) To urge the Provincial Government to recognize Little Mountain Park as an at-risk ecosystem and for consideration as a potential ecosystem preservation zone. 2) To urge the Provincial Government to recognize the impact of the proposed route on Little Mountain Park, The Players Golf Course, and the neighbouring Little Mountain Sportsplex and the citizens and tourists who use and visit them, 3) To urge the Provincial Government to seek an alternate route that would avoid the area while still providing adequate ingress and egress to the Centre-Port area, such as the old Sturgeon Road route, and avoid expropriating land unnecessarily. |

TO THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF MANITOBA: The background to this petition is as follows: 1) The Manitoba Highways department has expressed a desire to have the CentrePort Canada Way to Chief Peguis Trail extension developed to follow Klimpke Road with a termination point on the CentrePort Canada Way (PTH 190). 2) The proposed path would eliminate a portion of Little Mountain Park, which abuts Klimpke Road, private residences, and the neighbouring Little Mountain Sportsplex. 3) Although located in the RM of Rosser, Little Mountain Park is one of Winnipeg’s valuable green spaces located within the Perimeter Highway boundary, and is the only significant green space in the northwestern sector of the city. 4) Little Mountain Park has been providing recreational opportunities and natural habitat for local wildlife since it was established in 1965. It contains a tallgrass prairie ecosystem on ecologically sensitive land, complete with flora and fauna, and is a destination for tourists from all over. 5) The impact of the growing industrial port and the resultant redirected traffic through this area would not only disrupt access to the nearby Sportsplex and golf course with the additional heavy traffic, but would also pose environmental threats, and disrupt local wildlife in the nearby Little Mountain Park. 6) The Province of Manitoba has a stated responsibility to protect the environment and green spaces for the benefit of all Manitobans with policies and legislation that support economic development, investment, trade and natural resources, and the conservation of species and ecosystems, to conserve these precious resources for future generations. 7) The encroachment of the proposed highway must be considered a threat to the Little Mountain Park designated ecosystem. 8) An earlier proposal utilized a different route that followed the existing old Sturgeon Road footprint, circumventing Little Mountain Park and the Sportsplex while still providing suitable access to the industrial area with a termination point between Mollard Road and Jefferson Avenue. We petition the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba as follows: 1) To urge the Provincial Government to recognize Little Mountain Park as an at-risk ecosystem and as a potential ecosystem preservation zone. 2) To urge the Provincial Government to recognize the impact of the proposed route on Little Mountain Park, The Players Course, the neighbouring Little Mountain Sportsplex, and the citizens and tourists who use and visit them. 3) To urge the Provincial Government to seek an alternate route that would avoid the area while still providing adequate ingress and egress to the CentrePort Canada Way, such as the old Sturgeon Road route, and avoid expropriating land unnecessarily.
Here is the crucial link to the Change.org petition Lloyd started. We need to spread this far and wide!!
https://www.change.org/p/to-the-legislative-assembly-of-manitoba-85d9bce3-d459-44f6-a39b-98cb22bb3024 |
May 29 2024
Happy little guy sitting on the rocks sunning away. Lots of deer tracks in the soft ground.

June 09 2024 Pet Expo what agreat day!
The wild roses are starting to bloom. Also our garden Iris's as well. Butterflies are in the air.
Please feel free to add plants to our Hope Garden!
The open field on the east side of the park is being developed. Yahoo just what the world needs!
Watch out for the bouncy rooms beside the Farmers Road Parking lot
Finally got six new bins for the park July 02 2024!


Alex has created a new secret garden at the Red Bench. The blocks are the old School foundation stones.
The Farmers Road parking lot has been graded

Truck abandoned on Farmers Road across from the parking lot

Sad news today July 31 2024 found out an old friend of the park had past away. Brenda Hlatkey was always at the park with her dogs, Dakota being her last. We wll miss you.

Graffiti was sprayed on the rocks. Hopefully Alex can remove it.
Alex did a great job removing the spray paint!

Aug. 21 2024
Wrecked van at the enterance to the quarry on the north side of Farmers Road.
Winnipeg Chamber Music on the Veranda held at Seven Oaks Museum Aug. 25 2024
What a wonderful production!

Sept. 31 2024
A large gathering of 100+ people in front of the clubhouse today. There is a hotplate table as well as speakers pulled into the clubhouse.
Blessing For The Animals
Oct. 06 2024
Hi all. We are hosting our Blessing for the Animals event again this year on October the 6th at 2:00PM at the Clubhouse off the Farmers Road parking lot. It is a wonderful little service to show our love for all animals and support for St. Francis of Assisi. Once again Reverend Karen Ladin will be attending.

Sept. 11 2024 Dutch Elm Patrol has marked one tree that I have seen for removal.
Sept. 17 2024
That was a nasty storm last night to the SE of the City. The clouds were moving out this morning.

Sept. 18 2024
The fog was very thick this morning. More rain on the way.

Sept. 20 2024
Some kind soul thought the tree limb had do them wrong I just!
Sept. 21/22 2024
The cadets are back again this weekend
Sept. 26 2024
Another hole cut in the east side fence

So sad

Oct. 03 2024
We had a nice get together for Alex's last days of work this season
Oct. 06 2024 Blessing for the Animals was very well attended this year. The weather was fantastic!
Cement planter
Was placed at the end of the evestrough to try and help with ice forming, just needs to be moved over a bit. A good idea in therory but it didn't take long for smeone to smash a glass bottle in there. I cleaned it up as best I could. The city is looking into other opitions.
Static bins have been collected by the city again. I have started replacing them with bags.

Oct. 25 2024
Just wanted to give you a head’s up that we are hoping to burn at LMP tomorrow afternoon (October 25th) – likely between 12:00 and 4:00PM. We will be burning the grassland area in the middle of the Park (map below). I have ensured there are no bookings for the Park.
Nov. 02 2024
Finaly got two more bathouses put up. Many thanks to Darlene for donating the big one and nephue Alex for helping me.
Fireworks Nov. 02 2024
More leftover fireworks to clean-up. Thanks to Ken for helping out.
Trumpeter Swans flying overhead Nov. 05 2024
Nov. 07 2024
More garbage being left at Farmers Road parking lot.

Bench marked for replacement perhaps?

Nov. 21 2024
The City was out today reseeding the Big Field. |
Nov. 23 2024
A little more snow I'll be able to get the LMP Honey Wagon out soon!

Dec. 10 2024
The new LMP honey wagon in action!
Dec. 11 2024
Keep the walk short today!

Dec. 18,2024
I asked the city to remove the broken tree top from the Golf Course Trail. It is dangerous.